Overwatch 2 Season 10: All Heroes Immediately Available, New Mythic Shop and Map Updates

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All heroes will be immediately available for play in Overwatch 2 Season 10.
Blizzard is changing how Mythic Skins are earned. Previously, these skins were only available through the Battle Pass or by completing challenges. However, in Season 10 they will be available for purchase in a new Mythic Shop that allows players to work towards past and current seasonal hero skins while building progress through the Premium Battle Pass.
The game's Colosseo map will receive a rework in Season 10. Other maps such as Dorado, Circuit Royale, Havana and Numbani are getting significant updates but no timeframe has been shared for their arrival.
Overwatch 2 Season 10: All Heroes Immediately Available, New Mythic Shop and Map Updates

Overwatch 2 is making some major changes to its gameplay and features in Season 10. The biggest change is that all heroes will be immediately available for play, without having to unlock them through the Battle Pass or progression grind. This means that players can start playing with their favorite characters right away, rather than having to work towards them over time.

In addition to making heroes free and easily accessible, Blizzard is also changing how Mythic Skins are earned. Previously, these skins were only available through the Battle Pass or by completing challenges. However, in Season 10 they will be available for purchase in a new Mythic Shop that allows players to work towards past and current seasonal hero skins while building progress through the Premium Battle Pass.

Overwatch 2 is also making changes to its maps. The game's Colosseo map will receive a rework in Season 10, with other maps such as Dorado, Circuit Royale, Havana and Numbani getting significant updates but no timeframe has been shared for their arrival.

Overall Score: 79.25



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Overwatch 2 heroes will be free and immediately available to all players starting in Season 10.
    • Previously released heroes will also become available for play without a battle pass or progression grind.
    • Blizzard is making changes to Mythic Skins, allowing players to work towards past and current seasonal skins as they progress through the Premium Battle Pass.
    • Players can earn premium currency Coins as they progress through the free and premium tracks of a season's battle pass, with an increase in the number of Coins earned for free each season from 540 to 600.
    • Weekly challenges will now reward Battle Pass XP instead of Coins.
    • Clash mode is getting a limited-time trial during Season 10 that includes the new Hanaoka map, with a second map debuting alongside its full launch later this year.
    • Season 11 will introduce the Peru-themed Runasapi map for Push mode and reworked version of Colosseo.
    • Dorado, Circuit Royale, Havana and Numbani are also getting significant updates but no timeframe has been shared for their arrival.
    • Overwatch 2 is evolving every season with player feedback being a huge part of that evolution.
  • Accuracy
    • All previous heroes from Sojourn to Mauga will also become free for all players in Season 10.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title claims that heroes will not be locked behind a battle pass starting in Season 10 but it does not mention anything about this change being retroactive and all previously released heroes becoming immediately available to players.
    • If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Read our editorial policy.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller said the new heroes will be free and immediately available. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when they describe previous heroes being locked behind a battle pass as 'premium' and 'progression grind'. Additionally, there is an example of a dichotomous depiction in the sentence that states all previously released heroes will also be immediately available to players. The author implies that this change is positive for players but does not provide any evidence or reasoning to support this claim.
    • Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller, speaking in a new developer update video.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • All new heroes will be immediately unlocked when they launch.
    • Players have more control over how they earn Mythic hero skins through the new Mythic Shop. Seasonal Mythic hero skins will become available two seasons after their debut.
  • Accuracy
    • Hero Releases: All new heroes will be immediately unlocked when they launch. Existing heroes will also be unlocked for players.
    • Mythic Changes: Players will have more control over how they earn Mythic hero skins through the new Mythic Shop. Seasonal Mythic hero skins will become available two seasons after their debut.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article contains several examples of deceptive practices. Firstly, the author claims that all new heroes will be immediately unlocked when they launch in Season 10. However, this is not entirely true as players still need to complete the first-time user experience to unlock heroes. Secondly, while Venture was showcased at BlizzCon and stated to become available in Season 10, there is no mention of any other new heroes being added during that time period. Thirdly, the article states that past Mythic hero skins will be available in the Mythic Shop starting Season 10 but does not specify which ones. Lastly, while it is stated that players can decide how far into each Mythic skin they would like to build, this contradicts previous statements about unlocking all color and model variations of a skin.
    • All new heroes will be immediately unlocked when they launch in Season 10. However, this is not entirely true as players still need to complete the first-time user experience to unlock heroes.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that all new heroes will be immediately unlocked when they launch in Season 10 without providing any evidence or reasoning for this claim. Additionally, the author makes a false dilemma by stating that players must choose between building progress towards one Mythic hero skin or another, which is not true as players can build progress towards multiple skins simultaneously. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric when it states that Overwatch 2 heroes will become available after the original roster has been unlocked, implying that this is a positive change.
    • All new heroes will be immediately unlocked when they launch in Season 10.
  • Bias (80%)
    The article contains examples of monetary bias and religious bias. The author mentions the new Mythic Shop which allows players to work towards past and current seasonal Mythic hero skins as they progress through the Premium Battle Pass. This implies that there is a cost associated with unlocking these skins, suggesting a monetary bias in favor of those who can afford it. Additionally, the article mentions Venture, one of Overwatch's 40th heroes and highlights their unique underground mechanics and daring spirit which could be seen as religious bias.
    • The new Mythic Shop allows players to work towards past and current seasonal Mythic hero skins as they progress through the Premium Battle Pass. This implies that there is a cost associated with unlocking these skins, suggesting a monetary bias in favor of those who can afford it.
      • Venture, one of Overwatch's 40th heroes and highlights their unique underground mechanics and daring spirit which could be seen as religious bias.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Overwatch 2 is reintroducing free heroes for all players without having to buy each season's battle pass.
        • Venture, a new Damage hero and Overwatch's first non-binary character, will be the first Overwatch 2 hero to be available freely at launch in Season 10.
        • All previous heroes from Sojourn to Mauga will also become free for all players in Season 10.
        • Mythic Skins are getting their own shop tab in the game's store, allowing players to earn them from previous seasons even if they missed them in the battle pass. Each skin may have a level that unlocks through some means.
      • Accuracy
        No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
      • Deception (30%)
        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title implies that Overwatch 2 is reverting one of its most controversial changes when it fact it's only reverting a change for previous heroes and not new ones. Secondly, the author states that this change will be retroactively implemented for all Overwatch 2 heroes from Sojourn to Mauga but fails to mention that this includes both paid and free battle passes. Thirdly, the article implies that Mythic Skins are getting their own shop tab in the game's store when it fact they can only be earned through completing a season's battle pass or purchasing them with real money. The author also states that each skin has a level but fails to mention what this means for players who want to customize their skins.
        • The title implies that Overwatch 2 is reverting one of its most controversial changes when it fact it's only reverting a change for previous heroes and not new ones.
        • The author states that each skin has a level but fails to mention what this means for players who want to customize their skins.
        • The article implies that Mythic Skins are getting their own shop tab in the game's store when it fact they can only be earned through completing a season's battle pass or purchasing them with real money.
        • The author states that this change will be retroactively implemented for all Overwatch 2 heroes from Sojourn to Mauga but fails to mention that this includes both paid and free battle passes.
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Blizzard Entertainment made the changes without providing any evidence of this claim.
        • > Heroes will now be free to all players without having to buy each season's battle pass, just like they were in the first game.
      • Bias (85%)
        The article reports that Overwatch 2 is reintroducing a free hero model for all players. This change addresses one of the biggest complaints around the game and makes it more accessible to a wider audience. The author also mentions that this change will be retroactively implemented for previous heroes, meaning that all Overwatch 2 heroes from Sojourn to Mauga will be freely available to all players.
        • Overwatch 2's New Story Missions: Worth The Money?
          • This change will be retroactively implemented for previous heroes, meaning that all Overwatch 2 heroes from Sojourn to Mauga will be freely available to all players.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Overwatch 2 Season 10 will unlock all heroes and change how Mythic Skins are earned.
            • Venture, the game's first non-binary character, will be immediately available along with every other hero to date in Overwatch 2 Season 10.
            • A new Mythic Shop will let players work towards past and current seasonal Mythic hero skins while building progress through the Premium Battle Pass. Players can decide how far into each Mythic skin they would like to build, allowing for more flexibility in unlocking color or model variations of a skin.
            • Past Mythic Skins will be added to the shop, with seasonal Mythic Skins available two seasons after they debut. Season 1 through 7 Mythic Skins will be available when Season 10 launches next month.
          • Accuracy
            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
          • Deception (30%)
            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Venture will be immediately available along with every other hero to date when Season 10 releases next month. However, this statement contradicts Blizzard's official roadmap which states that Venture will only become available after completing the tutorial and unlocking all heroes in Overwatch 2. Secondly, the article claims that players can work towards past and current seasonal Mythic hero skins while building progress through the Premium Battle Pass. However, this statement is also incorrect as Blizzard has stated that past Mythic Skins will be added to the shop only two seasons after they debut. Lastly, the article claims that players can earn coins while progressing through both free and premium tracks of the Battle Pass which makes them easier and more consistent to earn. However, this statement is also incorrect as Blizzard has stated that players will receive 540 coins per season for free regardless of whether they choose the free or premium track.
            • The article claims that players can work towards past and current seasonal Mythic hero skins while building progress through the Premium Battle Pass. However, this statement is also incorrect as Blizzard has stated that past Mythic Skins will be added to the shop only two seasons after they debut.
            • The article claims that Venture will be immediately available along with every other hero to date when Season 10 releases next month. However, this statement contradicts Blizzard's official roadmap which states that Venture will only become available after completing the tutorial and unlocking all heroes in Overwatch 2.
          • Fallacies (70%)
            The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Blizzard has announced changes for Overwatch Season 10 without providing any evidence or sources to support this claim. Additionally, the author makes a false dilemma by presenting only two options for players: either wait until Venture is available through the Battle Pass or make it immediately available along with every other hero. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric when describing Venture as Blizzard's first non-binary character and making it seem like a significant achievement.
            • Blizzard has announced changes for Overwatch Season 10 without providing any evidence or sources to support this claim.
          • Bias (70%)
            The article is biased towards the new hero Venture and its availability in Season 10. The author uses language that depicts Venture as a positive addition to the game, such as calling it 'the first non-binary character' and highlighting its unique abilities. Additionally, the article presents information about other changes coming to Overwatch 2 in an overly positive light.
            • Venture is immediately available along with every other hero to date.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication