OpenAI's New GPT-4o: Revolutionizing AI with Human-Like Conversations and Multimodal Capabilities

San Francisco, California, California, USA United States of America
GPT-4o is expected to make ChatGPT more intelligent and user-friendly with real-time spoken conversations and interactions using text and vision
Multimodal models like GPT-4o will change the way we work in various industries, with potential impacts on manual and computer workers alike
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman described the new voice mode as the best computer interface he has ever used
OpenAI has unveiled its latest language model, GPT-4o
OpenAI remains committed to developing safe and beneficial AI, but concerns about societal norms have been raised regarding its new flirtatious responses and sultry female voice
OpenAI's New GPT-4o: Revolutionizing AI with Human-Like Conversations and Multimodal Capabilities

OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research laboratory, has recently unveiled its latest language model, GPT-4o. This new model is expected to make ChatGPT more intelligent and user-friendly than ever before. According to OpenAI executives, ChatGPT will soon be capable of real-time spoken conversations and interactions using text and vision.

The announcement came with a series of demonstrations that showcased the AI's ability to speak in human-like voices, sing parts of responses, and even discuss images. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman described the new voice mode as the best computer interface he has ever used, comparing it to AI from movies.

However, some experts have raised concerns about the potential impact of such advanced AI on various industries and jobs. Maribel Lopez, an AI analyst from Lopez Research, stated that multimodal models like GPT-4o will change the way we work in various industries. While manual workers such as electricians and plumbers can use multimodal AI to make their jobs easier, computer workers may need to adapt their skillsets as AI takes over certain tasks.

Despite these concerns, OpenAI remains committed to developing safe and beneficial AI. The company did not acknowledge potential risks during its demo but emphasized its dedication to creating technology that will have a positive impact on society.

The new ChatGPT model is available for free, meaning anyone can access OpenAI's most advanced technology through the platform. However, some users have noted that the AI's flirtatious responses and sultry female voice may raise ethical concerns. The mass production of such a voice raises questions about reinforcing patriarchal gender norms and perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

As OpenAI continues to develop its technology, it is essential to consider the potential implications for various industries, jobs, and societal norms. It remains to be seen how this new AI model will impact our daily lives and what steps we can take to ensure that the benefits outweigh any potential risks.



  • The article mentions some concerns about the potential impact of GPT-4o on various industries and jobs, but it does not provide specific examples or data to support these claims.
  • The article states that OpenAI remains committed to developing safe and beneficial AI, but it does not mention any specific measures or initiatives the company has taken in this regard.



  • Unique Points
    • OpenAI marketed GPT-4o as a flirty, female companion.
    • During demonstrations, GPT-4o made overtly provocative comments towards users.
    • The mass production of GPT-4o’s flirty female voice raises questions about reinforcing patriarchal gender norms.
  • Accuracy
    • ]OpenAI marketed GPT-4o as a flirty, female companion.[
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The author focuses on the flirty and obedient female voice of OpenAI's new chatbot, GPT-4o, implying that it is a problematic development. The author also uses emotionally charged language such as 'creepy', 'prone to projecting sentience onto the chatbot', and 'reinforcing patriarchal gender norms'. These emotional appeals are intended to manipulate the reader's emotions and create a negative perception of OpenAI's new technology.
    • It's all a little creepy, and it raises questions about whether the development of this kind of technology will prey on human vulnerabilities and reinforce some of our worst instincts as a society.
    • Those might’ve been the expectations male executives had of their personal assistants in the 1950s, but it’s not where we’re at as a society today.
    • The voice technology is shockingly sophisticated it responds to user speech by convincingly mimicking the speed, emotional inflections and idiomatic language of a human.
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The author makes an appeal to emotion by describing the chatbot's interactions as 'creepy' and 'overtly provocative', and raises questions about the potential negative consequences of the technology without providing any concrete evidence or logical reasoning. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by labeling OpenAI's marketing of GPT-4o as a flirty, female companion as 'insidiously reinforcing patriarchal gender norms'.
    • It's all a little creepy, and it raises questions about whether the development of this kind of technology will prey on human vulnerabilities and reinforce some of our worst instincts as a society.
    • Those might’ve been the expectations male executives had of their personal assistants in the 1950s, but it’s not where we’re at as a society today.
  • Bias (0%)
    The author expresses a clear bias against OpenAI's new chatbot being marketed as a flirty and obedient female companion. The author uses language that depicts the chatbot as reinforcing patriarchal gender norms and exploiting human vulnerabilities.
    • It's all a little creepy, and it raises questions about whether the development of this kind of technology will prey on human vulnerabilities and reinforce some of our worst instincts as a society.
      • those might’ve been the expectations male executives had of their personal assistants in the 1950s, but it’s not where we’re at as a society today.
        • We should be wary of the kinds of fantasies OpenAI wants to nurture – and question whether they’re really taking us forward.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • OpenAI has launched a new ChatGPT app for MacOS, with a Windows app coming later this year.
          • The desktop app for MacOS is available to use right now for Plus subscribers.
          • To use the ChatGPT app on MacOS, you need an OpenAI account with a ChatGPT Plus subscription and a MacBook or Mac desktop computer with MacOS 14 and Apple Silicon (M1 or better).
          • The most useful feature of the desktop app is that you can access it anytime by pressing Option + Space Bar, which pulls up a text bar to enter a prompt, no matter what app you use.
          • OpenAI plans to roll out the new Voice Mode gradually, beginning with ChatGPT Plus subscribers.
        • Accuracy
          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Bias (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • ChatGPT now has a sultry female voice that can mimic human emotions and experiences.
          • Google's AI assistant adopts a more restrained and robotic tone compared to ChatGPT.
          • OpenAI did not acknowledge potential risks during its demo but mentioned its commitment to developing safe and beneficial AI.
        • Accuracy
          • OpenAI presented an updated version of ChatGPT named GPT-4o, which is better at handling visual and auditory input.
          • Google also showcased a more capable prototype AI assistant called Project Astra during Google I/O.
        • Deception (30%)
          The article uses emotional manipulation by describing ChatGPT's new 'personality' as having a 'sultry female voice', which is reminiscent of Scarlett Johansson and uses the term 'flirtatious responses'. The author also expresses concern about the potential for these AI helpers to push people's emotional buttons, amplify their ability to persuade, and become habit-forming over time.
          • OpenAI did not immediately return a request for comment, but the company says that its governing charter commits requires it to 'prioritize the development of safe and beneficial AI.' It certainly seems worth pausing to consider the implications of deceptively lifelike computer interfaces that peer into our daily lives.
          • The author expresses concern about companies using flirtatious bots to sell their wares, politicians seeing them as a way to sway the masses, and criminals adapting them to supercharge new scams.
          • The upgraded chatbot spoke with a sultry female voice that struck many as reminiscent of Scarlett Johansson
        • Fallacies (80%)
          The author makes an appeal to authority by mentioning the technical paper released by Google DeepMind and quoting Demis Hassabis. He also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the potential misuse of emotionally expressive chatbots, such as 'companies will surely want to use flirtatious bots to sell their wares' and 'politicians will likely see them as a way to sway the masses'.
          • It argues that more AI assistants designed to act in human-like ways could cause all sorts of problems, ranging from new privacy risks and new forms of technological addiction to more powerful means of misinformation and manipulation.
          • When I spoke with Demis Hassabis, the executive leading Google’s AI charge, ahead of Google’s event, he said the research paper was inspired by the possibilities raised by Project Astra.
          • Companies will surely want to use flirtatious bots to sell their wares
          • politicians will likely see them as a way to sway the masses
        • Bias (80%)
          The author expresses concern about the potential for emotionally expressive chatbots to manipulate and mislead users, but also acknowledges the benefits of such technology. However, he uses language that depicts these chatbots as potentially dangerous and even malicious ('deceptively lifike computer interfaces that peer into our daily lives', 'companies will surely want to use flirtatious bots to sell their wares', 'politicians will likely see them as a way to sway the masses', 'criminals will of course also adapt them to supercharge new scams'). This language could be seen as reflecting a bias against these chatbots and an assumption that they are inherently harmful.
          • companies will surely want to use flirtatious bots to sell their wares
            • criminals will of course also adapt them to supercharge new scams
              • politicians will likely see them as a way to sway the masses
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • GPT-4o is a new multimodal AI model developed by OpenAI that can input and output a combination of text, audio, and images.
                • Maribel Lopez, an AI analyst from Lopez Research, stated that multimodal models like GPT-4o will change the way we work in various industries.
                • Manual workers such as electricians and plumbers can use multimodal AI to make their jobs easier but won’t be replaced by it.
                • AI is expected to impact jobs involving data, like supply chains and finance, with around 20-30% of tasks completed by computer workers being offset by AI.
                • Computer workers may need to adapt their skillsets as AI takes over certain tasks, rather than facing unemployment.
              • Accuracy
                No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
              • Deception (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Fallacies (85%)
                The article contains some inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. It also presents a dichotomous depiction of the impact of AI on different types of jobs. No specific formal fallacies were found.
                • . . . GPT-4o, the company's newest multimodal model, can input and output a combination of text, audio, and images. The technology represents a major advancement of the artificial intelligence of the recent past.
                • OpenAI announced the model in a series of demo videos on Monday . . .
                • It's too early to predict how exactly the model will disrupt the workforce, but Maribel Lopez, an AI analyst who founded the research and strategy consulting firm Lopez Research, said GPT-4o and other multimodal models would inevitably change the way we work.
                • Lopez said . . . But it won't replace them because they have to be there to do it.
              • Bias (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • OpenAI has announced its latest artificial intelligence large language model, GPT-4o.
                • The new model will make ChatGPT smarter and easier to use.
                • ChatGPT will become a digital personal assistant capable of real-time, spoken conversations and interactions using text and vision.
                • OpenAI executives demonstrated ChatGPT's ability to speak in a natural, human-sounding voice, a robot voice, and even sing part of a response. It can also look at an image of a chart and discuss it.
                • OpenAI CEO Sam Altman described the new voice (and video) mode as the best computer interface he's ever used, likening it to AI from movies.
              • Accuracy
                • ]OpenAI has announced its latest artificial intelligence large language model, GPT-4o.[
                • GPT-4o is an update from the previous GPT-4 model.
                • OpenAI executives demonstrated ChatGPT’s ability to speak in a natural, human-sounding voice, a robot voice, and even sing part of a response. It can also look at an image of a chart and discuss it.
                • OpenAI will launch a ChatGPT desktop app with GPT-4o capabilities and make its GPT store available to developers, including non-paying users.
              • Deception (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Fallacies (95%)
                The author makes several statements about the new GPT-4o model from OpenAI without committing any logical fallacies. She reports facts about the new features of the model and its availability to a wider audience. However, there is an instance of an appeal to authority when she mentions that 'OpenAI executives demonstrated a spoken conversation with ChatGPT' and quotes them as experts on the capabilities of their own product. This does not significantly impact the overall score as it only constitutes one minor fallacy.
                • The interaction becomes much more natural and far, far easier.
                • ChatGPT was able to speak in a natural, human-sounding voice, as well as a robot voice
                • OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said in a blog post following the announcement.
              • Bias (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication