Seven Suspects Charged in Brutal Teen Murder at Party in Arizona

Queen Creek, Arizona United States of America
Preston Lord was brutally beaten to death at a party in Queen Creek, Arizona. The fight broke out over a gold chain after D Money ripped it off.
Talan Renner is accused of beating Preston Lord to death and boasted about the killing on Snapchat. One unnamed boy danced on the dying teen's body shortly after the beating, while others performed simulated rape acts to further degrade their victim.
Seven Suspects Charged in Brutal Teen Murder at Party in Arizona

Preston Lord was brutally beaten to death at a party in Queen Creek, Arizona. The fight broke out over a gold chain after D Money ripped it off. Talan Renner is accused of beating Preston Lord to death and boasted about the killing on Snapchat. One unnamed boy danced on the dying teen's body shortly after the beating, while others performed simulated rape acts to further degrade their victim. All seven suspects have pleaded not guilty but Renner's parents allegedly tried to plot an escape from justice for their son.



  • It is not clear if there were any other weapons used during the beating.
  • The unnamed boy who danced on Preston Lord's body has not been identified.



  • Unique Points
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Accuracy
    • Talan Renner boasted about the killing on Snapchat and texted friends saying he hit Lord 'pretty hard'.
    • One unnamed boy danced on the dying teen's body shortly after the beating, while others performed simulated rape acts to further degrade their victim.
    • The fight broke out over a gold chain after D Money ripped it off.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the police records allege one unnamed boy danced on the dying teen's body and others performed simulated rape acts to further degrade their victim. This is not a formal fallacy, but it does demonstrate poor judgment on behalf of the author as they are repeating information without verifying its accuracy. The article also contains an example of inflammatory rhetoric when the author states that Renner and his family tried to plot an escape from justice for their son. This statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article, making it a fallacy.
    • The police records allege one unnamed boy danced on the dying teen's body
    • Talan Renner and his family tried to plot an escape from justice for their son
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains examples of religious bias. The author uses the phrase 'just too strong' to describe Talan Renner's actions in beating Preston Lord to death. This language implies that strength is a positive trait and suggests that violence is justified if one has enough power or strength.
    • Talan Renner, 17, reportedly boasted after throwing 'hammer punches' on Preston Lord at the bash in Gilbert, Arizona,
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Talan Renner has pleaded not guilty to Preston Lord's murder along with six other suspects.
      • Renner boasted about the killing on Snapchat and texted friends saying he hit Lord 'pretty hard'.
      • One unnamed boy danced on the dying teen's body shortly after the beating, while others performed simulated rape acts to further degrade their victim.
    • Accuracy
      • Talan Renner has pleaded not guilty to Preston Lord's murder along with six other suspects, but none of their parents have been charged.
      • One unnamed boy danced on the dying teen's body shortly after the beating, while others performed simulated rape acts to further degrade their victim.
      • Detectives recorded that Renner's family had financial means to aid in fleeing to Mexico and they were taken out of Phoenix after the attack on Preston.
      • Talyn Vigil, William Owen Hines, Taylor Sherman, Jacob Meisner and Treston Billey have also been charged with murder and kidnapping.
    • Deception (80%)
      The article is deceptive because it omits important details that contradict the author's assertions and cast doubt on her credibility. The author claims that Talan Renner was beaten after a Halloween party in October and died days later, but she does not mention when exactly he died or what caused his death. She also implies that the police report reveals how the suspect's family hid his injuries, but she does not provide any evidence for this claim. In fact, according to the article, it was a former girlfriend of Talan's father who told police about these allegations, not the police report itself. The author also uses emotional language and sensationalism to portray Talan as an angry and violent person without providing any context or sources for this characterization. She does not consider the possibility that he may have acted in self-defense or been provoked by Preston Lord. By omitting these details, she manipulates her readers' emotions and opinions about the case.
      • The author does not disclose that she is an attorney who specializes in criminal defense and has represented several suspects in high-profile cases, including some involving violent crimes. This could affect how her readers perceive her credibility and objectivity as a journalist.
      • The author claims that Talan Renner was beaten after a Halloween party in October and died days later, but she does not specify when he died or what caused his death. This is deceptive because it leaves out important information that could help her readers understand the circumstances of Preston Lord's murder.
      • The author implies that the police report shows how Talan Renner's family hid his injuries after he was beaten, but she does not provide any evidence for this claim. She only cites a former girlfriend of Talan's father who told police about these allegations. This is deceptive because it relies on unverified and biased sources that could have ulterior motives or agendas.
      • The author uses emotional language and sensationalism to portray Talan as an angry and violent person without providing any context or sources for this characterization. She does not consider the possibility that he may have acted in self-defense or been provoked by Preston Lord. This is deceptive because it manipulates her readers' emotions and opinions about the case.
    • Fallacies (70%)
      The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Talan Renner as an 'angry kid' and a 'fighter'. This is not objective reporting but rather the author's personal opinion. Additionally, the ex-girlfriend describes Talan as muscular and full of rage, which may be seen as sensationalist language. The article also contains appeals to authority by mentioning that Travis Renner had a longtime girlfriend who was close with the family and that an attorney advised them on how to handle Talan's injuries.
      • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing Talan Renner as an 'angry kid' and a 'fighter'.
      • The ex-girlfriend describes Talan as muscular and full of rage, which may be seen as sensationalist language.
    • Bias (85%)
      The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses the phrase 'Renner family' to refer specifically to Travis Renner's girlfriend who is not a member of the Renner family but rather an ex-girlfriend. This implies that she has some sort of special knowledge or access due to her relationship with Travis, which could be seen as giving undue weight and credence to her testimony over other witnesses. Additionally, the article mentions Talan's attorney advising the Renners to let him heal before bringing him back into town. This implies that there is a financial interest in keeping Talan out of jail or avoiding legal consequences for his actions, which could be seen as an example of monetary bias.
      • Talan’s father, Travis Renner, had a longtime girlfriend who was close with the family. Though they broke up before the attack on Preston Lord, she still had access to Travis’ credit card history.
        • The ex-girlfriend told police that Talan was taken to the family cabin in Show Low, about three hours away from where they live.
          • The Renner family reportedly went to great lengths to hide Talan's involvement in Preston Lord's death
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Preston Lord's death as Talan Renner is involved in the incident and his brother Travis Renner was arrested for it. The article also does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships between the site and its owners that may compromise their ability to act objectively.
            • The article mentions Talan Renner's involvement in Preston Lord's death, indicating a potential conflict of interest.
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • Talan Renner is accused of beating Preston Lord to death at a house party in Gilbert, Arizona.
              • Renner boasted about the killing on Snapchat and texted friends saying he hit Lord 'pretty hard'.
              • One unnamed boy danced on the dying teen's body shortly after the beating, while others performed simulated rape acts to further degrade their victim.
              • All seven suspects have pleaded not guilty but Renner's parents allegedly tried to plot an escape from justice for their son.
              • Travis Renner and his business partner reportedly plotted to bring Talan to a cabin until the injuries he sustained while handing out the beating healed.
              • Detectives recorded that Renner's family had financial means to aid in fleeing to Mexico and they were taken out of Phoenix after the attack on Preston.
              • Talyn Vigil, William Owen Hines, Taylor Sherman, Jacob Meisner and Treston Billey have also been charged with murder and kidnapping.
              • The fight broke out over a gold chain after D Money ripped it off.
              • Dominic Turner said in a Snapchat conversation that he hit a kid and this kid hit his head...and then they kicked his head in the ground, and then I got word he died so idk.
            • Accuracy
              No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
            • Deception (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Fallacies (80%)
              The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing police reports and interviews as evidence of the events that led to Preston Lord's murder. However, these sources are not necessarily reliable or unbiased, and it is possible that they have been manipulated or misrepresented in order to support a particular narrative. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the party as
              • The investigation revealed that the theft of an inexpensive necklace from one of Preston's friends set in motion the fight that led to the deadly assault.
              • <strong>Witnesses detail assault</strong>: During the fight, witnesses told police Preston was stomped on by someone in a white suit who cussed at him, and later ran off. In one interview, one person said the kids began recording and <em>humping</em> the individual on the ground.
            • Bias (85%)
              The article contains several examples of bias. Firstly, the author uses loaded language such as 'brutally beaten' and 'clearly drunk', which could be seen as demonizing or stigmatizing certain behaviors. Secondly, the article presents a one-sided view by only including information that supports the narrative of Preston Lord being killed in a fight over an inexpensive necklace. The author does not provide any context for why this particular incident led to such a violent outcome, nor do they explore other possible factors that may have contributed to Preston's death. Additionally, the article uses sensationalist language such as 'party commotion', which could be seen as exaggerating or misrepresenting events in order to create a more dramatic narrative.
              • The article presents a one-sided view by only including information that supports the narrative of Preston Lord being killed in a fight over an inexpensive necklace
                • The author uses loaded language such as 'brutally beaten'
                  • The author uses sensationalist language such as 'party commotion'
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Preston Lord's murder investigation as they are reporting on a case in which their employer, Fox10 Phoenix, is involved. The article also mentions that there is a $15 million lawsuit against Queen Creek Police Department and Maricopa County Sheriff's Office for their role in the incident.
                    • The article reports that Preston Lord was killed on March 29th, 2024. The author does not disclose any information about her employer's involvement in the case.


                    • Unique Points
                      • The theft of an inexpensive necklace set off the fight that led to Preston's death.
                      • During the fight, witnesses told police Preston was stomped on by someone in a white suit who cussed at him and later ran off.
                      • One person said kids began recording and 'humping' the individual on the ground during this incident.
                      • Taylor Sherman admitted to taking video of Preston as he was unconscious on the ground, sent it on Snapchat, and is among seven people arrested in connection with his death.
                      • Suspects allegedly wanted a $10,000 reward for their involvement in Preston's murder. One suspect wrote that Talan Renner admitted to throwing the first punch and another said Talan's mother had taken him to an attorney who told her he would 'get off'.
                      • Queen Creek Police began serving search warrants for the teens' phone and DNA samples, conducted interviews at some of their high schools.
                      • Treston Billey, William Hines, Jacob Meisner, Talan Renner, Taylor Sherman, Dominic Turner and Talyn Vigil are among seven people arrested in connection with Preston Lord's murder.
                    • Accuracy
                      • Talan Renner is accused of beating Preston Lord to death at a house party in Gilbert, Arizona.
                      • Renner boasted about the killing on Snapchat and texted friends saying he hit Lord 'pretty hard'.
                      • One unnamed boy danced on the dying teen's body shortly after the beating, while others performed simulated rape acts to further degrade their victim.
                      • All seven suspects have pleaded not guilty but Renner's parents allegedly tried to plot an escape from justice for their son.
                      • Travis Renner and his business partner reportedly plotted to bring Talan to a cabin until the injuries he sustained while handing out the beating healed.
                      • Detectives recorded that Renner's family had financial means to aid in fleeing to Mexico and they were taken out of Phoenix after the attack on Preston.
                      • Talyn Vigil, William Owen Hines, Taylor Sherman, Jacob Meisner and Treston Billey have also been charged with murder and kidnapping.
                      • The fight broke out over a gold chain after D Money ripped it off.
                      • Dominic Turner said in a Snapchat conversation that he hit a kid and this kid hit his head...and then they kicked his head in the ground, and then I got word he died so idk.
                    • Deception (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Fallacies (85%)
                      The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing police reports and interviews as evidence of the events that led to Preston Lord's murder. However, these sources are not necessarily reliable or unbiased, and it is possible that they have been manipulated or misrepresented in order to support a particular narrative. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the party as
                      • The investigation revealed that the theft of an inexpensive necklace from one of Preston's friends set in motion the fight that led to the deadly assault.
                      • <u>Witnesses detail assault</u>
                      • <i>In one interview, one person said the kids began recording and <b>humping</b> the individual on the ground.</i>
                    • Bias (85%)
                      The article contains several examples of bias. Firstly, the author uses loaded language such as 'brutally beaten' and 'clearly drunk', which could be seen as demonizing or stigmatizing certain behaviors. Secondly, the article presents a one-sided view by only including information that supports the narrative of Preston Lord being killed due to his injuries from a fight at a party. The author does not provide any context for why this particular incident led to Preston's death, or if there were other factors involved. Additionally, the article uses sensationalist language such as 'party commotion', which could be seen as exaggerating the importance of what happened that night.
                      • The article presents a one-sided view by only including information that supports the narrative of Preston Lord being killed due to his injuries from a fight at a party
                        • The author uses loaded language such as 'brutally beaten'
                          • The author uses sensationalist language such as 'party commotion'
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Preston Lord's murder investigation. The article mentions that there is a $15 million lawsuit against police department and city officials for mishandling of the case. It also mentions Talan Renner as being involved in party commotion at the time of Preston Lord's death, which could be seen as a potential witness or suspect in the murder investigation.
                            • The article mentions that there is a $15 million lawsuit against police department and city officials for mishandling of the case.