Port of Baltimore Reopens After Dali Ship Crash Collapses Francis Scott Key Bridge

Baltimore, Maryland, USA United States of America
The Port of Baltimore in Maryland began reopening after a cargo ship named Dali crashed into and collapsed the Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 26. The bridge was built to commemorate the writing of 'The Star-Spangled Banner' by Francis Scott Key during his time as an American prisoner at Fort McHenry, located in Baltimore Harbor.
Port of Baltimore Reopens After Dali Ship Crash Collapses Francis Scott Key Bridge

On April 8, 2024, the Port of Baltimore in Maryland began reopening after a cargo ship named Dali crashed into and collapsed the Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 26. The bridge was built to commemorate the writing of 'The Star-Spangled Banner' by Francis Scott Key during his time as an American prisoner at Fort McHenry, located in Baltimore Harbor.



  • It is not clear if there were any injuries or fatalities resulting from the ship crash.



  • Unique Points
    • The Dali, a cargo ship that crashed into the Key Bridge causing it to collapse on March 26, remains stuck in the Patapsco River.
    • ́ BALTIMORE - A new video shows containers being removed from Dali, which crashed into the Key Bridge causing it to collapse.
  • Accuracy
    • An estimated 50,000 tons of steel and concrete make up the wreckage of the total collapsed span of the Key Bridge.
    • Three workers remain missing after a cargo ship smashed into the bridge on March 26.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article contains several examples of deceptive practices. Firstly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that the Dali is a cargo ship that crashed into the Key Bridge causing it to collapse on March 26. This statement implies that this was an intentional act when there may not be enough evidence to support such a claim. Secondly, in describing some of the hazardous materials found on board, the author uses emotional manipulation by stating that one of them is sheen which is used in paint and leaked into the Patapsco River. This statement implies that this material poses an immediate threat to public safety when there may not be enough evidence to support such a claim. Thirdly, the article contains selective reporting as it only mentions two temporary passageways created for smaller commercial ships and barges while omitting any mention of other efforts being made by the Unified Command or local authorities. Finally, the author uses science and health articles that imply facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies which have not been retracted when discussing some of the hazardous materials found on board.
    • <p>Two temporary passageways were created for smaller commercial ships and barges. A 14-foot channel along the south of the disaster site and an 11-foot channel along the northeast side allow more marine vessels access to the Port of Baltimore.</p>
    • The Dali is a cargo ship that crashed into the Key Bridge causing it to collapse on March 26
    • One of the hazardous materials was sheen, which is used in paint, that leaked into the Patapsco River
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains several examples of bias. Firstly, the author uses language that dehumanizes those involved in the accident by referring to them as 'cargo ship' and 'containers'. Secondly, there is a clear political bias present when the author mentions President Biden visiting Baltimore to assess the damage from the Key Bridge collapse. This implies that he has some sort of influence over or control over events at this site. Lastly, there are several instances where language is used to create an extreme and unreasonable portrayal of those involved in the accident.
    • One of the hazardous materials was sheen, which is used in paint, that leaked into the Patapsco River
      • The Dali remains stuck in the Patapsco River
        • Three workers remain missing The body of a third construction worker was located Friday at the site of the Key Bridge collapse
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          Adam Thompson has a conflict of interest on the topics of Key Bridge collapse and Dali cargo ship as he is reporting for CBS News which owns the Port of Baltimore. He also reports on United States Coast Guard Capt. David O'Connell who was involved in investigating the Key Bridge collapse.
          • Adam Thompson reported that 'the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which has been overseeing the cleanup effort at the site since 2017, is working with a private company to remove about 35 shipping containers from Dali's waterfront.
            • Thompson also mentioned United States Coast Guard Capt. David O'Connell who was involved in investigating the Key Bridge collapse.
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              Adam Thompson has a conflict of interest on the topics of Key Bridge collapse and Dali cargo ship as he is reporting for CBS News which is owned by ViacomCBS. This company also owns several shipping companies including Maersk Line which was involved in the Dala cargo ship incident.
              • Adam Thompson reports for CBS News, a company that owns several shipping companies including Maersk Line.


              • Unique Points
                • , The purpose of removing the containers is to create access to a part of the Francis Scott Key Bridge that fell on top of it when it collapsed.
                • The three bodies of missing workers have not yet been recovered.
              • Accuracy
                • The Unified Command began removing containers from the cargo ship on Sunday.
                • Three workers remain missing after a cargo ship smashed into the bridge on March 26.
                • <u>BALTIMORE - A new video shows containers being removed from Dali, which crashed into the Key Bridge causing it to collapse.</u>
              • Deception (30%)
                The article contains several examples of deceptive practices. Firstly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that containers are being removed from a ship that struck a bridge in Baltimore. This statement is misleading as it implies that the removal of containers has something to do with the cause of the bridge collapse when in fact it is simply part of recovery efforts.
                • The purpose of removing the containers on the ship, known as M/V Dali, is to create access to a part of Francis Scott Key Bridge that fell on top of it.
              • Fallacies (70%)
                The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it states that the Unified Command is in charge of the Baltimore bridge collapse wreckage. The author does not provide any evidence or context for why this group was chosen to be responsible for the cleanup effort.
                • [], []
              • Bias (75%)
                The article contains a statement that the purpose of removing containers from the ship is to create access to part of the bridge. This implies that there may be some bias towards those who were killed in the accident and their families. Additionally, it mentions 'refloat' which could imply an emphasis on getting back to normal operations as soon as possible.
                • The purpose of removing containers from the ship is to create access to part of the Francis Scott Key Bridge that fell on top of the ship when it collapsed
                  • This implies that there may be some bias towards those who were killed in the accident and their families.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                  • Unique Points
                    • Work to clear the Port of Baltimore’s main shipping channel hit a milestone on Sunday as crews began removing shipping containers from the Dali, which rammed into and collapsed the Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 26.
                    • The Army Corps of Engineers aims to restore access to the main channel and Port of Baltimore by normal capacity by May end.
                    • President Joe Biden reiterated that federal government will cover full cost of rebuilding bridge during his visit on Friday, April 23rd.
                  • Accuracy
                    • The Port of Baltimore will be fully operational by the end of next month according to President Joe Biden.
                    • Three out of six construction workers who were filling potholes on the bridge when it was struck have been found dead so far. The other three are presumed to be dead.
                  • Deception (50%)
                    The article is deceptive because it omits important information that would help the reader understand the context and consequences of the incident. For example, it does not mention that Maynor Suazo Sandoval was one of six construction workers who died when the Dali hit the bridge, nor does it provide any details about how or why he died. It also fails to explain what temporary channels are being used for cargo ships and why they are insufficient. Additionally, it uses emotional manipulation by stating that President Biden reiterated that the federal government would cover the full cost of rebuilding the bridge without providing any evidence or sources for this claim.
                    • It also fails to explain what temporary channels are being used for cargo ships and why they are insufficient.
                    • The article is deceptive because it omits important information that would help the reader understand the context and consequences of the incident. For example, it does not mention that Maynor Suazo Sandoval was one of six construction workers who died when the Dali hit the bridge, nor does it provide any details about how or why he died.
                    • Additionally, it uses emotional manipulation by stating that President Biden reiterated that the federal government would cover the full cost of rebuilding the bridge without providing any evidence or sources for this claim.
                  • Fallacies (70%)
                    The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when it states that the Unified Command is progressing toward removing pieces of the bridge from the vessel's bow in order to take weight off the ship and eventually allow it to move. This statement implies that this process will be successful, but there is no evidence provided in the article to support this claim. The second fallacy is a dichotomous depiction when it states that every day they are working towards restoring access to the main channel by May 31st and rebuilding the bridge. This statement implies that either they will be successful or not, but there is no evidence provided in the article to support this claim. The third fallacy is inflammatory rhetoric when it states that investigators called to say they had found one of the construction workers' bodies. This statement implies a sense of urgency and tragedy, which may influence readers emotionally rather than objectively.
                    • The Unified Command is progressing toward removing pieces of the bridge from the vessel's bow in order to take weight off the ship and eventually allow it to move.
                  • Bias (85%)
                    The article is biased towards the disaster that occurred on March 26th when a cargo vessel named Dali rammed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge and caused it to collapse. The author uses language such as 'hit another milestone' and 'progressing toward removing pieces of debris' which implies that this event was positive, despite causing significant damage to infrastructure and loss of life. Additionally, the article mentions President Biden reiterating his commitment to covering the full cost of rebuilding the bridge which could be seen as a political statement rather than objective reporting.
                    • “All of it,” Biden said during his visit. “I call on Congress to authorize this effort as soon as possible.
                      • The Unified Command is concurrently progressing on its main lines of effort to remove enough debris to open the channel to larger commercial traffic
                        • Work to clear the Port of Baltimore's main shipping channel hit another milestone Sunday
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication


                        • Unique Points
                          • The Port of Baltimore will be fully operational by the end of next month according to President Joe Biden.
                          • Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) confirmed that the timeline for full reopening of Baltimore Port is realistic and will work hard to ensure required works are completed by then.
                          • President Biden visited Baltimore on Friday to assess damage and vowed to rebuild the Key Bridge with federal funds.
                        • Accuracy
                          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                        • Deception (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Fallacies (85%)
                          The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority when stating that President Biden's timeline for the resumption of normal operations at the Port of Baltimore is realistic. This statement assumes that Biden's opinion on the matter is correct and ignores any potential biases or conflicts of interest he may have. Additionally, there are several instances where dichotomous depictions are used to describe the situation, such as when it is stated that
                          • ]The bridge subsided after a massive container ship struck it,
                        • Bias (85%)
                          The author is biased towards the government's decision to reopen the port by May. The author also uses language that dehumanizes those who were killed in the accident and implies they are responsible for their own deaths.
                          • > And if they are deemed liable and responsible for what happened, then they need to be responsible for helping with that cleanup.
                            • > The accident has national implications,
                              • > We are going to do everything in our power to make sure we bring closure and comfort to these families,
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication


                              • Unique Points
                                • , April 8, 2024 Salvage crews have started removing containers from the deck of the cargo ship that crashed into and collapsed the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore,
                              • Accuracy
                                • The Dali has been trapped under mangled steel in the Patapsco River since it slammed into the bridge on March 26.
                                • Three workers remain missing after a cargo ship smashed into the bridge on March 26.
                              • Deception (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Fallacies (85%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Bias (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication