President Biden's Son, Hunter, Convicted of Three Felony Counts: Implications for the President and His Campaign

Wilmington, Delaware United States of America
Hunter Biden faces sentencing in the coming months and another trial for alleged tax evasion in September.
President Biden's re-election campaign could be affected by the guilty verdict, but it remains unclear how much damage will be caused.
President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, was convicted on three felony counts related to lying on a federal gun purchase form and possessing a firearm while under the influence of drugs.
The case highlights the importance of upholding federal gun laws and emphasizes the need for honesty when completing background check forms.
The jury reached a unanimous verdict within three hours of deliberation.
President Biden's Son, Hunter, Convicted of Three Felony Counts: Implications for the President and His Campaign

In a historic turn of events, President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, was convicted on three felony counts related to lying on a federal gun purchase form and possessing a firearm while under the influence of drugs. The trial took place in Delaware and marked the first time a sitting US president's son has faced criminal charges in federal court.

The verdict came after an intense week-long trial, during which jurors carefully weighed the evidence presented against Hunter Biden. Despite political tensions surrounding the case, they maintained that politics did not influence their decision-making process. The jury reached a unanimous verdict within three hours of deliberation.

The conviction has significant implications for both Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden. For Hunter Biden, he faces sentencing in the coming months and another trial for alleged tax evasion in September. For President Biden, the guilty verdict could take a personal toll on him as he navigates the final months of his re-election campaign.

The case has also shed light on Hunter Biden's past struggles with substance abuse, which some Democrats believe might resonate with voters given the prevalence of addiction in families across the country. However, others argue that Americans are unlikely to hold President Biden accountable for his son's actions.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump and his Republican allies have seized on the opportunity to criticize President Biden and portray him as a hypocrite for allowing the Justice Department to pursue charges against his own son. However, it remains unclear how much political damage this will cause for the Biden campaign.

The trial has also highlighted the importance of upholding federal gun laws and emphasized the need for honesty when completing background check forms. It serves as a reminder that no one is above the law, regardless of their position or family connections.



  • Was there any political influence in the jury's decision-making process?



  • Unique Points
    • Hunter Biden was convicted of gun crimes on Tuesday
    • Jurors stated they did not consider politics or Biden’s father during their decision making process
    • Biden became the first son of a sitting US president to be criminally convicted in federal court
  • Accuracy
    • This is the first-ever criminal convictions for the child of a sitting US president
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Joe Biden allowed the Justice Department to secure a guilty verdict against his son Hunter for lying on a federal background check form and possessing a gun while addicted to, or using, illegal drugs.
    • Donald Trump lashed out at witnesses, prosecutors, jurors and the judge following his conviction in his hush money case.
    • Trump has vowed to use presidential powers to punish political opponents and bend the legal system to his will if he wins back the White House.
    • The Hunter Biden conviction contradicted Trump’s false notion that the Justice Department exclusively targets Republicans.
  • Accuracy
    • ]Joe Biden allowed the Justice Department to secure a guilty verdict against his son Hunter[
    • Hunter Biden made no attack on the judge or prosecutors after being found guilty.
    • Trump lashed out at witnesses, prosecutors, jurors and the judge following his conviction in his hush money case.
    • ,Trump claimed that the Biden administration was involved in Trump’s trial despite it being brought by a Manhattan district attorney.
    • ,Trump has vowed to use presidential powers to punish political opponents and bend the legal system to his will if he wins back the White House.
    • ,Joe Biden came to office pledging to restore the independence of the Justice Department following Trump’s efforts to use its powers as a personal law firm.
    • ,Trump has already vowed to prosecute Biden and his family and obliterate what he calls the Deep State if he wins back the White House.
    • ,The Hunter Biden conviction contradicted Trump’s false notion that the Justice Department exclusively targets Republicans.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (80%)
    The author demonstrates a political bias by repeatedly contrasting the actions of President Biden and former President Trump in relation to their sons' legal issues. The author implies that Trump's reaction to his own trial and conviction was inappropriate, while praising Biden for allowing the justice system to run its course. This bias is evident throughout the article.
    • But Delaware is a blue state – and a jury there just convicted the president’s son.
      • Had Biden been acquitted, Republicans would surely have argued that a biased jury in a state where everyone seems to know the first family had proven their point.
        • Republicans are attacking our entire system of justice and the rule of law because they don’t like the way one case came out.
          • The former president has left no doubt that he’d do the same and more if he wins back the White House in November and would ignore the DOJ’s core mission statement of enforcing the law with ‘independence and Impartiality.’
            • The former president lashed out at witnesses, prosecutors, jurors and the judge.
              • We will continue to demand accountability for the corrupt business dealings of the Biden family.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • President's son, Hunter Biden, was found guilty on all three felony counts
                • Hunter Biden was convicted of gun crimes on Tuesday
                • Biden became the first son of a sitting US president to be criminally convicted in federal court
              • Accuracy
                • This is the first-ever criminal convictions for the child of a sitting US president
                • Hunter Biden became the first son of a sitting US president to be criminally convicted in federal court
              • Deception (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Fallacies (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Bias (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • Hunter Biden was convicted of three felony counts for lying about his drug use when he bought a gun in 2018.
              • Accuracy
                • A jury convicted Donald Trump of 34 felonies in a hush-money case last month.
                • Jurors stated they did not consider politics or Biden’s father during their decision making process
                • Biden became the first son of a sitting US president to be criminally convicted in federal court
              • Deception (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Fallacies (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Bias (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • Hunter Biden's guilty verdict was announced on Tuesday, potentially impacting President Biden’s reelection campaign.
                • ,The personal toll on President Biden, who has already suffered significant loss and grappled with his son’s addiction, could be severe.
                • ,President Biden was largely absent from the trial itself but expressed concern about improperly influencing a case brought by his own Justice Department.
                • ,Some Democrats believe that Americans might sympathize with Hunter Biden’s battle with substance abuse, given the prevalence of addiction in families across the country.
                • ,Hunter Biden faces another trial for alleged tax evasion in September.
              • Accuracy
                • Many argue that the verdict paints the Bidens as lawbreakers, while others believe it will not significantly impact voters’ opinions of President Biden.
                • President Biden was largely absent from the trial itself but expressed concern about improperly influencing a case brought by his own Justice Department.
                • Hunter Biden faces another trial for alleged tax evasion in September.
              • Deception (50%)
                The article contains examples of editorializing and the author's opinions. The author quotes David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, discussing the potential personal toll on President Biden due to his son's guilty verdict. This is an example of using an outside expert for opinion rather than factual reporting. Additionally, the article includes details about Hunter Biden's past struggles with addiction and how this may impact his father, which could be seen as sensationalizing the personal aspects of the story.
                • What normal human being would not be torn apart to see his family’s anguish played out in a courtroom in front of the world?
                • And to see people you love having to testify, not just your son, but your daughters-in-law and your granddaughter, all reliving the most painful moments of their lives — who wouldn’t be shattered by that?
              • Fallacies (85%)
                The article contains several fallacies. Firstly, there is a dichotomous depiction of Hunter Biden as either a lawbreaker or someone who committed a relatively minor offense. This oversimplifies the situation and presents only two extreme options. Secondly, there is an appeal to authority when the article quotes David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, without providing any evidence or logical reasoning for his statements. Thirdly, inflammatory rhetoric is used in phrases such as
                • Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict Tuesday... lawbreakers and offsets Donald Trump’s own criminal conviction.
                • The dramatic and often sordid trial... played out in Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Del., a few blocks from Biden reelection headquarters.
                • Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.)... dismissed the outcome of the case.
                • Some Democrats said that since American families of all stripes have been hurt by addiction, they might be sympathetic to Hunter Biden’s battle with substance abuse.
              • Bias (80%)
                The authors express concern for the personal toll the trial may have on President Biden due to his family's involvement and past tragedies. They also mention Republican leaders hoping to use the verdict against Democrats, but do not provide any evidence of bias towards either side in their reporting.
                • Democratic strategists argued, meanwhile, that voters are unlikely to hold the president accountable for his son’s behavior.
                  • Republicans still hope the verdict paints the Bidens as lawbreakers and offsets Donald Trump’s own criminal conviction.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication