Over 2,000 Arrests: University Protests for Palestine Continue Unabated in US and Italy

Bologna, Emilia-Romagna Italy
Columbia University: Commencement ceremony canceled due to security concerns.
George Washington University: Large Palestinian flag, defaced statues.
Over 2,000 arrests at US and Italian universities due to ongoing Palestine protests.
University of Bologna: Pro-Palestinian encampment with plans for speeches and marches.
Over 2,000 Arrests: University Protests for Palestine Continue Unabated in US and Italy

Protests supporting Palestine have been ongoing at various universities across the United States, leading to over 2,000 arrests in the past two weeks. Despite efforts by college administrations to quell these demonstrations, they continue unabated. One such encampment can be found at George Washington University (GWU), where a large Palestinian flag flies above and defaced statues of George Washington stand.

At the University of Bologna in Italy, approximately 100 students have set up a pro-Palestinian encampment, with plans for speeches and nationwide marches. In the United States, similar protests have taken place at universities such as Columbia and USC. The Giovani Palestinesi d'Italia (Palestinian Youth Italy group) has called for the interruption of research agreements and Italian companies' complicity with Israeli universities and companies involved in genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Columbia University had initially planned to hold its commencement ceremony on May 15, but due to security concerns following weeks of protests, the main ceremony was canceled. Smaller ceremonies were held for each of the university's 19 colleges instead. Columbia President Nemat Shafik had previously expressed her desire for an in-person celebration after many students graduated during the pandemic.

Hims & Hers founder and CEO Andrew Dudum initially offered support for anti-Israel protesters on college campuses, but later clarified that he does not condone nor support acts or threats of violence, antisemitism, or intimidation.



  • Are there any counter-protests or opposing viewpoints being represented at these universities?
  • Is the number of arrests an accurate representation of unique individuals?



  • Unique Points
    • Columbia University canceled its main commencement ceremony on May 15, 2024
    • Hundreds of police officers cleared an encampment and arrested over 100 protesters on April 30, 2024
    • Nemat Shafik, Columbia’s president, previously wanted to host graduation on campus due to her desire for an in-person celebration but cited security concerns as reason for cancellation
  • Accuracy
    • Approximately 100 students have set up around 30 tents at the Piazza Scaravilli, University of Bologna for a pro-Palestine encampment.
    • Columbia University is rethinking its commencement plans after weeks of pro-Palestinian protests led to authorities arresting dozens of people.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains appeals to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. It also presents a dichotomous depiction of the situation by only reporting on the university's decision without considering the protesters' viewpoints or reasons for their actions.
    • . . . Columbia’s president had earlier said that she did not want to deprive students of an in-person celebration after many graduated high school during the pandemic.
    • hundreds of police officers swarmed Hamilton Hall to remove some 46 pro-Palestinian protesters who had occupied the building and arrested more than 100 people protesting in and around the campus.
    • But on Monday, Columbia officials explained that security was one of the main reasons for canceling the large commencement ceremony.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Approximately 100 students have set up around 30 tents at the Piazza Scaravilli, University of Bologna for a pro-Palestine encampment.
    • Protest organizer Patrick Zaki, an Egyptian student and researcher affiliated with the university, is scheduled to give a speech on May 8.
    • Students have called for a nationwide pro-Palestinian march on May 15.
    • The Giovani Palestinesi d’Italia (Palestinian Youth Italy group) is asking for the interruption of research agreements and Italian companies’ complicity with Israeli universities and companies involved in genocide and ethnic cleansing.
  • Accuracy
    • Columbia University canceled its main commencement ceremony on May 15, 2024
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • More than 2,000 students have been arrested at anti-Israel protests on university campuses across the country in the past two weeks.
    • Demonstrations persist despite crackdown by college administrations.
    • A large Palestinian flag remains hoisted above a protest encampment at George Washington University as of Sunday afternoon.
    • Hims & Hers founder and CEO Andrew Dudum clarified earlier comments offering support for anti-Israel protesters on college campuses, stating he does not condone nor support acts or threats of violence, antisemitism, or intimidation.
  • Accuracy
    • Columbia University canceled its main commencement ceremony on May 15, 2024
    • Approximately 100 students have set up around 30 tents at the Piazza Scaravilli, University of Bologna for a pro-Palestine encampment.
    • Columbia University is rethinking its commencement plans after weeks of pro-Palestinian protests led to authorities arresting dozens of people.
  • Deception (80%)
    The article reports on the number of arrests at anti-Israel protests on university campuses and the persistence of these protests despite a crackdown. The author does not provide any editorializing or pontification in this section, and there is no emotional manipulation or sensationalism. However, there are instances where selective reporting occurs. For example, the author mentions that 'more Palestinian flags have been added' at George Washington University without providing context as to why these flags were added or who added them. This omission could potentially mislead readers into assuming that the addition of these flags was a violent or disruptive act, when in fact it may have been a peaceful expression of free speech. Additionally, the author quotes Andrew Dudum's previous comments offering support for anti-Israel protesters and then clarifies his position by stating that he does not support violence or intimidation. However, the author does not disclose that Dudum's earlier comments were taken out of context or that they did not condone violence in the first place. This omission could potentially mislead readers into forming a negative opinion of Dudum based on incomplete information.
    • More Palestinian flags have been added at George Washington University...
    • This is an excerpt of a story...
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. It uses dichotomous depictions by presenting the situation as a conflict between two opposing sides (students protesting against Israel and university administrations). The author also includes an appeal to authority by mentioning the statements of George Washington University's president and Hims & Hers CEO Andrew Dudum. Additionally, inflammatory language is used when describing the encampment at George Washington University as 'increasingly unsafe' and a 'violation of school rules'.
    • More than 2,000 students have been arrested at anti-Israel protests on university campuses across the country in the past two weeks.
    • A large Palestinian flag remains hoisted above a protest encampment at George Washington University (GWU) as of Sunday afternoon.
    • The university's president, Ellen Granberg, has called the encampment 'increasingly unsafe' and a violation of school rules.
  • Bias (75%)
    The author uses language that depicts the protesters as 'increasingly unsafe' and a 'violation of school rules', implying a negative view towards them. The author also mentions that the university president has stopped short of calling for the camp to be dismantled, suggesting a bias against those protesting.
    • The author mentions that the university president has stopped short of calling for the camp to be dismantled
      • The university's president, Ellen Granberg, has called the encampment 'increasingly unsafe' and a violation of school rules
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Columbia University is rethinking its commencement plans after weeks of pro-Palestinian protests led to authorities arresting dozens of people.
        • Approximately 100 students have set up around 30 tents at the Piazza Scaravilli, University of Bologna for a pro-Palestine encampment.
      • Accuracy
        • The main commencement ceremony may be canceled, but smaller events are still being planned.
        • University administrators are not sure they can hold a commencement ceremony on the main campus in Manhattan due to security concerns.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The article contains several instances of appeals to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. The author quotes student leaders expressing their concerns about President Minouche Shafik speaking at the ceremony and some students being worried about the expense of staying on campus until May 15 if commencement is canceled. These statements are not fallacies but rather expressions of concern by individuals. However, the author also states that 'student demonstrators occupy the
        • “Her presence would be the cause of a lot of upset,”
        • “Disruptions on campus have created a threatening environment for many.”
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication