Thousands Forced to Flee: Israeli Military Operations in Gaza City Displace Nearly 2 Million Residents Amid Escalating Conflict

Gaza City, Gaza Strip Palestine, State of
Approximately nine out of ten people in Gaza are now estimated to be internally displaced, with the total number of displaced people increasing from 1.7 million in May to an estimated 1.9 million now.
Hamas accuses Israel of trying to make Gaza City uninhabitable by evacuating residents and publishing misleading evacuation maps.
Israeli military claims presence of Hamas terrorist infrastructure and operatives as justification for evacuation orders.
Thousands of Palestinians forced to evacuate their homes due to Israeli military operations in Gaza City.
Thousands Forced to Flee: Israeli Military Operations in Gaza City Displace Nearly 2 Million Residents Amid Escalating Conflict

Israeli Military Operations in Gaza City: Thousands Forced to Flee Amid Escalating Conflict

In recent days, the Israeli military has launched new operations in Gaza City, resulting in thousands of Palestinians being forced to evacuate their homes due to heavy bombardment and evacuation orders.

According to reports from various sources, including the IDF Arabic Spokesperson Avichay Adraee and Hamas' political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh, the Israeli military has been issuing evacuation orders for large neighborhoods in Gaza City. These orders have caused panic among residents and raised concerns over potential massacres and expulsions.

One resident, Zahia Odeh, considered returning to her home despite the fear and terror that comes with staying in the conflict zone. Another resident, Reem, fled with her family but was caught in heavy bombardment and had to climb walls for cover.

The Israeli military claims that intelligence indicates the presence of Hamas terrorist infrastructure and operatives in these areas. However, Hamas has accused Israel of trying to make Gaza City an uninhabitable area by evacuating residents and publishing misleading evacuation maps.

As a result of these operations, approximately nine out of ten people in Gaza are now estimated to be internally displaced, with the total number of displaced people in Gaza increasing from 1.7 million in May to an estimated 1.9 million now.

Many evacuated residents have sought refuge in overcrowded hospitals and other facilities, such as the Nasser Medical Complex, which reached full capacity. Only 15 of Gaza's 36 hospitals remain functional, albeit partially.

The ongoing conflict has also disrupted cease-fire talks between Israel and Hamas. Egyptian mediators have been working to bring both sides to the negotiating table in an effort to reach a resolution and bring some respite to the people of Gaza.



  • The accuracy of the number of displaced people and the percentage of Gaza's population that is internally displaced.
  • The justification given by both sides for the evacuation orders.



  • Unique Points
    • Tens of thousands of people in Gaza are on the move again as the Israeli military issues fresh evacuation orders for a number of areas in Gaza City.
    • Approximately nine out of ten people in Gaza are now estimated to be internally displaced, many of them multiple times.
    • The effect has been to increase the total number of displaced people in Gaza from 1.7 million in May to an estimated 1.9 million now, according to the UN.
    • Many of those who left the European hospital crowded into the nearby Nasser Medical Complex, which reached full capacity.
    • Only 15 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals remain functional, albeit partially, and most are only partially accessible to patients.
  • Accuracy
    • The IDF has issued instructions for hundreds of thousands of people in Khan Younis, Shujaya, and several neighborhoods of Gaza City to leave.
    • Only 15 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals remain functional, albeit partially.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the authors' position of the Israeli military issuing evacuation orders and displacing people in Gaza. It does not mention or provide context on any potential reasons for these evacuation orders or the actions of Hamas. The article also uses emotional manipulation by describing the situation as a 'chessboard of suffering' and 'terrifying' for civilians, which elicits sympathy from readers without providing all necessary information.
    • tens of thousands of people in Gaza are on the move, as the Israeli military issues fresh evacuation orders for a number of areas in Gaza City.
    • The effect has been to increase the total number of displaced people in Gaza, from 1.7 million in May to an estimated 1.9 million now.
    • It's unclear how many people in Gaza City have heeded the latest evacuation order.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several instances of appeals to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. The authors quote Khader Al Za'anoun describing the evacuation as 'terrifying' and 'dangerous', which is inflammatory language that does not add any logical value to the article. Additionally, the authors quote Hamas stating that the evacuations threaten to return negotiations for a ceasefire and hostage deal to 'point zero'. This is an appeal to authority as it implies that Hamas' statement holds weight and should be taken seriously without any further analysis or evidence provided. The score is reduced due to these instances of inflammatory language and appeals to authority.
    • It was terrifying, people were running, some were in wheelchairs, everyone in panic not knowing where to go. The heavy bombardments were close, and the smoke was filling the skies.
    • Hamas has said the evacuations threaten to return negotiations for a ceasefire and hostage deal to 'point zero'.
  • Bias (80%)
    The article contains multiple instances of bias towards the Israeli military and the IDF. The authors use language that depicts the evacuation orders as causing unnecessary suffering for civilians and portrays the Israeli military as indiscriminately targeting civilian areas. For example, they describe 'extensive destruction of both private and public infrastructure' and 'restricted access to essential services.' They also quote a Hamas spokesperson who says that the evacuations threaten to return negotiations for a ceasefire and hostage deal to 'point zero.' The authors do not provide any counter-perspective or context from the Israeli side, making their bias towards the Palestinian perspective clear.
    • Approximately nine out of 10 people in Gaza are now estimated to be internally displaced, many of them multiple times.
      • But he said the large-scale evacuation came amid drone- and air-strikes.
        • Hamas has said the evacuations threaten to return negotiations for a ceasefire and hostage deal to 'point zero.'
          • It's unclear how many people in Gaza City have heeded the latest evacuation order.
            • Many civilians are wary of leaving whatever shelter they have for an uncertain journey to an even more uncertain fate living on the streets or in the overcrowded, unsanitary tent villages that pop up with each evacuation order.
              • The effect has been to increase the total number of displaced people in Gaza, from 1.7 million in May to an estimated 1.9 million now, according to the UN.
                • The IDF insists it goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Resident Zahia Odeh considered going back despite fear and terror.
                  • Reem, a resident, fled with her family but was caught in heavy bombardment and had to climb walls for cover.
                • Accuracy
                  • Thousands of Palestinians fled the war-ravaged northern city amid bombardment.
                  • Approximately nine out of ten people in Gaza are now estimated to be internally displaced, many of them multiple times.
                  • IDF has issued instructions for hundreds of thousands of people in Khan Younis, Shujaya, and several neighborhoods of Gaza City to leave.
                • Deception (30%)
                  The article contains selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The author focuses on the number of Palestinians fleeing Gaza City and describes their experiences in a way that elicits sympathy from readers. However, they do not provide any context about why these people are being displaced or mention the Israeli perspective at all. This creates an imbalanced narrative that favors the Palestinian side and may mislead readers into believing that Israel is solely responsible for the violence and displacement in Gaza. Additionally, some quotes from Palestinians are used to evoke emotions, such as 'The extent of fear and terror cannot be described.' These statements are not presented as opinions but rather as facts, which can be manipulative and misleading if readers do not understand the context.
                  • tens of thousands have been forced to flee in the past 24 hours, with some displaced three times in the past 10 days.
                  • ‘We are in the street now, as there is no place to go,’ said Reem, a 38-year-old resident of the Rimal neighborhood who spoke on the condition that she not be identified by her full name for security reasons. She said she fled with her family Monday afternoon after they received a call notifying them to move south.
                  • But she said she was considering going back. ‘The noise of bombs is very loud,’ she said, describing conditions in the house she was sheltering in with 45 other people north of Gaza City.
                  • It is a crunch moment for cease-fire talks as the United States, Egypt and Qatar continue attempts to broker a hostage release deal.
                  • The great majority of Gaza’s population of more than 2 million people is now displaced, many residents multiple times.
                • Fallacies (85%)
                  The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. The authors describe the situation in Gaza as 'devastating' and 'worst bombardment since the start of the war', but do not provide any objective evidence to support this claim. They also quote Zahia Odeh saying that conditions are 'very loud' and that there is a lack of food and water, which are subjective experiences. The authors also quote Georgios Petropoulos stating that 'there is clearly very little regard for their responsibility to enable and facilitate the commensurate aid for the volume of people who will be affected by the operation', but do not provide any evidence to support this claim. Additionally, there is an appeal to authority when the authors state that Israeli intelligence indicated the presence of Hamas 'terrorist infrastructure' in Gaza City, but they do not provide any evidence or context for this claim.
                  • The great majority of Gaza’s population of more than 2 million people is now displaced, many residents multiple times.
                  • ,
                • Bias (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • IDF’s evacuation orders in Gaza cause panic among residents
                  • Hamas responds to IDF’s tweets, revealing their concern over evacuation plans
                  • Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas political bureau chief, holds urgent talks with mediators due to IDF’s calls for evacuation
                • Accuracy
                  • IDF's evacuation orders cause panic among residents
                  • Hamas responds to IDF's tweets revealing their concern over evacuation plans
                  • Ismail Haniyeh holds urgent talks with mediators due to IDF’s calls for evacuation
                  • IDF’s evacuation orders seen as attempts to make Gaza uninhabitable and empty it of residents
                • Deception (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Fallacies (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Bias (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Israeli forces advanced deeper into Gaza Strip's largest city in pursuit of militants
                  • Hamas warned that latest raids and displacement in Gaza City could lead to collapse of cease-fire negotiations
                • Accuracy
                  • Residents reported artillery, tank fire, and airstrikes in northern Gaza with limited reported casualties from Health Ministry
                  • Approximately nine out of ten people in Gaza are now estimated to be internally displaced, many of them multiple times.
                  • IDF issued orders for residents in the area of operation to move south of the Israeli line of control.
                • Deception (30%)
                  The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The author does not provide any context or mention any counterarguments or opposing viewpoints. Additionally, there are instances of emotional manipulation through phrases such as 'thousands fleeing', 'decimated large swaths of urban landscape', and 'humanitarian catastrophe'. Furthermore, the article implies facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies regarding the number of deaths caused by the conflict.
                  • decimated large swaths of urban landscape
                  • humanitarian catastrophe
                  • thousands fleeing
                • Fallacies (80%)
                  The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. The author uses phrases such as 'ravaged in the early weeks of the nine-month-long war' and 'decimated large swaths of urban landscape' to elicit an emotional response from the reader. Additionally, there are multiple references to Hamas warnings and Israeli accusations without providing any evidence or context. The article also quotes Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh warning mediators of 'catastrophic consequences' if Israel continues its operations in Gaza City, which is an appeal to fear and a threat. Furthermore, the author states that 'Israel accuses Hamas and other militants of hiding among civilians' without providing any evidence or context. This is an example of an appeal to authority fallacy as the reader is expected to take the accusation as true without any proof.
                  • The war has decimated large swaths of urban landscape and sparked a humanitarian catastrophe.
                  • Hamas still wants mediators to guarantee that negotiations conclude with a permanent cease-fire, according to two officials with knowledge of the talks. The current draft says the mediators ‘will do their best’ to ensure that negotiations lead to an agreement to wind down the war.
                  • Israel accuses Hamas and other militants of hiding among civilians.
                  • Hamas on Monday said it is ‘offering flexibility and positivity’ to facilitate a deal, while accusing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of ‘putting more obstacles in the way of negotiations.’
                  • The two officials said there’s also an impasse around whether Hamas can choose the high-profile prisoners held by Israel that it wants released in exchange for hostages. Some prisoners were convicted of killing Israelis, and Israel does not want Hamas to determine who is released.
                • Bias (95%)
                  The article does not demonstrate any clear bias towards a specific political or ideological position. However, the author uses language that depicts the situation in Gaza as catastrophic and describes Hamas' actions as putting obstacles in the way of negotiations. While this language may be descriptive and factual, it could be perceived as having a negative slant towards Hamas.
                  • ][Hamas] warned mediators of ‘catastrophic consequences’ if Israel continued its operations in Gaza City, saying Netanyahu and the army would bear ‘full responsibility’ for the collapse of the talks.[/
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication