Thirty-Six Democrats Call for Biden to Step Aside, but Will He Listen?

Fayetteville, North Carolina United States of America
Biden has repeatedly stated that he will not be dropping out of the race despite concerns about his declining poll numbers and questions about his mental acuity.
Cornell Belcher, a prominent pollster, expresses concern about the ongoing discussion surrounding Biden's poll numbers and their impact on the party.
Some Democrats believe that Harris would be a stronger candidate against Trump, but it remains unclear whether she would be willing or able to mount a successful challenge at this late stage in the race.
Thirty-Six Democrats call for Biden to step aside and support Harris as his replacement in the upcoming presidential race against Trump.
Thirty-Six Democrats Call for Biden to Step Aside, but Will He Listen?

In recent days, there have been growing calls from within the Democratic Party for President Joe Biden to step aside and support Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement in the upcoming presidential race against former President Donald Trump. The latest Democrat to join this chorus is California Rep. Mark Takano, who became the thirty-sixth Democrat on Capitol Hill to publicly call for Biden's exit from the race.

Biden has repeatedly stated that he will not be dropping out of the race, despite concerns about his declining poll numbers and questions about his mental acuity. Some Democrats fear that these issues could negatively impact down-ballot candidates in November.

The debate over Biden's continued candidacy comes as the Democratic Party grapples with urgent choices for the presidential race. Cornell Belcher, a prominent pollster who has worked for both Democratic campaigns and the Democratic National Committee, expressed concern about the ongoing discussion surrounding Biden's poll numbers and their impact on the party.

Belcher stated that Democrats have done more damage to their chances in November than Trump and Republicans by focusing on internal party matters rather than addressing issues that matter to voters. He urged party leaders to focus on unifying the Democratic base and presenting a strong alternative to Trump's divisive rhetoric.

Despite these calls for change, Biden remains obstinate in his decision to continue his campaign. Some Democrats have suggested that Harris would be a stronger candidate against Trump, but it remains unclear whether she would be willing or able to mount a successful challenge at this late stage in the race.

The debate over Biden's candidacy is not limited to the Democratic Party. The media has also weighed in on the issue, with some commentators questioning Biden's mental acuity and others expressing concern about his age. However, it is important to note that these criticisms should be approached with a healthy dose of skepticism, as they often reflect biases and agendas rather than facts.

One such example of biased reporting comes from Fox News Digital, which recently published an article about a Biden-Harris campaign deputy press secretary named Eric Lipka. The article focused on Lipka's drag queen persona and suggested that it was inappropriate for someone in such a high-profile role to engage in this activity.

However, the article failed to provide any evidence that Lipka's drag performances had any impact on his ability to perform his job duties effectively. It also ignored the fact that many other prominent Democrats, including Senators Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown, have publicly supported LGBTQ rights and the right to express oneself through art forms like drag.

In conclusion, the debate over Biden's continued candidacy is a complex issue that requires careful consideration of all available facts. While some Democrats believe that Biden's age and mental acuity make him an ineffective candidate, others argue that he is the best option for the party given the current political climate. Ultimately, it is up to voters to decide who they believe would be the strongest candidate against Trump in November.



  • Are there any non-partisan, peer-reviewed studies that suggest Biden is mentally incapable of serving as president?
  • Is the media's focus on Biden's age and mental acuity a reflection of biases and agendas rather than facts?



  • Unique Points
    • Cornell Belcher expressed concern about the ongoing discussion surrounding President Biden's poll numbers and their impact on the Democratic party.
    • Belcher stated that Democrats have done more damage to their chances in November than Trump and Republicans.
    • Some Democrats have called for Biden to step aside due to his declining poll numbers and concerns about his mental acuity.
    • Biden has repeatedly stated that he will not be dropping out of the race.
  • Accuracy
    • Nearly two-thirds of Democrats surveyed by the Associated Press believed Biden should withdraw from the race.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The author quotes Cornell Belcher expressing concern about the negative impact of discussing poll numbers on the Democratic party, but fails to mention that Belcher also states that Democrats should focus on their plan for November instead of Biden's poll numbers. This omission creates a misleading impression that Belcher is only concerned with Biden's poll numbers and not the overall health of the Democratic party. Additionally, the author uses emotional language such as 'death spiral' to manipulate readers into believing that the situation is dire for Democrats.
    • Democrats have done more damage to our ability to win in November than what Donald Trump and Republicans have been able to do
    • They have to stop [the] circular firing squad that they’re currently in, because it’s a death spiral.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (80%)
    The author expresses a clear bias towards the Democratic Party and its internal squabbles. The author quotes pollster Cornell Belcher multiple times, expressing his frustration with the party's focus on poll numbers and Biden's slipping support. The author also mentions several Democrats who have called for Biden to step aside, including Representatives Zoe Lofgren and Bennie Thompson, as well as former President Obama. The author also quotes Michael Kazin expressing concern about the divide within the party and the potential for a contested convention. These quotes demonstrate a clear bias towards the Democratic Party and its internal issues.
    • But with Biden repeatedly insisting that he is not stepping aside, Belcher said...
      • Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.)...
        • Cornell Belcher, a prominent pollster who worked for the Democratic National Committee and both Obama campaigns, wishes...
          • Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San José) wrote in a letter to Biden released Friday...
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Deputy press secretary Eric Lipka performs as a drag queen on weekends
            • Eric Lipka participated in an ‘Elevate your brunch’ drag event in April 2024
            • Eric Lipka performed at a ‘Saint Saturday’ event in Richmond, Virginia, in January 2024
            • Dozens of other posts show Eric Lipka participating in drag shows and events across various locations
          • Accuracy
            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
          • Deception (30%)
            The article engages in selective reporting by focusing on the fact that a Biden campaign staffer is a drag queen and implying it is newsworthy, while ignoring other aspects of his background or qualifications for the job. The author also uses emotional manipulation by using phrases like 'sinking ship' to elicit negative emotions from readers towards the Biden campaign.
            • The post, which is now private, racked up hundreds of thousands of views over the last few days with several replies congratulating him, while others mocked him for joining the Biden campaign’s ‘sinking ship’ and pointed out his bio that reads, ‘on weekends: drag queen.’
            • This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News’ Andrew Mark Miller
          • Fallacies (85%)
            The author uses inflammatory rhetoric by implying that the Biden campaign is a 'sinking ship' and mocks the deputy press secretary for his weekend job as a drag queen. This is an appeal to prejudice fallacy.
            • > several replies mocked him for joining the Biden campaign’s ‘sinking ship’
            • implies that the Biden campaign is a 'sinking ship'
          • Bias (80%)
            The author, Anders Hagstrom, uses derogatory language towards individuals involved in the Democratic Party and the Biden campaign by implying that they are associated with 'drag queens' in a negative way. This is an example of ideological bias.
            • > a Democrat staffer, who recently announced on social media that he has joined the Biden-Harris campaign as a deputy press secretary, works as a ‘drag queen’ on weekends
              • Dozens of other posts over the last few years show him participating in drag shows in Reheboth Beach, multiple Maryland venues, Connecticut, and various LGBTQ-friendly venues across Washington, D.C.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • Joe Biden faces high-profile calls to end his re-election campaign amid concerns about his age and mental acuity.
                • Senior Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Hakeem Jeffries, are calling for Biden to reconsider his position.
                • Representative Mark Takano of California has called on Biden to pass the torch to Kamala Harris.
              • Accuracy
                • Some Democrats have called for Biden to step aside due to his declining poll numbers and concerns about his mental acuity.
                • Nearly two-thirds of Democrats surveyed believed Biden should withdraw from the race.
              • Deception (30%)
                The article contains editorializing and emotional manipulation. The author uses phrases like 'apparent stalemate', 'digs in', 'stalwarts', and 'cold calculus of politics' to create a negative tone towards Biden. The author also quotes Maureen Dowd's opinion as fact, which is a form of emotional manipulation.
                • According to the Washington Post on Saturday, the tight-knit Biden family has not called an emergency meeting to discuss the spiraling crisis, but is instead exchanging usual daily phone calls and text messages. Rising anger within the family, which has enjoyed nearly half a century of Joe Biden’s power in Delaware, both as a senator, vice-president and president, is fueled by the belief that his dismal debate performance could still be overcome by a determined fight back and a display of loyalty.
                • Democrats were caught in an apparent stalemate on Saturday as a dug-in Joe Biden continued to endure high-profile calls to end his re-election campaign after a week of astonishing party moves to unseat the president in favor of a candidate many hope will be more likely to beat Donald Trump.
                • Frustration within the Democratic party establishment at what they see as Biden’s intransigence comes as the outlet also reported on Saturday that the president in private is complaining that former aides to presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton would be lecturing him on election strategy after Democratic 1994 and 2010 midterm election losses that he had avoided in 2022.
              • Fallacies (80%)
                The author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Biden as a 'Covid-sick, abandoned and resentful veteran politician' and 'disastrous debate performance'. These are subjective opinions that do not add any value to the analysis. The author also quotes Maureen Dowd using an ellipsis ('We’re doing things the Democratic way. We’re botching it.'), which can be seen as a form of deception by omitting important context and potentially changing the meaning of what was said.
                • ]Everyone['s] waiting for Joe[,] And he's sitting at home, stewing and saying, 'What if? What if? What if?' We're doing things the Democratic way. We're botching it.[/
                • Covid-sick, abandoned and resentful veteran politician
              • Bias (5%)
                The author uses language that depicts Biden as a 'digged-in' and 'abandoned' politician who is holding on to his re-election bid despite calls from Democrats to step down. The author also quotes Maureen Dowd as saying 'We're doing things the Democratic way. We're botching it.' These statements suggest a negative bias towards Biden and the Democratic party.
                • According to the Washington Post on Saturday, the tight-knit Biden family has not called an emergency meeting to discuss the spiraling crisis, but is instead exchanging usual daily phone calls and text messages. Rising anger within the family, which has enjoyed nearly half a century of Joe Biden's power in Delaware, both as a senator, vice-president and president, is fueled by the belief that his dismal debate performance could still be overcome by a determined fight back and a display of loyalty.
                  • But a series of interviews, a press conference and speeches have done little to quell party nerves.
                    • Democrats were caught in an apparent stalemate on Saturday as a dug-in Joe Biden continued to endure high-profile calls to end his re-election campaign after a week of astonishing party moves to unseat the president in favor of a candidate many hope will be more likely to beat Donald Trump.
                      • Everyone's waiting for Joe,' quoted the New York Times' Maureen Dowd of one top Democrat. 'And he's sitting at home, stewing and saying, 'What if? What if? What if?' We're doing things the Democratic way. We're botching it.'
                        • Those pressuring Biden – who also has Covid – to abandon his re-election bid, the Times reported, 'risk getting his back up and prompting him to remain after all'.
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication


                        • Unique Points
                          • Deputy press secretary Eric Lipka performs as a drag queen on weekends
                          • Senior Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Hakeem Jeffries, are calling for Biden to reconsider his position.
                          • California Rep. Mark Takano is the thirty-sixth Democrat on Capitol Hill to call for President Joe Biden to exit the race and support Vice President Harris as his replacement.
                        • Accuracy
                          • CNN reported that Democratic lawmakers are publicly calling on President Joe Biden to leave the presidential race
                          • Deputy press secretary Eric Lipka joined the Biden-Harris campaign
                          • Several public Facebook posts from 2021 to present show Eric Lipka participating in drag events and performances
                        • Deception (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Fallacies (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Bias (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication


                        • Unique Points
                          • US Vice President Kamala Harris holds a campaign event in Fayetteville NC, United States on July 18, 2024.
                          • California Rep. Mark Takano is the thirty-sixth Democrat on Capitol Hill to call for President Joe Biden to exit the race and support Vice President Harris as his replacement.
                        • Accuracy
                          • Cornell Belcher, a pollster, expressed concern about the ongoing discussion surrounding President Biden's poll numbers and their impact on the Democratic party.
                          • Deputy press secretary Eric Lipka joined the Biden-Harris campaign
                          • Joe Biden faces high-profile calls to end his re-election campaign amid concerns about his age and mental acuity.
                          • CNN reported that Democratic lawmakers are publicly calling on President Joe Biden to leave the presidential race
                        • Deception (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Fallacies (90%)
                          The article contains several instances of appeal to authority fallacies. The Democratic lawmakers and committee ranking members quoted in the article are positioning themselves as authorities on who should be the Democratic nominee, but their opinions do not necessarily make it true that Harris is the best candidate. Additionally, there is an instance of inflammatory rhetoric when JD Vance calls for Biden to resign from his post if he cannot run for president.
                          • "President Biden's greatest accomplishment remains saving democracy in 2020. He can and must do so again in 2024 — by passing the torch to Vice President Harris as the Democratic Party Presidential nominee,"
                          • "It has become clear to me that the demands of a modern campaign are now best met by the Vice President, who can seamlessly transition into the role of our party's standard bearer,"
                          • "Everyone calling on Joe Biden to *stop running* without also calling on him to resign the presidency is engaged in an absurd level of cynicism,"
                        • Bias (95%)
                          The author expresses a clear preference for Vice President Harris to replace President Biden as the Democratic nominee. She quotes several Democratic lawmakers who have made similar statements and describes Harris's growing support within the party. The author does not provide any counterarguments or evidence to challenge this bias.
                          • California Rep. Mark Takano on Saturday became the thirty-sixth Democrat on Capitol Hill to call on Biden to exit the race on the record. He added that he believes Harris should be the one to helm the ticket.
                            • Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said Saturday that Harris ‘is ready to step up and unite the party,’ should the president decide to exit the race.
                              • Though some Democrats have been angling for an open convention if Biden exits, Takano has positioned himself within the sect of the party that sees Harris as the rightful heir to the top of the ticket
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication