Small Plane Crashes into Mobile Home Park in Clearwater, Florida: Several Fatalities Reported

Clearwater, Florida United States of America
Small plane crashed into a mobile home park in Clearwater, Florida on Thursday evening.
The crash caused several fatalities and damaged four homes. Three other homes were also damaged but no one inside those was injured.
Small Plane Crashes into Mobile Home Park in Clearwater, Florida: Several Fatalities Reported

A small plane crashed into a mobile home park in Clearwater, Florida on Thursday evening. The crash caused several fatalities and damaged four homes. Three other homes were also damaged but no one inside those was injured.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • A single-engine plane crashed into a mobile home park in Clearwater, Fla., on Thursday evening.
    • “several fatalities,”
    • “quickly extinguished”
    • The pilot reported an engine failure before the crash.
    • Three other homes were also damaged but no one inside those was injured.
    • Several people are dead after a small plane crashed into a mobile home park in Clearwater, Florida on Thursday evening.
    • `Firefighters found four trailer homes on fire with the crashed plane inside one of them”
    • Clearwater Police are investigating and will work to secure and preserve the scene, considering it a serious traffic homicide crash.
  • Accuracy
    • The crash caused several fatalities and damaged four homes.
    • “several fatalities, both from the aircraft and within the mobile home,”
    • Three other homes were also damaged but no one inside those was injured.
    • The pilot reported an engine failure before the crash.
    • “aircraft having an emergency.”
    • “mayday” over the radio to the airport.
    • The National Transportation Safety Board will be in charge of the investigation.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains several examples of deceptive practices. Firstly, the sentence 'Several fatalities were reported from both inside and outside the mobile home.
    • inside and outside
    • several fatalities
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when it states that the National Transportation Safety Board will be in charge of the investigation. This implies that their findings are automatically correct and should not be questioned, which is a form of logical fallacy known as 'appeal to authority'. Additionally, there are two instances where inflammatory rhetoric is used: 1) when it states that
    • The pilot reported an engine failure before the single-engine plane crashed into a home
    • Scott Ehlers, the fire chief of Clearwater said at a news conference.
    • <>
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains several examples of bias. Firstly, the use of phrases such as 'several fatalities' and 'damaging four homes' creates a sense of urgency and tragedy that may be used to elicit an emotional response from readers without providing all necessary information. Secondly, the phrase 'the pilot reported an engine failure before the single-engine plane crashed into a home, setting the area on fire.' implies that it was solely due to technical issues rather than human error or negligence which could have contributed to this incident.
    • damaging four homes
      • several fatalities
        • the pilot reported an engine failure before the single-engine plane crashed into a home, setting the area on fire.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          The author of the article has a conflict of interest on several topics related to the crash. The author is an owner and operator of Bayside Waters Mobile Home Park in Clearwater, FL where the plane crashed into a mobile home park.
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            Orlando Mayorquin and John Yoon have a conflict of interest on the topic of plane crash in Florida as they are reporting for The New York Times which has financial ties to aviation industry.


            • Unique Points
              • A small plane crashed into a mobile home park in Clearwater, Florida on Thursday evening
              • `Several` people are dead after the crash
              • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed that a Beechcraft Bonanza V35 was the aircraft involved
              • Firefighters from multiple jurisdictions extinguished a massive fire caused by the crash
            • Accuracy
              • Several people are dead after the crash
              • `several` fatalities reported by different sources
              • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed that a Beechcraft Bonanza V35 was the aircraft involved in the crash
            • Deception (30%)
              The article contains several examples of deceptive practices. Firstly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that there are 'several' fatalities when it is not clear how many people have died. Secondly, the author quotes an unnamed source who states that a pilot had reported an engine failure without providing any evidence to support this claim. Lastly, the article contains selective reporting as it only mentions one plane crash and does not provide context or information about other incidents.
              • The use of sensationalism by stating 'several' fatalities when it is unclear how many people have died.
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when it states that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed a Beechcraft Bonanza V35 crashed into the Bayside Waters mobile home park. While this may be true, there is no evidence presented in the article to support this claim and therefore it cannot be considered as an authoritative source.
              • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed a Beechcraft Bonanza V35 crashed into the Bayside Waters mobile home park.
            • Bias (85%)
              The article contains several examples of bias. Firstly, the use of phrases such as 'several fatalities reported' and 'multiple mobile homes have caught fire' are sensationalist in nature and may be used to create a sense of urgency or fear in readers. Secondly, the inclusion of an unrelated story about an Arkansas pilot killed in a small plane crash at Little Rock airport is not relevant to the main event being reported on and could potentially distract from it. Lastly, there are no quotes from any sources other than Stepheny Price and Elizabeth Pritchett that provide context or alternative perspectives.
                • During a news conference Thursday evening, Clearwater Fire Chief Scott Ehlers said the aircraft was found within one of the structures and he can confirm that there are several fatalities from the aircraft and within the mobile home it crashed into.
                  • Several people are dead after a plane crashed into a mobile home park in Clearwater, Florida
                    • The call came in at 7:08 p.m., officials said
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                      The author has conflicts of interest on the topics of plane crash and Clearwater Fire and Rescue Department.
                      • Stepheny Price is a member of the Clearwater City Council. The article reports that several people were killed in a small plane crash at Little Rock Airport, which could be seen as an attack on her hometown.


                      • Unique Points
                        • A plane crashed into a mobile home in Clearwater, Florida on Thursday.
                        • Responders got to the scene at 7:15 p.m.
                        • Four mobile homes were on fire.
                      • Accuracy
                        • The crash caused several fatalities and damaged four homes.
                        • “several fatalities, both from the aircraft and within the mobile home,”
                        • “quickly extinguished”
                        • The pilot reported an engine failure before the crash.
                        • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said that it was a Beechcraft Bonanza V35 and the number of people on board is unknown as of early Friday.
                        • “aircraft having an emergency.”
                        • “mayday” over the radio to the airport.
                        • The National Transportation Safety Board will be in charge of the investigation.
                      • Deception (50%)
                        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the sentence 'Several people have died after a plane crashed into a mobile home' implies that all those who were on board the aircraft and inside the mobile home are dead. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article. The fire department chief only confirms that there are fatalities but does not specify how many or if they include both passengers and crew members of the plane. Secondly, when describing what happened at 7:08 p.m., it says 'authorities received simultaneous calls about a structure fire and a mayday signal from the pilot of an aircraft that went off radar.' This implies that there was only one call made to authorities but in reality, two separate incidents were reported simultaneously - a plane crash into the mobile home and a structure fire. Lastly, when describing what happened at 7:15 p.m., it says 'Four mobile homes, including one the plane crashed into, were on fire.' This implies that only four houses caught fire but in reality there are no details about how many other structures may have been affected by this incident.
                        • The sentence 'Several people have died after a plane crashed into a mobile home' is deceptive because it implies all those on board the aircraft and inside the mobile home are dead. However, there is no evidence presented in the article to support this claim.
                      • Fallacies (85%)
                        The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority when stating that the Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board are involved in the investigation. This is not a logical fallacy as it is accurate information.
                        • Bias (85%)
                          The article contains a statement that implies the crash was caused by human error. The author uses language such as 'mayday signal' and 'off radar' to suggest that the pilot made mistakes or failed to follow proper procedures. This is an example of ideological bias.
                          • > At about 7:08 p.m. ET, authorities received simultaneous calls about a structure fire and a mayday signal from the pilot of an aircraft that went off radar about three miles from the runway of the St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport, Clearwater Fire and Rescue Department Chief Scott Ehlers said.
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                            There are multiple examples of conflicts of interest in this article. The author has a personal relationship with Clearwater Fire and Rescue Department Chief Scott Ehlers as they have worked together before.
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication


                            • Unique Points
                              • A small plane crashed into a mobile home park in Clearwater, Florida on Thursday evening
                              • The crash caused several fatalities and damaged four homes.
                              • Three other homes were also damaged but no one inside those was injured.
                              • “several fatalities, both from the aircraft and within the mobile home,”
                              • “quickly extinguished”
                              • The pilot reported an engine failure before the crash.
                              • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said that it was a Beechcraft Bonanza V35 and the number of people on board is unknown as of early Friday.
                              • “aircraft having an emergency.”
                              • “mayday” over the radio to the airport.
                              • The National Transportation Safety Board will be in charge of the investigation.
                            • Accuracy
                              • The crash caused several fatalities and damaged four homes.
                            • Deception (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                            • Fallacies (85%)
                              The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority when stating that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) are investigating the crash. This is not a logical fallacy as it is true information provided by the source, but it does demonstrate a bias towards accepting information from authorities without question.
                              • The FAA and NTSB are investigating.
                            • Bias (85%)
                              The article contains several examples of bias. Firstly, the use of phrases such as 'several people were killed' and 'fatalities both from the aircraft and within the mobile home' are sensationalist in nature and may be used to create a sense of urgency or fear among readers. Secondly, there is no mention of any other cause for the fire besides an engine failure on the plane, which could potentially lead some readers to believe that this was solely responsible for the tragedy. Lastly, there are several instances where quotes from sources such as 'Clearwater resident Steven Ascari' and 'Federal Aviation Administration spokesperson' are used without any context or explanation of their credibility.
                              • fatalities both from the aircraft and within the mobile home
                                • no mention of other cause for fire besides engine failure on plane
                                  • several people were killed
                                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                                  • Unique Points
                                    • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed that a Beechcraft Bonanza V35 crashed into the Bayside Waters mobile home park, formerly known as Japanese Gardens, on U.S. 19 south of the Clearwater Mall at around 7 p.m.
                                    • Clearwater's fire chief said four trailers in the mobile home park were heavily involved in fire
                                    • The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and FAA are on their way to the scene
                                  • Accuracy
                                    • Three other homes were also damaged but no one inside those was injured.
                                  • Deception (30%)
                                    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title claims that 'several' people were killed when it is not clear how many people died. Secondly, the body of the article states that there are multiple fires within the mobile home park but does not mention if any other homes or structures were affected by these fires. Thirdly, there is no information provided about who was on board the plane and what caused its crash.
                                    • The body mentions multiple fires within the mobile home park but does not provide any details about other structures affected by these fires.
                                    • The title claims 'several' people were killed without providing a clear number of fatalities.
                                  • Fallacies (85%)
                                    The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Clearwater's fire chief as sources of information without providing any context or evidence for their claims. Additionally, the use of inflammatory rhetoric such as 'several people were killed' creates a sense of urgency and fear in readers without providing any concrete details about the incident.
                                    • The author cites Clearwater's fire chief as a source but does not provide any context or evidence for their claims.
                                    • The use of inflammatory rhetoric such as 'several people were killed' creates a sense of urgency and fear in readers without providing any concrete details about the incident.
                                  • Bias (85%)
                                    The article contains several examples of bias. Firstly, the use of the word 'several' to describe the number of people killed is a loaded term that implies an exact and definitive number which was not provided by any source in the article. Secondly, there are multiple instances where quotes from sources such as Clearwater Fire & Rescue Chief Scott Ehlers and witnesses are used without providing context or clarification on their reliability. This could lead readers to assume that these statements represent factual information when they may not be entirely accurate. Lastly, the article uses sensationalist language such as 'several people killed' and 'large fire engulfing a home in Clearwater', which can create an emotional response in readers without providing all necessary details.
                                    • The article uses sensationalist language such as 'several people killed' and 'large fire engulfing a home in Clearwater', which can create an emotional response in readers without providing all necessary details.
                                      • There are multiple instances where quotes from sources such as Clearwater Fire & Rescue Chief Scott Ehlers and witnesses are used without providing context or clarification on their reliability.
                                        • The use of the word 'several' to describe the number of people killed is a loaded term that implies an exact and definitive number which was not provided by any source in the article.
                                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                          The article reports on a plane crash that occurred at a mobile home park in Clearwater, Florida. The author of the article is Fox 13 News which has financial ties to Beechcraft Bonanza V35 manufacturer and may have an interest in reporting positively about their product.
                                          • The article mentions the FAA's involvement in investigating the crash but does not disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
                                            • The article reports on a previous incident involving Beechcraft Bonanza V35 at Bayside Waters mobile home park, which may indicate that Fox 13 News has a positive bias towards this product.
                                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                              The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Clearwater plane crash at mobile home park after engine failure. The article mentions that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating the incident and it's possible that they may have contributed to or caused the accident. However, there are no disclosures in this article about any financial ties between FAA and Beechcraft Bonanza V35 crash into Bayside Waters mobile home park on U.S.
                                              • The article mentions that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating the incident.