University of Arizona Police Use 'Chemical Munitions' to Clear Pro-Palestinian Encampment, Ignoring Warnings

Tucson, Arizona United States of America
At least three times UAPD asked protesters to leave and warned students of suspension or expulsion
Heavy law enforcement presence on campus as protesters refused to leave
Keeping Students Safe group showed up late Thursday and encircled the encampment
Protesters allegedly put spikes near University of Arizona Police Department vehicle
Protesters erected structure in violation of campus use policy
Protests demanding school cut ties with Israel and companies that do business with the country have been spreading across college campuses with thousands of arrests made
University of Arizona Police broke up pro-Palestinian encampments ignoring warnings
University officials issued warnings to remove encampment and disperse, which were ignored
University of Arizona Police Use 'Chemical Munitions' to Clear Pro-Palestinian Encampment, Ignoring Warnings

Police broke up several encampments of pro-Palestinian demonstrators at several campuses Friday as graduations drew near. University of Arizona Police ignored warnings and used “chemical munitions” during protests, while officers at Penn said they would be back despite the clearing of their encampment. The University of Arizona Police Department is enforcing its campus use policy to remove unauthorized encampments. A structure made from wooden pallets and other debris was erected on campus property after 5 p.m. in violation of the policy, and university officials issued warnings to remove the encampment and disperse, which were ignored.

The University of Arizona Police Department is enforcing our campus use policy to remove an unauthorized encampment," the university said in a news release. “A structure made from wooden pallets and other debris was erected on campus property after 5 p.m. in violation of the policy. University officials issued warnings to remove the encampment and disperse. The warnings were ignored.”

Protesters allegedly put spikes near University of Arizona Police Department vehicle on Thursday.(University of Arizona) A group calling itself Keeping Students Safe encircled the protesters’ encampment.(13 News) A group calling itself Keeping Students Safe showed up late Thursday while wearing yellow vests and carrying signs. They encircled the encampment around 11 p.m.

At least three times during the protest, the UAPD asked them to leave and told them they were trespassing. They also warned students involved that they could face suspension or expulsion. There was a heavy law enforcement presence on the University of Arizona campus Thursday night as pro-Palestinian protesters refused to leave. The protest was in the same area at the university where four people were arrested last week. Similar situations have been spreading on college campuses across the country with thousands of arrests being made.

Like the protesters across the country, those at the University of Arizona have been demanding the school cut ties with Israel and companies that do business with the country. In Arizona, it is illegal for any state entity or contractor to divest from Israel.



  • Were there any injuries reported during the clearing of the encampment?
  • What specific chemical munitions were used by the University of Arizona Police?



  • Unique Points
    • University of Arizona Police declared an unlawful assembly at University Park and urged people to 'leave immediately' or 'avoid the area' on Friday morning, May 10, 2024.
    • Officers deployed a chemical agent to disperse an anti-Israel crowd on the campus.
  • Accuracy
    • University of Arizona Police declared an unlawful assembly at University Park and urged people to ‘leave immediately’ or ‘avoid the area’ on Friday morning, May 10, 2024.
    • About 20 people were arrested at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff on trespassing charges.
  • Deception (80%)
    The article by Lawrence Richard uses selective reporting and emotional manipulation to deceive readers. The title of the article implies that the use of 'chemical munitions' was an unnecessary and excessive response to a peaceful protest. However, the body of the article reveals that protesters were committing disorderly conduct, assaulting police, and trespassing. The author also quotes Arizona state Sen. Justine Wadsack making similar claims about the behavior of the protesters. By only reporting details that support their position against Israel and omitting information about the disruptive behavior of the protesters, the article misleads readers into believing that police were unjustly using excessive force against a peaceful protest.
    • Police instructing unlawful assembly to disperse. Chemical munitions deployed. Avoid the area & follow directions of police.
    • A line of police officers in riot gear cleared the anti-Israel encampment at the University of Arizona.
    • Officers at the University of Arizona were forced to deploy tear gas or another chemical agent to disperse anti-Israel protests on the campus, officials said.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (95%)
    The author uses loaded language such as 'boisterous law enforcement effort', 'raucous riot', and 'disorderly demonstration' to describe the actions of the anti-Israel protesters. He also quotes Arizona state Sen. Justine Wadsack using loaded language such as 'mass arrests', 'trespassing', and 'committing disorderly conduct' to describe the same group of people. The author does not provide any context or evidence to suggest that these descriptions are inaccurate, but they do imply that the protesters are behaving unreasonably or extremely.
    • A line of police officers in riot gear cleared the anti-Israel encampment at the University of Arizona.
      • And about 20 people were arrested at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff on Tuesday night on trespassing charges. Police dismantled a small fence made of chicken wire as well as nearly two dozen tents.
        • GOP REP CALLS ON BIDEN TO DENOUNCE, REJECT CASH FROM PROGRESSIVE GROUPS FUELING ANTI-ISRAEL PROTESTS "This is not a peaceful protest when they are trespassing, stealing fencing for barriers, committing disorderly conduct, assaulting police by throwing frozen water bottles at their heads, spraying people with a mixture of CocaCola & yeast while shooting off fireworks!" Wadsack tweeted.
          • The boisterous law enforcement effort comes just days after police in riot gear surrounded an anti-Israel encampment and arrested several people early Wednesday at the university in Tucson.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Protesters at University of Arizona campus refused to leave after hours-long protest.
            • Encampment fortified with wood and plastic barriers was erected on campus property in violation of policy.
            • University officials issued warnings to remove encampment and disperse, which were ignored.
          • Accuracy
            • Protesters refused to leave after hours-long protest.
            • Police used gas to disperse protesters around 12:10 a.m.
            • Encampment was erected on campus property in violation of policy.
          • Deception (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Fallacies (85%)
            The author uses inflammatory rhetoric by stating 'Police use gas on pro-Palestinian protesters after they refused to leave University of Arizona campus' without providing any context or justification for the use of force. This is an appeal to emotion and can be considered inflammatory language. The author also states 'It is unclear how many protesters, if any, were arrested.' but later in the article it mentions that 'At least three times during the protest, the UAPD asked them to leave and told them they were trespassing. They also warned students involved that they could face suspension or expulsion.' This is a contradiction and can be considered misleading. The author also states 'Several times during the hours-long ordeal, the UAPD warned the protesters that it would use pepper balls if they did not disperse.' but later in the article it mentions 'A group calling itself Keeping Students Safe encircled the protesters’ encampment.' and 'There was a heavy law enforcement presence on the University of Arizona campus Thursday night as pro-Palestinian protesters refused to leave.' This implies that there were more than just police present, yet the author does not clarify this. The author also states 'Similar situations have been spreading on college campuses across the country with thousands of arrests being made.' but provides no evidence or sources for this claim. This can be considered an appeal to fear and a false statement.
            • Police use gas on pro-Palestinian protesters after they refused to leave University of Arizona campus
            • It is unclear how many protesters, if any, were arrested.
            • Several times during the hours-long ordeal, the UAPD warned the protesters that it would use pepper balls if they did not disperse.
            • Similar situations have been spreading on college campuses across the country with thousands of arrests being made.
          • Bias (90%)
            The author uses language that depicts the protesters as unreasonable and violent by stating 'protesters allegedly put spikes near University of Arizona Police Department vehicle' and 'At least one person thought to be a protester pointed green lasers at law enforcement and the media'. The author also states that 'several times during the hours-long ordeal, the UAPD warned the protesters that it would use pepper balls if they did not disperse' and 'There was a heavy law enforcement presence on the University of Arizona campus Thursday night as pro-Palestinian protesters refused to leave', implying that the use of force by police is justified due to the actions of the protesters. The author also states that 'it is illegal for any state entity or contractor to divest from Israel in Arizona' which could be seen as a monetary bias towards Israel.
            • At least one person thought to be a protester pointed green lasers at law enforcement and the media
              • it is illegal for any state entity or contractor to divest from Israel in Arizona
                • protesters allegedly put spikes near University of Arizona Police Department vehicle
                  • several times during the hours-long ordeal, the UAPD warned the protesters that it would use pepper balls if they did not disperse
                    • There was a heavy law enforcement presence on the University of Arizona campus Thursday night as pro-Palestinian protesters refused to leave
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication


                    • Unique Points
                      • Protesters at the University of Arizona Tucson campus erected an encampment on campus property in violation of university policy on May 10, 2024.
                      • Ten MIT students were arrested when police entered and cleared their encampment on May 10, 2024.
                      • Protesters at Penn said they would be back despite the clearing of their encampment.
                    • Accuracy
                      • University officials issued warnings to remove the encampment and dispersed protesters after they refused to comply.
                      • Police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the protesters at the University of Arizona Tucson campus.
                      • Protesters at MIT said they would be back despite the clearing of their encampment.
                      • Police moved in on the pro-Palestinian encampment at Penn and detained multiple people on May 10, 2024.
                      • Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro called for the disbanding of a pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of Pennsylvania on May 9, 2024.
                    • Deception (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Fallacies (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Bias (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication


                    • Unique Points
                      • University of Arizona Police ignored warnings and used 'chemical munitions' during protests
                      • Protesters refused to remove unauthorized encampment made from wooden pallets and debris on campus property
                    • Accuracy
                      • University of Arizona Police deployed 'chemical munitions' during protests
                      • Protesters ignored warnings to remove unauthorized encampment made from wooden pallets and debris on campus property
                    • Deception (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Fallacies (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Bias (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication