Texas Governor Declares Migrants Crossing Border an Invasion as National Guard Expands Presence Along Rio Grande

Eagle Pass, Texas United States of America
Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced on Sunday, February 4th that the state will expand its border security operation at a press conference with other Republican governors in Eagle Pass.
The governor declared that the Texas National Guard is undertaking operations to expand their presence along the Rio Grande and beyond, casting migrants crossing the border as an invasion from millions of people coming from across the globe into our country, unaccounted for whatsoever.
Texas Governor Declares Migrants Crossing Border an Invasion as National Guard Expands Presence Along Rio Grande

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced on Sunday, February 4th that the state will expand its border security operation at a press conference with other Republican governors in Eagle Pass. The governor declared that the Texas National Guard is undertaking operations to expand their presence along the Rio Grande and beyond, casting migrants crossing the border as an invasion from millions of people coming from across the globe into our country, unaccounted for whatsoever.



  • It is unclear if the Texas National Guard has any evidence to support their claim that migrants are invading the country.
  • The governor's use of the word 'invasion' may be seen as inflammatory and could lead to further polarization on this issue.



  • Unique Points
    • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed to expand his border security operation at a press conference with 13 other Republican governors on Sunday, February 4, 2024 in Eagle Pass.
    • The governor declared that the Texas National Guard is undertaking operations to expand their presence along the Rio Grande and beyond.
    • Abbott casts the record number of asylum-seekers crossing the border as an invasion from millions of people coming from across the globe into our country, unaccounted for whatsoever.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (80%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article mentions that it will discuss Operation Lone Star and border concerns on Sunday, February 4th at Shelby Park. However, this park was seized by Texas National Guard troops earlier in January to prevent migrants from crossing into US territory. This is not mentioned in the article until later down when discussing Abbott's comments about expanding his operation further.
    • The governor declared that as we speak right now, the Texas National Guard is undertaking operations to expand this.
    • The title of the article mentions Operation Lone Star and border concerns on Sunday, February 4th at Shelby Park. However, this park was seized by Texas National Guard troops earlier in January to prevent migrants from crossing into US territory. This is not mentioned in the article until later down when discussing Abbott's comments about expanding his operation further.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the situation at the border as an 'invasion' and a 'threat to our safety'. This is an example of emotional appeal. Additionally, there are instances where the author appeals to authority by stating that his actions are supported by other governors without providing any evidence or reasoning for their support.
    • The governor declared that, “as we speak right now, the Texas National Guard is undertaking operations to expand this.”
    • U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro said a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility was evacuated after receiving threats.
    • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and fellow Governors hold a press conference along the Rio Grande at the U.S.-Mexico border to discuss Operation Lone Star and border concerns on Sunday, February 4, 2024 in Eagle Pass, TX.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains a statement from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott that the state can defend itself and its citizens to protect their safety from an invasion of millions of people coming across the border into our country. This is a clear example of political bias as it exaggerates the number of migrants crossing the border and portrays them as an imminent threat to national security.
    • ]The state can defend itself and its citizens to protect their safety from an invasion from millions of people coming across the border into our country, who are unaccounted for whatsoever[
      • This is a campaign prop. This is a photo op.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        The author has conflicts of interest on the topics of Abbott and border security. The article does not disclose these conflicts.


        • Unique Points
          • Texas is expanding its immigration enforcement efforts at the center of a legal confrontation with the federal government.
          • The arrival of migrants is being described as an invasion that permitted Texas, under the U.S. Constitution, to take on the job of enforcing immigration laws.
        • Accuracy
          • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed to expand his border security operation at a press conference with 13 other Republican governors on Sunday, February 4, 2024 in Eagle Pass.
          • The governor declared that the Texas National Guard is undertaking operations to expand their presence along the Rio Grande and beyond.
        • Deception (50%)
          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses sensationalist language such as 'invasion' to describe the arrival of migrants which is not an accurate representation of what they are experiencing. Secondly, the author implies that Texas has taken over and limited access for federal agents at Shelby Park when in fact it was a legal confrontation with the Biden administration over immigration enforcement. Thirdly, the article does not disclose any sources or provide evidence to support its claims.
          • The use of sensationalist language such as 'invasion' is deceptive and misleading.
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that Texas has the power to enforce immigration laws under the U.S. Constitution and that this is being contested in court by the Biden administration.
          • ]We are expanding our level of deterrence and denial of illegal entry into the United States[
          • Mr. Abbott described the arrival of migrants as an “invasion” that permitted Texas, under the U.S. Constitution, to take on the job of enforcing immigration laws
        • Bias (85%)
          The author uses the word 'invasion' to describe the arrival of migrants. This is a highly biased term that implies an extreme and unjustified response from Texas. The use of this language creates a sense of urgency and justifies aggressive actions against immigrants.
          • ]We are expanding to further areas to make sure we expand our level of deterrence and denial of illegal entry into the United States.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            The article discusses the legal battle between Texas and the Biden administration over immigration enforcement. The author is J. David Goodman who has a financial tie to Republican governors as he is an opinion writer for The New York Times.
            • .began stringing concertina wire along the banks of the river next year.
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of immigration enforcement in Texas as they are reporting on Gov. Greg Abbott and other Republican governors who have taken actions to restrict federal agents' access to the riverbank or use of Shelby Park for detaining and processing large numbers of migrants.
              • .began stringing concertina wire along the banks of the river next year.


              • Unique Points
                • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is locked in an escalating feud with the Biden administration over migrant crossings at the US southern border.
                • The installation of more than 100 miles of razor wire barrier led to a sharp reduction in illegal border crossings according to Gov. Abbott.
                • Gov. Abbott claims that he has the right to defend Texas under a constitutional clause and accused President Biden of aiding and abetting illegal entry into the US.
              • Accuracy
                • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed to expand his border security operation at a press conference with 13 other Republican governors on Sunday, February 4, 2024 in Eagle Pass.
                • The governor declared that the Texas National Guard is undertaking operations to expand their presence along the Rio Grande and beyond.
              • Deception (50%)
                The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Texas has a right to protect its borders and that it has successfully done so by installing over 100 miles of razor wire barrier. However, this claim is not supported by any evidence presented in the article. Secondly, the author quotes Governor Abbott as saying that President Biden had completely abdicated his responsibility to enforce laws at the border, which is a false statement since there are ongoing efforts to address migrant crossings and improve border security. Thirdly, Governor Huckabee Sanders also makes an unsupported claim about President Biden's failures in securing the border. Overall, while the article presents some information on migrant crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border, it is misleading and deceptive.
                • The author claims that Texas has successfully reduced illegal border crossings by installing over 100 miles of razor wire barrier, but no evidence is presented to support this claim.
              • Fallacies (70%)
                The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the constitutional clause that gives them the right to defend Texas without providing any evidence or context for this claim. Additionally, they use inflammatory rhetoric when describing illegal border crossings as a 'record monthly high' and accusing President Biden of aiding and abetting illegal entry into the US.
                • The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the constitutional clause that gives them the right to defend Texas without providing any evidence or context for this claim.
                • Additionally, they use inflammatory rhetoric when describing illegal border crossings as a 'record monthly high' and accusing President Biden of aiding and abetting illegal entry into the US.
              • Bias (85%)
                The author of the article is Aliza Chasan and she has a clear political bias. She uses language that dehumanizes migrants by calling them 'illegal' which implies they are criminals. The author also quotes Governor Abbott saying that President Biden has completely abdicated his responsibility to enforce laws, which is not true as the president is working with Mexico to address the issue at the border.
                • Governor Abbott claims President Biden has completely abdicated his responsibility to enforce laws, which is not true as the president is working with Mexico to address the issue at the border.
                  • The author uses language that dehumanizes migrants by calling them 'illegal' which implies they are criminals.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    Aliza Chasan has a conflict of interest on the topic of Texas Gov. Abbott as she is reporting for CBS News which is owned by ViacomCBS. The company also owns several media outlets that have financial ties to the oil and gas industry in Texas.
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      Aliza Chasan has conflicts of interest on the topics of Texas Gov. Abbott and President Biden as she is reporting for a news outlet that may have financial ties to these individuals or their affiliated organizations.