Sen. Lindsey Graham and JD Vance's Remarks Spark Controversy Over Childless Women

Radford, Virginia United States of America
Sen. Lindsey Graham and JD Vance have made controversial comments about childless women.
Their remarks have sparked debate and controversy.
Sen. Lindsey Graham and JD Vance's Remarks Spark Controversy Over Childless Women

Title: Sen. Lindsey Graham and JD Vance's Controversial Comments About Childless Women

In recent days, two prominent Republican figures, Sen. Lindsey Graham and Senate nominee JD Vance, have found themselves in the spotlight for their controversial comments about childless women.

Sen. Lindsey Graham expressed his support for Vance despite his past remarks about



  • Are there any non-peer reviewed studies that could discredit Sen. Lindsey Graham's or JD Vance's statements?
  • Could there be other factors influencing their comments that haven't been disclosed?



  • Unique Points
    • Sen. Lindsey Graham supports Sen. JD Vance despite his past comments about 'childless cat ladies' in the Democratic Party.
    • Vance made these comments during his Senate campaign in 2021, criticizing Democrats for being 'anti-family and anti-child.'
  • Accuracy
    • ,
  • Deception (50%)
    The author makes editorializing statements by expressing her opinion on the demeaning comments made by Sen. JD Vance towards certain women and her subsequent criticism of his remarks. She also uses emotional manipulation by implying that Vance's comments were hurtful and offensive.
    • But he made clear his support for Vance but warns ‘you should never say anything to hurt anybody’s feelings.’
    • Vance called Aniston’s comments ‘disgusting’ because his daughter is 2 years old.
    • The comment, and Friday’s explanation, have continued to draw fire in recent days.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance holds a campaign rally at Radford University on July 22, 2024 in Radford, Virginia.
    • Mike Pence’s former press secretary Marc Lotter described Vance as ‘very pro-family.’
  • Accuracy
    • President Biden has stepped down from the campaign trail and Vice President Kamala Harris is now in the spotlight.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the authors' position about JD Vance's comment about 'childless cat ladies'. The authors quote Donna Brazile and her response to Vance's comment, implying that Brazile is a 'childless cat lady'. However, they do not provide any context or evidence to support this implication. Additionally, the authors use emotional manipulation by using the term 'wrath of childless women' and implying that Vance's comments could alienate key swing voters. Lastly, there is no disclosure of sources in the article.
    • Meanwhile, former President Trump’s VP pick, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, keeps feeling the wrath of childless women across the nation for his resurfaced comment about ‘childless cat ladies.’
    • Americans without biological children have resoundingly pushed back against Vance’s comments...
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The authors use inflammatory rhetoric by referring to 'tsunami of online, volunteer and donor support' for Vice President Kamala Harris and 'wrath of childless women across the nation' towards Senator JD Vance. They also make a dichotomous depiction by contrasting Harris as a 'pro-family' figure and Vance as someone who could alienate key swing voters due to his comments about childless individuals.
    • > It’s been just one week since President Biden said goodbye to the campaign trail — and Vice President Kamala Harris’ stepping into the party’s spotlight sparked a tsunami of online, volunteer and donor support. <
    • > Meanwhile, former President Trump’s VP pick, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, keeps feeling the wrath of childless women across the nation for his resurfaced comment about ‘childless cat ladies.’ <
    • > Why it matters: Democrats — and some Republicans — have said Vance’s rhetoric could alienate key swing voters who could tip the scales of a close election. <
    • > Friction point: Brazile shot back, saying, ‘I never had one child, and yet I think I can claim hundreds of them because I love them. I want to protect them. I want to help feed them. I want to give them a head start and a healthy start.’ <
  • Bias (95%)
    The authors use the term 'childless cat ladies' to describe a group of women who are critical of JD Vance's comments about families and Democrats being anti-family. This language is derogatory and implies that these women are extreme or unreasonable for not having children, which is an example of bias against childless individuals.
    • childless cat ladies
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance holds an anti-choice extremist view and supports a federal abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest.
      • He believes women who have not given birth should not be running things because they cannot be invested in the nation’s future.
      • He wants more women to be stay-at-home mothers and opposes universal day care.
      • He thinks women staying in abusive marriages is a good thing.
    • Accuracy
      No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
    • Deception (0%)
      The article contains editorializing and emotional manipulation by the author. The author uses derogatory language to describe JD Vance's views on women and makes assumptions about his motivations. The author also expresses her own opinions about Vance's worldview gaining purchase with women in Massachusetts.
      • They need women to be subservient and know their place. It is toxic and very scary.
      • You've got to hand it to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump: Though it seemed impossible, he’s found a running mate who thinks as little – or maybe even less – of women than he does.
      • This guy makes Trump – a misogynist who has boasted about sexually assaulting women – look like Gloria Steinem.
      • Every single person in America who believes in gender equity should be having nightmares about JD Vance.
      • He is an anti-choice extremist who supports a federal abortion ban and opposes exceptions for rape and incest, though he has tried to walk that last position back lately.
    • Fallacies (15%)
      The author makes several inflammatory statements about JD Vance's views on women, implying that he thinks less of women than Trump does. This is an appeal to emotion and a dichotomous depiction of Vance as an extremist and misogynistic. The author also uses derogatory language towards those who hold conservative values, such as 'incel' and 'Silicon Valley tech bro'. These statements are inflammatory rhetoric.
      • He is an anti-choice extremist who supports a federal abortion ban and opposes exceptions for rape and incest, though he has tried to walk that last position back lately.
      • He sees journalists the same way, calling them miserable, ‘psychotic’ people who left it too late to have children, who now want everyone else to be miserable too, and who ‘have too much power.’
      • And he thinks women staying in marriages at all costs – even abusive ones – is a good thing.
      • This guy makes Trump – a misogynist who has boasted about sexually assaulting women – look like Gloria Steinem.
    • Bias (0%)
      The author expresses a clear bias against JD Vance and his views on women. The author repeatedly uses derogatory language to describe Vance and his beliefs, implying that they are extreme and harmful to women.
      • And he thinks women staying in marriages at all costs – even abusive ones – is a good thing.
        • He is an anti-choice extremist who supports a federal abortion ban and opposes exceptions for rape and incest, though he has tried to walk that last position back lately.
          • He sees journalists the same way, calling them miserable, psychotic people who left it too late to have children, who now want everyone else to be miserable too, and who Have too much power.
            • This guy makes Trump – a misogynist who has boasted about sexually assaulting women – look like Gloria Steinem.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • JD Vance called Democrats 'a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives' and was unsure of Vice President Harris' family situation when he made the comment.
              • Vance insists that Democrats are 'anti-family', but this assertion is dubious as Democrats have been fighting to bring back the expanded child tax credit put in place during the covid pandemic.
            • Accuracy
              • JD Vance called Democrats 'a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives'
              • JD Vance insists that Democrats are 'anti-family'
            • Deception (30%)
              The author, Karen Tumulty, makes editorializing comments and uses emotional manipulation in her article. She also engages in selective reporting by focusing on Vance's controversial statements while ignoring his positive qualities and accomplishments. The author also implies that Vance is a polarizing figure without providing any evidence to support this claim.
              • The best-selling author of ‘Hillbilly Elegy,’ who was embarking on a U.S. Senate race in Ohio, asserted that Democrats – including Vice President Harris, whom he called out by name – are ‘a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.’
              • Is there anyone in America who hasn’t heard in recent days what JD Vance said in a 2021 interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson?
              • These stumbles by Vance are deepening the doubts that many Republicans are feeling about the wisdom of Trump’s choosing such a polarizing and untested running mate.
              • But rather than doing cleanup and moving on, Vance is expanding the blast zone.
            • Fallacies (80%)
              The author makes an appeal to authority by quoting conservative commentator Ben Shapiro's speculation about Trump's potential regrets in choosing Vance as his running mate. This is not a fallacy on its own, but it does weaken the author's argument slightly as she is using someone else's opinion to support her point.
              • “I think he probably would have picked somebody like Glenn Youngkin from Virginia in an attempt to broaden out his base.”
            • Bias (15%)
              The author, Karen Tumulty, demonstrates a clear political bias against JD Vance by repeatedly criticizing his statements and actions. She uses derogatory language to describe Vance's comments about Democrats being 'childless cat ladies' and calls them 'baseless attacks'. The author also implies that Vance is polarizing and untested as a running mate, suggesting that Trump would have made a different choice if he had the opportunity.
              • He's doing really well. He's really caught on.
                • The prospect of Harris at the top of the Democratic ticket has changed the dynamic of the election.
                  • These are baseless attacks.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication