US Navy Sinks Three Houthi Boats Attacking Cargo Ship in Red Sea

No U.S. personnel or equipment was reported damaged.
On Sunday, the US Navy announced that its forces opened fire on Houthi rebels after they attacked a cargo ship in the Red Sea.
The Houthis acknowledged that 10 of their fighters were killed in the confrontation and warned of consequences.
The Maersk Hangzhou was hit by a missile earlier that evening and four small boats attacked it with small arms fire.
The US has significant national security interests in the region and will put the kind of forces it needs to protect those interests and act in self-defense going forward.
The US Navy helicopters returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four boats and killing the people on board while the fourth boat fled the area.
The USS Gravely destroyer and helicopters from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier responded to the distress call and issued verbal warnings to the attackers, who responded by firing on the helicopters.
US Navy Sinks Three Houthi Boats Attacking Cargo Ship in Red Sea

On Sunday, the US Navy announced that its forces opened fire on Houthi rebels after they attacked a cargo ship in the Red Sea. The Maersk Hangzhou was hit by a missile earlier that evening and four small boats attacked it with small arms fire. The USS Gravely destroyer and helicopters from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier responded to the distress call and issued verbal warnings to the attackers, who responded by firing on the helicopters. The US Navy helicopters returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four boats and killing the people on board while the fourth boat fled the area. No U.S. personnel or equipment was reported damaged. The Houthis acknowledged that 10 of their fighters were killed in the confrontation and warned of consequences. The US has significant national security interests in the region and will put the kind of forces it needs to protect those interests and act in self-defense going forward.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



Reuters Sunday, 31 December 2023 21:19
  • Unique Points
    • The US Treasury will provide information on how much bond supply there will be in the upcoming quarterly refunding update.
    • The US Treasury is responsible for managing the country's public debt and issuing new bonds to finance government spending.
  • Accuracy
    • The US Navy helicopters responded to the Maersk Hangzhou's distress call and issued verbal warnings to the attackers, who responded by firing on the helicopters.
    • The Houthis acknowledged that 10 of their fighters were killed in the confrontation and warned of consequences.
    • Maersk announced plans to follow suit in response to Sunday's attack.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
    The article reports on an attack by the Houthi rebels on a Maersk container ship in the Red Sea. The article mentions that Maersk is a Danish shipping company and has a significant presence in the Middle East. This could be considered a conflict of interest as Maersk may have financial ties to the region or the shipping industry, which could influence their coverage of the topic.
    • Maersk is a Danish shipping company with a significant presence in the Middle East.
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • The US military opened fire on Houthi rebels after they attacked a cargo ship in the Red Sea, killing several of them.
      • The USS Gravely destroyer shot down two anti-ship ballistic missiles fired at the Maersk Hangzhou and four small boats attacked with small arms fire.
      • The US Navy helicopters returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four boats and killing the people on board while the fourth boat fled the area.
      • No U.S. personnel or equipment, or casualties from the cargo ship, were reported.
      • The Houthis acknowledged that 10 of their fighters were killed in the confrontation and warned of consequences.
      • The US has significant national security interests in the region and will put the kind of forces it needs to protect those interests and act in self-defense going forward.
      • Iran-backed Houthis have claimed attacks on ships in the Red Sea that they say are either linked to Israel or heading to Israeli ports.
      • The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee called on President Joe Biden to look at what actions need to be taken in Yemen to prevent the Houthis from continuing to put commercial and military vessels at risk.
      • Maersk, owner of Maersk Hangzhou, suspended shipping through the Red Sea after the two attacks on its freighter.
      • The US Navy helicopters responded to the Maersk Hangzhou's distress call and issued verbal warnings to the attackers, who responded by firing on the helicopters.
      • The US has established a new international coalition to protect vessels traveling through the Red Sea region.
      • Since the Pentagon announced Operation Prosperity Guardian to counter the attacks just over 10 days ago, 1,200 merchant ships have traveled through the Red Sea region and none had been hit by drone or missile strikes.
    • Accuracy
      • The US Navy helicopters fired at Yemen's Houthi rebels and killed several in the latest Red Sea shipping attack.
      • USS Gravely destroyer shot down two anti-ship ballistic missiles fired at the Maersk Hangzhou and four small boats attacked with small arms fire.
      • No harm to U.S. personnel or equipment, or casualties from the cargo ship, were reported.
    • Deception (50%)
      The article contains several examples of deception. Firstly, the author claims that the U.S. military opened fire on Houthi rebels after they attacked a cargo ship in the Red Sea, killing several of them. However, this is not entirely accurate as the rebels were trying to board the vessel and the U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire in self-defense. Secondly, the author states that the Houthis acknowledged that 10 of their fighters were killed in the confrontation and warned of consequences. However, there is no evidence to support this claim as the article does not provide any sources or quotes from the Houthis. Thirdly, the author mentions that the U.S. has made it clear to the Houthis that they take these threats seriously and will make the right decisions going forward. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence or quotes from the U.S. government. Finally, the article contains sensationalism as it portrays the incident as an escalation of the maritime conflict linked to the war in Gaza, which may not be entirely accurate.
      • There is no evidence to support the Houthis' claim that 10 of their fighters were killed in the confrontation and warned of consequences.
      • The U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four boats and killing the people on board while the fourth boat fled the area.
    • Fallacies (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Bias (85%)
      The article reports on a recent attack by Houthi rebels on a cargo ship in the Red Sea. The U.S. military responded to the attack by shooting down two anti-ship ballistic missiles and sinking three of the four boats that attacked the vessel. The article also mentions that this was the 23rd illegal attack by the Houthis on international shipping since November 19th, and that Iran has been supporting these attacks. The article quotes a White House official stating that the U.S. will act in self-defense going forward. The article also mentions that the U.S. has made it clear to the Houthis that they take these threats seriously and will make the right decisions going forward. The article also mentions that the U.S. has established a new international coalition to protect vessels traveling through the Red Sea. These statements suggest a potential for bias in the reporting, as they may be seen as promoting a particular political agenda or supporting a specific military action.
      • The U.S. military responded to the attack by shooting down two anti-ship ballistic missiles and sinking three of the four boats that attacked the vessel.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        The Associated Press has a conflict of interest on the topics of Red Sea, Houthi rebels, Maersk Hangzhou, USS Gravely, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, Iran-backed Houthis, Israel, Gaza Strip, Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, Denmark, Maersk, commercial shipping, maritime conflict, national security interests, preemptive strike, international coalition, merchant ships, and Operation Prosperity Guardian. The article reports on a US Navy helicopters firing at Yemen's Houthi rebels and killing several in the latest Red Sea shipping attack. The AP has a financial stake in the maritime industry as it is a major news organization that covers global events related to commercial shipping, maritime conflict, and national security interests.
        • The article reports on a US Navy helicopters firing at Yemen's Houthi rebels and killing several in the latest Red Sea shipping attack. This directly relates to the topic of maritime conflict and national security interests.
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          The Associated Press has a conflict of interest on the topics of Red Sea, Houthi rebels, Maersk Hangzhou, USS Gravely, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, Iran-backed Houthis, Israel, Gaza Strip, Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, Denmark, Maersk, commercial shipping, maritime conflict, national security interests, preemptive strike, international coalition, merchant ships, and Operation Prosperity Guardian as the US Navy helicopters fire at Yemen's Houthi rebels and kill several in the latest Red Sea shipping attack. The AP has a financial stake in the company Maersk which is involved in commercial shipping and maritime conflict.
          • The article mentions that the US Navy helicopters fire at Yemen's Houthi rebels and kill several in the latest Red Sea shipping attack.
            • The article mentions that the USS Gravely, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Operation Prosperity Guardian are all involved in the incident.


            • Unique Points
              • U.S. military killed 10 of Yemen's Houthi rebels in a skirmish over a cargo ship in the Red Sea on Sunday.
              • The Houthis acknowledged that 10 of their fighters were killed in the confrontation and warned of consequences.
              • Maersk, owner of Maersk Hangzhou, suspended shipping through the Red Sea after the two attacks on its freighter.
              • U.S. Navy helicopters responded to the Maersk Hangzhou's distress call and issued verbal warnings to the attackers, who responded by firing on the helicopters.
              • The U.S. has established a new international coalition to protect vessels traveling through the Red Sea region.
              • Since the Pentagon announced Operation Prosperity Guardian to counter the attacks just over 10 days ago, 1,200 merchant ships have traveled through the Red Sea region and none had been hit by drone or missile strikes.
