Top House Democrats Urge Biden to Withdraw from Reelection Bid Amidst Growing Concerns over Fitness and Electability

Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States United States of America
At least six top House Democrats have urged President Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential reelection bid due to concerns over his mental fitness and electability.
Biden's opponents, including former President Donald Trump, have seized on these internal Democratic debates as an opportunity to attack Biden's candidacy.
Biden's support among Democrats has been eroding since his lackluster performance in the presidential debate on June 27.
Nancy Pelosi has expressed doubts about Biden's decision to run for re-election and believes it is important for Democrats to focus on winning control of Congress and preserving their chances of holding the White House.
The concerned Democrats include Jerrold Nadler, Adam Smith, Mark Takano, Joseph D. Morelle, Jim Himes, and Susan Wild.
Top House Democrats Urge Biden to Withdraw from Reelection Bid Amidst Growing Concerns over Fitness and Electability

President Joe Biden's decision to continue his reelection bid in the face of growing concerns about his mental fitness and ability to win in November has sparked intense debate among Democratic leaders. While Biden expressed his commitment to staying in the race through a letter to congressional Democrats, some key members of the party have privately urged him to step aside.

According to reports, at least six top House Democrats have expressed their concerns about Biden's candidacy during a private meeting and called for him to withdraw from the presidential race. Representatives Jerrold Nadler, Adam Smith, Mark Takano, Joseph D. Morelle, Jim Himes, and Susan Wild were among those who reportedly made this request.

Biden's support among Democrats has been eroding since his lackluster performance in the presidential debate on June 27. Some party elites have also publicly called for him to step aside, including actor George Clooney. However, Biden remains adamant about staying in the race and has continued to campaign.

Despite these concerns, Nancy Pelosi has expressed doubts about Biden's decision to run for re-election. She told reporters on July 10 that she believes it is important for Democrats to focus on winning control of Congress and preserving their chances of holding the White House.

Biden's opponents, including former President Donald Trump, have seized on these internal Democratic debates as an opportunity to attack Biden's candidacy. However, Biden has continued to campaign and engage with voters in key battleground states like Pennsylvania.



  • It's unclear if all six Democrats mentioned are the only ones who have expressed concerns or if there are more.
  • The number of top House Democrats who have expressed concerns about Biden's candidacy is not explicitly stated in the article, it is reported through sources.



  • Unique Points
    • President Biden remains adamant about staying in the presidential race despite doubts and reserved expressions of support from Democrats.
    • Actor George Clooney called on President Biden to step aside and urged top Democrats in Congress to ask him to do so.
  • Accuracy
    • President Biden's support among key Democrats has been eroding since the presidential debate on June 27.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports quotes and statements that support the idea of doubts about Biden's candidacy. It does not provide any counter-arguments or evidence to refute these doubts. The author also uses emotional manipulation by implying a sense of urgency with the phrase 'time is running short' and 'the race is on a trajectory that is very worrisome'. Additionally, there are lies by omission as the article fails to mention any positive statements or actions taken by Biden since the debate.
    • Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado on Tuesday night expressed doubt that the president will be able to beat former President Donald Trump in November, in the most critical comments made publicly by a Senate Democrat so far.
    • And a spokesperson for Pelosi reiterated in a statement that ‘Speaker Pelosi fully supports whatever President Biden decides to do.’
    • Nearly two weeks after a disastrous debate, President Biden remains adamant that he’s staying in the race amid circling doubts and reserved expressions of support from members of his party.
    • The Colorado Democrat pointed to where the president stands in polls at this point, as compared to where he stood against Trump at this time in 2020, as well as where Hillary Clinton stood against Trump in 2016, saying ‘this race is on a trajectory that is very worrisome.’
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The author reports on doubts and expressions of reservation towards President Biden's candidacy from some Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi. However, the author also includes Pelosi's clarification that she never called for Biden to reconsider his decision and her continued support for him. The article does not contain any explicit fallacies but it does present a dichotomous depiction of Pelosi's statements by focusing on the doubts and reservations while omitting her clarification. This could potentially mislead readers into forming an inaccurate understanding of Pelosi's position.
    • Democrats hold meeting on Biden candidacy
    • Biden speaks to NATO leaders as Democrats hold closed-door meeting over his candidacy
    • Some Democrats in Congress are still saying Mr. Biden faces a decision about continuing his campaign
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Top House Democrats privately say Biden must go as they insist he must do more.
    • President Biden's support among key Democrats has been eroding since the presidential debate on June 27.
    • A half-dozen top members of the House privately told colleagues he should withdraw from the presidential race amid growing concerns about his age and ability to win re-election.
    • The consensus during the session was that a change at the top of the ticket was needed to preserve the party’s chances of holding the White House and prevailing in the fight for control of Congress.
    • Representatives Jerrold Nadler, Adam Smith, Mark Takano, and Joseph D. Morelle explicitly said Mr. Biden should end his candidacy.
    • Sixth representative, Susan Wild said she shared the same concerns as Americans across the country.
  • Accuracy
    • President Biden remains adamant about staying in the presidential race despite doubts and reserved expressions of support from Democrats.
    • There have been growing concerns among some Democrats about Biden’s ability to win in November, leading some to call for him to step aside.
  • Deception (10%)
    The article reports on private conversations between House Democrats expressing their concerns about President Biden's ability to win re-election and suggesting that he should withdraw from the race. This is an example of selective reporting as the article only reports details that support the authors' position, while ignoring any counterarguments or positive information about Biden. Additionally, there is no evidence provided in the article to support these claims other than anonymous sources.
    • Top House Democrats privately say Biden must go as allies insist he must do more.
    • The consensus during the session was that a change at the top of the ticket was needed to preserve the party’s chances of holding the White House and prevailing in the fight for control of Congress.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • President Joe Biden has announced that he will continue his reelection bid despite concerns about his mental fitness and the viability of his campaign.
    • , Biden wrote a letter to congressional Democrats expressing his commitment to staying in the race and called for unity within the party.
    • There have been growing concerns among some Democrats about Biden’s ability to win in November, leading some to call for him to step aside.
    • Biden has spoken with MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ as part of a strategy to do more unscripted engagements and address concerns about his age.
  • Accuracy
    • President Biden remains adamant about staying in the presidential race despite doubts and reserved expressions of support from Democrats.
    • Top House Democrats privately say Biden must go as they insist he must do more.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication