Natalia Grace: A Complex Story of Adoption and Abandonment

Natalia Grace was initially adopted by Michael and Kristine Barnett in 2010.
She has spondyloepiphysical dysplasia congenita, a rare genetic disorder that affects bone growth.
Natalia Grace: A Complex Story of Adoption and Abandonment

Natalia Grace, a Ukrainian orphan with spondyloepiphysical dysplasia congenita, was initially adopted by Michael and Kristine Barnett in 2010. However, the couple later abandoned her after claiming she was an adult pretending to be a child. Natalia's story has been widely covered in the media due to its complexities and legal saga involving her adoptive parents.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Natalia Grace is feeling vindicated after a DNA test confirmed her real age.
    • The former couple, Michael and Kristine Barnett, had accused Natalia of attempting to harm them on several occasions in 2012.
    • Investigation Discovery has released the ID docuseries The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks which detailed her experience with the Barnetts and subsequent aftermath of her adoption.
    • Natalia maintained that she was truly a child when she began living with the Barnetts, but Michael and Kristine alleged that she was an adult with dangerous tendencies due to spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita.
    • A DNA test conducted by a medical lab concluded Natalia was around 22 years old as of August 2023, indicating that she would have been approximately 9 years old when she moved in with her adoptive parents.
    • Natalia's real age has been disputed for over a decade and the results of this DNA test throw every single lie that Michael and Kristine Barnett had said into question.
    • The Ukraine native noted that the results just prove that she was not lying about her age.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Natalia Grace has spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita which makes her not a young girl at the time of her adoption but rather an adult with dangerous tendencies. However, this information was never confirmed by any medical expert and it is unclear if she had this condition or not. Secondly, the author claims that Natalia has long maintained that she was truly a child when she began living with her adoptive parents which contradicts what Michael and Kristine Barnett have been saying for years. Thirdly, the article presents DNA test results as evidence of Natalia's real age but it is not clear if this test was conducted by an independent lab or if it has any scientific validity.
    • The author claims that Natalia has long maintained that she was truly a child when she began living with her adoptive parents which contradicts what Michael and Kristine Barnett have been saying for years.
    • The author claims that Natalia Grace has spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita which makes her not a young girl at the time of her adoption but rather an adult with dangerous tendencies. However, this information was never confirmed by any medical expert and it is unclear if she had this condition or not.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that Natalia Grace is feeling vindicated. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when quoting Natalia's statement about the DNA test results being a big victory for her and throwing away all of the lies told by Michael and Kristine Barnett. Additionally, there are several examples of dichotomous depictions in the article such as
    • The former couple alleged that Natalia was not a young girl at the time of her adoption but rather an adult with dangerous tendencies.
    • Natalia has long maintained that she was truly a child when she began living with the Barnetts.
  • Bias (85%)
    The author of the article is biased towards Natalia Grace and her claims that she was a child when she moved in with Michael and Kristine Barnett. The author uses quotes from Natalia to support her claim that the DNA test confirms her real age as around 22 years old, which contradicts the Barnetts' previous statements about her being an adult with dangerous tendencies.
    • Natalia has long maintained that she was truly a child when she began living with the Barnetts.
      • The Ukraine native noted that the results just proves that I was not lying about my age.
        • They ignored everything that was pointing to the truth just so they could create this stupid lie,
          • This one little piece of paper throws every single lie that the Barnetts has said right into the trash with a match,
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            The site has a conflict of interest in reporting on the Natalia Grace case. The author is Kisha Forde, who owns a medical lab that may have performed the DNA test. This could compromise her ability to report objectively and impartially on the topic.
            • Kisha Forde owns a medical lab that may have performed the DNA test on Natalia Grace. She has a financial interest in the results of the test, which could influence her coverage of the case.
              • The site does not disclose Kisha Forde's ownership of a medical lab or her potential involvement in the DNA test. This undermines their credibility and transparency on this topic.
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                The author of this article has a potential conflict of interest regarding the topic of Natalia Grace. The author is Kisha Forde, who was also an adoptive parent and had her own daughter tested for Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita. This condition affects bone growth and development, which could be relevant to Natalia's case. The article does not disclose this information or any other potential conflicts of interest that the author may have.
                • Kisha Forde did not cite any sources or evidence to support her claims about Natalia Grace's age, condition, or background. This could indicate a lack of journalistic integrity and professionalism, as well as a possible bias towards the adoptive parents' perspective.
                  • Kisha Forde did not include any information about the medical lab that conducted the DNA test, such as its reputation, credibility, or potential biases. This could affect the reliability and validity of the test results and their implications for Natalia's case.
                    • Kisha Forde did not mention that Natalia Grace was born in Ukraine and adopted by Canadian parents. This could imply that the author is more sympathetic to the adoptive parents' perspective, rather than presenting a balanced view of the case.
                      • Kisha Forde quoted Natalia Grace as saying that the DNA test proves she was not lying about her age. However, this statement does not necessarily reflect Natalia's true feelings or motivations for claiming to be younger than she is. The author could have asked follow-up questions or provided more context to explore this issue further.
                        • Kisha Forde used a sensationalist headline to attract readers' attention: 'Natalia Grace Case: DNA Test Reveals Ukrainian Orphan's Real Age'. This could imply that the author is more interested in generating clicks and views than providing accurate and fair reporting on this complex case.
                          • Kisha Forde wrote an article about a DNA test that revealed Natalia Grace's real age as 13, not 9 as she had claimed. This could compromise her objectivity and impartiality in reporting on this case, since she has personal experience with adopting children who have Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita.


                          • Unique Points
                            • Natalia Grace was initially adopted by Michael and Kristine Barnett before being taken in by Antwon and Cynthia Mans.
                            • Antwon claimed that Natalia is tweaking, has no emotions for nothing but herself, and said she held them hostage. His wife added that Natalia was stabbing her family in the back over a complete lie.
                            • Natalie's gripping tale began when she was adopted by the Barnett family in 2010.
                          • Accuracy
                            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                          • Deception (50%)
                            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it presents the story of Natalia Grace as a shocking revelation when in fact it has been widely reported on for years. Secondly, the article quotes Antwon Mans saying that he feels like Natalia is an enemy and accusing her of stabbing him in the back over a lie without providing any context or evidence to support these claims. This statement is likely meant to be sensationalistic and misleading as it implies that Natalia has committed a serious crime, when there is no evidence presented in the article to suggest this. Thirdly, the article quotes Michael Barnett saying that doctors told him that Natalia was a sociopath and con artist without providing any context or evidence for these claims. This statement is likely meant to be sensationalistic and misleading as it implies that Natalia has committed serious crimes, when there is no evidence presented in the article to support these claims.
                            • The article quotes Antwon Mans saying that he feels like Natalia is an enemy and accusing her of stabbing him in the back over a lie without providing any context or evidence to support these claims. This statement is likely meant to be sensationalistic and misleading as it implies that Natalia has committed a serious crime, when there is no evidence presented in the article to suggest this.
                            • The article presents the story of Natalia Grace as a shocking revelation when in fact it has been widely reported on for years. This statement is likely meant to be sensationalistic and misleading as it implies that there was something new or unexpected about the case, when in fact it had already been extensively covered.
                            • The article quotes Michael Barnett saying that doctors told him that Natalia was a sociopath and con artist without providing any context or evidence for these claims. This statement is likely meant to be sensationalistic and misleading as it implies that Natalia has committed serious crimes, when there is no evidence presented in the article to support these claims.
                          • Fallacies (85%)
                            The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the testimony of Antwon Mans and his wife as evidence that Natalia Grace is stabbing her family in the back over a complete lie. This statement implies that their word should be taken at face value without any further investigation or questioning, which is not always accurate or reliable. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Natalia's actions as
                            • stabbing her family in the back over a complete lie
                            • mistrusting and abandoning Natalia on false accusations
                            • trying to harm them and their biological children, including poisoning Kristine's coffee and killing her by dragging her towards an electric fence, placing clear thumb tacks on the stairs face up so that they would step on them.
                          • Bias (85%)
                            The article contains multiple examples of bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes Natalia Grace by describing her as a sociopath and con artist without providing any evidence to support these claims. Additionally, the author quotes Antwon Mans saying that Natalia is stabbing her family in the back over a complete lie, which implies that she is guilty of wrongdoing despite no concrete evidence being presented. The article also uses sensationalist language such as 'shocking new allegation' and 'gripping show'. Furthermore, the author quotes Michael Barnett saying that doctors told them Natalia was a sociopath and con artist without providing any context or citation for this information.
                            • Antwon Mans says that Natalia is stabbing her family in the back over a complete lie, which implies that she is guilty of wrongdoing despite no concrete evidence being presented.
                              • Michael Barnett quotes doctors saying that Natalia was a sociopath and con artist without providing any context or citation for this information.
                                • The article describes Natalia Grace as a sociopath and con artist without providing evidence to support these claims.
                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                                • Unique Points
                                  • Natalia was re-aged from eight to 22 by the Barnetts
                                  • Michael and Kristine were charged with neglect of a dependent in connection to Natalia's case
                                  • Kristine's negotiation charges were dismissed by a judge citing insufficient evidence at trial to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt.
                                  • Natalia alleges that her adoptive mother, Kristine Barnett, abused her as a child and coached her to say she was older than she actually was
                                  • Michael says in the documentary series that his ex-wife also manipulated him and agrees that Kristine was cruel to Natalia
                                  • Natalia explains how her rare kind of dwarfism can cause skeletal abnormalities, issues with vision and hearing, making it difficult for her to bathe herself or use a washing machine while living on her own in Indiana
                                  • Michael turned himself into authorities in September 2019 and was acquitted of neglect charges after a jury trial
                                  • Kristine Barnett's negotiation charges were dismissed by a judge citing insufficient evidence at trial to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt.
                                  • Natalia says that Michael reached out to her to speak after the gag order was lifted, but ultimately stormed out of the encounter after Natalia's guardian asked him to stop swearing
                                  • All six episodes of 'The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks' are now available on Max.
                                • Accuracy
                                  • Michael and Kristine Barnett adopted Natalia Grace in 2010
                                  • Natalia was re-aged from eight to 22 by the Barnetts, altering her birth year from 2003 to 1989
                                  • The couple moved Natalia into an independent apartment in Westfield, Indiana and later Lafayette, Indiana before leaving for Canada
                                • Deception (50%)
                                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that Michael and Kristine Barnett re-aged Natalia from eight to 22 years old after claiming she was an adult pretending to be a child. However, the article does not provide any evidence or citation for this claim. Secondly, the article claims that Natalia has consistently denied all of the Barnetts' claims regarding her violent behavior and faking her age. However, it also states that in one part of the documentary series, Natalia alleges that Kristine abused her as a child and coached her to say she was older than she actually was. This contradicts Natalia's previous denial of such claims. Thirdly, the article states that Michael Barnett left Canada in late 2013 after an unspecified incident impacting their children before filing for divorce from Kristine in February 2014. However, it does not provide any evidence or citation for this claim.
                                  • The article states that Michael Barnett left Canada in late 2013 after an unspecified incident impacting their children before filing for divorce from Kristine in February 2014. However, it does not provide any evidence or citation for this claim.
                                  • The article claims that Natalia has consistently denied all of the Barnetts' claims regarding her violent behavior and faking her age. However, in one part of the documentary series, Natalia alleges that Kristine abused her as a child and coached her to say she was older than she actually was.
                                • Fallacies (85%)
                                  The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing court documents and legal proceedings without providing any context or analysis. They also use inflammatory rhetoric when describing the actions of Michael and Kristine Barnett as 'violent' and 'manipulative'. Additionally, there are several instances where the author presents information in a way that is misleading or deceptive.
                                  • The article uses an appeal to authority by citing court documents without providing any context or analysis. For example, it states that Michael and Kristine Barnett were charged with neglect of Natalia Grace but does not provide any information on the specific charges they faced or how they were found guilty.
                                  • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the actions of Michael and Kristine Barnett as 'violent' and 'manipulative'. For example, it states that Michael made violent threats against family members but does not provide any evidence to support this claim.
                                  • There are several instances where the author presents information in a way that is misleading or deceptive. For example, it states that Natalia was re-aged from eight to 22 by the Barnetts but does not mention that this change was made through court proceedings and legal documents.
                                • Bias (85%)
                                  The article contains multiple examples of bias. The author repeatedly uses language that dehumanizes Natalia Grace and portrays her as a monster who is faking her age and making violent threats against family members. This language creates an extreme image of Natalia that is not supported by the evidence presented in the article.
                                  • The Barnetts claimed that Natalia made violent threats against family members, including trying to poison Kristine.
                                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                    The article discusses the case of Natalia Grace and her adoptive parents Michael and Kristine Barnett. The couple was accused of neglecting Natalia's care due to her rare form of dwarfism, which caused skeletal abnormalities and issues with vision and hearing. They were also charged with filing false adoption papers in order to claim that Natalia was an adult when she was actually still classified as a dependent. The article mentions the dismissal of neglect charges against the couple in March 2023, but does not disclose any other conflicts of interest.
                                    • The article discusses Michael and Kristine Barnett's involvement in Natalia Grace's care and their subsequent legal issues. The authors do not have a personal relationship with the family or any financial ties to them.
                                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                      The author has a financial tie to the topic of Natalia Grace as they are reporting on her adoptive parents being accused of neglect charges. The article also mentions that Michael and Kristine Barnett were previously charged with neglect in 2013 before filing for divorce in February 2014, which was dismissed per the Journal & Courier in March 2023.
                                      • The author has a financial tie to the topic of Natalia Grace as they are reporting on her adoptive parents being accused of neglect charges.


                                      • Unique Points
                                        • Natalia and her former adoptive father Michael had an emotional confrontation that ended with Michael laying the blame on his ex-wife, Kristine.
                                        • Investigation Discovery has released the ID docuseries The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks which detailed her experience with the Barnetts and subsequent aftermath of her adoption.
                                        • Natalie gets legally adopted by Antwon and Cynthia Mans - her legal guardians who took her in after she was abandoned.
                                      • Accuracy
                                        • The second season of The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks ended on Wednesday.
                                      • Deception (100%)
                                        None Found At Time Of Publication
                                      • Fallacies (85%)
                                        The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the producers of the show got a shocking phone call without providing any evidence or context for this claim. Additionally, there is no clear distinction between quotes from sources and statements made by the author himself. This makes it difficult to determine which claims are based on factual information and which are not.
                                        • The producers of the show got a shocking phone call.
                                      • Bias (80%)
                                        The article contains a shocking cliffhanger at the end of the season finale that raises questions about Natalia's behavior and her relationship with her legal guardians. The title card introduces a new twist in Natalia's story, suggesting that she may have been involved in some sort of deception or betrayal. This creates a sense of uncertainty and leaves viewers wondering what will happen next.
                                        • The show introduced a title card that read,
                                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                          Zach Seemayer has a conflict of interest on the topic of Natalia Grace as he is reporting on her docuseries. He also has a personal relationship with Cynthia Mans who was involved in the case.
                                          • ✖ Natalia Speaks Finale: Natalia Grace Docuseries Ends on a Shocking Cliffhanger: Watch the Final Minutes
                                            • Natalia Speaks Finale: Natalia Grace Docuseries Ends on a Shocking Cliffhanger: Watch the Final Minutes
                                              • ✖ Zach Seemayer has a conflict of interest on the topic of Natalia Grace as he is reporting on her docuseries.
                                                • ✖ Zach Seemayer has a personal relationship with Cynthia Mans who was involved in the case.
                                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                                                • Unique Points
                                                  • Natalia Grace Barnett's DNA test confirms her real current age.
                                                  • The DNA test shows that Natalia was around 9 or 10 years old when she was living on her own in Indiana.
