Prominent Democrats Express Doubts About President Biden's Re-election Bid

Washington D.C., District of Columbia United States of America
Biden faces criticism over his performance at the NATO summit and handling of domestic issues.
Prominent Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have expressed doubts about President Joe Biden's re-election bid.
Schumer has signaled to donors that he is open to a Democratic candidate other than Biden.
Prominent Democrats Express Doubts About President Biden's Re-election Bid

President Joe Biden's decision to run for re-election in the 2024 White House race has been met with increasing doubts and calls for him to step aside from prominent Democrats, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer. According to multiple sources, Schumer has privately signaled to donors that he is open to a Democratic candidate other than Biden.

The pressure on Biden comes as he faces mounting criticism over his performance in the recent NATO summit and his handling of various domestic issues. Some Senate Democrats are expected to express their reservations during a meeting with him on Thursday.

Pelosi, who has been a longtime Biden ally, appeared on MSNBC's



  • It is unclear if other prominent Democrats share the same reservations.
  • The article does not provide specific quotes from Pelosi or Schumer expressing their doubts.



  • Unique Points
    • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer privately signaled to donors he’s open to a Democratic candidate other than Biden
    • Senator Peter Welch was the first Democratic senator to explicitly call for Biden to step aside.
    • Some Senate Democrats are expected to express their reservations in a meeting with Biden on Thursday.
  • Accuracy
    • US President Joe Biden faced doubts about his reelection chances from heavyweights Nancy Pelosi and George Clooney.
    • Former House Speaker Pelosi declined to definitively say she wanted Biden to run, suggesting he could face a fresh wave of calls from fellow Democrats to exit the race.
    • Hollywood star Clooney withdrew his support for Biden with a damning opinion piece in the New York Times saying Biden was not the same man he was in 2020.
    • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer privately signaled to donors he's open to a Democratic candidate other than Biden.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article reports on various Democratic leaders expressing concerns about President Biden's reelection chances and some indicating they are open to a different candidate. While the article does not contain any direct quotes from Schumer stating that he is signaling to donors that he is open to replacing Biden, it does report Axios' claim that Schumer has privately signaled this. This constitutes selective reporting as the article only reports details that support the idea of Democratic leaders being dissatisfied with Biden and considering other candidates, while ignoring any statements or actions indicating support for Biden. Additionally, there is emotional manipulation through phrases like 'it's going to be a bloodbath' and 'the most existential and consequential election of their lifetimes'.
    • Democrats in Congress remain deeply divided over whether to fall in line behind Biden or to urge him to step aside because of persistent questions about his health and acuity.
    • The election is the most existential and consequential of their lifetimes.
    • It's going to be a bloodbath.
    • REPORTS Axios: Schumer has privately signaled to donors he’s open to a Democratic candidate other than Biden.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (80%)
    The article reports on comments from Nancy Pelosi and George Clooney expressing doubts about Joe Biden's reelection chances. Chuck Schumer is also mentioned as having privately signaled to donors that he's open to a Democratic candidate other than Biden. These statements suggest a bias towards criticizing Biden and promoting the idea of replacing him as the Democratic candidate.
    • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, meanwhile, has privately signaled to donors he’s open to a Democratic candidate other than Biden, Axios reported.
      • Two Senate Democrats have publicly called for Biden to step aside: Senator Peter Welch and Representative Earl Blumenauer. Other Democrats have expressed concerns about his ability to win the race.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Representative Nancy Pelosi tried to appeal to a more respectful side of President Biden in hopes of getting him to make a decision about his presidential campaign.
        • President Biden has stated that he is in his final presidential race to win it.
      • Accuracy
        • Representative Nancy Pelosi declined to definitively say she wanted Biden to run, suggesting he could face a fresh wave of calls from fellow Democrats to exit the race.
        • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer privately signaled to donors he's open to a Democratic candidate other than Biden.
        • Some Senate Democrats are expected to express their reservations in a meeting with Biden on Thursday.
      • Deception (80%)
        The author, Katie Rogers, uses emotional manipulation by describing the emotions of Democrats and White House officials in response to Pelosi's comments. She also uses selective reporting by focusing on Pelosi's comments and ignoring Biden's previous statement about being in his final presidential race.
        • The elected Democrats and donors have been all over the emotional map this week as they scrutinize the state of President Biden’s viability as a candidate against former President Donald J. Trump, trying everything from directly pleading with him to drop out of the race to freaking out in silence.
        • Ms. Pelosi’s comments, stressing that ‘time is running short’ for him to make a final decision, made it clear that the discussion was not over.
      • Fallacies (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • House and Senate caucus meetings broke without consensus on what to do about Biden’s nomination
        • Nancy Pelosi appeared on Morning Joe for maximum visibility with President Biden
        • Rep. Lloyd Doggett called on Biden to withdraw after the debate
        • Some Democrats have previously framed the race as unsettled and acknowledged that decisions can change
      • Accuracy
        • House and Senate caucus meetings broke without consensus on what to do about Biden’s nomination in the article, but some articles mention that Chuck Schumer privately signaled to donors he's open to a Democratic candidate other than Biden.
        • Many Democrats were still unwilling to move on from the question of Biden stepping down in the article, but some articles mention that Rep. Peter Welch was the first Democratic senator to explicitly call for Biden to step aside.
      • Deception (50%)
        The article contains selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The authors quote several Democratic aides expressing their opinions about Nancy Pelosi's interview on Morning Joe and how it affects the situation with President Biden. However, they do not provide any counter-opinions or context from pro-Biden Democrats or other sources that might challenge these views. This selective reporting creates an imbalanced perspective and potentially misleads readers by giving undue weight to the opinions of Pelosi's critics. Additionally, the authors use emotional language like 'clear shot in the arm,' 'maximum visibility,' and 'keeping the situation very open, very fluid' to manipulate readers' emotions and create a sense of urgency around Pelosi's comments.
        • She knows he’s watching. She’s not an idiot. She chose those words carefully.
        • It also appeared designed for maximum visibility with the president himself.
        • Rep. Lloyd Doggett, the very first Democrat to call on Biden to withdraw after the debate, told The Hill that the former speaker’s comments were keeping the situation very open, very fluid.
      • Fallacies (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Bias (80%)
        The authors use the phrase 'many, many, many people think and feel' which implies that there is a large number of people who hold a certain viewpoint. This could be seen as an attempt to sway readers into believing that there is widespread dissatisfaction with President Biden among Democrats. It also quotes several Democratic aides expressing their opinions on the situation, which could be seen as disproportionate representation of those views.
        • Frontliners and lower profile members can only do so much. But they know that Biden won't listen to their concerns.
          • I can’t speak to Speaker Emerita’s thinking, but all of us acknowledge that the decision here is President Biden’s to make
            • It also appeared designed for maximum visibility with the president himself.
              • Rep. Pat Ryan of New York became the eighth House member to call for him to exit the race just hours after Pelosi’s interview.
                • She knows he's watching. She's not an idiot. She chose those words carefully.
                  • She seemed to cast more doubt than members yesterday
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                  • Unique Points
                    • Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked about President Biden's candidacy in the upcoming election.
                    • Pelosi stated that she is not having any discussions with anyone about what she talks to the president about.
                    • Pelosi did not make any comments on whether Biden should run for re-election during a hallway interview.
                  • Accuracy
                    • Former House Speaker Pelosi declined to definitively say she wanted Biden to run, suggesting he could face a fresh wave of calls from fellow Democrats to exit the race.
                    • Some Senate Democrats are expected to express their reservations in a meeting with Biden on Thursday.
                  • Deception (50%)
                    The author, Kristine Parks, uses selective reporting by only presenting quotes from Pelosi that support the narrative of her growing frustrated and not making any statements about Biden's candidacy. She does not provide any context or quotes where Pelosi expresses support for Biden's decision to stay in the race. Additionally, there is emotional manipulation as the author uses phrases like 'lost her cool' and 'growing frustrated' to elicit an emotional response from readers.
                    • I’m not going to be making any statements about any of that right now in the hallway.
                    • Am I speaking English to you? I’m not going to be making any statements about any of that right now in the hallway.
                  • Fallacies (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Bias (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication