Fake Robocall Targets New Hampshire Primary Voters, Sparking Investigation Calls from Democrats

The 2024 New Hampshire primary is taking place on Tuesday.
The call encourages voters not to vote in the primary and instead save their votes for November.
There are reports of a fake robocall that mimics the voice of Joe Biden.
Fake Robocall Targets New Hampshire Primary Voters, Sparking Investigation Calls from Democrats

The 2024 New Hampshire primary is taking place on Tuesday, and there are reports of a fake robocall that mimics the voice of Joe Biden. The call encourages voters not to vote in the primary and instead save their votes for November. This has led to calls from Democrats for an investigation into the matter.



  • It is unclear who is behind the fake robocall.
  • There may be other factors at play that could affect voter turnout in New Hampshire.



  • Unique Points
    • A robocall mimicking the voice of Joe Biden and encouraging Democrats not to vote in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday is being investigated by a prominent New Hampshire Democrat
    • `Kathy Sullivan', a former state party chair, wants those responsible for the call `prosecuted to the fullest extent possible↔ as she believes it could break several laws
    • OpenAI, the maker of the ChatGPT artificial intelligence tool, banned a developer account that was knowingly violating its API usage policies by impersonating an individual without consent
  • Accuracy
    • Whoever made the robocall obviously wants to hurt Joe Biden'
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title uses inflammatory language to suggest that the robocall was an attack on democracy when there is no evidence of this. Secondly, Martin Pengelly quotes Kathy Sullivan stating that she believes the call could break several laws without providing any specifics or citing any legal experts. Thirdly, the article implies that OpenAI banned a bot mimicking Dean Phillips and commissioned by a super pac supporting him when in fact OpenAI stated they removed an account for violating their API usage policies which disallow political campaigning or impersonating individuals without consent.
    • Martin Pengelly quotes Kathy Sullivan stating that she believes the call could break several laws without providing any specifics or citing any legal experts
    • The article implies that OpenAI banned a bot mimicking Dean Phillips and commissioned by a super pac supporting him when in fact OpenAI stated they removed an account for violating their API usage policies which disallow political campaigning or impersonating individuals without consent
    • The title uses inflammatory language to suggest that the robocall was an attack on democracy
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the opinions of Kathy Sullivan and a spokesperson for Dean Phillips without providing any evidence or context for their claims. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the robocall as an attack on democracy and using terms such as 'bunch of malarkey' which are not neutral in tone. The article also contains a dichotomous depiction by presenting only two options: voting for Democrats or Republicans.
    • Kathy Sullivan, a former state party chair, told NBC News that the call could break several laws.
  • Bias (85%)
    The author uses the phrase 'fake Biden' to describe a robocall that is being used by Democrats in New Hampshire. This language implies that the call is not legitimate and could be seen as an attack on Joe Biden's character. Additionally, the use of terms such as 'malarkey' and 'attack on democracy' further reinforces this idea.
    • A prominent New Hampshire Democrat wants the makers of a robocall mimicking the voice of Joe Biden
      • The call could break several laws.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • The national Democratic effort is shifting the start of the presidential nominating calendar to more diverse states, including New Hampshire.
        • Kathy Sullivan slammed the calls as 'outright election interference conducted by anti-democratic forces' in a statement Monday morning.
        • New Hampshire Attorney General John M. Formella released a statement acknowledging an investigation into the fake robocalls and saying that they appear to be an unlawful attempt to disrupt the New Hampshire Presidential Primary Election and suppress New Hampshire voters.
      • Accuracy
        • Joe Biden supporters in New Hampshire received a message imitating the voice of the president and urging them not to vote in Tuesday's primary.
        • Kathy Sullivan, a former New Hampshire Democratic chair who is helping lead the Biden write-in effort, slammed the calls as 'outright election interference conducted by anti-democratic forces' in a statement Monday morning.
      • Deception (50%)
        The article is deceptive in that it implies that the robo call was sent by President Biden himself when in fact it was not. The article also falsely states that voting on Tuesday would only enable Republicans to elect Donald Trump again and make a difference in November. This statement is misleading as there are other factors at play during an election, such as voter turnout and the actions of political parties.
        • Voting on Tuesday would only enable Republicans to elect Donald Trump again
        • The robo call was not sent by President Biden himself
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The article contains an example of a false robo call that targets Biden voters in New Hampshire. The message imitates the voice of President Joe Biden and urges them not to vote in Tuesday's primary. This is a form of election interference conducted by anti-democratic forces.
        • It’s important that you save your vote for the November election,
      • Bias (85%)
        The article contains a statement from Kathy Sullivan that the calls are 'outright election interference' conducted by 'anti-democratic forces'. This is an example of ideological bias. The author also uses language like 'suppress their participation in the upcoming New Hampshire Primary', which dehumanizes voters and implies they have no right to vote, further demonstrating a lack of respect for democratic principles.
        • The calls are 'outright election interference' conducted by 'anti-democratic forces'
          • This is an example of ideological bias.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Ahead of Tuesday's vote, Granite State Democrats are receiving messages from a voice purporting to be President Biden warning them not to go to the polls.
            • The call ends with a redirect to former New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairwoman Kathy Sullivan, who is running a super PAC dedicated to telling voters to write in Biden's name on the ballot on Tuesday.
            • Biden has yet to campaign in New Hampshire in the 2024 cycle.
            • New Hampshire refused to comply with the DNC's proposal to have South Carolina hold the first primary election Feb. 3, since Granite State law mandates that its primary precede that of all other states by at least seven days.
            • The Write-in Biden campaign has been activating grassroots organizers to tell voters to fill in Biden's name themselves in a bid to save the president from embarrassment on Tuesday at the hands of rivals Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) and Marianne Williamson.
            • Biden is averaging 62.7% support in New Hampshire, per RealClearPolitics, while Phillips has an average of 10.7%.
            • The Biden campaign condemned the messages and referred them to law enforcement.
            • Spreading disinformation to suppress voting and deliberately undermine free and fair elections will not stand, said Julie Chavez Rodriguez, campaign manager for Joe Biden-Kamala Harris.
          • Accuracy
            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
          • Deception (50%)
            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the recording of President Biden's voice is a deepfake and not an actual recording from him. Secondly, the message being conveyed by the recorded voice contradicts what President Biden has stated publicly about voting in primaries. Thirdly, there are no sources disclosed or quoted in this article to verify any information presented.
            • The recording of President Biden's voice is a deepfake and not an actual recording from him.
          • Fallacies (75%)
            The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by citing the statement of a voice purported to be President Biden. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the deepfake disinformation as 'malarkey' and 'dirty tricks'. Additionally, there is no evidence presented in the article that supports any claims made about Donald Trump being involved in these robocalls.
            • What a bunch of malarkey,
          • Bias (85%)
            The article contains a statement from the author that implies bias towards Joe Biden. The author states that the robocalls are disinformation designed to harm Joe Biden and suppress votes. This is an example of ideological bias as it suggests a particular political stance without providing evidence.
            • ]What a bunch of malarkey,[
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              The article by Diana Glebova contains multiple examples of conflicts of interest. The author has a financial stake in the deepfake controversy as she is reporting on it and may be hesitant to report negatively on the topic.
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. The article reports that Joe Biden's campaign is using robocalls to tell New Hampshire Democrats not to vote in the primary election. This could be seen as an attempt by the campaign to manipulate or suppress votes and therefore a conflict of interest for Diana Glebova, who has no disclosure about her affiliation with any political party.
                • The article reports that Joe Biden's campaign is using robocalls to tell New Hampshire Democrats not to vote in the primary election. This could be seen as an attempt by the campaign to manipulate or suppress votes and therefore a conflict of interest for Diana Glebova, who has no disclosure about her affiliation with any political party.


                • Unique Points
                  • Artificial intelligence has now entered the realm of political dirty tricks.
                  • Kathy Sullivan called the calls 'outright election interference' and an attempt to harass her
                  • Voters in New Hampshire will not be undermined by these dirty tricks. They are determined to write-in Joe Biden on Tuesday.
                • Accuracy
                  • Artificial intelligence has now entered the realm of political dirty tricks. On Sunday night, some voters in New Hampshire were hit with a fake dirty tricks robocall featuring the altered voice of President Joe Biden recommending voters skip the primary on Tuesday and save their votes for the general election.
                  • Kathy Sullivan, former chairwoman of New Hampshire Democratic Party and member of state's Ballot Law Commission, called the calls 'outright election interference' and an attempt to harass her
                  • No Endorsement From State Employees: The SEA/SEIU 1984, one of the largest unions in the state, is not offering an endorsement for the primary.
                • Deception (80%)
                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that it will be discussing a fake call made to voters in New Hampshire during the primary election. However, upon reading further into the article, it becomes clear that this was not actually a real robocall and there were no calls made to voters at all.
                  • The recording stated “What a bunch of malarky,” which implies that President Biden is endorsing candidates in New Hampshire when he has already stated his intention not to run for president.
                  • The title of the article implies that it will be discussing a fake call made to voters in New Hampshire during the primary election. However, upon reading further into the article, it becomes clear that this was not actually a real robocall and there were no calls made to voters at all.
                • Fallacies (85%)
                  The article contains an example of a false dilemma fallacy. The author presents the idea that voters have to choose between skipping the primary and saving their vote for the general election as if they are mutually exclusive options when in fact, there may be other choices available.
                  • > What a bunch of malarky,'
                  • It is important that you save your vote for the general election. Voting this Tuesday only enables the Republicans to elect Donald Trump again.
                • Bias (85%)
                  The article contains a statement from the author that implies bias towards President Joe Biden and his write-in effort in New Hampshire. The author states that “it is important that you save your vote for the general election” and “voting this Tuesday only enables the Republicans to elect Donald Trump again.” This statement implies a bias towards Biden's candidacy and against other candidates running in New Hampshire. Additionally, the article mentions that some voters received a fake robocall featuring an altered voice of President Joe Biden recommending them to skip the primary on Tuesday and vote for him in the general election. The author also states that Kathy Sullivan, former chairwoman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party and member of Ballot Law Commission, was given out her personal cellphone number at the end of call which is an attempt to harass her. This statement implies a bias towards Biden's campaign and against other candidates running in New Hampshire.
                  • The author states that “it is important that you save your vote for the general election”
                    • The author states that “voting this Tuesday only enables the Republicans to elect Donald Trump again.”
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      Tony Schinella has a financial tie to the New Hampshire Democratic Party as he is an active member of the party. He also has personal relationships with Kathy Sullivan and Joe Biden, which could affect his objectivity in reporting on topics related to them.
                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                        The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of political dirty tricks as they are reporting on an alleged fake call made to a write-in effort for Joe Biden. The article also mentions Kathy Sullivan and the Ballot Law Commission which could be seen as having professional affiliations with anti-democratic forces.