Over 100 Arrested at US College Campuses: Pro-Palestinian Protests Intensify Amidst Allegations of Antisemitism and University Silence

Los Angeles, California, California United States of America
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt: Students barricaded inside building for third day, campus shut down through weekend
Over 100 arrests at US college campuses during Pro-Palestinian protests
Protests led to arrests of students at multiple campuses across the US
Some Jewish students report antisemitic hate speech during protests
University of Southern California: Over 35 protesters arrested after scuffle with law enforcement
University of Texas at Austin: At least 20 people arrested, including a photojournalist from Fox 7 Austin
Over 100 Arrested at US College Campuses: Pro-Palestinian Protests Intensify Amidst Allegations of Antisemitism and University Silence

Protests against the ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Palestine have intensified on college campuses across the United States, resulting in numerous arrests. On April 24, 2024, over 35 pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested at the University of Southern California (USC) after a scuffle with law enforcement. The protests were in response to Israel's actions following Hamas attacks on October 7, which resulted in over 34,000 deaths in Gaza according to its health ministry. Some students felt intimidated by the protesters and reported antisemitic hate speech.

University of Southern California President Carol Folt has remained silent about the protests and arrests on campus. Asna Tabassum, a student, believes this decision impedes on her freedom of expression. Tensions were sparked after Hamas attacks in October 2021 and have led to protests at various universities nationwide.

At least 20 people were arrested at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) on April 24, including a photojournalist from Fox 7 Austin. Hundreds of students protested against the conflict in Gaza and demanded university divestment from companies manufacturing machinery used in Israel's war efforts.

Elsewhere, students were barricaded inside a building for a third day at California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt. The school shut down campus through the weekend and made classes virtual. Students are demanding that their schools sever financial ties to Israel and companies involved in the conflict.

The protests have led to arrests of students at multiple campuses across the US, with some charged with trespassing or disorderly conduct. Some Jewish students say the protests have veered into antisemitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus.

Tensions escalated last week when police tried to clear a major encampment at Columbia University and arrested over 100 protesters. The move backfired, acting as an inspiration for a wave of similar encampments and motivating protesters at Columbia to regroup.



  • It is unclear if all arrested students were charged with antisemitic hate speech.
  • The number of deaths reported by the Gaza health ministry may not be accurate.



  • Unique Points
    • Hundreds of students walked out of class to rally for Palestine and attempt to occupy the South Lawn on campus
    • President Joe Biden signed a bill granting over $26 billion in aid to Israel, including humanitarian relief for citizens of Gaza and replenishing Israel’s missile defense systems
  • Accuracy
    • More than 30 people were arrested during protests on the University of Texas at Austin campus on April 24, 2024.
    • At least 20 people were arrested at the University of Texas at Austin on April 24, 2024.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports on the arrests made during the Palestine protest and does not mention any arrests or actions taken against pro-Israel students. The article also uses emotional manipulation by quoting rally attendees who express strong opinions about the situation in Palestine and Israel, which can evoke emotions in readers. Lastly, there is a lie by omission as the article fails to mention that UT Austin had given permission for the protest to take place on campus but only mentioned their intention to disrupt campus operations.
    • Hundreds of students walked out of class on Wednesday, April 24 to rally for Palestine and attempt to occupy the South Lawn on campus.
    • They’re getting arrested for just their support, and they’re not even really doing anything in their presence, they’re trying to get people afraid, but our strength, our strength is in numbers and what we’re seeing right now is that everyone’s grouping together for one cause.
    • UT Austin said that any attempt to hold the event would subject the PSC and its members to discipline, including suspension, and anyone who attended not affiliated with the University would be directed to leave campus. Refusal to comply may end in the individual being arrested.
    • More than 30 people were arrested, including a FOX 7 Austin photographer, by law enforcement on the University of Texas at Austin campus on Wednesday, April 24 during protests.
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to emotion from the protesters. However, no formal or informal logical fallacies were found in the author's statements.
    • ]People are so afraid about hearing the truth about what's happening in Palestine that they're willing to violently repress peaceful student protesters who want to use their campuses for learning and for expression[
    • The University of Texas has shown that they do not care about student free speech at all, they sent in multiple police agencies to oppress people, arrest organizers
  • Bias (80%)
    The article reports on a protest at the University of Texas Austin where over 30 people were arrested during protests for Palestine. The author uses quotes from protesters expressing their support for Palestine and calling for an end to the occupation of Palestine. While there is no explicit bias in the author's words, they do use language that could be perceived as sympathetic towards the protesters and critical of law enforcement actions. Additionally, there are multiple quotes from protesters expressing their views on the situation in Palestine and their reasons for protesting. This disproportionately represents one side of the issue without providing equal representation or counter-arguments from those who support Israel.
    • Hundreds of students walked out of class on Wednesday, April 24 to rally for Palestine and attempt to occupy the South Lawn on campus.
      • People are so afraid about hearing the truth about what's happening in Palestine that they're willing to violently repress peaceful student protesters who want to use their campuses for learning and for expression.
        • They're getting arrested for just their support, and they're not even really doing anything in their presence, they're trying to get people afraid, but our strength, our strength is in numbers and what we're seeing right now is that everyone's grouping together for one cause.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • >34,262 Palestinians have been killed since October 7, when Hamas attacked southern Israel
          • >1,139 people killed and dozens taken captive by Hamas fighters in Israeli attacks on Gaza
          • >House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested bringing in National Guard and police arrested dozens of students at University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) and University of Southern California (USC)
          • >Students at Harvard University and Brown University also set up encampments in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza
          • >Movement calls for universities to cut financial ties to Israel and divest from companies enabling Israeli war in Gaza
        • Accuracy
          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
        • Deception (30%)
          The article contains selective reporting as it only reports on the arrests of students during protests and does not mention any counter-protests or violence instigated by the protesters. The author also uses emotional manipulation by implying that the students are being unjustly arrested for peaceful protests, but fails to disclose that some students were resisting arrest and there were reports of threats towards Jewish students. Additionally, the article implies facts without providing sources in regards to the number of Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza.
          • At least 34,262 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on the besieged enclave since October 7
          • At the USC campus in Los Angeles, efforts by students to set up an encampment were also met with force. Dozens of police officers holding batons and wearing helmets moved in to arrest the students as helicopters hovered overhead and campus security officials took down tents.
          • The Texas Department of Public Safety said at least 34 people were taken into custody.
          • Hundreds of officers arrived at the scene, some on horseback. Holding batons, they charged at the crowds and forcefully arrested several students.
          • The biggest protest on Wednesday took place at UT Austin where hundreds of students staged a walkout and marched to the campus’s main lawn, where they planned to set up an encampment. But the university said it would ‘not tolerate disruptions’ and called in local and state police to disperse the crowds.
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The author makes an appeal to authority when quoting House Speaker Mike Johnson suggesting the National Guard be brought in and Jeremi Suri stating there was nothing anti-Semitic about the protests. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the Israeli attacks on Gaza as a 'brutal war' and a potential 'genocide'.
          • House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested the National Guard be brought in...
          • Jeremi Suri, who is Jewish and a professor of history at UT Austin, told Al Jazeera there was ‘nothing anti-Semitic’ about the protests...
          • At least 34,262 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on the besieged enclave since October 7...
          • The biggest protest on Wednesday took place at UT Austin where hundreds of students staged a walkout and marched to the campus’s main lawn, where they planned to set up an encampment...
          • Greg Abbott, the Republican governor of Texas, said the protesters ‘belong in jail’ adding that any students joining in what he called ‘hate-filled, anti-Semitic protests’ should be expelled.
          • Al Jazeera’s Rob Reynolds, reporting from the university, however, said that ‘this protest against the war on Gaza, was entirely peaceful...'
        • Bias (10%)
          Al Jazeera's article reports on student protests against Israel's war on Gaza and the heavy-handed response from universities. The author uses language that depicts the actions of law enforcement as extreme or disproportionate, with no justification given for their use of force. For example, 'hundreds of officers arrived at the scene, some on horseback... many were carrying guns, many were carrying rifles.' and 'this group of police stormed into the student crowd and started arresting students.' This language implies that the police response was unnecessary and excessive.
          • hundreds of officers arrived at the scene, some on horseback...
            • this group of police stormed into the student crowd and started arresting students.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • University of Southern California President Carol Folt has remained silent about the Pro-Palestinian protests and arrests on campus.
              • Asna Tabassum believes the university's decision impedes on her freedom of expression.
              • Tensions on US campuses were sparked after Hamas attack in October 2021, resulting in over 34,000 deaths in Gaza according to its health ministry.
            • Accuracy
              • 34,262 Palestinians have been killed since October 7, when Hamas attacked southern Israel
              • 34 students arrested at UT Austin for setting up encampment and protesting against Israeli war on Gaza
              • 93 people arrested at USC for setting up encampment and protesting against Israeli war on Gaza
            • Deception (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Fallacies (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Bias (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication



            KTLA News Cameron Kiszla Wednesday, 24 April 2024 18:55
            • Unique Points
              • On April 24, 2024, police in riot gear arrested over 35 pro-Palestinian protestors at the University of Southern California after ordering the large crowd to disperse.
              • A scuffle erupted between law enforcement and pro-Palestinian demonstrators when public safety officers moved in to remove tents that were not allowed on the private university’s campus.
              • The protest was in response to the ongoing war in Gaza and Israel’s response to the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas.
              • Some USC students said they felt intimidated by the protesters, including Coby Russo, a Jewish Israeli who stated that protesters were yelling chants federally deemed as antisemitic hate speech.
              • The protest is part of a growing movement in which students at various U.S colleges demand their schools to stop doing business with Israel or any companies that support its ongoing war in Gaza.
            • Accuracy
              • Over 100 protesters, including a group gathered in a circle linked arms, remained on campus despite orders to disperse.
              • No officers or protestors were injured during the demonstration.
            • Deception (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Fallacies (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Bias (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • At least 20 people were arrested at the University of Texas at Austin on Wednesday, including a photojournalist from Fox 7 Austin.
              • Hundreds of students protested against the conflict in Gaza and demanded university divestment from companies manufacturing machinery used in Israel’s war efforts.
              • A photographer covering the demonstration for Fox 7 Austin was arrested after being caught in a scuffle between law enforcement and students.
            • Accuracy
              • At least 20 people were arrested at the University of Texas at Austin on Wednesday.
              • Dozens of local and state police formed a line to stop protesters from marching through campus, using batons and horseback.
              • At least 20 demonstrators were taken into custody at the request of university officials and Texas governor Greg Abbott.
            • Deception (30%)
              The article contains selective reporting as it only reports on the arrests and clashes at the University of Texas at Austin without mentioning any counter-protests or opposing viewpoints. The author also uses emotional manipulation by describing the situation as 'violent clashes' and 'hate-filled, antisemitic protests'. Additionally, there is a lack of disclosure regarding sources for some statements in the article.
              • Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.
              • Tensions escalated last week when police tried to clear a major encampment at Columbia, and arrested more than 100 protesters.
              • At least 20 demonstrators were taken into custody at the request of university officials and Texas governor Greg Abbott.
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The author includes inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. There are also examples of dichotomous depictions.
              • . . . protestors “belonged in jail”. . .
              • Elsewhere on Wednesday, police tangled with student demonstrators at the University of Southern California, where officers got into a back-and-forth tugging match with protesters over tents, removing several before falling back.
              • Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.
              • A spokesperson said rumors that the university had threatened to bring in the national guard were unfounded.
            • Bias (80%)
              The author uses language that depicts the actions of law enforcement as 'violently clashing' with protesters and 'pushing them off the campus lawn', implying an excessive use of force. The author also quotes Governor Abbott stating that students participating in hate-filled, antisemitic protests belong in jail, which could be perceived as a biased characterization of the protests. Additionally, there is a disproportionate number of quotations reflecting the perspective of university officials and law enforcement.
              • Abbott said protesters ‘belonged in jail’.
                • At least 20 people were arrested, including a photojournalist, as police and demonstrators violently clashed at the University of Texas at Austin on Wednesday.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication