Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Vice Presidential Running Mate: Nicole Shanahan

San Francisco, California United States of America
Nicole Shanahan is a 38-year-old lawyer and philanthropist who leads Bia-Echo Foundation, an organization she founded to direct money toward issues including women's reproductive science, criminal justice reform and environmental causes.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s independent presidential campaign has taken a significant turn with the announcement of his vice presidential running mate, Nicole Shanahan.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Vice Presidential Running Mate: Nicole Shanahan

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s independent presidential campaign has taken a significant turn with the announcement of his vice presidential running mate, Nicole Shanahan. The 38-year-old lawyer and philanthropist leads Bia-Echo Foundation, an organization she founded to direct money toward issues including women's reproductive science, criminal justice reform and environmental causes. She has a history of donating to soft-on crime causes and was one of George Gascon's top donors during his campaign.



  • It is not clear if there were any other candidates considered for the role of Vice Presidential Running Mate.
  • There may be concerns about Nicole Shanahan's history of donating to soft-on crime causes.



  • Unique Points
    • Nicole Shanahan has a history of donating to soft-on-crime causes
    • Shanahan founded and is president of the Bia-Echo Foundation which contributed over $11.6 million to left-wing causes
    • `The Silicon Valley Community Foundation` received $10 million from the Bia-Echo Foundation, passing it to organizations advocating for lighter prison terms and supporting lawyers representing illegal migrants in the US
    • Impact Justice received $625,00o from the Bia-Echo Foundation, advocates giving homeowners stipends in exchange for housing newly released prisoners in private homes and its founder called the US prison system `a direct legacy of slaverya
    • Shimica Gaskins is a board member at Impact Justice has fought for economic relief for undocumented immigrants and led efforts to remove police from schools in LA and Oakland
    • Nicole Shanahan was one of George Gascon's top donors during his campaign, giving him over $150,00o
    • Gascon ran on a platform of reducing incarceration, eliminating sentence enhancements, ending the death penalty and banning minors from being tried as adults
    • bMeasure Jχ was challenged in court by local law enforcement unions who warned that the funding cuts imposed on the criminal justice system would make Angelinos less safe
    • Shanahan's funding history aligns with Kennedy's views of eliminating prison sentences for non-violent drug crimes and diverting addicts to rehabilitation centers or farms
  • Accuracy
    • Nicole Shanahan, running mate of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has a history of donating to soft-on-crime causes
    • Shanahan was one of George Gascon’s top donors during his campaign, giving him over $150,000
  • Deception (80%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it presents Nicole Shanahan as a champion of criminal justice reform when she has donated millions to organizations that advocate for lighter prison terms and supporting lawyers representing illegal migrants in the US. Secondly, the article fails to disclose any sources or provide evidence to support its claims about Shanahan's involvement with these organizations. Thirdly, it presents Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s views on criminal justice reform as if they are his own when he has not been quoted saying anything specific about this topic in the article.
    • The bulk of $10 million went to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, which passed the cash to organizations advocating for lighter prison terms and supporting lawyers representing illegal migrants in the US.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article highlights the long history of Nicole Shanahan's support for criminal justice reform and her involvement with organizations that advocate for lighter prison terms and supporting lawyers representing illegal migrants in the US. The Bia-Echo Foundation has contributed more than $11 million to left-wing causes, including sending $625,000 to Impact Justice which advocates giving homeowners stipends in exchange for housing newly released prisoners in private homes. This is an example of a fallacy known as 'appeals to authority' where the author presents information from an organization without providing any evidence or context about its credibility. Additionally, the article mentions that Shanahan was one of the top donors backing woke Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon and Measure J in Los Angeles County which mandates LA County spend 10% of its locally generated funds on social services like housing, mental health treatment and other jail diversion programs. This is an example of a fallacy known as 'appeals to authority' where the author presents information from an organization without providing any evidence or context about its credibility.
    • The Bia-Echo Foundation has contributed more than $11 million to left-wing causes, including sending $625,000 to Impact Justice which advocates giving homeowners stipends in exchange for housing newly released prisoners in private homes.
  • Bias (85%)
    The author has a clear bias towards criminal justice reform and supporting causes that are anti-police. The article highlights the donations made by Nicole Shanahan's foundation to organizations advocating for lighter prison terms and supporting lawyers representing illegal migrants in the US. Additionally, the author mentions her involvement with criminal justice reformers in San Francisco and her support for Measure J, a proposition mandating LA County spend 10% of its locally generated funds on social services like housing, mental health treatment and other jail diversion programs.
    • Nicole Shanahan's foundation has contributed more than $11.6 million to left-wing causes
      • Shanahan was also a major donor in support of Measure J, a proposition mandating LA County spend 10% of its locally generated funds on social services like housing, mental health treatment and other jail diversion programs.
        • The bulk of that money went to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, which passed the cash to organizations advocating for lighter prison terms and supporting lawyers representing illegal migrants in the US.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • RFK Jr. has a higher favorability rating than both Biden and Trump
          • Shanahan can speak directly to female voters, the high-tech community, young voters, minority voters, the working poor, the disenfranchised
          • Perception often equals reality which then equals momentum
        • Accuracy
          • Biden and Trump know Kennedy’s VP choice is a game changer
        • Deception (50%)
          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it presents the idea that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s selection of Nicole Shanahan as his running mate will be a game-changer for the presidential election when there is no evidence to support this claim. Secondly, it implies that RFK Jr.'s favorability rating and popularity among certain demographics are higher than they actually are based on polling data. Thirdly, the article presents Shanahan's background as an entrepreneur and her connections to wealthy donors in a way that suggests she is solely responsible for Kennedy's campaign success when it is clear that other factors such as his vision and message also play a significant role.
          • The line between long shot and the people’s choice is much narrower than many believe. It often comes down to reaching a tipping point.
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that voters worry about Biden's age and cognitive issues without providing any evidence or citing a source. Additionally, the author makes a false dilemma by implying that there are only two options for president: either vote for Biden or Trump, when in reality there is also the option of voting for an independent candidate like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric by stating that voters do not want Biden or Trump as their next president without providing any evidence to support this claim.
          • The author uses an appeal to authority when they state that voters worry about Biden's age and cognitive issues, but provide no evidence or cite a source.
          • The author makes a false dilemma by implying that there are only two options for president: either vote for Biden or Trump.
          • The article contains inflammatory rhetoric when it states that voters do not want Biden or Trump as their next president without providing any evidence to support this claim.
        • Bias (85%)
          The author demonstrates bias by only quoting Kennedy and Shanahan in the article. The author does not provide any counterarguments or alternative perspectives to Kennedy's campaign. The author also uses language that depicts those who oppose Kennedy as corrupt and part of a 'calculated effort' to stop his campaign.
          • For the current president, voters worry about Biden’s age, perceived cognitive issues, his son Hunter’s legal and perception problems, growing policy failures
            • It appears to be settling down upon a solid foundation of populism. A foundation Shanahan can expand widely.
              • Kennedy can very quickly help flip that conversation to his favor.
                • Kennedy recently addressed this challenge in a post on X, formerly Twitter: ‘The will of the people is being thwarted by corruption and cronyism from Secretary Mayorkas, the Biden administration, and the politicization of our federal agencies.’
                  • Shanahan can now stop and reverse that ‘calculated effort to drain’ the Kennedy campaign of funds.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                  • Unique Points
                    • . Trump attacked Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent presidential candidate
                    • Mr. Trump professed support for Mr. Kennedy's campaign
                    • Shanahan was one of George Gascon's top donors during his campaign
                  • Accuracy
                    • . Mr. Trump professed support for Mr. Kennedy's campaign
                  • Deception (50%)
                    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses a quote from Trump to suggest that he supports Kennedy's campaign as a spoiler for Biden when it is clear that Trump sees him as more radical left than Biden and believes his independent campaign will draw support from voters who have soured on both candidates.
                    • Yet he also professed support for Mr. Kennedy's campaign, claiming that Mr. Kennedy would be likely to siphon votes from Mr. Biden.
                    • Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, pointed in particular to Mr. Kennedy's views on climate change and the environment, writing on his social media site that Mr. Kennedy was more “radical Left” than Mr. Biden.
                  • Fallacies (70%)
                    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it states that former President Donald J. Trump attacked Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent presidential candidate, on Wednesday morning.
                    • ]Mr. Trump professed support for Mr. Kennedy's campaign[
                  • Bias (85%)
                    The author is hostile to the main stream media and news outlets that publish articles where the author demonstrates bias in their reporting. The article contains examples of political bias.
                    • > Mr. Trump praised him as “very smart.”
                      • <p>Mr. Trump also professed support for Mr. Kennedy’s campaign, claiming that Mr. Kennedy would be likely to siphon votes from Mr. Biden.</p>
                        • <p>Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, pointed in particular to Mr. Kennedy’s views on climate change and the environment, writing on his social media site that Mr. Kennedy was more “radical Left” than Mr. Biden.</p>
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication


                        • Unique Points
                          • Nicole Shanahan is a California lawyer and philanthropist who leads Bia-Echo Foundation, an organization she founded to direct money toward issues including women's reproductive science, criminal justice reform and environmental causes.
                          • Shanahan has a history of donating to soft-on-crime causes
                          • Shanahan was one of George Gascon's top donors during his campaign
                        • Accuracy
                          • Nicole Shanahan has a history of donating to soft-on-crime causes
                          • Shanahan founded and is president of the Bia-Echo Foundation which contributed over $11.6 million to left-wing causes
                          • Shanahan was one of George Gascon's top donors during his campaign, giving him over $150,000
                        • Deception (30%)
                          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign has spooked Democrats and Republicans alike but fails to provide any evidence of this claim. Secondly, the author quotes former President Donald Trump's spokesperson as saying that RFK Jr.'s anti-establishment bent and skepticism about COVID-19 could entice voters who might otherwise vote for him, which is a lie by omission since it implies that RFK Jr. supports these views when in fact he has been critical of both Trump and the Republican Party on several occasions. Thirdly, the author quotes former President John F. Kennedy's nephew as saying that RFK Jr.'s campaign is a lame attempt to coast on his family legacy and goodwill with African Americans but fails to provide any evidence for this claim or disclose who made this statement.
                          • The article claims that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign has spooked Democrats and Republicans alike, but it does not provide any evidence of this claim.
                        • Fallacies (75%)
                          The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that he and his running mate both left the Democratic Party without providing any evidence or reasoning for their decision. Additionally, the author makes a false dilemma by suggesting that voters must choose between two major parties when there are other options available. The article also contains examples of inflammatory rhetoric, such as when the author states that his campaign is trying to appeal to disaffected voters and implies that both major parties are beholden to greedy profiteers.
                          • The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that he and his running mate both left the Democratic Party without providing any evidence or reasoning for their decision.
                          • The author makes a false dilemma by suggesting that voters must choose between two major parties when there are other options available.
                          • The article contains examples of inflammatory rhetoric, such as when the author states that his campaign is trying to appeal to disaffected voters and implies that both major parties are beholden to greedy profiteers.
                        • Bias (80%)
                          The author of the article is biased towards Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s independent White House bid and his choice of Nicole Shanahan as running mate. The author uses language that dehumanizes Democrats and portrays them as greedy profiteers while praising RFK Jr's discredited anti-vaccine message.
                          • The Democratic Party did.
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication