The popular television series 'Billions' aired its series finale on October 27, 2023. The episode, titled 'Admiral's Fund', marked the end of the show's seven-season run. The finale saw the culmination of the long-standing rivalry between the show's main characters, Bobby Axelrod (played by Damian Lewis) and Chuck Rhoades (played by Paul Giamatti).
In the final episode, the creators of the show, Brian Koppelman and David Levien, took a surprising turn with the narrative. The creators, in interviews with various media outlets, expressed their satisfaction with the conclusion of the series. They stated that they had always envisioned a dramatic end to the rivalry between Axelrod and Rhoades.
The series finale was met with mixed reviews from critics and viewers alike. Some praised the unexpected plot twist, while others felt that the ending was abrupt and left several loose ends. Despite the mixed reactions, 'Billions' has been lauded for its portrayal of the high-stakes world of finance and politics, and its complex characters.
The series, which premiered on Showtime in 2016, has been a critical and commercial success. It has been praised for its sharp writing, strong performances, and its exploration of power dynamics in the world of finance and law. The show's impact on popular culture, particularly its depiction of the world of high finance, has been significant.