Taiwan Loses Another Diplomatic Ally to China Days After Election

Nauru, Oceania New Zealand
Taiwan has lost another diplomatic ally to China just days after its presidential election in what Taipei said was both sudden and designed by Beijing to suppress the island's democratic achievements. The Pacific Island nation of Nauru on Monday announced it had severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established ties with China, a decision confirmed by Taiwan's Foreign Ministry.
Taiwan Loses Another Diplomatic Ally to China Days After Election

Taiwan has lost another diplomatic ally to China just days after its presidential election in what Taipei said was both sudden and designed by Beijing to suppress the island's democratic achievements. The Pacific Island nation of Nauru on Monday announced it had severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established ties with China, a decision confirmed by Taiwan's Foreign Ministry.



  • It is unclear if there were any specific reasons for Nauru to sever diplomatic relations with Taiwan.
  • There may be other factors at play in this decision that are not immediately apparent.



  • Unique Points
    • . The Pacific Island nation of Nauru on Monday announced it had severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established ties with China.
    • . Beijing had repeatedly warned Taiwan's voters that his election would increase the risk of conflict.
    • China views Taiwan as its own territory despite having never controlled it.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (85%)
    The article is biased towards China and against Taiwan. The author uses language that dehumanizes Taiwan by referring to it as a 'democratic achievement' which needs to be suppressed. They also use quotes from Chinese officials without providing any context or counter-argument, making the bias more apparent.
    • The article refers to Nauru's diplomatic switch as a move that is designed by Beijing to suppress Taiwan's democratic achievements.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      The article reports on Taiwan losing a diplomatic ally to China days after the presidential election. The author is Nectar Gan, Eric Cheung and Wayne Chang who are all affiliated with CNN which has financial ties to AT&T and Time Warner. These companies have business interests in China.
      • Nauru cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan just days after the presidential election.
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Taiwan as they are reporting for CNN which is owned by AT&T. AT&T has business interests in China and may benefit from improved relations between China and Taiwan.


        • Unique Points
          • Taiwan lost a diplomatic ally in its rivalry with China after the election of Lai Ching-te as President.
          • Nauru severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan, effective immediately.
        • Accuracy
          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
        • Deception (80%)
          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it presents the decision of Nauru to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan as a move that boosts China's regional sway and was seemingly timed to Taiwan's contentious recent election. However, this statement is misleading because there are no indications that Beijing orchestrated the shift in loyalties. In fact, the article quotes Tien Chung-kwang, Taiwan's deputy minister of foreign affairs as saying that China had preemptively severed relations with Nauru after learning of its impending shift in loyalties. This contradicts the statement made earlier in the article and suggests that Beijing did not have any role to play in this decision. Secondly, the article presents a quote from President David Adeang of Nauru as saying that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and will sever diplomatic relations with it. However, this statement is also misleading because there are no indications that Beijing had any role to play in this decision either. In fact, the article quotes Tien Chung-kwang as saying that Nauru has been courted by China for a long time and used economic inducements to bring about a change of direction in its diplomacy. This suggests that Nauru made the decision on its own accord and was not influenced by Beijing's actions. Finally, the article presents Taiwan as having just 12 diplomatic relationships after losing Nauru, which is misleading because it does not mention that Taiwan has lost other allies as well in recent years. This suggests that the loss of Nauru is a significant blow to Taiwan's diplomatic standing and undermines its ability to maintain alliances with other countries.
          • The article presents a quote from President David Adeang of Nauru as saying that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and will sever diplomatic relations with it. However, this statement is also misleading because there are no indications that Beijing had any role to play in this decision either.
          • The article presents Taiwan as having just 12 diplomatic relationships after losing Nauru, which is misleading because it does not mention that Taiwan has lost other allies as well in recent years. This suggests that the loss of Nauru is a significant blow to Taiwan's diplomatic standing and undermines its ability to maintain alliances with other countries.
          • The article presents the decision of Nauru to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan as a move that boosts China's regional sway and was seemingly timed to Taiwan's contentious recent election. However, this statement is misleading because there are no indications that Beijing orchestrated the shift in loyalties.
        • Fallacies (80%)
          The article contains an example of a false dilemma fallacy. The author presents the situation as if Taiwan has only two options: maintain its current status or lose diplomatic ties with Nauru. However, there may be other options available to Taiwan that are not presented in the article.
          • The tiny Pacific island of Nauru severed relations with Taiwan, effective immediately.
        • Bias (85%)
          The article is biased towards China and against Taiwan. The author uses language that dehumanizes Taiwan by referring to it as a 'de facto independent democracy' rather than acknowledging its sovereignty. Additionally, the author quotes Chinese officials who claim Beijing has no interest in war with Taiwan despite Lai Ching-te being elected president of Taiwan and his campaign promises to distance the country from China.
          • The tiny Pacific island of Nauru announced that it would be severing diplomatic relations with Taiwan, effective immediately.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Taiwan as they are reporting for The New York Times which is owned by Chinese billionaire Arthur Sulzberger Jr. who has financial ties to China.


            • Unique Points
              • Taiwan has been poaching diplomatic allies from Beijing
              • Beijing sees the self-ruled island as a breakaway province that will eventually be under its control
              • China welcomed Nauru's decision to resume diplomatic relations with it
            • Accuracy
              • Nauru cut ties with Taiwan in favor of China
              • . The Pacific Island nation of Nauru on Monday announced it had severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established ties with China, a decision confirmed by Taiwan's Foreign Ministry.
              • . Beijing had repeatedly warned Taiwan's voters that his election would increase the risk of conflict.
              • China views Taiwan as its own territory despite having never controlled it.
              • Taiwan has lost 10 diplomatic allies to China in recent years.
            • Deception (50%)
              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that Nauru has cut ties with Taiwan 'in favour of Beijing', but this statement implies a direct comparison between the two countries and their respective policies. However, no evidence is provided to support this claim or show how China's actions influenced Nauru's decision-making process.
              • The article states that Nauru has cut ties with Taiwan 'in favour of Beijing', but it does not provide any evidence to support this claim. This statement implies a direct comparison between the two countries and their respective policies, which is misleading.
            • Fallacies (70%)
              The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it quotes Taiwanese officials stating that China is taking advantage of recent political fluctuations in Nauru to buy over the country with financial aid. The statement implies that China's actions are illegitimate and unethical, but there is no evidence presented to support this claim.
              • Bias (85%)
                The article reports that Nauru has cut ties with Taiwan in favor of China. The author does not provide any personal opinions or biases and presents the facts objectively. However, there are a few examples of language used by the author that could be seen as having a political bias.
                • Taiwan suggests this latest loss is related to the weekend's election results, which angered China.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication