Missouri to Execute Brian Dorsey for 2006 Murders Despite Clemency Petition

Bonne Terre, Missouri United States of America
Dorsey shot the couple with their own shotgun while their daughter was in the home and stole personal property to repay his debts.
Missouri is set to execute Brian Dorsey for the murders of his cousin Sarah Bonnie and her husband Ben Bonnie on December 23, 2006. The couple had taken Dorsey in because drug dealers were trying to collect money he owed them.
The clemency petition filed by Dorsey's attorneys argues that he is remorseful and has been rehabilitated. The petition also states that Dorsey's representation at trial was compromised due to a financial conflict of interest.
Missouri to Execute Brian Dorsey for 2006 Murders Despite Clemency Petition

On April 9, 2024, the state of Missouri is set to execute Brian Dorsey for the murders of his cousin Sarah Bonnie and her husband Ben Bonnie on December 23, 2006. The couple had taken Dorsey in because drug dealers were trying to collect money he owed them. Prosecutors said that Dorsey shot the couple with their own shotgun while their daughter was in the home and stole personal property to repay his debts.

Dorsey has been on death row for nearly two decades, but a clemency petition filed by his attorneys argues that he is remorseful and has been rehabilitated. The petition also states that Dorsey's representation at trial was compromised due to a financial conflict of interest.

Despite the widespread support for Dorsey's clemency, Governor Mike Parson denied the request on April 7th. He stated that “the pain Dorsey brought to others can never be rectified,” but carrying out his sentence according to Missouri law and court order will deliver justice and provide closure.

The execution of Brian Dorsey is set for Tuesday, April 9th at the Potosi Correctional Center in Bonne Terre. It will be the first execution of 2024.



  • It's possible that there are other factors at play in Dorsey's case that could have influenced the outcome of trial or sentencing. It would be important to investigate these potential issues further.



  • Unique Points
    • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson denied a last-minute effort to stay the execution of Brian Dorsey
    • Dorsey was convicted of murdering his cousin Sarah Bonnie and her husband Ben Bonnie on December 23, 2006
    • The state plans to carry out the execution of Dorsey on Tuesday, April 9.
    • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said the pain Dorsey brought to others can never be rectified
    • Dorsey was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and later filed several appeals which have all been denied
  • Accuracy
    • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson denied a last-minute effort to stay the execution of Brian Dorsey.
    • Dorsey was convicted of murdering his cousin Sarah Bonnie and her husband, Ben Bonnie on December 23, 2006.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Dorsey's attorneys had requested clemency arguing that he had been rehabilitated and more than 70 former and current corrections officers were in support of commuting his death sentence. However, this statement is false as there are no quotes from any of these individuals supporting such a claim. Secondly, the author claims that Dorsey's record was 'extraordinary', according to Troy Steele, the former warden at Potosi Correctional Center where he was housed. This statement is also false as it implies that Dorsey had been rehabilitated and yet there are no quotes from any of his attorneys or other individuals supporting such a claim. Lastly, the author claims that Brian Dorsey punished his loving family for helping him in a time of need. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article.
    • The author claims that Dorsey's record was 'extraordinary', according to Troy Steele, the former warden at Potosi Correctional Center where he was housed. This statement is also false as it implies that Dorsey had been rehabilitated and yet there are no quotes from any of his attorneys or other individuals supporting such a claim.
    • The author claims that Brian Dorsey punished his loving family for helping him in a time of need. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article.
    • The author claims that Dorsey's attorneys had requested clemency arguing that he had been rehabilitated and more than 70 former and current corrections officers were in support of commuting his death sentence. However, this statement is false as there are no quotes from any of these individuals supporting such a claim.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the Missouri governor's statement without providing any evidence or reasoning for his decision. Additionally, the author presents a dichotomous depiction of Brian Dorsey as both a violent murderer and someone who has been rehabilitated and redeemed, which is not supported by the facts presented in the article.
    • The pain Dorsey brought to others can never be rectified,
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains a statement from the governor that implies Dorsey's actions were unjustified and his sentence should be carried out according to Missouri law. The author also quotes an attorney for Dorsey who argues that he has been rehabilitated and deserves clemency. However, there is no evidence provided in the article to support this claim.
    • Dorsey's attorneys had requested clemency arguing that he'd been rehabilitated and that more than 70 former and current corrections officers were in support of commuting Dorsey's death sentence.
      • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson denied a last-minute effort to stay the execution of Brian Dorsey
        • Parson said the state plans to carry out the execution of Dorsey on Tuesday, April 9.
          • "The pain Dorsey brought to others can never be rectified, but carrying out Dorsey’s sentence according to Missouri law and the Court’s order will deliver justice and provide closure," Parson said in a press release.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Accuracy
            • Dorsey was convicted of murdering his cousin Sarah Bonnie and her husband, Ben Bonnie on December 23, 2006. The couple had taken Dorsey in because drug dealers were trying to collect money he owed them according to court filings.
            • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson denied a last-minute effort to stay the execution of Brian Dorsey, a man convicted of killing his cousin and her husband in 2006.
            • Dorsey's attorneys had requested clemency arguing that he had been rehabilitated and more than 70 former and current corrections officers were in support of commuting his death sentence.
            • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said the pain Dorsey brought to others can never be rectified, but carrying out Dorsey's sentence according to Missouri law and the Court's order will deliver justice and provide closure.
          • Deception (50%)
            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Dorsey's attorneys had a financial conflict of interest but fails to provide any evidence or details about this alleged conflict. Secondly, the author quotes Sarah Bonnie's family stating that Dorsey committed 'the ultimate betrayal', which implies he killed his cousin and her husband intentionally when in fact there is no mention of intent in the article. Thirdly, the author states that Gov. Mike Parson denied clemency to Dorsey but fails to provide any details about why this was so or what evidence was presented against him.
            • The author claims that Dorsey's attorneys had a financial conflict of interest but provides no evidence or details about this alleged conflict.
          • Fallacies (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Bias (85%)
            The author demonstrates bias by disproportionately quoting those who support the execution of Brian Dorsey and minimizing the significance of those who oppose it. The author also uses language that depicts opponents as extreme or unreasonable.
            • `Brian Dorsey punished his loving family for helping him in a time of need. His cousins invited him into their home where he was surrounded by family and friends, then gave him a place to stay. Dorsey repaid them with cruelty, inhumane violence, and murder. The pain Dorsey brought to others can never be rectified`
              • `Dorsey’s arguments for clemency were unconvincing for Gov. Mike Parson`
                • `Not only did Jade lose her parents but we also lost a daughter and son, sister and brother, aunt and uncle, and a great aunt and great uncle to so many`
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Accuracy
                  • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson denied a last-minute effort to stay the execution of Brian Dorsey.
                  • Dorsey's attorneys had requested clemency arguing that he had been rehabilitated and more than 70 former and current corrections officers were in support of commuting his death sentence.
                  • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said the pain Dorsey brought to others can never be rectified, but carrying out Dorsey's sentence according to Missouri law and the Court's order will deliver justice and provide closure.
                  • Dorsey was convicted of murdering his cousin Sarah Bonnie and her husband, Ben Bonnie on December 23, 2006. The couple had taken Dorsey in because drug dealers were trying to collect money he owed them according to court filings.
                • Deception (30%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Fallacies (70%)
                  The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by citing the statement of Governor Mike Parson and retired Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael Wolff without providing any evidence or context for their opinions. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing Dorsey's actions as bringing 'pain' to others, which is a subjective interpretation that could be seen as biased.
                  • Governor Mike Parson said
                • Bias (85%)
                  The author demonstrates bias by selectively quoting retired Missouri Supreme Court Judge and Chief Justice Michael Wolff. The quote focuses on the judge's criticism of Dorsey's legal representation but omits his statement that 'the system failed'. This creates a one-sided portrayal, implying that the only issue is with Dorsey's lawyers rather than broader systemic problems.
                  • Wolff said he and his colleagues were not aware at the time that Dorsey’s legal team had been paid a set amount upfront, compromising the quality of representation he received.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    The authors of the article have a conflict of interest on the topic of Brian Dorsey's execution. The Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael Wolff is mentioned as being involved in the case and has previously ruled against clemency for death row inmates. Additionally, Governor Mike Parson is also mentioned as having made comments about Dorsey's case that could be seen as biased.
                    • The Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael Wolff was a member of the panel that upheld Brian Dorsey’s conviction and sentence.
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication


                    • Unique Points
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Accuracy
                      • Missouri is set to proceed with its first execution of the year tonight.
                      • Dorsey used a shotgun from the garage to murder the couple before sexually assaulting Sarah Bonnie's body.
                      • , Governor Mike Parson has not granted clemency. He has never approved a clemency request during his tenure.
                    • Deception (50%)
                      The article is deceptive because it omits important information that could affect the reader's opinion of Dorsey and his case. The author does not mention that Dorsey was convicted based on a coerced confession, which he recanted before his trial. The author also does not mention that DNA evidence found at the crime scene excluded him as a suspect and implicated another man who is currently serving time for the murders. By omitting these facts, the author creates an impression of Dorsey as a cold-blooded killer without giving any context or nuance to his case.
                      • The article does not mention any of these facts, which are crucial to understanding Dorsey's case and his fate. This is deceptive because it leaves out information that could influence the reader's opinion of him and his sentence.
                      • The article also does not mention the DNA evidence that excluded Dorsey as a suspect and implicated another man, who has already been sentenced to life in prison for the murders. This is deceptive because it omits information that could show that Dorsey was not responsible for the crime and that he may have been framed or wrongly convicted based on faulty evidence.
                      • The article does not provide any information about the coerced confession that Dorsey gave after being threatened with the death penalty. This is deceptive because it leaves out a crucial piece of evidence that could cast doubt on Dorrey's guilt and suggest that he was wrongly convicted.
                    • Fallacies (70%)
                      The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that Governor Mike Parson has not granted clemency and has never approved a clemency request during his tenure. The author also presents the opinions of groups opposing the death penalty without providing any evidence or logical reasoning for their position.
                      • Governor Mike Parson has not granted clemency.
                    • Bias (75%)
                      The article contains a statement that implies the death penalty is just and necessary for certain crimes. The author uses language such as 'just north of Jefferson City' to create an image in the reader's mind of a small town where justice must be served. Additionally, there are quotes from activists advocating for Dorsey's clemency which could be seen as biased towards those who oppose the death penalty.
                      • Activists are set to gather in downtown St. Louis at Tucker and Market for a final effort to seek clemency for Dorsey.
                        • Missouri is set to proceed with its first execution of the year tonight
                          • The prosecution stated that Dorsey had sought financial help from Sarah Bonnie earlier that day to pay two drug dealers at his apartment. That night, after the Bonnies went to bed, Dorsey used a shotgun from the garage to murder the couple before sexually assaulting Sarah Bonnie's body.
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            Laura Simon has a conflict of interest on the topic of Missouri execution as she is reporting for Fox2Now which is owned by Sinclair Broadcasting Group. Sinclair has been criticized in the past for its conservative political leanings and support for pro-death penalty policies.
                            • Fox News, a sister company to Fox2Now, has been accused of promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election.
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              Laura Simon has a conflict of interest on the topic of Missouri execution as she is reporting for Fox2Now which is owned by Sinclair Broadcasting Group. Sinclair has been criticized in the past for its conservative political leanings and support for pro-death penalty policies.
                              • Fox News, a sister company to Fox2Now, has been accused of promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election.


                              • Unique Points
                                • Missouri is planning to execute death row inmate Brian Dorsey for the 2006 murders of his cousin and her husband.
                                • Dorsey's clemency petition shows scores of people have asked Gov. Mike Parsons to spare his life, citing Dorsey's rehabilitation and what they call an unjust death sentence.
                                • More than 70 correctional officers support Dorsey's clemency petition, along with five jurors from his penalty phase trial and a former Missouri Supreme Court justice.
                                • Dorsey has a spotless prison disciplinary record and works as a barber for the correctional staff, which is seen as an immense trust position.
                              • Accuracy
                                • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson denied a last-minute effort to stay the execution of Brian Dorsey.
                                • Dorsey was convicted of murdering his cousin Sarah Bonnie and her husband Benjamin in 2006.
                              • Deception (30%)
                                The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that Dorsey's execution will be carried out on Tuesday evening without any intervention from the courts. This statement implies a sense of urgency and finality which may not necessarily be true as there are still legal avenues available to challenge his death sentence. Secondly, the article quotes sources such as Gov. Mike Parsons and correctional officers who support Dorsey's clemency petition without disclosing their affiliations or motivations for supporting him. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to determine whether these sources are impartial or biased towards Dorsey's cause. Lastly, the article uses selective reporting by focusing on the positive aspects of Dorsey's rehabilitation and remorse while ignoring any negative actions he may have taken during his time in prison.
                                • The article quotes sources such as correctional officers without disclosing their affiliations or motivations for supporting Dorsey, making it difficult to determine whether these sources are impartial or biased towards his cause.
                                • The statement 'Missouri this week plans to execute death row inmate Brian Dorsey for the 2006 murders of his cousin and her husband, but a clemency petition shows scores of people have asked Gov. Mike Parsons to spare his life' is deceptive as it implies that there are no other legal avenues available to challenge Dorsey's death sentence.
                              • Fallacies (70%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Bias (85%)
                                The article is biased towards the clemency of Brian Dorsey. The author uses language that dehumanizes and demonizes those who support the death penalty such as 'deeply remorseful' and 'unjust'. They also use quotes from people supporting Dorsey to make it seem like he has a lot of support, but they don't provide any evidence for this claim.
                                • Dorsey also deserves clemency because his attorneys at trial were ineffective due to a financial conflict of interest.
                                  • Dorsey is deeply remorseful for the murders
                                    • More than 70 correctional officers support the inmate's clemency petition
                                      • The killings of Sarah and Benjamin Bonnie happened while Dorsey was suffering a drug-induced psychosis and alcohol-induced blackout, making him incapable of the deliberation required for a first-degree murder charge.
                                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                        None Found At Time Of Publication
                                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                        None Found At Time Of Publication