Supreme Court Justice Alito's Vacation Homes Display Controversial 'Appeal to Heaven' Flag in 2023

Long Beach Island, New Jersey, New Jersey United States of America
Critics argue Alito should recuse himself from Supreme Court's pending decision on Trump's presidential immunity claims due to flags.
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito displayed 'Appeal to Heaven' flag at his vacation homes in New Jersey and Virginia during summer of 2023.
The flag, also known as the 'Pine Tree flag', is a historical symbol rooted in Revolutionary War-era naval vessels under George Washington.
Supreme Court Justice Alito's Vacation Homes Display Controversial 'Appeal to Heaven' Flag in 2023

In a series of revelations, three separate reports have emerged indicating that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito displayed controversial flags at his vacation homes in both New Jersey and Virginia during the summer of 2023. The most recent disclosure comes from The New York Times, which obtained photographs showing an 'Appeal to Heaven' flag flying outside Alito's beach house on Long Beach Island, New Jersey.

The 'Appeal to Heaven' flag, also known as the 'Pine Tree flag,' is a historical symbol rooted in Revolutionary War-era naval vessels under George Washington. However, it has gained renewed attention in recent years due to its association with some Trump supporters and its use during the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The Times reports that critics argue Alito should recuse himself from the Supreme Court's pending decision on whether Trump is covered by presidential immunity claims due to these flags. The controversy comes after a similar uproar in 2021 when an upside-down American flag was displayed outside Alito's Virginia home.

The New York Times article states, 'Three photographs obtained by The New York Times, along with accounts from a half-dozen neighbors and passers-by, show that the Appeal to Heaven flag was aloft at the Alito home on Long Beach Island in July and September of 2023. A Google Street View image from late August also shows the flag.'

The 'Appeal to Heaven' flag is not alone in its controversial association with Alito's vacation homes. The New York Times article also mentions that a '2022 Phillies flag and a Long Beach Island flag were flying alongside it.'

Another report from The Independent reveals that the 'Appeal to Heaven' flag was seen flying outside Alito's New Jersey beach home multiple times in July and September of 2023.

The Independent article states, 'Justice Samuel Alito’s New Jersey beach home had a ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag, which was carried by January 6 rioters, flying outside multiple times in July and September of 2023.'

These developments add to the growing controversy surrounding Alito's display of potentially divisive symbols at his vacation homes. The implications for the Supreme Court's impartiality and Alito's own reputation are significant, as the court prepares to rule on a high-profile case involving former President Trump.



  • It is unknown if Alito was aware of the flag's recent controversial associations when he displayed it.
  • The New York Times obtained photographs of the flag, but it is unclear if they are the only sources confirming its presence.



  • Unique Points
    • Justice Alito's New Jersey vacation home displayed an 'Appeal to Heaven' flag last summer.
    • The 'Appeal to Heaven' flag was seen flying at Alito's vacation home on Long Beach Island in July and September of 2023.
  • Accuracy
    • The flag was displayed alongside a '2022 Phillies' flag and a Long Beach Island flag.
    • The Supreme Court's code of ethics requires justices to remain impartial and avoid displaying political statements on issues that could be brought before them.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article engages in selective reporting by focusing on the 'Provocative' flags displayed at Justice Alito's vacation home without providing any context as to why he might have chosen to fly them. The authors also make an editorializing statement by describing the 'Appeal to Heaven' flag as a symbol of a religious strand of the 'Stop the Steal' campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms, implying that this is something negative.
    • It is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump...
    • This time, it was the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
    • Three photographs obtained by The New York Times... show that the Appeal to Heaven flag was aloft at the Alito home on Long Beach Island in July and September of 2023.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (80%)
    The article reports on Justice Alito's display of an 'Appeal to Heaven' flag at his vacation home, which is a symbol associated with Christian-minded government and was carried by rioters during the Capitol insurrection. The authors do not express any opinion or bias towards Justice Alito or the flag, but they do provide context about its historical significance and recent association with certain political ideologies. However, by reporting on this controversial symbol being displayed at a justice's home, there is an inherent potential for bias based on readers' political leanings. Therefore, a score of 80 is appropriate.
    • The 'Appeal to Heaven' flag is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the 'Stop the Steal' campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Justice Alito's vacation home displayed an ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag in 2023, a symbol rooted in Revolutionary War-era naval vessels under George Washington and also used by some Trump supporters during the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
      • Critics argue that Alito should recuse himself from the Supreme Court’s pending decision on whether Trump is covered by presidential immunity claims due to these flags.
    • Accuracy
      • ]Justice Alito's vacation home displayed an 'Appeal to Heaven' flag in 2023.',
      • ']The Appeal to Heaven flag is a symbol carried on Jan. 6, 2021 and associated with a push for a more Christian-minded government.[',
      • ']Justice Alito had an upside-down American flag flying at his Virginia property from late 2020 to early 2021.[
    • Deception (30%)
      The article contains selective reporting as it only mentions the controversial flags outside Justice Alito's home without providing any context about his political views or actions related to the cases before the Supreme Court. The author also uses emotional manipulation by implying that Alito's display of historical flags is a scandal and a crisis for the court's legitimacy.
      • It’s a real crisis for the Court’s legitimacy.
      • Alito has to be forced off the Supreme Court.
      • The Times report of a second controversial flag outside Alito’s home has intensified questions regarding the high court’s integrity as it prepares to rule on former President Donald Trump’s claim of presidential immunity.
    • Fallacies (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Bias (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Justice Samuel Alito's New Jersey beach home had a 'Appeal to Heaven' flag, which was carried by January 6 rioters, flying outside multiple times in July and September of 2023.
      • The 'Appeal to Heaven' flag is also known as the 'Pine Tree flag' and dates back to the Revolutionary War.
    • Accuracy
      • The 'Appeal to Heaven' flag is a symbol carried on Jan. 6, 2021 and associated with a push for a more Christian-minded government.
      • The flag was displayed alongside a '2022 Phillies' flag and a Long Beach Island flag.
    • Deception (30%)
      The article reports on Justice Samuel Alito flying a flag that was carried by January 6 rioters outside of his New Jersey home. The author does not provide any editorializing or pontification, but the title and body of the article do use emotional manipulation by implying that Alito is supporting the insurrectionists. The article also engages in selective reporting by only mentioning details that support the author's position and omitting context about why Alito may have flown the flag. Additionally, there is no disclosure of sources in the article.
      • Another flag carried by January 6 rioters was seen flying outside the New Jersey beach home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on multiple occasions last year, according to a report.
      • The 'Appeal to Heaven' flag - used by rioters at the January 6 storming of the US Capitol in 2021 - was pictured outside Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's New Jersey home on multiple occasions last summer.
    • Fallacies (80%)
      The author makes an appeal to authority by citing multiple sources, including The New York Times and The Independent, to establish the fact that a flag was flying outside of Justice Alito's home. However, the author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the flag as one 'embraced by supporters of Donald Trump's Stop The Steal campaign,' which is an emotional appeal that goes beyond providing evidence for any logical fallacies.
      • ]The Appeal To Heaven flag – used by rioters at the January 6 storming of the US Capitol in 2021 – was pictured outside Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s New Jersey home on multiple occasions last summer[
      • It comes days after reports from The New York Times, that a flagpole on the judge’s front lawn at a property in Virginia had flown an upside-down American flag in late 2020 and early 2021, in the days after Joe Biden took office.
      • News of the second flag has brought renewed calls for Mr Alito to step aside from the Trump-related cases.
    • Bias (5%)
      The author, Mike Bedigan, demonstrates a clear political bias by reporting on the display of a flag outside of Justice Samuel Alito's home that was carried by rioters during the January 6th attack on the US Capitol. The author does not provide any context or information about why this flag might have been displayed at Alito's home, other than to imply that it is evidence of his bias and a demonstration of his support for the January 6th insurrection.
      • Another flag carried by January 6 rioters was seen flying outside the New Jersey beach home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on multiple occasions last year, according to a report.
        • News of the second flag has brought renewed calls for Mr Alito to step aside from the Trump-related cases. 'The Appeal to Heaven flag was carried by rioters at the Capitol on January 6. It was also flown – apparently for months – outside of Justice Samuel Alito's other home. It's yet another demonstration of his clear bias. And it demands his recusal from Jan. 6th related cases.', wrote Rep Adam Schiff.
          • The 'Appeal To Heaven' flag – used by rioters at the January 6 storming of the US Capitol in 2021 – was pictured outside Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's New Jersey home on multiple occasions last summer
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication