Solar Storm Causes Radio Blackouts and Auroras: NOAA Warns of Continued Disruptions from Sunspot AR3697

Charlotte NC, United States, North Carolina, United States United States of America
NOAA predicts a 60% chance of radio blackouts through at least May 31, with further possibility of solar radiation storms
NOAA reports disruptions to radar, GPS and satellite communications due to the solar storm
Powerful solar storm causes radio blackouts and auroras on May 29, 2024
Solar activity has been deemed 'moderate' over the last 24 hours, releasing at least 21 flares with two powerful ones launching in the early hours of Wednesday
Sun currently has eight active sunspots on its Earth-facing side, two regions 3691 and 3697 could launch higher than normal flares this week
Sunspot AR3664, which caused a G5 geomagnetic storm earlier in May, is now rotating back into view and may return for another round
Sunspot AR3697 responsible for the event had previously caused a G5 geomagnetic storm on May 10, resulting in auroras visible in all fifty states for the first time in decades
X2.8 flare from AR3697 on May 27 is the strongest classification of flares and can cause significant disruptions on Earth
Solar Storm Causes Radio Blackouts and Auroras: NOAA Warns of Continued Disruptions from Sunspot AR3697

A powerful solar storm caused radio blackouts over parts of the US and Europe on May 29, 2024, after the sun released a stream of energized particles toward Earth. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported disruptions to radar, GPS and satellite communications due to the solar storm.

The sunspot responsible for this event is AR3697, which had previously returned from behind the sun's limb as AR3664 in early May. This same sunspot had caused a G5 geomagnetic storm on May 10, 2024, resulting in auroras visible in all fifty states for the first time in decades.

NOAA predicted a 60% chance of radio blackouts through at least Friday, May 31, with a further possibility of solar radiation storms. Solar radiation storms may cause disruptions to satellite communications and interference with power grids.

The sun currently has eight active sunspots on its Earth-facing side. NOAA reported that two regions, 3691 and 3697, could launch higher than normal flares this week.

On May 27, AR3697 had already unleashed an X2.8 flare earlier in the day. X-flares are the strongest classification of flares and can cause significant disruptions on Earth.

The sunspot that caused these events rotates on its axis like Earth does, and spends time facing away from our planet before reappearing from our vantage point. The solar cycle is thought to be a year or more away from its peak in activity, meaning we may see more excitement in the coming weeks.

The sunspot AR3664 had spent the past few weeks on the far side of the sun that faces away from our planet but is now rotating back into view. This same sunspot had already caused a G5 geomagnetic storm earlier in May, which triggered auroras around the world.

NOAA held a briefing earlier this month when the world was under a severe geomagnetic storm and acknowledged that the sunspot will likely return for another round. Over the last 24 hours, solar activity has been deemed 'moderate,' releasing at least 21 flares with two powerful ones launching in the early hours of Wednesday.

The particles from these solar events can interact with our planet's magnetic field and atmosphere, causing disruptions to satellite communications and interference with power grids. They can also result in stunning auroras visible in the northern hemisphere.



  • I will verify that solar radiation storms can cause disruptions to satellite communications and interference with power grids.
  • The article mentions that the sunspot AR3664 had caused a G5 geomagnetic storm earlier in May, but it does not specify the exact date. I will double-check NOAA's reports to confirm this fact.



  • Unique Points
    • A powerful solar storm caused radio blackouts over the Midwest and eastern regions of the US on May 29, 2024.
    • NOAA reported disruptions to radar, GPS and satellite communications due to the solar storm.
    • The sun released a stream of energized particles toward Earth early Wednesday morning.
    • NOAA predicted a 60% chance of radio blackouts through at least Friday, May 31, 2024.
    • Solar radiation storms may cause disruptions to satellite communications and interference with power grids.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (95%)
    The article contains some instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority, but no formal or blatant logical fallacies are present. The author uses phrases like 'powerful stream of energized particles toward Earth' and 'one of the worst in history' to create a sense of urgency and importance, which can be considered inflammatory. The author also quotes NOAA multiple times to establish their credibility as an authority on the subject matter.
    • ][The sun] released a powerful stream of energized particles toward Earth early Wednesday morning[[, ]]NOAA reported Tuesday that the agency had predicted a 60 percent chance of radio blackouts[[, ]]NOAA held a briefing earlier this month when the world was under a severe geomagnetic storm[[, ]]Over the last 24 hours, solar activity has been deemed ‘moderate’, releasing at least 21 flares with the two powerful ones launching in the early hours of Wednesday[[, ]]NOAA’s dashboard currently shows a 60 percent chance of radio blacks for Wednesday through at least Friday[[, ]]The sun currently has eight active sunspots on its Earth-facing side[[, ]]NOAA reported that two regions, 3691 and 3697, could launch higher than normal flares this week.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • A powerful X-class solar flare has been fired off by the newly emerged sunspot region AR3697.
    • AR3697 is the returned version of sunspot AR3664, responsible for the epic G5 geomagnetic storm a couple of weeks ago, which triggered enchanting auroras around the world.
  • Accuracy
    • AR3697 is expected to move across the sun’s disk and face Earth in the coming days, increasing the chances of more X-flare activity.
    • NOAA reported disruptions to radar, GPS and satellite communications due to the solar storm.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Sunspot AR3664, which was responsible for a G4 Geostorm on Earth in May 2024, has rotated back into view on the surface of the sun and already unleashed an X2.8 flare.
    • The solar storm that generated aurora visible in all fifty states for the first time in decades was caused by sunspot AR3664 when it was more directly aimed at Earth earlier in May.
  • Accuracy
    • Sunspot AR3664 is responsible for a G4 Geostorm on Earth in May 2024.
    • A powerful solar storm caused radio blackouts over the Midwest and eastern regions of the US on May 29, 2024.
    • AR3697 is the returned version of sunspot AR3664.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (95%)
    The author uses inflammatory language to describe the solar activity as 'historic' and 'powerful' without providing any evidence or context for why these terms are appropriate. This is an example of hyperbole. The author also makes a prediction about future solar activity without providing any evidence or reasoning, which is an example of a crystal ball fallacy.
    • This sunspot, responsible for a G4 Geostorm on Earth the last time this magnitude happened was 20 years ago in Charlotte NC, United States on May 10, 2024.
    • We could be in store for an encore of what was seen on May 10 in the next week or two.
    • If Monday’s X-flare is any indication, there’s more excitement to come.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication