Senate Democrats Advance Resolution to Freeze U.S. Military Aid to Israel, Sending a Message to Biden on Gaza War

Washington, DC, District of Columbia United States of America
Nine Democrats voted with Sanders, as did Republican Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), a frequent critic of U.S. foreign aid
Senate Democrats voted in favor of advancing a resolution to potentially freeze U.S. military aid to Israel
The vote came after weeks of growing dissatisfaction among progressives over the civilian casualties in Gaza and lack of clear timeline for ending the war
Senate Democrats Advance Resolution to Freeze U.S. Military Aid to Israel, Sending a Message to Biden on Gaza War

A group of Senate Democrats voted in favor of advancing a resolution sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders to potentially freeze U.S. military aid to Israel, sending a stern message to President Biden that the war in Gaza is becoming a major problem for his party.

The vote came after weeks of growing dissatisfaction among progressives over the civilian casualties in Gaza and lack of clear timeline for ending the war.

Nine Democrats voted with Sanders, as did Republican Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), a frequent critic of U.S. foreign aid.

The Senate voted 72 to 11 to table the matter but this does not mean that they are against it.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Sen. Bernie Sanders forced a floor vote on a resolution on Israel and Gaza.
    • The issue continues to split Democrats, with some progressive lawmakers calling for a cease-fire as others push to place restrictions on the billions of dollars in military aid that the US provides to Israel each year.
    • Under Section 502B(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act, either the House or Senate can request a State Department report on human rights practices by any country that receives aid from the US.
    • If Sen. Bernie Sanders' resolution had passed, it would have forced the State Department to provide Congress with a report on human rights violations by Israel.
  • Accuracy
    • The vote was 72-17 in favor of tabling the motion to advance the resolution.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article suggests that Senators supported Bernie Sanders' resolution to force a State Department report on Israeli human rights violations in Gaza when in fact only 11 senators voted for it. Secondly, the author states that Israel has waged a brutal military campaign in Gaza since October 7 but fails to mention any context or background information about the situation. This is misleading as it does not provide readers with a complete picture of what happened beforehand and why there was an attack on Gaza. Thirdly, when discussing Senators' opinions on the issue, the author only quotes one senator who supports Sanders' resolution while ignoring any other perspectives or viewpoints that may exist. This is deceptive as it presents a biased perspective without providing readers with all relevant information.
    • The author states that Israel has waged a brutal military campaign in Gaza since October 7 but fails to mention any context or background information about the situation. This is misleading as it does not provide readers with a complete picture of what happened beforehand and why there was an attack on Gaza.
    • The title of the article suggests that Senators supported Bernie Sanders' resolution to force a State Department report on Israeli human rights violations in Gaza when in fact only 11 senators voted for it. This is deceptive as it implies that there was more support than what actually happened.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the vote of a majority of senators as evidence that their position is correct. This is flawed because it assumes that the majority opinion is always right and ignores other perspectives. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing Sen. Bernie Sanders' resolution as 'little more than performative left-wing politics'. This statement lacks evidence to support this claim and may be seen as an attempt to discredit Sanders without providing any reasoning for why his position is incorrect.
    • The vote of a majority of senators is used as evidence that the author's position on the resolution is correct.
    • Sen. Bernie Sanders' resolution is described as 'little more than performative left-wing politics'.
    • Inflammatory rhetoric is used to discredit Sen. Bernie Sanders without providing any reasoning for why his position is incorrect.
  • Bias (85%)
    The author is biased towards the resolution and against Israel. The article repeatedly uses language that dehumanizes Israelis as terrorists and portrays them as responsible for human rights violations in Gaza. The author also quotes Senators who are critical of Israel without providing any context or counter-arguments, which reinforces their bias.
    • <em>I hope it is not controversial to ask how US weapons are being used</em>
      • Israel has waged a brutal military campaign in the densely populated territory since the Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7
        • Sen. Bernie Sanders forced a floor vote on a resolution on Israel and Gaza
          • Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky was the only one to support the resolution
            • The issue allows for meaningful conversations to start
              • The issue continues to split Democrats
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of US military aid to Israel as they are reporting on a resolution that addresses this issue. The article also mentions Sen. Bernie Sanders who is known for his opposition to Israeli policies and human rights violations in Gaza.
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  The author has a conflict of interest on the topics of Israel and Gaza as they are directly related to his reporting. The article mentions that Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced the resolution and it is about Israeli human rights violations in Gaza.


                  • Unique Points
                    • Sanders bid for report on human rights in Israel-Hamas war fails in Senate
                    • The upcoming quarterly refunding update from the US Treasury will provide information on how much bond supply there will be
                  • Accuracy
                    • If Sen. Bernie Sanders' resolution had passed, it would have forced the State Department to provide Congress with a report on human rights violations by Israel.
                    • Senator Debbie Stabenow acknowledged younger voters are sourcing on Biden's Israel policy and argued that the White House should take lead in pressing Israel to keep humanitarian crisis from getting worse
                    • The Senate fight over Israel aid came at a time of growing tension between Biden and Netanyahu over management of war.
                  • Deception (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Fallacies (0%)
                    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy. The author cites a report from the United Nations as evidence of human rights violations in Israel-Hamas war without providing any context or analysis on the reliability and credibility of the source.
                    • Bias (0%)
                      The article is biased towards the Israeli government and its actions in the Israel-Hamas war. The author uses language that dehumanizes Palestinians by referring to them as 'terrorists' and portrays Israel as a victim of terrorism.
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                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication


                          • Unique Points
                            • Bernie Sanders is trying to influence Joe Biden's stance on Israel
                            • Sanders wants Biden to appease progressive voters in his position on Israel
                            • Some young progressives have criticized US position and refer to Hamas terrorists as 'militants'
                          • Accuracy
                            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                          • Deception (80%)
                            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it presents Bernie Sanders as a credible source despite his history of making false statements and promoting conspiracy theories. Secondly, the article implies that most Americans are against Israel's actions when polls show otherwise. Thirdly, the author uses emotional manipulation by appealing to readers' desire for change in American foreign policy.
                            • The article presents Bernie Sanders as a credible source despite his history of making false statements and promoting conspiracy theories.
                          • Fallacies (0%)
                            The article contains several logical fallacies that undermine its argument. The author uses a strawman fallacy by presenting Sanders' views as representative of most Americans and progressives, without providing any evidence or context for this claim. The author also uses an appeal to authority fallacy by citing Lillian Hellman, a known communist sympathizer and Hollywood figure who was blacklisted during the McCarthy era, as if her opinion on Israel is relevant or credible. Additionally, the author employs a false dilemma fallacy by presenting Biden's support for Israel as either absolute or nonexistent, without acknowledging any possible nuances or variations in U.S.-Israel relations.
                            • The article uses a strawman fallacy when it says that Sanders thinks “most Americans” back a progressive stance on Israel, without providing any evidence or context for this claim.
                          • Bias (85%)
                            The editorial is biased in favor of Israel and against the progressive stance on the conflict with Hamas. The author uses deceptive language to portray Sanders as a negative influence on Biden's foreign policy and implies that most Americans share his views. The author also dismisses the criticism of Israel by accusing its opponents of being unreasonable or extremists, without providing any evidence for their claims.
                            • Lillian Hellman summed it up best: “I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year’s fashions.”
                              • So I would hope that the president follows through on his concerns and says to Netanyahu that this is unacceptable. You’re not getting a nickel more from the United States unless you radically change course,’ Sanders added.
                                • What would happen to Israel if the U.S. cuts and runs? Exactly what Hamas and its allies want. If Sanders thinks “most Americans” back a progressive stance on Israel, he didn’t catch a December Gallup poll gauging Americans’ perceptions of the level of support that the U.S. gives to Israel. It found that almost four in 10 U.S. adults, 38%, say Israel receives about the right amount of support, while 36% think it gets too much and 24% too little. That’s 62% in favor of supporting Israel.
                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                  The Boston Herald editorial staff has conflicts of interest on the topics of Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Unity Task Forces of 2020 and Israel-Hamas war. The author is biased against Medicare for All and defunding the police.
                                  • [Bernie Sanders]( is a socialist who wants to take away your freedom and wealth.
                                    • Joe Biden has been accused of being soft on China, which could lead to the loss of jobs in Massachusetts. He also supports gun control measures that would infringe upon our Second Amendment rights.
                                      • The Israel-Hamas war is a complex issue with many factors at play. However, the Boston Herald editorial staff has been critical of Hamas' actions in the past.
                                        • [The Unity Task Forces]( are a group of politicians who want to work together to solve problems, but they have different agendas and may not be able to agree on anything.
                                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                          The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. The article discusses several controversial political issues including Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Unity Task Forces of 2020 and Israel-Hamas war. It also mentions Netanyahu and various progressive policies such as Medicare for All, defunding the police, abolishing ICE and Green New Deal. The article also discusses a December Gallup poll gauging Americans' perceptions of the level of support that the U.S gives to Israel and Infrastructure Laws spending spree did to the economy.
                                          • The author mentions Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Unity Task Forces of 2020 and Israel-Hamas war in a negative light which could be seen as having a conflict of interest with those topics.


                                          • Unique Points
                                            • A group of Senate Democrats voted in favor of advancing a resolution sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders to potentially freeze U.S. military aid to Israel
                                            • The number of Democrats who supported the measure reflects rising dissatisfaction among progressives over the civilian casualties in Gaza and lack of clear timeline for ending the war
                                            • Nine Democrats voted with Sanders, as did Republican Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), a frequent critic of U.S. foreign aid
                                            • The Senate voted 72 to 11 to table the matter but this does not mean that they are against it.
                                            • On Tuesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren said she wanted to send a message by voting for the resolution
                                            • Senator Debbie Stabenow acknowledged younger voters are sourcing on Biden's Israel policy and argued that the White House should take lead in pressing Israel to keep humanitarian crisis from getting worse
                                            • The Vermont senator forced a vote to discharge his resolution out of the Foreign Relations Committee by invoking a little-known section of the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act.
                                            • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wanted to minimize Democratic votes for potentially halting aid to Israel, which Republicans are eager to use as political ammunition
                                            • The resolution would have given the State Department 30 days to provide a report on any human rights violations committed during the invasion of Gaza. If the State Department failed to meet this deadline, assistance to Israel would be frozen.
                                            • Senator Lindsey Graham panned Sanders's resolution as 'the most tone-deaf thing in the history of the Senate'
                                            • The Biden administration has put pressure on Netanyahu's government to reduce civilian casualties and wrap up heavy fighting but this had little effect
                                            • Netanyahu declared over the weekend that no one will stop Israel’s mission to eliminate Hamas, even though some foreign policy experts are skeptical that Israeli forces could fully eliminate Hamas leaders and militants if the conflict lasts months longer.
                                            • The Senate fight over Israel aid came at a time of growing tension between Biden and Netanyahu over management of war.
                                          • Accuracy
                                            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                                          • Deception (80%)
                                            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article suggests that it will be an analysis of a resolution passed by Congress to freeze military aid to Israel. However, this is not what happens in the body of the article. Instead, it reports on a vote taken by Senate Democrats to advance Sanders's resolution which was then tabled without any action being taken against Israel. This misrepresentation is deceptive because it creates an impression that Congress has already acted against Israel when in fact no such action has been taken.
                                            • The title of the article suggests that it will be an analysis of a resolution passed by Congress to freeze military aid to Israel.
                                          • Fallacies (75%)
                                            The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the war in Gaza as a 'nightmare' and stating that hundreds of thousands of children are starving. He also appeals to authority by citing media reports without providing any context or verification for their accuracy. Additionally, he commits an appeal to emotion fallacy when he states that it is immoral for Israel to continue its actions in Gaza. The author also uses a dichotomous depiction of the situation in Gaza as either 'good' or 'bad', which oversimplifies a complex issue.
                                            • The war in Gaza is becoming a major problem for his party
                                            • Whether we like it or not, the United States is complicit in the nightmare that millions of Palestinians are now experiencing
                                            • It’s such a horrible, horrible situation for everyone in terms of loss of life. And I know that President Biden understands that and is doing everything he can to stop it
                                          • Bias (85%)
                                            The article is biased towards the Democratic rebels who voted to advance a resolution sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to potentially freeze U.S. military aid to Israel.
                                            • > The Senate voted 72 to 11 in favor of advancing the matter, but nine Democrats and one Republican senator supported it.
                                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                              Alexander Bolton has conflicts of interest on the topics of Democratic rebels, Biden administration, Israel-Palestine conflict and Gaza war. He also has a personal relationship with Debbie Stabenow who is mentioned in the article.
                                              • Biden administration
                                                • Democratic rebels send Biden stern message on Gaza