President Biden Welcomes Jordan's King Abdullah II to the White House for Talks on Ending Gaza War and Planning for Peaceful Resolution

Israel is working to broker another pause in its war against Hamas to send humanitarian aid and supplies into the region and get hostages out.
President Biden welcomed Jordan's King Abdullah II to the White House for talks on ending the ongoing war in Gaza and planning for a peaceful resolution.
The Israeli Defense Forces rescued two elderly Argentine hostages in an operation, but there were massive human costs with over 100 wounded and dead across Gaza Strip in past 24 hours.
President Biden Welcomes Jordan's King Abdullah II to the White House for Talks on Ending Gaza War and Planning for Peaceful Resolution

On Monday, February 12th, President Joe Biden welcomed Jordan's King Abdullah II to the White House for talks on how to end the ongoing war in Gaza and plan for what comes afterward. The key elements of a deal are on the table, but there remain gaps that need to be addressed. Biden said he would do everything possible to make an agreement happen: a pause in fighting for at least six weeks and the release of remaining hostages held by Hamas.

The Israeli Defense Forces rescued two elderly Argentine hostages in the operation, though human cost was massive with over 100 wounded and dead across Gaza Strip in past 24 hours. The meeting with Abdullah comes as Biden and his aides are working to broker another pause in Israel's war against Hamas in order to send humanitarian aid and supplies into the region and get hostages out.

The Israeli strikes that lit up the night in Gaza's southern city of Rafah on Monday sent pulses of fear through the 1.4 million Palestinians for whom that strip of land has become a shelter of last resort. The human cost was massive: At least 67 people were killed throughout the city, and over 100 wounded and dead across Gaza Strip in past 24 hours.

The United Nations chief António Guterres called for an immediate ceasefire after Israeli strikes on Rafah. The International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan also condemned Israel's actions, saying they may amount to war crimes.

On Tuesday, February 13th, China called on Israel to halt military operations in Gaza as soon as possible. The raid took place in Rafah and killed at least 74 Palestinians according to Palestinian hospital officials. Women and children were among those killed in the airstrikes.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been ongoing for decades, with Israel claiming that Hamas is responsible for rocket attacks on its territory from Gaza Strip. The international community continues to pressure both sides to come to a peaceful resolution.



  • It is not clear if the talks will be successful in ending the war.
  • The Israeli Defense Forces' rescue of two hostages does not address the main issue at hand, which is to end the ongoing conflict.



  • Unique Points
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Accuracy
    • China called on Israel to halt military operations in Gaza as soon as possible
    • Israel rescued two hostages from the Gaza Strip, killing at least 74 Palestinians according to Palestinian hospital officials
    • The raid took place in Rafah, where 1.4 million Palestinians have fled fighting elsewhere in Israel-Hamas war and women and children were among those killed
    • China's Foreign Ministry added that Israel should do everything possible to avoid casualties among innocent civilians and prevent a more devastating humanitarian disaster in Rafah
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (75%)
    The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to emotion in the statement 'A quarter of Gaza’s residents are starving.' This is not relevant to the argument being made and serves only to elicit an emotional response from readers. Additionally, there are dichotomous depictions throughout the article, such as 'Israel says about 100 hostages remain in Hamas captivity' versus 'Hamas is holding the remains of roughly 30 others who were either killed on Oct. 7 or died in captivity.' This creates a false binary between living and dead hostages that does not accurately reflect the situation.
    • A quarter of Gaza’s residents are starving
    • Israel says about 100 hostages remain in Hamas captivity, while Hamas is holding the remains of roughly 30 others who were either killed on Oct. 7 or died in captivity.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article is biased towards Israel and against Hamas. The author uses language that dehumanizes Palestinians by referring to them as 'innocent civilians' who were killed in the airstrikes. This implies that they are not responsible for their own deaths, which is false. Additionally, the author quotes Chinese Foreign Ministry officials stating that Israel should do everything possible to avoid casualties among innocent civilians and prevent a more devastating humanitarian disaster in Rafah. This statement suggests that Hamas is solely responsible for the conflict and ignores the role of Israeli actions in causing harm to Palestinians.
    • The author uses language that dehumanizes Palestinians by referring to them as 'innocent civilians' who were killed in the airstrikes. This implies that they are not responsible for their own deaths, which is false.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      ABC News has a conflict of interest on the topics of Israel and Palestine as they are owned by The Walt Disney Company which has financial ties to Israeli companies.
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • President Joe Biden welcomed Jordan's King Abdullah II to the White House for talks on how to end the ongoing war in Gaza and plan for what comes afterward.
        • The key elements of a deal are on the table, but there remain gaps that need to be addressed.
        • Biden said he would do everything possible to make an agreement happen: a pause in fighting for at least six weeks and the release of remaining hostages held by Hamas.
      • Accuracy
        • Israel rescued two hostages from the Gaza Strip
        • Hamas militants clashed with Israeli forces in Rafah
        • UN chief António Guterres noted that half of Gaza population is already crammed into Rafah and the looming Israeli campaign would exponentially increase what is already a humanitarian nightmare
      • Deception (50%)
        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that every innocent life lost in Gaza is a tragedy but does not provide any context or evidence to support this statement. Secondly, the author states that there are gaps remaining between Israel and Hamas on key elements of a deal but fails to disclose what these elements are or why they cannot be agreed upon. Thirdly, the article quotes King Abdullah II as saying that he needs a lasting cease-fire now and this cease-fire is presented as an end goal for all parties involved. However, it is not clear if there have been any previous attempts at achieving a permanent peace agreement between Israel and Hamas or if such an agreement would be possible given the complex political situation in the region.
        • The article quotes King Abdullah II as saying that he needs a lasting cease-fire now and this cease-fire is presented as an end goal for all parties involved. However, it is not clear if there have been any previous attempts at achieving a permanent peace agreement between Israel and Hamas or if such an agreement would be possible given the complex political situation in the region.
        • The article states that there are gaps remaining between Israel and Hamas on key elements of a deal but fails to disclose what these elements are or why they cannot be agreed upon. This is deceptive because it implies that both sides have equal responsibility for the lack of progress in negotiations, when in reality, Hamas has been responsible for many attacks against Israeli civilians.
        • The author claims that every innocent life lost in Gaza is a tragedy but does not provide any context or evidence to support this statement. This is deceptive because it implies that all deaths are caused by Israel and ignores other factors such as Hamas' actions and the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that President Biden's leadership is key to addressing the conflict in Gaza. This statement implies that Biden has a solution and is capable of making it happen, which may not be true. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when he states that every innocent life lost in Gaza is a tragedy. This statement could be seen as biased or emotional rather than objective reporting on the facts. The article also contains an example of a dichotomous depiction by stating that Israel's offensive has killed more than 28,000 Palestinians and displaced over 80% of the population in Gaza. This statement implies that there are only two sides to the conflict, which may not be accurate.
        • President Biden's leadership is key to addressing this conflict.
      • Bias (85%)
        The article contains a statement from President Biden that there are gaps in the deal to end the war and plan for what comes afterward. This implies that he is not fully supportive of Israel's actions and may be open to negotiating with Hamas on certain terms.
        • Israel claims to have killed about 10,000 Hamas fighters but has not provided evidence.
          • ]key elements of the deal are on the table[
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Israeli strikes on Rafah killed at least 67 people
            • The Israeli Defense Forces rescued two elderly Argentine hostages in the operation
            • Human cost of the operation was massive, with over 100 wounded and dead across Gaza Strip in past 24 hours
          • Accuracy
            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
          • Deception (80%)
            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it presents the Israeli strikes as a special forces mission to rescue two elderly Argentine hostages when in reality they were part of an operation to kill Hamas militants and capture more hostages. The human cost was massive with at least 67 people killed throughout Gaza City.
            • The article states that the Israeli strikes were a special forces mission to rescue two elderly Argentine hostages, but it does not provide any evidence of this claim.
          • Fallacies (80%)
            The article contains several examples of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. The author uses phrases such as 'massive human cost' and 'looming Israeli campaign' to create a sense of urgency and fear in the reader. Additionally, the use of quotes from sources without providing context or clarification can be seen as an appeal to authority.
            • The looming Israeli campaign would exponentially increase what is already a humanitarian nightmare.
          • Bias (85%)
            The article is biased towards Israel and its actions in Gaza. The author uses language that dehumanizes Palestinians by describing them as 'bone-tired' and 'packed into houses'. They also use quotes from Israeli officials to present their perspective without providing any counterbalance or context for the reader.
            • Palestinian families are packed into houses and tents in Rafah; some newer arrivals are sleeping in the streets. They are almost entirely dependent on humanitarian relief,
              • The human cost was massive: At least 67 people were killed throughout the city,
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                Miriam Berger has a financial tie to Israel as she is an American journalist who covers the Middle East and North Africa for The Washington Post. Louisa Loveluck also has a professional affiliation with Israel as she is based in Jerusalem and reports on Israeli politics and conflict. Hajar Harb does not have any clear ties to Israel, but her name suggests that she may be of Palestinian descent.
                • Miriam Berger's reporting for The Washington Post covers the Middle East and North Africa, including Israel.


                • Unique Points
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Accuracy
                  • Israel continues to face growing international pressure to agree to a ceasefire amid mounting humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
                  • On Tuesday, at least five people were killed in the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza and four more were killed by an Israeli bomb in the Brazil neighbourhood of Rafah. A growing international chorus is calling for a ceasefire as Israel plans an assault on Rafah home to 1.4 million people.
                  • Three soldiers from the 630th Battalion deployed in southern Gaza were killed and two others injured during fighting with Hamas militants.
                  • Hala Mekdad, a 10-year-old girl, died in the intensive care room of Nasser Hospital after electricity at the hospital was cut off overnight. Israeli snipers have fired at and killed people in the hospital's yard.
                  • The bodies of several people killed near Nasser Hospital have reportedly been lying on the ground for several days as it is too unsafe to reach them, according to OCHA.
                  • Israel has described Rafah as the last remaining Hamas stronghold in Gaza and signalled that its ground offensive may soon target the town on the southern edge of Gaza Strip. At least 63 Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes in Rafah on Sunday overnight, ahead of impending ground offensive.
                  • Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement condemning Israel's military aggression against Rafah city and resulting destruction and massacre of the Palestinian people.
                  • United States President Joe Biden discussed strategies to end the war with King Abdullah II of Jordan in a meeting in Washington, DC. Separately, Egyptian officials threatened to suspend their peace treaty with Israel if troops were sent into Rafah.
                  • A cargo ship that Yemen's Houthis struck in the Red Sea was bound for a port in Iran. The ship was hit by two missiles but is seaworthy with minor damage and no injuries to the crew.
                  • Iranian-backed Houthi militants fired two missiles from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen toward MV Star Iris, a Greek-owned cargo ship in the Bab al-Mandeb. Both missiles were launched towards MV Star Iris and missed their target.
                  • Israel set a Palestinian truck ablaze overnight in the town of Huwara, in the occupied West Bank. About 9,000 Palestinian prisoners are subjected to unprecedented retaliatory measures by Israeli authorities.
                  • The number of settlers in the West Bank now stands at 517,407 up from 502,991 a year earlier. The United Kingdom has also announced sanctions on four Israeli settlers accused of committing human rights abuses against Palestinians in the West Bank after a similar move by the US this month.
                • Deception (50%)
                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that Israel plans an assault on Rafah and describes it as the last remaining Hamas stronghold in Gaza. However, this statement implies that there are other places where Hamas operates which contradicts the fact that Gaza is under Israeli control. Secondly, the article reports on a growing international chorus calling for a ceasefire but does not provide any evidence of such support or pressure from world leaders to agree to one with Hamas. Thirdly, it states that Hala Mekdad died in an intensive care room after electricity at Nasser Hospital was cut off overnight. However, this statement is misleading as the article fails to mention that Israel has been targeting hospitals and medical facilities during its attacks on Gaza which led to the power outage. Lastly, it reports on a cargo ship being struck in Bab al-Mandeb by Houthi militants but does not provide any details about what was inside or where it was bound for.
                  • Israel plans an assault on Rafah and describes it as the last remaining Hamas stronghold in Gaza.
                • Fallacies (85%)
                  The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the growing international chorus calling for a ceasefire as evidence that Israel should agree to one. This is not a logical argument and does not provide any evidence or reasoning behind this claim. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the situation in Gaza as a
                  • Hala Mekdad died in intensive care after electricity at Nasser Hospital was cut off overnight
                  • At least 63 Palestinians were killed by Israeli strikes on Sunday night ahead of the impending ground offensive
                  • More than 100 people were killed in intense Israeli bombardments on Sunday through Monday
                • Bias (80%)
                  The article is biased towards the Palestinian perspective and presents a one-sided view of events in Gaza. The author uses language that dehumanizes Israelis by describing them as 'killed' or 'injured', while Palestinians are described as being killed or displaced. Additionally, the article portrays Israeli actions as violent and unjustified, without providing any context for why they were taken.
                  • At least 63 Palestinians were killed in Rafah on Sunday overnight ahead of the impending ground offensive.
                    • Hala Mekdad, a 10-year-old girl
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      Al Jazeera has a conflict of interest on the topic of Israel's war on Gaza as they are owned by Qatar. They have reported extensively on the situation and may be biased towards one side.
                      • Israeli soldiers killed and injured during the fighting
                        • ⚩ Israel sets Palestinian truck ablaze overnight in town of Huwara, occupied West Bank
                          • ⚩ United Nations humanitarian agency OCHA
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            Al Jazeera has a clear conflict of interest on the topic of Israel's war on Gaza. The author is biased against Israel and presents information in a way that supports Hamas' actions.
                            • The article also reports on a hospital under siege by Israel, but fails to mention any similar attacks on hospitals in Gaza by Hamas or other Palestinian militant groups.
                              • The article repeatedly refers to Israeli soldiers as 'Israeli soldiers killed and injured during the fighting', which implies that they are responsible for their own deaths, rather than acknowledging the role of Hamas in initiating the conflict.
                                • The author uses quotes from Hala Mekdad and Nasser Hospital spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra to support the narrative that Israeli snipers are responsible for killing people in the hospital's yard, but fails to provide any context or counterpoint.