Nintendo Drops Twitter Integration on Switch: A Cost-Effective Move Amidst Significant API Fee Hikes

United States of America
Facebook integration remains available on Nintendo Switch.
Impacted games include Splatoon 3 and Splatoon 2, where players can no longer post images via mailbox in Inkopolis Square or Inkopolis Plaza.
Microsoft and Sony had already removed Twitter integration from their platforms last year due to similar reasons.
Nintendo is ending Twitter integration on Nintendo Switch effective June 10, 2024.
Twitter raised significant API fees, making it unaffordable for Nintendo and other companies to continue using the service.
Users will no longer be able to upload screenshots or videos directly from their Switch to Twitter or find friend suggestions using their Twitter login.
Nintendo Drops Twitter Integration on Switch: A Cost-Effective Move Amidst Significant API Fee Hikes

Nintendo is ending its integration with Twitter for the Nintendo Switch platform effective June 10, 2024. This decision comes after Twitter raised its API fees significantly, making it unaffordable for Nintendo and other major companies to continue using the service. As a result, users will no longer be able to upload screenshots or videos directly from their Switch to Twitter or find friend suggestions using their Twitter login.

The removal of this feature impacts various aspects of the Nintendo Switch experience. For instance, in Splatoon 3 and Splatoon 2, players will no longer be able to post images via the mailbox in Inkopolis Square or Inkopolis Plaza. Instead, images will be sent directly to Nintendo servers.

Microsoft and Sony had already removed Twitter integration from their platforms last year due to similar reasons. The increased API fees have forced companies to reconsider their partnerships with Twitter, leading to a decline in the social media platform's relevance for gaming communities.

Nintendo has not provided any further explanation for this decision beyond stating that it will no longer support Twitter integration on the Switch. However, Facebook integration remains available and may continue to be supported in the future.



  • Are there any other social media platforms that may be affected by similar API fee hikes in the future?
  • Is there any official statement from Nintendo regarding the reason for ending Twitter integration?



  • Unique Points
    • Nintendo is ending direct integration with Elon Musk’s Twitter, starting on June 10.
    • Twitter’s cheapest Enterprise API plan reportedly starts at $42,000 monthly; higher tiers can cost $125,000 and $210,000 per month.
  • Accuracy
    • Twitter’s cheapest Enterprise API plan reportedly starts at $42,000 monthly; higher tiers can cost $125,000 and $210,00 other sources have mentioned the price increase but not the exact figures.
    • Microsoft led the charge in abandoning Twitter’s API plan in April 23.
    • Nintendo says integrated Facebook sharing is still enabled but could be discontinued later.
  • Deception (0%)
    The article contains editorializing and emotional manipulation. The author uses the term 'Nazi-curious platform' to describe Twitter, implying that it has a negative connotation. The author also uses the term 'Orwellian response' to describe Twitter's statement, which is an emotional manipulation intended to elicit a negative reaction from readers.
    • Of course, you can still post Switch screenshots to Musk’s hellscape; it just has extra steps now.
    • The Mario maker said on Wednesday that starting on June 10, direct integration from the Switch’s image album to Elon Musk’s Nazi-curious platform will no longer work.
    • X’s official gaming account posted a bizarre, downright Orwellian response that ignores its central role in the Mario maker’s exit.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Elon Musk charged vast amounts of money for Twitter’s API access leading to major firms dropping integration.
    • Nintendo gave no reason for the decision in their announcement.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (5%)
    The article contains editorializing and emotional manipulation. The author expresses their disdain for Elon Musk and Twitter, using derogatory terms such as 'hellsite' and 'literally Nazis'. They also express their opinion that Twitter is becoming less relevant due to the API fee. These are not facts but rather the author's opinions.
    • It’s worth knowing you can just connect your Switch to your PC via USB, open it as a hard drive, and drag and drop them across.
    • Elon Musk continues to run X (formerly Twitter) in a variety of questionable ways, and surely one of the oddest is the decision to charge vast amounts of money for access to the site’s API.
  • Fallacies (90%)
    The author makes several statements about Elon Musk and Twitter's decision to charge for API access, but does not provide any fallacious reasoning or arguments. The author also provides context and information about the impact of this decision on Nintendo Switch users. However, there are a few instances of inflammatory rhetoric towards Elon Musk and Twitter, which lowers the score slightly.
    • ][Xformerlytwitter] is dedicated to enhancing and supporting gaming-related features, so here’s one that’s being switched off. Um.[/]
    • [Twitter] has seen a 15 percent worldwide drop in users since Musk was forced to buy the company a year ago as a punishment for his own hubris.
  • Bias (95%)
    The author expresses a clear dislike for Elon Musk and X (formerly Twitter) throughout the article. The author uses derogatory language such as 'hellsite' and 'literally Nazis' to describe X. The author also expresses approval when major companies abandon integration with X due to its API pricing.
    • Elon Musk continues to run X (formerally Twitter) in a variety of questionable ways, and surely one of the oddest is the decision to charge vast amounts of money for access to the site’s API.
      • It’s worth knowing you can just connect your Switch to your PC via USB, open it as a hard drive, and drag and drop them across.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Nintendo announced it will be ending integration for Twitter as well as the ability to send friend requests to friends on social media from in the Nintendo Switch friend suggestions feature on June 10.
        • , The ability to post screenshots and videos to Twitter from the Album in the Nintendo Switch HOME Menu will no longer be available.
        • Posting features in the Nintendo Switch title Splatoon 3 will be adjusted: users can make posts without one of the social media accounts, but images posted by players younger than 13 will not be visible to other players.
        • The feature for sending friend requests to social media friends via the Friend Suggestions menu on My Page, in the Nintendo Switch HOME Menu, will no longer be available. Users can still use friend suggestions from smart devices, Nintendo 3DS, and Wii U.
        • Twitter charged companies nearly $40,000 more per month to access Twitter’s API which is needed for integration.
      • Accuracy
        • , Elon Musk charged vast amounts of money for Twitter’s API access leading to major firms dropping integration.
        • As of June 10, 2024, it will no longer be possible to post screenshots and videos to Twitter from the Nintendo Switch’s Album or send friend requests via the Friend Suggestions feature.
        • Twitter raised prices drastically for various companies in 2023, leading to PlayStation and Xbox removing native video and image posting capabilities.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Nintendo is removing the integration of X (formerly Twitter) from Switch, Switch Lite, and Switch OLED platforms.
        • The removal will occur on June 10th.
        • Users will no longer be able to upload screenshots from the console to their social media accounts or send friend requests via Nintendo Switch friend suggestions feature.
      • Accuracy
        • Twitter’s cheapest Enterprise API plan reportedly starts at $42,000 monthly; higher tiers can cost $125,000 and $210,000 per month.
        • Microsoft led the charge in abandoning Twitter’s API plan in April 2023, while Sony held out until November.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The article contains an appeal to authority and a potential dichotomous depiction. It mentions Nintendo's removal of X (formerly Twitter) integration from their Switch platforms without providing an explicit reason, which could imply a dichotomous view on the issue. Additionally, it references X's increased API costs as a possible reason for the change, citing other companies that have removed similar features due to these costs.
        • . . .the console has had the ability to easily post images to Twitter by linking one's personal account.
        • Nintendo says that it will continue to support this feature for Facebook, although it too might "be discontinued at a later date."
        • This led to both PlayStation and Xbox removing the ability to post videos and images to X natively, and now Nintendo has done the same.
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Nintendo Switch owners will no longer be able to upload images and videos directly to social media platform X as of 10th June.
        • You’ll also no longer be able to find friend suggestions using your X login.
        • Changes specific to certain games include the ability to post Smash Bros. Ultimate screenshots to the Nintendo Switch Online app’s Smash World section, which will become unavailable.
        • Images posted via Splatoon 3’s mailbox in Inkopolis square will be sent to Nintendo servers. Posting images to Splatoon 2’s mailbox will no longer be possible.
      • Accuracy
        • Nintendo follows other companies such as Microsoft and Sony in removing X posting from their devices
      • Deception (80%)
        The author quotes X's statements without explicitly stating whether they are deceptive or not. However, the article does contain some elements of deception: selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The article only reports on the negative aspects of X removing support for posting to their platform from Nintendo Switch, while failing to mention that this change was likely due to X's new monetization policies which led many companies and users to abandon the platform. Additionally, the author uses phrases like 'Our partnership with Nintendo remains strong,' and 'We are working together to ensure a smooth transition for all users,' which could be seen as attempts at emotional manipulation by making it seem like everything is fine between X and Nintendo despite the removal of this feature.
        • Nintendo follows other companies such as Microsoft and Sony in removing X posting from their devices, after the Elon Musk-run social network began charging around $42k (around ₤33k) a month to access its posting services.
        • The gaming community is one of the largest and most vibrant communities on our platform, and we are dedicated to enhancing and supporting gaming-related features.
        • We will continue collaborating with partners to bring new and exciting experiences to our global gaming community.
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The article contains a few informal fallacies and an example of inflammatory rhetoric. It also uses a quote out of context to create a dichotomous depiction.
        • . . . Nintendo follows other companies such as Microsoft and Sony in removing X posting from their devices, after the Elon Musk-run social network began charging around $42k (around £33k) a month to access its posting services.
        • PlayStation ditched direct posting to X in November last year, following Xbox’s removal of integration with the social network in April 2023.
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication