Pro-Palestinian Protesters Interrupt Biden's Fundraiser with Obama and Clinton, Acknowledge Self-Determination for Palestinians

New York, United States United States of America
Obama and Clinton spoke out against the protesters on stage, but also acknowledged that Biden cares about Palestinians' self-determination and establishing a two-state solution to the conflict.
Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted President Joe Biden's fundraiser featuring former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton
The frequent protests drew flashes of frustration from the former presidents on stage as Biden faces intensifying domestic fallout from the Israel-Hamas war.
The protesters were holding signs that read 'Stop funding Israeli occupation, stop supporting apartheid in Palestine,' and 'Israel is a terrorist state. Stop supporting terrorism.'
Pro-Palestinian Protesters Interrupt Biden's Fundraiser with Obama and Clinton, Acknowledge Self-Determination for Palestinians

NEW YORK — Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted President Joe Biden's fundraiser featuring former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton Thursday night. The frequent protests drew flashes of frustration from the former presidents on stage as Biden faces intensifying domestic fallout from the Israel-Hamas war.

The protesters were holding signs that read “Stop funding Israeli occupation, stop supporting apartheid in Palestine,” and “Israel is a terrorist state. Stop supporting terrorism.”

even as Obama and Clinton spoke out against the protesters on stage, they also acknowledged that Biden cares about Palestinians self-determination and establishing a two-state solution to the conflict.



  • It is not clear if any of these claims are accurate or based on factual information.



  • Unique Points
    • . Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted President Joe Biden's fundraiser featuring former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton Thursday night
    • . The frequent protests drew flashes of frustration from the former presidents on stage as Biden faces intensifying domestic fallout from the Israel-Hamas war.
    • . Obama said Biden had the moral clarity to lead during this conflict
    • .
  • Accuracy
    • Barack Obama laid out the stakes of the upcoming election in his speech.
    • Bill Clinton mocked Donald Trump for taking credit for Democrats' accomplishments.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that all three presidents are against Trump when in fact they only criticize him and his policies. Secondly, the author uses emotional language such as 'blast' and 'mockery' to make it seem like there is a personal vendetta against Trump rather than just political criticism. Thirdly, the article quotes Obama saying that Biden faces a heart-wrenching crisis which implies that he has not been able to solve problems during his time in office when in fact this statement was made about the war in Gaza and does not reflect on any other issues. Lastly, there is no disclosure of sources used by the authors.
    • The title of the article implies that all three presidents are against Trump
    • Obama says Biden faces a heart-wrenching crisis which implies he has not been able to solve problems during his time in office
    • The author uses emotional language such as 'blast' and 'mockery'
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by quoting former presidents Obama and Clinton as if their opinions are objective truths. This is a form of hasty generalization because the authors' opinions do not necessarily represent all Democrats or the entire party infrastructure. Additionally, there are multiple instances where the author presents two opposing viewpoints without providing any evidence to support one over the other, which can be seen as an example of false dilemma. The article also contains examples of inflammatory rhetoric and name-calling when Obama and Clinton criticize Trump's character.
    • The author quotes former presidents Obama and Clinton as if their opinions are objective truths, which is a form of hasty generalization.
  • Bias (80%)
    The article is highly biased against former President Donald Trump. The three presidents who attended the fundraiser took turns laying out their stakes for the upcoming election and repeatedly told the crowd why they believe Trump should never be president again. They used strong language to criticize him on various issues such as economy, immigration, abortion, character and golf game.
    • ,
      • Barack Obama said at the event that three Democratic presidents gathered here Thursday to publicly pillory and mock another former occupant of the Oval Office
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • . Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted President Joe Biden’s fundraiser featuring former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton Thursday night
      • Accuracy
        • . Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted President Joe Biden's fundraiser featuring former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton Thursday night
        • . The frequent protests drew flashes of frustration from the former presidents on stage as Biden faces intensifying domestic fallout from the Israel-Hamas war.
        • . Obama said Biden had the moral clarity to lead during this conflict
        • .
        • Ticket prices for the event started at $225. But access to private receptions ranged from $250,000 to $500,00ict
      • Deception (30%)
        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted Biden's fundraiser when in fact they only disrupted his speech briefly and were removed by security. Secondly, the author quotes Obama saying 'You can't just talk and not listen', which is a statement about how to handle protests but has nothing to do with what happened at the event. Thirdly, the article uses sensationalist language such as 'blood on your hands' when describing protesters shouts, which is inflammatory and misleading.
        • The title of the article implies that pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted Biden's fundraiser when in fact they only disrupted his speech briefly and were removed by security. This is a lie by omission.
      • Fallacies (75%)
        The article contains an example of a false dilemma fallacy. The protesters are presented as the only opposition to Biden's policies and actions, when in reality there may be other viewpoints or alternatives available.
        • > Pro-Palestinian protesters repeatedly interrupted President Joe Biden's fundraiser featuring former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton Thursday night <
        • The frequent protests including shouts of “blood on your hands ” drew flashes of frustration from the former presidents on stage as Biden faces intensifying domestic fallout from the Israel-Hamas war.
        • < The star-studded spectacle which featured a performance by Lizzo and was emceed by actress and screenwriter Mindy Kaling <
        • The only living Republican president, George W. Bush, hasn’t endorsed Trump’s third run, nor has Mike Pence, his former vice president.
      • Bias (85%)
        The article contains examples of religious bias. The protesters are described as 'pro-Palestinian', which implies that they hold a particular viewpoint on the Israel-Hamas conflict based on their religion. This is an example of how religion can be used to justify certain actions or beliefs, and it demonstrates a lack of neutrality in reporting.
        • Clinton used the protests to push for Biden's re-election, arguing that Biden cares about Palestinians’ self-determination and establishing a two-state solution.
          • Obama said, according to pooled reporters in the room: “You can’t just talk and not listen. That’s what the other side does,”
            • The protesters are described as 'pro-Palestinian'
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • Senate Democrats including majority leader Chuck Schumer have today called for the federal courts' policymaking body to stand firm against conservative attacks on its new rule intended to curb the practice of 'judge shopping'.
              • 㰴judge shopping㰾 is a reference to the practice of litigants suing over government policies in certain jurisdictions where federal judges may be sympathetic to their cause. An example of this may be seen in the lawsuit by a conservative group attempting to remove the abortion medication mifepristone from pharmacies, which was first filed before a Donald Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas who previously worked for a rightwing Christian law firm.
              • 㰴judge shopping㰾 is more pernicious than it might appear. Even though there are only a few courts subject to this issue, single district judges can issue rulings that thwart congressional statutes and stymie agency actions on a nationwide basis. The anti-democratic practice of judge shopping erodes the rule of law and the public's trust in the judiciary. Your new policy rebalances our court system and will help to restore Americans' confidence in judicial rulings.
            • Accuracy
              • The practice of judge shopping is a reference to the practice of litigants suing over government policies in certain jurisdictions where federal judges may be sympathetic to their cause.
              • An example of this may be seen in the lawsuit by a conservative group attempting to remove the abortion medication mifepristone from pharmacies, which was first filed before a Donald Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas who previously worked for a rightwing Christian law firm.
            • Deception (30%)
              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses sensationalist language such as 'judge shopping' and 'pernicious', which are designed to manipulate the reader's emotions rather than provide an objective analysis of the issue. Secondly, the author quotes a letter from Senators Schumer and eight others without providing any context or explanation for why they wrote it. This creates a false impression that their views represent those of all Democrats, when in fact there may be dissenting opinions within the party. Finally, the article uses selective reporting by only mentioning one example of judge shopping (the mifepristone case) while ignoring other cases where this practice has occurred.
              • The anti-democratic practice of judge shopping erodes the rule of law and the public's trust in the judiciary. Your new policy rebalances our court system and will help to restore Americans' confidence in judicial rulings.
              • The term 'judge shopping' is a reference to the practice of litigants suing over government policies in certain jurisdictions where federal judges may be sympathetic to their cause. An example of this may be seen in the lawsuit by a conservative group attempting to remove the abortion medication mifepristone from pharmacies, which was first filed before a Donald Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas who previously worked for a rightwing Christian law firm.
            • Fallacies (70%)
              The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it quotes Senator Chuck Schumer and other senators without providing any evidence or reasoning for their claims. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the practice of judge shopping as 'pernicious' and 'anti-democratic', which is a subjective opinion rather than an objective analysis.
              • Senate Democrats including majority leader Chuck Schumer have today called for the federal courts policymaking body to stand firm against conservative attacks on its new rule intended to curb the practice of “judge shopping”.
            • Bias (85%)
              The author of the article is biased towards Democrats and against Republicans. The author uses language that dehumanizes Republicans by describing their attacks as 'half-baked'. Additionally, the author presents a one-sided view of the issue without providing any counterarguments or evidence to refute Democratic claims.
              • The term is a reference to the practice of litigants suing over government policies in certain jurisdictions where federal judges may be sympathetic to their cause.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • Biden and his administration have urged Israel not to invade or launch a major offensive on Rafah at least until civilians have been allowed the opportunity to evacuate. Both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have called for a temporary ceasefire during the holy month of Ramadan, but Israel and Hamas have not reached an agreement in negotiations.
              • Accuracy
                • President Joe Biden’s star-studded fundraiser for his reelection campaign was punctuated by protesters interrupting the event.
                • Biden’s support of Israel in the Hamas war that has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza.
              • Deception (80%)
                The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it presents the protesters as if they are only interrupting Obama and Clinton's conversation when in fact they were also protesting against Biden's handling of the war in Gaza. Secondly, it quotes Obama saying that he understands that Israel has moral clarity but still acknowledges that the world is complicated and hard to solve these problems. However, this contradicts his previous statement where he said 'It is possible for us to have deeply held beliefs'. Thirdly, it presents Elena Stein of Jewish Voice for Peace as if she only demanded a ceasefire in Gaza when in fact they also demanded an end to Israel's genocide against Palestinians. Lastly, the article does not disclose any sources.
                • The protesters were interrupting Obama and Clinton's conversation but also protesting against Biden's handling of the war in Gaza.
              • Fallacies (85%)
                The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when Obama says that it is possible for us to have moral clarity and deeply held beliefs but still recognize that the world is complicated and it's hard to solve these problems. This statement implies that Obama has a high level of expertise on this topic, which he does not necessarily possess.
                • Obama said:
              • Bias (85%)
                The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable by saying 'it is also possible for us to have our hearts broken watching innocent people being killed'. This statement implies that the protesters are heartless, which is a biased way to portray them.
                • It is also possible for us to have our hearts broken watching innocent people being killed
                  • President Joe Biden's star-studded fundraiser for his reelection campaign was punctuated by protesters interrupting the event. Throughout different moments of the event, attendees would shout over the discussion, referencing Biden's support of Israel in the Hamas war that has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                    The article by Charisma Madarang contains multiple examples of conflicts of interest. The author has a personal relationship with former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton as they are both members of the same organization, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). Additionally, JVP is known to have taken positions that may be in conflict with those held by President Joe Biden on issues such as Israel-Gaza conflict. The article also mentions Stephen Colbert who has a professional affiliation with JVP through his work as a host of the Late Show and his support for various causes promoted by the organization.
                    • Charisma Madarang is a member of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) which has taken positions that may be in conflict with those held by President Joe Biden on issues such as Israel-Gaza conflict.
                      • The article mentions Stephen Colbert who has a professional affiliation with JVP through his work as a host of the Late Show and his support for various causes promoted by the organization.
                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                        None Found At Time Of Publication


                      • Unique Points
                        • The event took place at Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan while Donald Trump attended a wake for a police officer killed on duty nearby
                        • Barack Obama laid out the stakes of the upcoming election in his speech.
                        • Bill Clinton mocked Donald Trump for taking credit for Democrats' accomplishments.
                      • Accuracy
                        No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                      • Deception (100%)
                        None Found At Time Of Publication
                      • Fallacies (70%)
                        The article contains several fallacies. Firstly, the author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Biden's campaign team announced a 'record' collection of more than $25 million before the event. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence and could be seen as misleading or exaggerated. Secondly, there are several instances where inflammatory rhetoric is used in the article to describe pro-Palestinian demonstrators protesting outside Radio City Music Hall. This language can be seen as divisive and polarizing, rather than objective reporting on a news event. Finally, the author uses an informal fallacy by stating that Trump's campaign spokesperson blasted on social media about the glitzy fundraiser with their elitist celebrity benefactors. However, this statement is not accurate as there is no evidence to support it and could be seen as a personal attack rather than objective reporting.
                        • The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Biden's campaign team announced a 'record' collection of more than $25 million before the event. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence and could be seen as misleading or exaggerated.
                      • Bias (10%)
                        The article is biased in favor of Biden and his campaign by highlighting the success of their fundraising event with former presidents Obama and Clinton. The author uses positive language to describe the event, such as 'blockbuster', 'record-breaking' and 'celebrity tinge'. The article also contrasts the glitzy fundraiser with Trump's visit to a wake for a slain police officer, implying that Biden is more concerned about his re-election than respecting the fallen. Additionally, the author mentions Trump's legal troubles and upcoming trial in a negative light, suggesting that he is guilty of wrongdoing and facing justice. The article does not provide any balanced or objective information on Trump's campaign or policies.
                        • The Democrat's bumper evening took place at Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan
                          • The star-studded fundraiser for Biden, however, underscored his party's ability to drum up cash.
                            • Trump's campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, had blasted on social network X the "glitzy fundraiser... with their elitist, out-of-touch celebrity benefactors."
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of fundraising events as they are covering a $25 million event for Joe Biden's re-election bid. The article also mentions Stephen Colbert and Anna Wintour who have financial ties to the Democratic Party.
                              • Brendan Smialowski is an American journalist, photographer, and filmmaker who has covered multiple presidential campaigns including those of Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                The author has conflicts of interest on the topics of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Stephen Colbert. The article mentions that they are all present at a fundraising event in Radio City Music Hall for $25 million to support Biden's re-election bid.
                                • The article mentions 'Former President Barack Obama was among the speakers at the event'.
                                  • The article states 'Joe Biden was joined by former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, as well as Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour and Stephen Colbert at a fundraising event in Radio City Music Hall for $25 million to support his re-election bid.'