OpenAI CEO Sam Altman sued by Elon Musk for betraying founding aims of benefiting humanity over profits

San Francisco, California United States of America
Elon Musk sued OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman over what he says is a betrayal of the ChatGPT maker's founding aims of benefiting humanity rather than pursuing profits.
Under its founding agreement, OpenAI would also make its code open to the public instead of walling it off for any private company's gains. However, by embracing a close relationship with Microsoft, OpenAI and its top executives have set that pact 'aflame' and are 'perverting' their original mission.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman sued by Elon Musk for betraying founding aims of benefiting humanity over profits

Elon Musk sued OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman over what he says is a betrayal of the ChatGPT maker's founding aims of benefiting humanity rather than pursuing profits. Under its founding agreement, OpenAI would also make its code open to the public instead of walling it off for any private company's gains. However, by embracing a close relationship with Microsoft, OpenAI and its top executives have set that pact 'aflame' and are 'perverting' their original mission.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Elon Musk sued OpenAI and its chief executive, Sam Altman, for breach of contract on Thursday.
    • Microsoft is turning its research lab's claims that GPT-4 showed 'sparks' of A.G.I into a weapon against OpenAI in Musk's lawsuit.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in that it presents a false narrative about Elon Musk's lawsuit against OpenAI and its chief executive. The author cites Microsoft as evidence of OpenAI's backtracking on commitments not to commercialize truly powerful products. However, the paper cited by the author does not support this claim. In fact, it states that Microsoft researchers do not understand how GPT-4 has shown sparks of artificial general intelligence (A.G.I.), and therefore cannot make a definitive statement about its capabilities.
    • The article cites a paper from Microsoft's research lab as evidence of OpenAI's backtracking on commitments not to commercialize truly powerful products.
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by citing a paper from Microsoft as evidence in Elon Musk's lawsuit against OpenAI. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the power of GPT-4 and how it has shown sparks of artificial general intelligence.
    • He repeatedly cited a contentious but highly influential paper written by researchers and top executives at Microsoft about the power of GPT-4,
    • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the power of GPT-4 and how it has shown sparks of artificial general intelligence.
  • Bias (85%)
    The author cites a paper from Microsoft that is highly influential in the field of Artificial General Intelligence. The paper claims that GPT-4 showed sparks of A.G.I., which is a bold claim and came as big tech companies were racing to introduce AI into their own products.
    • Microsoft’s research lab said that though it didn't understand how “ GPT-4 had shown “sparks” of “artificial general intelligence,휼 or A.G.I., a machine that can do everything the human brain can do.
      • Mr. Musk is turning the paper against OpenAI, saying it showed how OpenAI backtracked on its commitments not to commercialize truly powerful products.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Elon Musk and OpenAI as they are both involved in lawsuits against each other. The article also mentions Microsoft's research lab which is another potential source of bias.


        • Unique Points
          • Elon Musk sued OpenAI for breaching the terms of its founding agreement and violating its founding principles.
          • OpenAI was established as a nonprofit that would build powerful A.I. systems for the good of humanity and give its research away freely to the public.
          • Mr. Musk argues that OpenAI broke this promise by starting a for-profit subsidiary that took on billions of dollars in investments from Microsoft.
        • Accuracy
          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
        • Deception (30%)
          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author presents Elon Musk's lawsuit against OpenAI as a case of sour grapes when it is not entirely clear that this was the motivation behind his complaint. Secondly, the article quotes Jason Kwon from OpenAI denying Mr. Musk's claims without providing any evidence to support their position or disclosing sources for their information.
          • The author presents Elon Musk's lawsuit against OpenAI as a case of sour grapes when it is not entirely clear that this was the motivation behind his complaint.
        • Fallacies (75%)
          The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by citing Elon Musk's complaint against OpenAI without providing any evidence or context for his claims. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the lawsuit as a case of sour grapes and personal beef between Mr. Musk and OpenAI, which may sway readers' opinions without presenting all relevant information.
          • The claim centers on a term known as A.G.I., or “artificial general intelligence.” Defining what constitutes A.G.I. is notoriously tricky, although most people would agree that it means an A’I system that can do most or all things that the human brain can do.
          • Mr. Altman has defined A“gi as “the equivalent of a median human that you could hire as a co-worker,” while OpenAI itself defines A“gi as “la highly autonomous system that outperforms humans at most economically valuable work.”
        • Bias (80%)
          The author of the article is Kevin Roose and he has a clear bias towards Elon Musk. The author uses language that dehumanizes OpenAI by referring to it as an entity that can be hired as a co-worker which implies they are not capable of independent thought or decision making. Additionally, the author quotes Jason Kwon, the chief strategy officer at OpenAI who denies Mr. Musk's claims and says he believes the lawsuit may stem from Elon's regrets about not being involved with the company today.
          • Jason Kwon, the chief strategy officer at OpenAI denied Mr. Musk's claims and said he believes the lawsuit may stem from Elon's regrets about not being involved with the company today.
            • The claim centers on a term known as A.G.I., or “artificial general intelligence.” Defining what constitutes A.G.I. is notoriously tricky, although most people would agree that it means an A❌-T㥞i system that can do most or all things that the human brain can do.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              Kevin Roose has a financial stake in OpenAI as he is an investor and board member of the company. This could potentially compromise his ability to report on the topic objectively.
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                Kevin Roose has a conflict of interest on the topics of Elon Musk and OpenAI as he is an investor in both companies.


                • Unique Points
                  • Elon Musk is suing OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman over what he says is a betrayal of the ChatGPT maker's founding aims of benefiting humanity rather than pursuing profits.
                  • Under its founding agreement, OpenAI would also make its code open to the public instead of walling it off for any private company's gains.
                • Accuracy
                  • When Elon Musk bankrolled OpenAI's creation, he secured an agreement with Altman and Greg Brockman to keep the AI company as a nonprofit that would develop technology for the benefit of public.
                • Deception (80%)
                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that OpenAI was founded as a nonprofit with the goal of benefiting humanity. However, this statement is misleading because OpenAI has since become a closed-source subsidiary of Microsoft and its primary focus now is on developing AGI to maximize profits for Microsoft rather than for the benefit of humanity.
                  • OpenAI was founded as a nonprofit with the goal of benefiting humanity. However, this statement is misleading because OpenAI has since become a closed-source subsidiary of Microsoft and its primary focus now is on developing AGI to maximize profits for Microsoft rather than for the benefit of humanity.
                  • The article states that Musk resigned from the board in early 2018 to prevent conflicts of interest as he was recruiting AI talent to build self-driving technology at Tesla. However, this statement is misleading because Musk continued donating to OpenAI after resigning and had disagreements with its direction.
                  • The article states that the nonprofit board abruptly fired Altman as CEO late last year for reasons that still haven't been fully disclosed. However, this statement is misleading because Microsoft helped drive the push that brought Altman back as CEO and led most of the old board to resign.
                  • The article states that under its founding agreement, OpenAI would also make its code open to the public instead of walling it off for any private company's gains. However, this statement is misleading because OpenAI has since become a closed-source subsidiary of Microsoft and does not make its code publicly available.
                • Fallacies (85%)
                  The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Elon Musk is suing OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman over what he says is a betrayal of the ChatGPT maker's founding aims of benefiting humanity rather than pursuing profits. However, this statement does not provide any evidence or support for Musk's claims. The author also uses an informal fallacy by stating that OpenAI has been transformed into a closed-source de facto subsidiary of Microsoft and is refining AGI to maximize profits for the company rather than benefiting humanity, but this statement does not provide any evidence or support for these claims. Additionally, the author uses a dichotomous depiction by stating that OpenAI was founded as a nonprofit research laboratory with an agreement to keep it open and accessible to the public, but now it is being used solely for profit by Microsoft. This creates a false binary between benefiting humanity and pursuing profits.
                  • The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Elon Musk is suing OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman over what he says is a betrayal of the ChatGPT maker's founding aims of benefiting humanity rather than pursuing profits. However, this statement does not provide any evidence or support for Musk's claims.
                  • The author uses an informal fallacy by stating that OpenAI has been transformed into a closed-source de facto subsidiary of Microsoft and is refining AGI to maximize profits for the company rather than benefiting humanity, but this statement does not provide any evidence or support for these claims.
                • Bias (85%)
                  The article clearly demonstrates a bias towards Elon Musk and his claims against OpenAI. The author repeatedly quotes Musk's statements without providing any counter-arguments or evidence to refute them. Additionally, the language used in the article is highly sensationalized and inflammatory, with phrases such as 'betrayal of its goal', 'perverting its mission', and 'establishing his own place in history'. The author also uses loaded words like 'founding role' to make Musk seem more important than he actually is. Furthermore, the article presents only one side of the story without providing any context or background information on OpenAI or its relationship with Microsoft.
                  • The article repeatedly quotes Elon Musk's statements without providing any counter-arguments or evidence to refute them.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication