Daily puzzle game attracts dedicated following of puzzle fans and solvers
Game offers unique twist: find theme words and spangram with common link
New word search game, Strands, officially added to NYT Games app
Objective: find theme words and spangram touching opposite sides of board
Strands, a new word search game from The New York Times, has been officially added to the NYT Games app on iOS and Android. The game was in beta testing since March and gained millions of players despite being hidden from the public. Strands offers a fresh take on word searches with its unique twist that challenges solvers to find theme words that all have something in common and a spangram that describes what they have in common.
The objective of Strands is to find theme words and the spangram, which must touch two opposite sides of the game board. Finding three words not part of the theme will unlock hints and help players uncover more theme words. Players can connect letters vertically, horizontally, and diagonally.
Strands was first introduced during an annual event called Game Jam, where members of the Games team gather to explore ideas for new games. The game followed the proven in-house development process to deliver a clean, elegant user experience with content crafted by experienced award-winning NYT Games puzzle creators Tracy Bennett and Jonathan Knight.
The daily puzzle game has attracted a dedicated following of puzzle fans and solvers who enjoy anagrams or games like Boggle and Scrabble. Strands is currently the third most searched game on The New York Times, with 83% of players finding the spangram each day and a completion rate around 81%, similar to Mini Crossword and Tiles.
The introduction of Strands to The Times' portfolio of games further solidifies its commitment to delivering diverse, quality, and human-crafted puzzle games for all skill levels that everyone can enjoy playing every day.
Strands was in testing phase for four months and gained millions of players despite being hidden
Strands will be added to the Times’ Games app, exposing it to millions of new players
During testing phase, Strands was only playable on web or via links from other games
Strands is organized by a 6-by-8 grid of seemingly random letters with a category hint on the top, players have to find several words relating to the theme and the ‘spanagram’
Strands players find the Spangram in their puzzles 81% of the time, with an 81% completion rate.
The New York Times currently has over 10.6 million digital-only subscribers and its games have been played over 8 billion times last year
Games have helped the Times boost revenue beyond advertising with digital subscriptions crossing $1 billion for the first time in 2023