Microsoft Copilot Now Available on iOS and Android

Copilot allows users to ask complex questions, draft documents or emails, generate images from text descriptions using the Image Creator feature powered by DALL-E 3 among other things
Copilot has been downloaded over 1.5 million times worldwide across both platforms since its launch over the holidays in November
Copilot is being offered as a standalone service with this latest launch.
Microsoft Copilot is a generative AI chatbot powered by GPT-4 and DALL-E 3
Microsoft Copilot Now Available on iOS and Android

Microsoft Copilot, a generative AI chatbot powered by GPT-4 and DALL-E 3, is now available on iOS and Android. The app allows users to ask complex questions, draft documents or emails, generate images from text descriptions using the Image Creator feature powered by DALL-E 3 among other things. Copilot has been downloaded over 1.5 million times worldwide across both platforms since its launch over the holidays in November and is being offered as a standalone service with this latest launch.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Copilot app is now available on iOS and Android
    • The Copilot app operates similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT, allowing users to type in a question or prompt and receive responses generated by artificial intelligence
    • Users can leverage the AI assistant for various tasks such as drafting emails, composing stories or scripts, summarizing complex texts, creating personalized travel itineraries and more
    • The app's Image Creator feature is powered by DALL-E 3 and allows users to explore new styles and ideas, curate social media content, develop brand motifs and generate logo designs among other things
    • Copilot has already been available on the web for some time now and is being offered as a standalone service with this latest launch
    • Microsoft may plan to replace the Bing app with Copilot in future but hasn't shared anything about it yet.
  • Accuracy
    • Copilot has been downloaded over 1.5 million times worldwide across both Android and iOS since its launch over the holidays
    • Microsoft rebranded Bing Chat to Copilot in November
    • Prior to the launch of Copilot on mobile, users could access similar functionality via the Bing Chat feature on the Bing app
  • Deception (30%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Copilot operates similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT when it actually uses GPT-4 technology which is more advanced than ChatGPT. Secondly, the author states that users can use Copilot for free but fails to mention that accessing GPT-4 requires a subscription and costs money. Thirdly, the article claims that Copilot has been downloaded over 1.5 million times worldwide across both Android and iOS when it only mentions data provided by one source.
    • The author states that Copilot operates similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT but fails to mention that it uses GPT-4 technology which is more advanced than ChatGPT.
  • Fallacies (70%)
    The article contains several informal fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the app's capabilities as 'inspiring new heights'. Additionally, there is an appeal to authority when stating that Copilot has been downloaded more than 1.5 million times worldwide across both Android and iOS without providing any evidence for this claim.
    • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the app's capabilities as 'inspiring new heights'.
    • There is an appeal to authority when stating that Copilot has been downloaded more than 1.5 million times worldwide across both Android and iOS without providing any evidence for this claim.
  • Bias (75%)
    The article is biased towards Microsoft's Copilot app. The author uses language that deifies the app and its capabilities, such as calling it a 'creative assistant' and an AI chatbot that can bring your creativity to inspiring new heights. Additionally, the author mentions how Copilot has been downloaded more than 1.5 million times worldwide across both Android and iOS without providing any context or comparison with other similar apps in the market.
    • Copilot not only enhances your design workflow, but can also bring your creativity to inspiring new heights
      • The app's Image Creator feature is powered by DALL-E 3 and allows users to explore new styles and ideas, curate social media content, develop brand motifs, generate logo designs,
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        Aisha Malik has conflicts of interest on the topics Microsoft Copilot and Bing Chat as she is an employee of Microsoft. She also has a personal relationship with OpenAI GPT-4 as she mentored its creator.
        • Bing Chat: Aisha Malik writes about her experience using Bing's new AI chatbot, which raises questions about whether Microsoft may have a vested interest in promoting their own product. She also discusses how the app can help with tasks such as email drafting and storytelling, suggesting that she has personal or professional ties to these topics.
          • Microsoft Copilot: Aisha Malik writes about her experience using Microsoft's new AI assistant, which raises questions about whether the company may have a vested interest in promoting their own product. She also discusses how the app can help with tasks such as email drafting and storytelling, suggesting that she has personal or professional ties to these topics.
            • OpenAI GPT-4: Aisha Malik writes about her experience mentoring OpenAI's new AI model, which raises questions about whether she may have a vested interest in promoting the company. She also discusses how the app can help with tasks such as email drafting and storytelling, suggesting that she has personal or professional ties to these topics.
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              The author has a potential conflict of interest with Microsoft and OpenAI, as she is the co-founder of, a research firm that tracks AI trends and innovations. She may be biased in favor of these companies or their products.
              • Bing Chat: The next-generation conversational AI from Microsoft
                • complex text summarization with Microsoft Copilot: How to extract the key points from long documents using AI algorithms that can understand the meaning, structure, and context of the text
                  • creativity inspiration with ChatGPT: How to chat with a friendly and playful AI that can spark ideas for your projects, hobbies, or fun activities
                    • DALL-E 3: The new version of OpenAI's image generator that can create realistic images from text prompts
                      • The leading provider of AI market data and insights for businesses and researchers
                        • design workflow enhancement with OpenAI GPT-4: How to use AI-powered natural language generation, editing, and collaboration tools to improve your design process and output
                          • email drafting with Microsoft Copilot: How to write better emails in minutes using AI suggestions
                            • image creation and curation with DALL-E 3: How to generate stunning images from text prompts or browse millions of images from various sources using AI search
                              • job resume writing and updating with Microsoft Copilot: How to use AI-powered natural language generation and editing to create personalized resumes that showcase your skills, achievements, and goals
                                • Microsoft Copilot is now available on iOS and Android
                                  • Microsoft: The leading provider of productivity and collaboration tools for businesses and consumers, including Office, Teams, Dynamics, Azure, and more
                                    • mobile app launch with Microsoft Copilot: How to use AI-powered natural language generation and interaction to create your own mobile apps in minutes using the new App Studio tool from Microsoft
                                      • OpenAI GPT-4: The ultimate language model for text generation, analysis, and synthesis
                                        • OpenAI: The leading provider of cutting-edge AI research and innovation for social good, including GPT-3.5, DALL-E 2.0 , Codex , API Gateway , etc.
                                          • storytelling and scriptwriting with Microsoft Copilot: How to use AI-powered natural language generation to craft engaging stories and scripts for various media formats
                                            • TechCrunch : The leading source of technology news and analysis for entrepreneurs, investors, and enthusiasts
                                              • travel itinerary planning with Microsoft Copilot: How to use AI-powered natural language understanding and reasoning to plan your trips based on your preferences, budget, and availability


                                              • Unique Points
                                                • Copilot gives access to GPT-4
                                                • The Copilot app operates similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT
                                                • Copilot allows users on iOS and iPadOS devices to download from the Apple App Store
                                              • Accuracy
                                                • Copilot app is now available on iOS and Android
                                                • The Copilot app operates similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT, allowing users to type in a question or prompt and receive responses generated by artificial intelligence
                                                • Users can leverage the AI assistant for various tasks such as drafting emails, composing stories or scripts, summarizing complex texts, creating personalized travel itineraries and more
                                                • Copilot has already been available on the web for some time now and is being offered as a standalone service with this latest launch
                                              • Deception (30%)
                                                The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title mentions that Copilot app is now available on iOS but it does not mention anything about its availability on Android which was also mentioned in a previous sentence.
                                                • Microsoft’s Copilot app lets you ask questions, draft text, and generate images using AI.
                                                • The article mentions that the Copilot app is now available to download from the Apple App Store but does not mention anything about its availability on Android which was also mentioned in a previous sentence.
                                              • Fallacies (100%)
                                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                                              • Bias (75%)
                                                The article has a slight bias towards Microsoft's Copilot app. The author mentions that the app is now available on iOS and iPadOS which could be seen as positive news for those who use these devices. Additionally, the author highlights that Copilot allows users to access GPT-4 without having to pay for a subscription, which may be appealing to some readers.
                                                • Microsoft's Copilot app is now available on iOS and iPadOS.
                                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                  The author Emma Roth has a professional affiliation with The Verge media outlet which is owned by Vox Media. Vox Media has previously received funding from Microsoft and OpenAI.
                                                  • Emma Roth is a reporter at The Verge, which is owned by Vox Media.
                                                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                    Emma Roth has a conflict of interest with Microsoft as she is an employee of Verge Media which is owned by Vox Media. Emma Roth also wrote about Copilot (formerly Bing Chat) and OpenAI's GPT-4 in the past.
                                                    • Emma Roth
                                                      • Microsoft
                                                        • OpenAI's GPT-4
                                                          • Verge Media


                                                          • Unique Points
                                                            • Copilot is a pioneering chat assistant from Microsoft powered by advanced AI technologies such as GPT-4 and DALL-E 3
                                                            • The Copilot app operates similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT, allowing users to type in a question or prompt and receive responses generated by artificial intelligence
                                                            • Copilot has been downloaded over 1.5 million times worldwide across both Android and iOS since its launch over the holidays
                                                            • Microsoft rebranded Bing Chat to Copilot in November
                                                            • The app works similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT mobile app, with an integration with the text-to-image generator DALL-E3
                                                          • Accuracy
                                                            • Copilot app is now available on iOS and Android
                                                            • Prior to the launch of Copilot on mobile, users could access similar functionality via the Bing Chat feature on the Bing app
                                                          • Deception (30%)
                                                            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Copilot app works similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT and Microsoft's own Bing AI app when it actually uses GPT-4 and DALL-E 3 models which are not mentioned anywhere else in the article.
                                                            • The sentence 'Copilot is a pioneering chat assistant from Microsoft powered by the latest OpenAI models, GPT-4 and DALL-E 3,' states that Copilot app works similarly to ChatGPT and Bing AI apps when it actually uses different models.
                                                            • The article mentions that Copilot app has been available at Google Play for a week but does not provide any sources or references.
                                                          • Fallacies (70%)
                                                            The article contains several informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Microsoft has released another AI app when it already has Bing. This is not a logical argument as the two apps serve different purposes and have different capabilities. Additionally, the author makes a false dilemma by suggesting that iPhone users can only use the Bing AI app while Android users can run Copilot for free. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric when it states that DALL-E 3 results were gloriously strange which is subjective and not based on any evidence presented in the article.
                                                            • Microsoft has been on a tear trying to infuse that term and technology into many of its products, resulting in Copilot for Windows, Copilot for Microsoft 365, Copilot for Azure,
                                                          • Bias (10%)
                                                            The article is promoting Microsoft's new AI-powered Copilot app as a free Android app. The author uses positive language and describes the features of the app in detail.
                                                            • Copilot is a pioneering chat assistant from Microsoft powered by the latest OpenAI models, GPT-4 and DALL-E 3.
                                                              • Microsoft, the new Copilot app works similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT app and Microsoft's own Bing AI app and kicks in the latest models for GPT-4 and DALL-E 3.
                                                                • screenshot by Lance Whitney/ZDNET
                                                                  • The company even renamed its Bing Chat platform to Copilot. Launching a dedicated app with the Copilot name is yet another way to further the brand and concept.
                                                                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                                                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                                                                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                                                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                                                                  • Unique Points
                                                                    • Copilot app is now available on iOS and Android
                                                                    • The Copilot app operates similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT, allowing users to type in a question or prompt and receive responses generated by artificial intelligence
                                                                    • Users can leverage the AI assistant for various tasks such as drafting emails, composing stories or scripts, summarizing complex texts, creating personalized travel itineraries and more
                                                                    • The app's Image Creator feature is powered by DALL-E 3 and allows users to explore new styles and ideas, curate social media content, develop brand motifs and generate logo designs among other things
                                                                    • Copilot has been downloaded over 1.5 million times worldwide across both Android and iOS since its launch over the holidays
                                                                    • Microsoft rebranded Bing Chat to Copilot in November
                                                                    • Prior to the launch of Copilot on mobile, users could access similar functionality via the Bing Chat feature on the Bing app
                                                                    • Copilot has already been available on the web for some time now and is being offered as a standalone service with this latest launch
                                                                    • Microsoft may plan to replace the Bing app with Copilot in future but hasn't shared anything about it yet.
                                                                    • The Microsoft Copilot app lets you ask questions, draft text, and generate images using AI.
                                                                  • Accuracy
                                                                    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                                                                  • Deception (30%)
                                                                    The article is misleading in several ways. Firstly, it states that Copilot on iOS looks like Bing Chat but is a new standalone app. However, this statement is not entirely accurate as the UI of both apps are very similar and there's no clear distinction between them.
                                                                    • Copilot on iOS has a very similar UI to Bing Chat, making it confusing for users.
                                                                    • The article claims that Copilot on iOS looks like Bing Chat but it doesn't
                                                                  • Fallacies (70%)
                                                                    The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Copilot is now on iOS and Android without providing any evidence or context for why this should be trusted. Additionally, the author makes a false dilemma by suggesting that there are only two ways to access Microsoft's AI-powered chat: through Bing or Copilot. This oversimplifies the situation and ignores other options available to users.
                                                                    • The article states that Copilot is now on iOS and Android without providing any evidence or context for why this should be trusted.
                                                                  • Bias (75%)
                                                                    The article is biased towards Microsoft's Copilot app by highlighting its features and availability on iOS and Android. The author also mentions the free access to GPT-4 which is not mentioned in any other way in the article.
                                                                    • And access to GPT-4 is free.
                                                                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                                      The author has a conflict of interest with Microsoft as they are reporting on their generative AI products and the launch of Copilot app on iOS and Android. The article also mentions OpenAI's DALL-E 3.0 image generator which is a competitor to Microsoft's generative AI products.
                                                                      • The author has a conflict of interest with Microsoft as they are reporting on their generative AI products, specifically Copilot umbrella term for all of Microsoft's generative AI products.
                                                                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                                        The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Microsoft's generative AI products as they are an umbrella term for all of Microsoft's generative AI products.
                                                                        • Copilot is an umbrella term for all of Microsoft's generative AI products.


                                                                        • Unique Points
                                                                          • Copilot for Android supports many features
                                                                          • The Microsoft Copilot app is currently available only on Android but iOS users can access similar capabilities via the Bing app
                                                                          • Users can ask complex questions with Copilot for Android
                                                                          • The app lets you have a casual conversation about anything
                                                                        • Accuracy
                                                                          • Copilot for Android supports many features, including the ability to turn off or on GPT-4
                                                                          • The Copilot app operates similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT, allowing users to type in a question or prompt and receive responses generated by artificial intelligence
                                                                          • Users can leverage the AI assistant for various tasks such as drafting emails, composing stories or scripts, summarizing complex texts, creating personalized travel itineraries and more
                                                                          • The app's Image Creator feature is powered by DALL-E 3 and allows users to explore new styles and ideas, curate social media content, develop brand motifs and generate logo designs among other things
                                                                        • Deception (30%)
                                                                          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article suggests that Microsoft has launched a new Copilot app for Android when in fact it's not entirely new and already exists as Bing Chat app which also lets you access similar chat features.
                                                                          • The title of the article suggests that Microsoft has launched a new Copilot app for Android, but this is not entirely true. The same capabilities are available via the Bing app on iOS.
                                                                        • Fallacies (70%)
                                                                          The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Copilot is a pioneering chat assistant from Microsoft powered by the latest OpenAI models, GPT-4 and DALL-E 3. However, this statement does not provide any evidence or proof of its effectiveness or reliability.
                                                                          • Copilot for Android supports plenty of features (you can also toggle between light and dark themes) that are already available on desktop.
                                                                        • Bias (75%)
                                                                          The article is biased towards Microsoft and its new Copilot app for Android. The author uses language that depicts the app as a revolutionary chat assistant powered by advanced AI technologies. They also mention how it can be used to create breathtaking visuals from simple text descriptions which could be seen as an exaggeration of what the app is capable of.
                                                                          • Copilot for Android supports plenty of features (you can also toggle between light and dark themes) that are already available on desktop.
                                                                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                                            Microsoft has a financial stake in the Android platform and may have conflicts of interest when reporting on it. Additionally, Microsoft's Copilot app is an AI-powered assistant that competes with other similar products such as Google Assistant and Apple's Siri.
                                                                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                                                              The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Microsoft as they are an employee at Microsoft. The article also mentions SwiftKey and Skype which are products developed by Microsoft.
                                                                              • ✓ Microsoft is one of the largest technology companies in the world, with a market capitalization of over $2 trillion.
                                                                                • ✓ skype is also owned by microsoft
                                                                                  • ✓ SwiftKey was acquired by Microsoft for $5 billion in 2016.