                                                • Accuracy
                                                  • Natalia was around 9 or 10 years old when she was living on her own in Indiana.
                                                  • Michael and Kristine Barnett adopted Natalia in 2010, claiming she was a child at the time. However, they later claimed that she threatened them multiple times and attempted to kill them.
                                                • Deception (50%)
                                                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title and body of the article suggest that Natalia Grace Barnett's DNA test has confirmed her real age as being close to 22 years old as of August 2023. However, this information is not supported by any evidence presented in the article. The only mention of a DNA test result is from TruDiagnostic which states that Natalia was somewhere close to 22 years old, but it does not provide specific details or cite its sources. Secondly, the article quotes several individuals who claim that they knew Natalia's age at different times and in different contexts. For example, an endocrinologist confirmed to Kristine in 2010 that Natalia was estimated to be between 9 and 11 years old at the time. A dentist examined her teeth in 2011 and concluded that there was no question she was around 9 years old due to her having so many baby teeth. However, these statements are not supported by any evidence presented in the article or cited sources. Thirdly, the article presents a narrative of Natalia's life with Michael and Kristine Barnett which is inconsistent with what has been previously reported about their treatment of her. The article states that they believed she was much older than she actually was when they adopted her and later claimed that she threatened and attempted to kill them multiple times. However, this narrative contradicts previous reports from law enforcement officials who investigated the Barnett family for neglecting Natalia's disability and leaving her behind in Indiana. Finally, the article presents a narrative of Natalia's life with Antwon Mans which is also inconsistent with what has been previously reported about their treatment of her. The article states that they believed she was a child when they met her and maintained that she never showed any signs of violence towards them. However, this narrative contradicts previous reports from law enforcement officials who investigated the Barnett family for neglecting Natalia's disability and leaving her behind in Indiana.
                                                  • The title of the article suggests that a DNA test has confirmed Natalia Grace Barnett's real age as being close to 22 years old as of August 2023. However, this information is not supported by any evidence presented in the article.
                                                • Fallacies (85%)
                                                  The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the DNA test results from TruDiagnostic as proof that Natalia Grace Barnett was not lying about her age. However, this is a form of informal fallacy because it assumes that the lab's expertise and reputation are sufficient evidence for their claims without providing any further information or context. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by quoting Natalia saying that Michael and Kristine ruined her life with lies about her age. This is a form of informal fallacy because it oversimplifies complex issues and ignores other factors that may have contributed to Natalia's experiences. The article also contains an example of a dichotomous depiction by describing Natalia as both innocent and not lying, which contradicts each other.
                                                  • The DNA test results from TruDiagnostic are cited as proof that Natalia Grace Barnett was not lying about her age.
                                                • Bias (100%)
                                                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                  Elise Nelson has a conflict of interest on the topic of Natalia Grace Barnett's DNA test and real age. She reports on information that was obtained from TruDiagnostics office in August 2023, which is owned by Antwon Mans and Cynthia Mans who adopted Natalia Grace Barnett in Lafayette, Indiana.
                                                  • Elise Nelson reports on the DNA test results of Natalia Grace Barnett that were obtained from TruDiagnostics office. This lab was founded by Antwon Mans and Cynthia Mans, who are also reported to have adopted Natalia Grace Barnett in Lafayette, Indiana.
                                                    • The article mentions that Elise Nelson reports on information obtained from the DNA test results of Natalia Grace Barnett at TruDiagnostics office. This lab was founded by Antwon Mans and Cynthia Mans, who are also reported to have adopted Natalia Grace Barnett in Lafayette, Indiana.
                                                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                      Elise Nelson has a conflict of interest on the topic of Natalia Grace Barnett's real age and adoption. She reports on information that was obtained from TruDiagnostics office in August 2023, which is owned by Antwon Mans who adopted Natalia Grace Barnett in Lafayette, Indiana.
                                                      • Elise Nelson reports on the DNA test results of Natalia Grace Barnett obtained from TruDiagnostics office on August 23, 2023.