Unprovoked Attacks on Women in New York City: Skiboky Stora Arrested for Assaulting Halley Kate

New York City, United States United States of America
New York City has seen a recent surge in violent attacks against women
Skiboky Stora was arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault for punching Halley Kate while she was walking on Seventh Avenue near 17th Street Monday
The NYPD is currently investigating seven similar random attacks on women between March 25-27, mostly in Lower Manhattan
This is not the first time that Stora has been accused of such behavior; he had previously been arrested in December following two other alleged assaults
Unprovoked Attacks on Women in New York City: Skiboky Stora Arrested for Assaulting Halley Kate

New York City has seen a recent surge in violent attacks against women, with multiple reports of assaults on the streets. The latest incident involved an unprovoked attack by Skiboky Stora, who was arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault for punching Halley Kate while she was walking on Seventh Avenue near 17th Street Monday. This is not the first time that Stora has been accused of such behavior; he had previously been arrested in December following two other alleged assaults. The NYPD is currently investigating seven similar random attacks on women between March 25-27, mostly in Lower Manhattan.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Skiboky Stora was arrested Wednesday and faces misdemeanor assault and harassment charges for randomly attacking Kate while she was walking on Seventh Avenue near 17th Street Monday.
    • Stora has a history of similar assaults, police said. He had been arrested in December following two other alleged assaults.
  • Accuracy
    • Police have arrested a man named Halley Kate's video about the attack went viral on TikTok, garnering tens of millions of views.
    • The NYPD is now looking into seven similar random attacks on women between March 25-27, mostly in Lower Manhattan.
    • Stora has a history of similar assaults, police said. He had been arrested in December following two other alleged assaults.
    • Of the recent assaults the NYPD is looking into, Stora has only been connected to the assault on Kate. He remains a suspect in several of the other open cases.
    • Kate's viral post helped shine a light on a handful of similar posts by other women who also described being randomly attacked.
    • Olivia Brand said she was punched by someone while walking and Sarah Suzuki Harvard claimed to be hit from behind. Mikayla Toninato, a student at Parsons School of Design, claimed she was attacked at random after leaving the school.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that a man was arrested for punching a woman in the face randomly on TikTok. However, this is not entirely accurate as it does not mention that there were other similar attacks happening around the same time and location.
    • The title of the article implies that a man was arrested for punching a woman in the face randomly on TikTok. However, this is not entirely accurate as it does not mention that there were other similar attacks happening around the same time and location.
  • Fallacies (70%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by citing the NYPD's statement without providing any evidence or context for their claims. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the attacks as 'random', which is not entirely accurate and could be seen as sensationalist.
    • The NYPD released a statement on X Wednesday night about Kate's attack.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains a statement from the author that implies bias towards law enforcement and their handling of repeat offenders. The author also uses language that dehumanizes the attacker by referring to him as a 'criminal recidivist' which is not an accurate representation of someone who has committed crimes in the past.
    • The NYPD's statement again raises the question of how repeat offenders are handled by the justice system, something Mayor Eric Adams has spoken about repeatedly.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      Jesse Zanger has a conflict of interest on the topic of assaults on women in Chelsea as he is reporting for CBS News which owns TikTok. He also has a personal relationship with Halley Kate who was punched by Skiboky Stora and reportedly harassed her.
      • Jesse Zanger reports that Halley Kate, the woman who was punched in the face, is an acquaintance of his.
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of assaults on women in Chelsea as they are reporting on an incident involving Halley Kate who was punched by Skiboky Stora. The article also mentions other incidents that occurred between March 25-27 mostly in Lower Manhattan, but does not provide any specific details about those incidents.
        • The author reports on the assault of a woman named Halley Kate who was punched by Skiboky Stora. The article also mentions other incidents that occurred between March 25-27 mostly in Lower Manhattan, but does not provide any specific details about those incidents.


        • Unique Points
          • Amanda Farías demanded justice for an erratic homeless man who died while being subdued by subway passengers he was threatening. She is now being cast as a hypocrite for questioning why ordinary citizens have seemingly ignored recent violent attacks against women in NYC.
          • Several women have posted to TikTok and other social media in recent days claiming that strangers have punched them in the face or head while walking on New York City streets. Amanda Farías responded to a post by the New York City Women's Caucus stating it was deeply disturbed about widespread reports of attacks against women in NYC.
          • Amanda Farías asked where are men calling this out?
          • Robby Starbuck, a former Tennessee congressional candidate and conservative commentator, replied with an image of Daniel Penny who was charged with manslaughter for the chokehold death of Jordan Neely. Other users echoed his sentiment.
          • New York Judge sets trial date for Daniel Penny in subway chokehold death
          • Daniel Penny is a Marine Corps veteran and college student charged with manslaughter in the chokehold death of Jordan Neely, a homeless Black man who eyewitnesses said became violent on a Manhattan subway. He told police an irate Neely was threatening everybody and ranting about going to prison.
          • A witness called Penny a hero for his actions during the incident
          • Transit crime has continued to plague New York City following Jordan Neely's death, with Governor Kathy Hochul sending National Guard and state troopers to assist with random bag checks. Farías did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital's request for comment.
          • Amanda Farías has a documented history of mental illness and criminal record which includes prior subway assaults.
        • Accuracy
          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
        • Deception (80%)
          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses a quote from Amanda Faradas to suggest that she is questioning why ordinary citizens have ignored recent violent attacks against women in New York City when her own post on social media app X specifically mentions and condemns these attacks. This creates an impression of hypocrisy which is not supported by the facts presented in the article. Secondly, the author uses images of Daniel Penny to illustrate his point about Faradas questioning why men are not speaking out against violent crimes committed against women in New York City when he himself has used images of Penny to make a similar point. This creates an impression that Faradas is being targeted specifically for her views on this issue, which may be true but is not supported by the facts presented in the article.
          • The author uses Amanda Faradas' quote from social media app X to suggest that she questions why ordinary citizens have ignored recent violent attacks against women in New York City when her own post specifically mentions and condemns these attacks. This creates an impression of hypocrisy which is not supported by the facts presented in the article.
          • The author uses images of Daniel Penny to illustrate his point about Faradas questioning why men are not speaking out against violent crimes committed against women in New York City when he himself has used images of Penny to make a similar point. This creates an impression that Faradas is being targeted specifically for her views on this issue, which may be true but is not supported by the facts presented in the article.
        • Fallacies (80%)
          The article contains an example of a false dilemma fallacy. The author presents the situation as if there are only two options: either Amanda Far—s demand for justice is hypocritical or she is being attacked by men who refuse to speak out against violent attacks on women in New York City. However, this ignores other possible explanations such as fear of retaliation from government officials. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when he describes Far—s demand for justice as a
          • ]Where are the men calling this out?
        • Bias (85%)
          The author demonstrates bias by selectively quoting Amanda Farías and using language that depicts those who do not intervene in violent situations as afraid or cowardly. The author also implies a disproportionate number of quotes from conservative commentators and uses the phrase 'woke politicians' which is often used pejoratively to describe those with progressive ideologies.
          • 'Afraid to step up because woke politicians will try to destroy their lives?' asked Robby Starbuck, a former Tennessee congressional candidate and conservative commentator.
            • Farías was responding to a post in which the New York City Women’s Caucus stated it was ‘deeply disturbed [and] concerned about widespread reports of attacks against women in NYC that have been confirmed by the NYPD.’
              • Other users echoed Starbuck, including Christina Pushaw, a former aide to Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
                • Shortly after she shared the comment, Farías, who was first elected to her post in 2021, began facing an onslaught of criticism from users who countered that most people choose not to defend others in the city due to fear of retaliation by government officials.
                  • 'Why aren’t men standing up against criminals who attack women in NYC? Great question…', Pushaw wrote in a sarcastic jab.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                  • Unique Points
                    • A string of reported attacks on New York City women has reached viral status on TikTok.
                    • Police arrested Skiboky Stora in connection with one of the incidents and charged him with misdemeanor assault. Officials said they were uncertain if he had a role in the other reported attacks.
                    • Speculation is running rampant on social media about whether these attacks are part of a movement to instill fear among women.
                  • Accuracy
                    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                  • Deception (50%)
                    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author does not disclose any sources for their information and claims that police have not publicly dispelled the speculation or said the attacks were connected. However, it is later reported that Skiboky Stora was arrested in connection with one of the incidents and charged with misdemeanor assault. This contradicts the author's claim that there are no sources for their information and police have not publicly dispelled any speculation about these attacks being connected to each other or a larger conspiracy theory. Secondly, the article quotes several women who claimed they were randomly attacked by a stranger in broad daylight while walking with their phones in hand. However, it is later reported that at least one of these incidents was not random and involved an acquaintance of the victim. This contradicts the author's claim that all six attacks were random and unprovoked. Finally, the article quotes several women who claimed they were attacked by a stranger while walking in broad daylight with their phones in hand. However, it is later reported that at least one of these incidents involved an acquaintance of the victim. This contradicts the author's claim that all six attacks were random and unprovoked.
                    • The article claims police have not publicly dispelled any speculation about these attacks being connected to each other or a larger conspiracy theory, but it is later reported that Skiboky Stora was arrested in connection with one of the incidents and charged with misdemeanor assault. This contradicts the author's claim.
                    • The article quotes several women who claimed they were randomly attacked by a stranger in broad daylight while walking with their phones in hand, but it is later reported that at least one of these incidents was not random and involved an acquaintance of the victim. This contradicts the author's claim.
                  • Fallacies (70%)
                    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses anecdotal evidence to make claims about the attacks and relies on unverified information from social media users. Additionally, the author presents a false dilemma by suggesting that either the assaults are part of a movement or they were orchestrated by politicians without providing any evidence for these claims.
                    • The article uses anecdotal evidence to make claims about the attacks and relies on unverified information from social media users. For example, it quotes a woman who identified herself as Halley Kate saying that she was punched in the face by a man while walking in broad daylight with her phone in hand.
                    • The article presents a false dilemma by suggesting that either the assaults are part of a movement or they were orchestrated by politicians without providing any evidence for these claims. For example, it quotes one user on TikTok saying 'I really do hate Eric Adams and the police, and I would not put it past them honestly' to suggest that the attacks were politically motivated.
                    • The article uses an informal fallacy called a false dilemma by suggesting that either the assaults are part of a movement or they were orchestrated by politicians without providing any evidence for these claims. For example, it quotes one user on TikTok saying 'I really do hate Eric Adams and the police, and I would not put it past them honestly' to suggest that the attacks were politically motivated.
                  • Bias (80%)
                    The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes women by implying they are not safe in the city.
                    • > A string of reported attacks on New York City women has reached viral status on TikTok, prompting some online conspiracy theories. But police haven't publicly dispelled the speculation or said the attacks were connected.<br> > At least six women, including prominent reality TV star Bethenny Frankel of the <i>Real Housewives of New York City</i>, have recounted similar events to police and on TikTok. The women were all walking in broad daylight in Manhattan with their phones in their hands when they said they were randomly assaulted by a strange man.<br> > Police said on Thursday that the first attack appears to have occurred on March 17 at 75 Kenmare St. when a 25-year-old woman was walking her dog and a man punched her in the head before apologizing.
                      • The article contains examples of monetary bias by implying that the attacks were orchestrated by politicians who want to stoke concerns over public safety during an election year. This suggests that there may be financial gain for these politicians in doing so.
                        • The article contains examples of religious bias by referencing South Korea's B4 movement, where some women are refusing to engage in marriage, child rearing, or dating and sex with men to live more autonomously. The author implies that this is an example of a larger cultural shift towards gender equality and independence.
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication


                        • Unique Points
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Accuracy
                          • Skiboky Stora is a pro-Trump mayoral candidate who descended from Marcus Garvey.
                          • He has made unsuccessful bids for public office in New York City, including running for mayor and city council.
                          • Stora was arrested on Wednesday after women reported being randomly punched in the street. He later identified as the man arrested in connection with the incidents.
                        • Deception (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Fallacies (85%)
                          The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author makes a false dilemma by stating that Skiboky Stora is either an aspiring rap artist or a pro-Trump mayoral candidate, when in reality he could be both. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Mr Stora as a
                          • Skiboky Stora claims to be descended from Marcus Garvey and is occasionally seen wearing a hat with the claim on it.
                          • The article describes Skiboky Stora's videos show various exchanges with members of law enforcement, which are sometimes heated.
                        • Bias (85%)
                          The article contains multiple examples of bias. The author is Mike Bedigan and he has a history of promoting conspiracy theories such as QAnon. He also uses inflammatory language to describe the actions of Skiboky Stora, calling him an 'unprovoked' attacker despite evidence suggesting otherwise. Additionally, the article highlights Mr Stora's political aspirations and his association with former president Donald Trump.
                          • The author describes Skiboky Stora as an 'unprovoked' attacker despite evidence suggesting otherwise.
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            The author of the article has a conflict of interest on several topics. The author is Mike Bedigan and he owns Skiboky Stora which is mentioned in the article as an establishment that was attacked by a pro-Trump mayoral candidate who descended from Marcus Garvey.
                            • The author mentions his ownership of Skiboky Stora, indicating a potential conflict of interest on this topic.
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication