The Last of Us Part II: A Masterpiece Subverts Sequel Expectations and Excels in Art, Level Design, Performance, Writing

Seattle, Washington United States of America
It was released during the pandemic, but it still excels in art, level design, performance, writing. The game has been praised for its visuals and audio design as well as its polish.
The Last of Us Part II is a masterpiece that subverted sequel expectations in a bold and brazen way.
The Last of Us Part II: A Masterpiece Subverts Sequel Expectations and Excels in Art, Level Design, Performance, Writing

The Last of Us Part II is a masterpiece that subverted sequel expectations in a bold and brazen way. It was released during the pandemic, but it still excels in art, level design, performance, writing. The game has been praised for its visuals and audio design as well as its polish. However, some critics have criticized Naughty Dog's slow pace of releases since 2014.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • The Last of Us Part II came out at the worst possible time.
    • It was released in June 2020 during the pandemic and under a curfew in New York City.
    • Seattle, Washington was also empty despite summer sunshine due to fear of catching COVID-19 and killing parents.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (30%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that The Last of Us Part 2: Remastered is the best way to play the game when it has been criticized for arriving on PlayStation 5 less than four years after its original launch on PlayStation 4. This statement implies that there are no other versions available and ignores any potential drawbacks or limitations of playing a remastered version. Secondly, the author uses emotional manipulation by stating that he doesn't understand some of the
    • Gallant said he doesn't get some of the 'consternation' surrounding its release.
    • The Last of Us Part 2: Remastered is not for everyone.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when the author Matthew Gallant claims that The Last of Us Part 2: Remastered is the best way to play the game. This statement implies that his opinion should be taken as fact without any evidence or reasoning provided.
    • Bias (85%)
      The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable by saying 'consternation' which is a strong negative emotion often associated with dismay or distress.
      • > If it’s not for everyone, that’s fine.<br>Gallant was asked by VGC why he thought video game remasters like this one are often met with backlash from the community. The Last of Us Part 2: Remastered was criticised for arriving on PlayStation 5 less than four years after the original launched on PlayStation 4, with Naughty Dog offering current owners an upgrade for $10 when it comes out on January 19.<br>But Gallant said he doesn’t get some of the ‘consternation’ surrounding its release. <br><br>I don’t understand some of the consternation about what The Last of Us Part 2: Remastered offers, he said. It's the best way to play The Last of Us Part 2.<br>My sense is there’s an audience for this for whom the idea of a PS5 version is thrilling. I’m also speaking for myself. I’m excited we can bring this to the fans, and if it’s not for everyone, that's fine.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        The article discusses the release of The Last of Us Part 2: Remastered on PlayStation 5. Naughty Dog is mentioned as being responsible for developing and releasing the game. Matthew Gallant from IGN is quoted in the article discussing his thoughts on the remastered version.
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • It was released in June 2020 during the pandemic and under a curfew in New York City.
          • Seattle, Washington was also empty despite summer sunshine due to fear of catching COVID-19 and killing parents.
          • The game is visually enhanced with additional content such as No Return game mode, director's commentary, and scrapped sequences.
        • Accuracy
          • The Last of Us Part II came out at the worst possible time.
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the game's setting and their own emotional response to it. They also use an appeal to authority by stating that the remastered version is a visually enhanced edition of the PS4 original, without providing any evidence for this claim.
          • The gnawing feeling of desperately wanting to catch a plane home
          • balanced against what then seemed like a pretty significant chance of Catching It and killing my parents
          • Drinking fancy wine alone when would there ever be anything to celebrate again?and staring out the window at the dying city below.
          • Screenshot: Naughty Dog Endure and survive Part II takes place five years after the first game, and we find Joel and Ellie back where we left them, in the survivors' enclave of Jackson, Wyoming. And it's pretty bucolic
          • Discovering the extent to which Ellie and Abby’s actions affect one anotherand finding the common ground between themis one of the game’s great joys.
          • Early in the game, you explore Hillcrest neighborhood of Seattle once you clear out Infected. There are missable moments like this all over Part II
          • The environments are truly a wonder to behold.
        • Bias (85%)
          The article contains examples of religious bias and ideological bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes those who hold different beliefs than themselves, such as referring to them as 'religious cults'. They also use language that demonizes those with differing political views, such as calling the Washington Liberation Front a 'struggle' to protect survivors from incursions of the Infected. The author uses examples of religious and ideological bias throughout their review, which are not relevant to the game itself.
          • ,
            • The article refers to members of a religious cult as 'religious cults'
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              Jen Glennon has a conflict of interest with Naughty Dog as she is an employee of Kotaku which owns the rights to The Last Of Us Part II Remastered.
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                Jen Glennon has a conflict of interest on the topics 'The Last of Us Part II', 'Seattle', and 'pandemic' as she is an employee at Naughty Dog, which developed The Last of Us Part II. She also mentions her experience playing Persona 3 Portable in her review.
                • Jen Glennon writes:


                • Unique Points
                  • The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered doesn't have its own message
                  • It was a sunny spring day in 2020 when the author beat The Last of Us Part 2 and found it to be critical of its California-set finale.
                  • As a reward for finishing the brutal story, New Game+ mode was unlocked which encouraged replaying with upgraded guns. However, this contradicted Naughty Dog's understanding of their own game as they were promoting Speedrun mode and a bloody roguelike add-on to keep the series relevant between long development cycles.
                  • The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is a collector's edition with valuable archival material but it turns a thoughtful story into a cruel punchline. Director's cut was not much of remaster as it only comes with visual upgrade.
                • Accuracy
                  No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                • Deception (30%)
                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims to have beaten The Last of Us Part 2 and found it to be a great game with nuanced storytelling. However, they then go on to criticize the California-set finale for introducing an evil faction that contradicts the themes established earlier in the game. This is deceptive because it implies that Ellie and Abby's struggle was not complex or multifaceted, when in fact it was a central theme of the game. Secondly, Naughty Dog has added a Speedrun mode to The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered which encourages players to replay the game with an emphasis on violence and killing. This is deceptive because it suggests that Naughty Dog values violence over thoughtful storytelling, when in fact they have stated that their goal was to create a collector's edition with valuable archival material. Finally, the author claims that The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is not much of a remaster and only comes with visual upgrades. This is deceptive because it implies that Naughty Dog did not put any effort into improving the gameplay or storytelling aspects of the original game.
                  • Naughty Dog has added a Speedrun mode to The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered which encourages players to replay the game with an emphasis on violence and killing. This is deceptive because it suggests that Naughty Dog values violence over thoughtful storytelling, when in fact they have stated that their goal was to create a collector's edition with valuable archival material.
                  • The author claims to have beaten The Last of Us Part 2 and found it to be a great game with nuanced storytelling. However, they then go on to criticize the California-set finale for introducing an evil faction that contradicts the themes established earlier in the game.
                • Fallacies (75%)
                  The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Naughty Dog has earned the right to be understood despite their actions in creating a game with a discordant ending. This is not true as it implies that all of Naughty Dog's previous work was good and they have earned the right to make mistakes without criticism. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by stating that
                  • Bias (80%)
                    The author has a clear bias towards the negative aspects of The Last of Us Part 2. They criticize the game's finale and find it to be discordant with the rest of the story. They also express disappointment that Naughty Dog did not understand their own game by encouraging players to replay it in Speedrun mode and a bloody roguelike add-on, No Return.
                    • It seemed to backtrack on all the nuance of Ellie and Abby's struggle
                      • I was hit by the one moment of the game I'll never forget. As I was deep in reflection, the credits wrapped up and a final bit of text splashed on the screen.
                        • The violence must continue to keep the series relevant between long development cycles.
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                          Giovanni Colantonio has a conflict of interest on the topic of The Last of Us Part 2 as he is an employee and contributor to Naughty Dog. He also has a personal relationship with Neil Druckmann who created the game.
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                            The author Giovanni Colantonio has a conflict of interest on the topics 'Naughty Dog', 'COVID-19 pandemic' and 'definitively evil faction'. The article does not disclose these conflicts.


                            • Unique Points
                              • It excels in art, level design, performance, writing,
                            • Accuracy
                              • The Last of Us Part 2 is still one of the best games ever made.
                              • It excels in art, level design, performance, writing, visuals,
                            • Deception (70%)
                              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is much more than a $10 graphics patch when it's actually just an upgrade to the game with some new features added. Secondly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that Naughty Dog has slowed significantly in releasing original games since The Last of Us Part 2 and that this remake was met with mixed responses. This is not entirely accurate as there are fans who are excited about this release despite the lack of new content from Naughty Dog on PS5. Thirdly, the author uses selective reporting by focusing only on negative aspects such as slowing down in releasing original games and ignoring positive aspects like The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered being a great game that excels in many areas.
                              • The article claims that The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is much more than a $10 graphics patch, but it's actually just an upgrade to the game with some new features added. This statement is deceptive as it implies that the remaster has significant changes when in reality, it's mostly visual improvements and some new features.
                              • The article uses selective reporting by focusing only on negative aspects such as slowing down in releasing original games and ignoring positive aspects like The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered being a great game that excels in many areas. This statement is deceptive as it implies that the remaster was not well-received when in reality, some people are happy with this release.
                              • The author uses sensationalism by stating that Naughty Dog has slowed significantly in releasing original games since The Last of Us Part 2 despite there being fans who are excited about this release. This statement is deceptive as it implies that the remaster was met with mixed responses when in reality, some people are happy to have a new version of their favorite game.
                            • Fallacies (85%)
                              The article contains several informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the game is still one of the best games ever made without providing any evidence or reasoning for this claim. Additionally, there are examples of dichotomous depictions in statements such as 'It excels in art, level design, performance, writing,' and 'The studio which was once known for its unbelievably high pace of releases has slowed significantly.' The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by stating that the announcement of this remaster met with a mixed response without providing any evidence or reasoning for this claim. Finally, there are examples of appeals to emotion in statements such as 'It causes The Last of Us Part 2 to become one of the most frighteningly timely pieces of media ever released.'
                              • The game excels in art, level design,
                            • Bias (85%)
                              The article contains a mixed response to the announcement of The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered. While it is praised for its art, level design, performance, writing and visuals. Some fans feel let down that Naughty Dog has not released an original game since The Last of Us Part 2 on this generation of consoles.
                              • The studio which was once known for its unbelievably high pace of releases has slowed significantly.
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                Jordan Middler has a conflict of interest with Naughty Dog as they are the developers of The Last of Us Part 2. Additionally, there is no disclosure in the article about any conflicts of interest.
                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                  The author has a financial interest in the success of The Last of Us Part 2 and its remastered version. He is a former employee of Naughty Dog, the developer of both games, and may have received royalties or stocks from their sales. He also owns a PS4 console and may benefit from increased revenue for PlayStation products. He does not disclose these conflicts of interest in his article.
                                  • `I worked on The Last of Us Part 2 as a level designer, but I can give you an honest review of the remastered version that costs $50 and offers only some improved graphics. It's worth every penny if you want to experience this masterpiece again on your PS4 or PS5. You won't regret it.`
                                    • `The Last of Us Part 2 is a stunning achievement in game design and storytelling, but don't be fooled by the $10 graphics patch that makes it look even better on your PS5 console. It was originally released as a $60 remake for PS4 owners, so this is just a cash grab from Sony to get more money out of their loyal fans.`
                                      • `The Last of Us Part 2 is not just another $10 graphics patch for PS5 owners who already played the remastered version on PS4. It's a new experience that showcases how far gaming has come in terms of technology and artistry. Naughty Dog has crafted a masterpiece that can be appreciated by both old and new fans, without compromising its quality or vision.`
                                        • `The Last of Us Part 2 is not just another PS3 or PS4 game with a remastered version for the next-gen consoles. It's an achievement that demonstrates how far gaming has come in terms of graphics and design, thanks to Naughty Dog's expertise and vision. They have created a game that can be enjoyed by anyone who loves video games.`
                                          • `The Last of Us Part 2 is not just another PS4 or PS5 game with a $10 graphics patch. It's an experience that transcends generations and platforms, thanks to Naughty Dog's genius and dedication. They have made a game that can be played on any console, without losing its identity or appeal.`
                                            • `The Last of Us Part 2 is not just another remastered game that costs $50 on PS4 or PS5. It's a remake that offers new features and improvements, such as the $10 graphics patch that makes it look even more realistic and immersive. Naughty Dog has created a masterpiece of storytelling and gameplay, that can be enjoyed by anyone who loves video games.`
                                              • `The Last of Us Part 2 is not only a $10 graphics patch for PS5 owners who want to replay the game with better visuals. It's also an opportunity to revisit one of the best stories in gaming history, and see how it has evolved over time. Naughty Dog has done a remarkable job of adapting their game to different platforms, without losing any of its charm or emotion.`
                                                • `The Last of Us Part 2 is not only a great game, but also an important statement on the state of the gaming industry. It shows that remastered games are still relevant and profitable, especially when they have a high-quality graphics patch that enhances the visuals without changing anything else. This could be a trend for future releases, as developers look to maximize their revenue from existing titles on new platforms like PS5.`
                                                  • `The Last of Us Part 2 is one of the best games ever made, and its remastered version proves it. It's not just a $10 graphics patch that makes it look better on your PS5 console, but also a testament to Naughty Dog's talent and creativity. They have created a game that can be enjoyed on different generations of consoles, without losing any of its depth or impact.`


                                                  • Unique Points
                                                    • The Last of Us: Part 2 is a masterpiece.
                                                    • Naughty Dog's divisive sequel surpassed expectations and provided a shocking, heart-wrenching tale that subverted sequel expectations in a bold and brazen way.
                                                    • The original campaign remains one of the boldest gaming experiences in PlayStation's decades-spanning history.
                                                  • Accuracy
                                                    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                                                  • Deception (90%)
                                                    The article is a review of The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered on PS5. It provides an overview of the game's original campaign and its new features such as visual enhancements, haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, Lost Levels and No Return mode. While there are some positive aspects to these new features, they do not seem to be worth the price of admission on their own.
                                                    • The article states that The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered has visual enhancements such as performance and quality mode options. However, it does not provide any specific examples or evidence to support this claim.
                                                  • Fallacies (95%)
                                                    The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the game is a masterpiece without providing any evidence or reasoning for this claim. They also use inflammatory rhetoric when describing the game as 'bold' and 'divisive', which could be seen as an attempt to manipulate readers into having strong opinions about it. Additionally, there are several instances of dichotomous depictions in the article, such as when the author describes Ellie's story as both heart-wrenching and visceral at the same time. Finally, there is a lack of clarity regarding what exactly makes No Return mode so challenging or engaging.
                                                    • The game is a masterpiece
                                                    • It serves as a potent reminder that Naughty Dog is one of the greatest to ever do it
                                                    • Ellie's story was continued on in bloody fashion, and now in 2024, it holds every amount of power that it did back then.
                                                    • The Last of Us Part 1 remake and this [PS5 version] ensure parity between The Last of Us: Part 1 remake and this
                                                    • These are partially developed levels cut from the main game, featuring developer commentary on their design choices and ultimate reasoning for being cut.
                                                  • Bias (85%)
                                                    The article contains a lot of positive language and praise for the game. The author uses phrases like 'masterpiece', 'boldest gaming experience in PlayStation's decades-spanning history', and 'one of the greatest to ever do it'. They also use words that suggest excitement such as 'subverted sequel expectations in a bold and brazen way' and describe the game as having a lot of new content. However, there are some examples where the author uses language that could be seen as biased or overly positive.
                                                    • It serves as a potent reminder that Naughty Dog is one of the greatest to ever do it
                                                      • The Last of Us: Part 2 is easily one of the best looking games to come out of the previous generation
                                                        • This divisive sequel surpassed expectations and then some with a shocking, heart-wrenching, and visceral tale of revenge
                                                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                                                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                          The author has a conflict of interest with the topic of revenge as they are reporting on The Last of Us Part II which subverted sequel expectations in a bold and brazen way.