Migrant Crime Wave Sweeps Through New York City: Cellphone and Purses Snatched by Sophisticated Criminal Enterprise Operating from Bronx Apartment

New York, NY United States of America
A wave of migrant crime has swept through New York City in recent months.
The police believe that these crimes are being carried out by a sophisticated criminal enterprise, with Victor Parra running the operation from his Bronx apartment.
Thieves on mopeds or scooters have been snatching cellphones and purses from women in at least 62 incidents across the city.
Migrant Crime Wave Sweeps Through New York City: Cellphone and Purses Snatched by Sophisticated Criminal Enterprise Operating from Bronx Apartment

In recent months, a wave of migrant crime has washed over New York City. A group of thieves on mopeds or scooters have been snatching cellphones and purses from women in at least 62 incidents across the city. The police believe that these crimes are being carried out by a sophisticated criminal enterprise, with Victor Parra running the operation from his Bronx apartment. He uses social media platforms to organize and coordinate their thefts, making it difficult for law enforcement to track them down. Despite having no criminal history or photos, some of the suspects have been able to evade capture due to their lack of clear names or dates of birth. The NYPD has arrested several members of this group in recent days, including Cleyber Andrade and Juan Uzcatgui.



  • It is not clear if there have been any other types of crime committed by this group besides thefts.



  • Unique Points
    • The group behind the robberies is responsible for more than 60 incidents across the city
    • Most of the victims are women and many of them have been robbed while walking alone
    • Scooters and mopeds have become popular vehicles for criminals in New York City
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that the robbery pattern was run by a Venezuelan migrant but does not provide any evidence to support this claim. Secondly, it claims that most migrants come to NYC in search of a better life which contradicts previous statements made about the individuals involved in the crime being part of a roving group of unlicensed scooters and snatch-and-grab robberies. Thirdly, it states that police have identified 14 members of the crew but only seven have been arrested so far, suggesting that there may be more people involved who are not yet accounted for.
    • The article claims that most migrants come to NYC in search of a better life. However, it also states that these individuals were part of a roving group of unlicensed scooters and snatch-and-grab robberies which contradicts this claim.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the robbery pattern as a 'wave' and a 'national problem'. They also use an appeal to authority by citing statistics about the number of migrants in New York City without providing any context or evidence for their claims.
    • The wave of migrant crime has washed over our city.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains language that demonizes migrants and asylum seekers. The author uses phrases such as 'citywide robbery pattern' to suggest that all migrants are involved in criminal activity. Additionally, the use of words like 'victims' and 'preying on New Yorkers' creates a negative image of these individuals.
    • The article contains language that demonizes migrants and asylum seekers.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      The article discusses the arrest of seven migrants in New York City for a robbery pattern. The authors have conflicts of interest on several topics related to this story.
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        The author has conflicts of interest on the topics of migrants and payment apps.


        • Unique Points
          • The NYPD has foiled the largest robbery pattern in the city
          • Victor Parra ran a sophisticated criminal enterprise of migrants predominantly living in the city's system.
          • They use social media platforms to organize and coordinate their thefts.
          • <b>Police recovered 22 stolen phones as well as victim✙s identification from Parra✙s home during a search on Monday.</b>
          • The individuals committing these crimes are essentially ghost criminals.
          • No criminal history, no photos, no cell phone or social media. Sometimes they're even unclear on name or date of birth. These operations are extremely sophisticated.
        • Accuracy
          • Almost 56% of them were in Manhattan
        • Deception (50%)
          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that the suspects are migrants from Venezuela but does not provide any evidence to support this claim. Secondly, it quotes NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban stating that by no means are the individuals committing these crimes representing the vast number of people coming to New York to build a better life. However, there is no context provided for what he meant by 'vast number' and whether or not his statement was accurate. Thirdly, it states that Victor Parra ran a sophisticated criminal enterprise of migrants predominantly living in the city's system but does not provide any evidence to support this claim.
          • The article claims that Victor Parra ran a sophisticated criminal enterprise of migrants predominantly living in the city's system but does not provide any evidence to support this claim.
          • The article claims that the suspects are migrants from Venezuela but there is no evidence provided to support this claim.
          • NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban states that by no means are the individuals committing these crimes representing the vast number of people coming to New York to build a better life, however there is no context provided for what he meant by 'vast number' and whether or not his statement was accurate.
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when the NYPD Commissioner and Chief of Detectives make statements about the crime spree without providing any evidence or data to support their claims. Additionally, there are multiple instances where inflammatory rhetoric is used, such as describing the migrants as a
          • The article contains several fallacies.
          • <br> The first is an appeal to authority when the NYPD Commissioner and Chief of Detectives make statements about the crime spree without providing any evidence or data to support their claims. Additionally, there are multiple instances where inflammatory rhetoric is used, such as describing the migrants as a
        • Bias (85%)
          The article contains language that dehumanizes migrants and implies they are all criminals. The author also uses a phrase 'by no means' which is an extreme statement and not supported by any evidence in the article.
          • > In recent months a wave of migrant crime has washed over our city, but by no means are the individuals committing these crimes representing the vast number of people coming to New York to build a better life.<br><br>The string of 62 thefts<br>
            • Police recovered 22 stolen phones as well as victim's identification from Parra's home during a search on Monday.
              • Victor Parra ran a sophisticated criminal enterprise
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                The article reports on a crime spree involving migrants in New York City. The author of the article is Victor Parra who has previously been involved with social media platforms and WhatsApp messages related to this topic.
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Mayor Eric Adams joined an N.Y.P.D raid to crack down on a robbery ring.
                  • Migrants who have recently arrived in the United States are believed to be part of this crime ring.
                  • The largest robbery pattern plaguing the city involves thieves snatching cellphones and purses in at least 62 incidents, most involving female victims.
                • Accuracy
                  No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                • Deception (30%)
                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title implies that Mayor Adams joined a police raid to expose a migrant crime ring when in fact he was not involved with any of the investigations or evidence gathering. Secondly, the author uses sensationalist language such as 'largest robbery pattern plaguing the city' and 'predominantly live in the migrant shelter system' which is misleading and exaggerated. Thirdly, there are no quotes from sources disclosed in this article.
                  • The title implies that Mayor Adams joined a police raid to expose a migrant crime ring when he was not involved with any of the investigations or evidence gathering.
                • Fallacies (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Bias (85%)
                  The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes migrants by referring to them as a 'crime ring' and saying they are causing destruction in the city. This is an example of religious bias because it implies that immigrants are inherently criminal or dangerous, which is not true for all immigrants. Additionally, the article mentions Mayor Eric Adams' participation in the raid and how it amplifies his xenophobic rhetoric towards migrants over the last year. This is an example of monetary bias because it suggests that there may be a financial gain to be had from demonizing certain groups of people.
                  • The article refers to the group as a 'crime ring'
                    • The police said the thieves were 'migrants who have recently arrived in the United States' and who 'predominantly live in the migrant shelter system'
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      The author Emma G. Fitzsimmons and Chelsia Rose Marcius have a conflict of interest on the topic of migrants who have recently arrived in the United States as they are members of an organization that advocates for immigrants.


                      • Unique Points
                        • The NYPD has busted a crime ring that pulled off a multiborough robbery streak in which dozens of cell phones were snatched out of unsuspecting New Yorkers' hands.
                        • In one of the robberies two moped-riding men approached a woman on Sheepshead Bay sidewalk on Jan. 23 and grabbed hold of her.
                        • The victim was dragged down the sidewalk until she hit a bike rack. The men took off leaving her on pavement.
                      • Accuracy
                        • The crew is responsible for at least 62 thefts involving hacked financial data in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx.
                      • Deception (50%)
                        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that the robbery ring includes a number of migrants but does not specify how many are part of the group. This information is important as it could impact public perception and treatment towards migrants. Secondly, while the article mentions that some members of the crew have been arrested, there is no mention of any other arrests made or individuals involved in the robberies. Thirdly, when discussing Parra's scheme, it states that he shipped stolen phones to Colombia for reprogramming but does not provide any evidence supporting this claim. Lastly, while Adams mentions that migrants should be investigated and treated equally under the law, there is no mention of any specific laws or policies being enacted to address these issues.
                        • The article states that the robbery ring includes a number of migrants but does not specify how many are part of the group. This information is important as it could impact public perception and treatment towards migrants.
                      • Fallacies (85%)
                        The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the NYPD and Mayor Adams as sources for information about the crime ring and their actions against it. Additionally, there are instances where the author presents a dichotomous depiction of migrants in general, portraying them as both criminals and victims at once. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric when describing some of the crimes committed by members of the robbery ring.
                        • The NYPD has busted alleged members of a crime ring that pulled off a multiborough robbery streak in which dozens of cell phones were snatched out of unsuspecting New Yorkers hands, NYPD brass and Mayor Adams announced.
                        • In one of the robberies, two moped-riding men approached a 51-year-old woman on a Sheepshead Bay sidewalk on Jan. 23 and grabbed hold of her, video released by police shows.
                        • The organization of the crew is displayed at 1 Police Plaza.
                      • Bias (85%)
                        The authors Rocco Parascandola, Kerry Burke and Elizabeth Keogh demonstrate bias by disproportionately quoting sources that reflect a specific position. The article focuses on a crime ring involving migrants and quotes police officials six times to emphasize the criminal nature of this group. While it is important to report on crimes committed by migrants, it is also necessary to provide context about the larger population of migrants who are not involved in criminal activity.
                        • Among those taken into custody was Parra’s lead tech guy, who hacks into the stolen phones
                          • Cops have busted alleged members of a crime ring that pulled off a multiborough robbery streak
                            • In one of the robberies, two moped-riding men approached a 51-year-old woman on a Sheepshead Bay sidewalk on Jan. 23 and grabbed hold of her
                              • In Parra’s scheme, when the looted accounts were empty or victims put holds on their accounts, he shipped the phones to Colombia to be reprogrammed
                                • NYPD Screengrab shows the moped riding crew in action.
                                  • The crew, which includes a number of migrants, is responsible for at least 62 thefts involving hacked financial data
                                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                    The article discusses a robbery ring that includes migrants. The authors have financial ties to the NYPD and are reporting on their own department's actions.
                                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                      The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of migrants as they are reporting on individuals who have been arrested for robbery and possessing cell phones. The article does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships between the authors and their sources.


                                      • Unique Points
                                        • The article is about a moped-riding migrant gang that has been snatching cellphones from New Yorkers in daring bursts of street crime. The group is connected to 62 instances of grand larceny throughout the city, including a shocking caught-on-video heist where a woman was brutally dragged down a Brooklyn street.
                                        • The two suspects arrested are Cleyber Andrade and Juan Uzcatgui, who allegedly part of the wider ring. They have already flipped on the group's ringleader, Victor Parra.
                                        • Parra has convinced others to go do his dirty work to grab phones and stuff. He is considered a big target in New York City.
                                      • Accuracy
                                        No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                                      • Deception (50%)
                                        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that the suspects are part of a wider ring whose members are connected to 62 different instances of grand larceny throughout the city. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article and may be misleading readers into believing that there is more information available than what has been provided.
                                        • The article states that Parra convinced others to go do his dirty work to grab phones and stuff. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article and may be misleading readers into believing that there are other members of the group who have committed crimes.
                                        • The article states that Victor Parra, a Venezuelan migrant named who was cut loose by a judge in December after getting picked up for grand larceny, is the ringleader of the group. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article and may be misleading readers into believing that there is more information available than what has been provided.
                                      • Fallacies (80%)
                                        The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the ringleader has convinced others to commit crimes. This is not a formal fallacy but it does suggest that the author believes in the power and influence of this individual. Additionally, there are multiple instances where the author describes actions as 'vicious' or 'sophisticated', which could be seen as an attempt to inflame emotions rather than present facts objectively.
                                        • The men brutally dragged a woman down a Brooklyn street
                                        • Parra has convinced others to go do his dirty work to grab phones and stuff.
                                      • Bias (85%)
                                        The article contains examples of bias in the form of language used to describe the suspects and their actions. The author uses words like 'scumbags' and 'thugs' to describe the attackers, which is a clear example of dehumanizing language that demonizes them as criminals rather than individuals with agency. Additionally, there are examples of sensationalism in the article such as describing the crime scene as a place where people were dragged down streets by moped-riding migrants and stolen cellphones being used to make fraudulent purchases. These examples demonstrate a clear bias towards portraying these suspects negatively.
                                        • The author uses words like 'scumbags' and 'thugs' to describe the attackers, which is a clear example of dehumanizing language that demonizes them as criminals rather than individuals with agency.
                                          • There are examples of sensationalism in the article such as describing the crime scene as a place where people were dragged down streets by moped-riding migrants and stolen cellphones being used to make fraudulent purchases.
                                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                            The article reports on a migrant moped gang that has been linked to dozens of brazen attacks and grand larcenies in New York City. The authors have financial ties with the city's police department, which may compromise their ability to report objectively on this topic.
                                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                              None Found At Time Of Publication