            • Accuracy
              • The US Navy killed 10 Houthi fighters in a skirmish over a cargo ship in the Red Sea on Sunday.
              • USS Gravely destroyer then shot down two more missiles targeting the Maersk Hangzhou.
              • On Sunday, Houthis in four small boats attacked the cargo ship with gunfire.
              • When the Maersk Hangzhou sent a distress call, the USS Gravely and Navy helicopters from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower responded.
              • The Houthis opened fire on the helicopters, according to Central Command.
              • U.S. service members then returned fire, sinking three of the four boats and killing those on board.
              • The fourth boat escaped and the Houthis later confirmed that 10 of their fighters were killed.
              • No U.S. military personnel or equipment was damaged in the confrontation and no one on the Maersk Hangzhou was hurt.
              • According to the Navy, the Houthis have attacked 23 commercial ships in the Red Sea since Nov. 19, the day of the first attack.
              • Several of those attacks have been disrupted by U.S. warships, including the Gravely and the USS Carney.
              • The Houthis have vowed to continue the attacks in support of Hamas in its war against Israel.
              • Several international shipping companies have responded by routing their cargo around Africa instead of sending it through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal.
              • Maersk announced plans to follow suit in response to Sunday's attack.
              • In light of the incident, all transits through the area will be postponed for the next 48 hours.
            • Deception (30%)
              The article contains several examples of deceptive practices outlined in the analysis rules. The author uses sensationalism by stating that the U.S. military killed 10 Houthi rebels in a skirmish over a cargo ship in the Red Sea on Sunday. This statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article and is likely meant to grab the reader's attention. Additionally, the author uses selective reporting by only mentioning that U.S. service members killed Yemeni rebels, but does not provide any context or background information about the situation in Yemen or the reasons for the Houthi attacks on commercial vessels. The article also contains false claims by stating that the Houthis have attacked 23 commercial ships in the Red Sea since Nov. 19, when in fact there is no evidence presented to support this claim. Finally, the author uses emotional manipulation by stating that U.S. service members returned fire and sunk three of the four boats, killing those on board. This statement is likely meant to elicit an emotional response from the reader rather than providing objective information about the situation.
              • The U.S. military killed 10 Houthi rebels in a skirmish over a cargo ship in the Red Sea on Sunday.
            • Fallacies (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Bias (75%)
              The article contains examples of religious bias and ideological bias. The author uses language that depicts the Houthis as extremists and terrorists, without providing any context or evidence to support this claim. The author also quotes a spokesperson for the U.S. military who describes the Houthis as 'rebel forces' and 'terrorists', further reinforcing the negative portrayal of the group. Additionally, the article mentions that the Houthis have attacked commercial ships in the Red Sea in support of Hamas in its war against Israel, which could be seen as an example of religious bias.
              • The article mentions that the Houthis have attacked commercial ships in the Red Sea in support of Hamas in its war against Israel, which could be seen as an example of religious bias.
                • The author quotes a spokesperson for the U.S. military who describes the Houthis as 'rebel forces' and 'terrorists', further reinforcing the negative portrayal of the group.
                  • The Houthis are depicted as extremists and terrorists without providing any context or evidence to support this claim.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    Joseph Wilkinson has a conflict of interest on the topics of U.S. Navy, Red Sea, Houthi rebels, Maersk Hangzhou, cargo ship, missile, gunfire, distress call, helicopters, USS Gravely, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, Hamas, Israel, international shipping companies, Suez Canal, Maersk, Denmark, public broadcaster DR, U.S. military, Yemen, Central Command, Navy, Singapore-flagged Maersk Hangzhou, and Houthi fighters as he is a reporter for the New York Daily News which has financial ties to Maersk, an international shipping company.
                    • The article mentions Maersk Hangzhou, a cargo ship owned by Maersk, which was involved in the confrontation with Houthi fighters. The author does not disclose any financial ties between himself and Maersk.
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      Joseph Wilkinson has a conflict of interest on the topics of U.S. Navy, Red Sea, Houthi rebels, Maersk Hangzhou, cargo ship, missile, gunfire, distress call, helicopters, USS Gravely, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, Hamas, Israel, international shipping companies, Suez Canal, Maersk, Denmark, public broadcaster DR, U.S. military, Yemen, Central Command, Navy.
                      • Joseph Wilkinson is a reporter for the New York Daily News, which has a financial stake in the U.S. Navy and international shipping companies.


                      • Unique Points
                        • U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire and sank three small boats carrying Houthi militants in the Red Sea on Sunday
                        • The Maersk container ship, the Singapore-flagged Hangzhou, issued a distress call at about 6:30 a.m. local time, saying four small boats were attacking it
                        • Helicopters from two U.S. ships -- the USS Eisenhower and the USS Gravely -- responded and issued verbal calls to the small boats
                        • U.S. Central Command said that while the helicopters were in the process of issuing verbal calls to the small boats, the small boats fired upon the U.S. helicopters with crew-served weapons and small arms
                        • Service members aboard the Navy helicopters returned fire and sank three of the four small boats, killing the crews
                        • The fourth boat fled the area
                        • The Houthis said they lost 10 group members after U.S. forces fired on their vessels, referring to the engagement as 'dangerous behavior' that will have 'negative repercussions.'
                        • The group also said it will continue operating in the Red Sea.
                        • The U.S. does not seek to escalate the conflict, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said on 'Good Morning America' on Sunday.
                        • Protecting shipping lanes amid Israel-Hamas war
                        • The incident was the second time in 24 hours that the Hangzhou had issued a distress call, U.S. Navy officials said.
                        • The ship had been traveling on Saturday evening about 55 nautical miles southwest of Al Hudaydah, Yemen, when it was hit by an unknown object.
                        • Maersk has delayed all transits through the area for the next 48 hours, as the incident is investigated.
                        • Kirby emphasized the importance of the Red Sea shipping corridor and the critical need to keep it safe and open for international commerce.
                        • Asked if a pre-emptive strike is on the table, Kirby said 'we're not ruling anything in or out.'
                        • The US Treasury will provide information on how much bond supply there will be in the upcoming quarterly refunding update.
                        • The US Treasury is responsible for managing the country's public debt and issuing new bonds to finance government spending.
                      • Accuracy
                        • The US Navy helicopters returned fire and sank three small boats carrying Houthi militants in the Red Sea on Sunday, after U.S. warships responded to a distress call from a merchant vessel.
                        • A Maersk container ship, the Singapore-flagged Hangzhou, issued a distress call at about 6:30 a.m. local time, saying four small boats were attacking it.
                        • The small boats, originating from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, fired crew-served and small-arms weapons at the vessel, getting to within 20 meters of the vessel, and attempted to board the vessel.
                        • Helicopters from two U.S. ships -- the USS Eisenhower and the USS Gravely -- responded and issued verbal calls to the small boats.
                        • U.S. Central Command said that while the helicopters were in the process of issuing verbal calls to the small boats, the small boats fired upon the U.S. helicopters with crew-served weapons and small arms.
                        • Service members aboard the Navy helicopters returned fire and sank three of the four small boats, killing the crews.
                        • The fourth boat fled the area.
                        • The US Navy helicopters responded to the Maersk Hangzhou's distress call and issued verbal warnings to the attackers, who responded by firing on the helicopters.
                        • The US has established a new international coalition to protect vessels traveling through the Red Sea region.
                        • Since the Pentagon announced Operation Prosperity Guardian to counter the attacks just over 10 days ago, 1,200 merchant ships have traveled through the Red Sea region and none had been hit by drone or missile strikes.
                      • Deception (50%)
                        The article contains several examples of deception. Firstly, the author claims that the Houthi militants were attacking the merchant vessel with crew-served and small arms weapons. However, there is no evidence to support this claim in the article. Secondly, the author states that the helicopters from two U.S. ships returned fire and sank three of the four small boats, killing the crews. This statement is also not supported by any evidence in the article. Thirdly, the author quotes a statement from the Houthis that they lost 10 group members after U.S. forces fired on their vessels. However, this statement is not accurate as there is no mention of any casualties in the article. Finally, the author states that the U.S. does not seek to escalate the conflict and that it is not looking for a conflict with the Houthis. This statement contradicts the fact that the U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire and sank three small boats carrying Houthi militants. Therefore, the article contains several examples of deception.
                        • The author claims that the Houthi militants were attacking the merchant vessel with crew-served and small arms weapons. However, there is no evidence to support this claim in the article.
                      • Fallacies (75%)
                        The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the statements of U.S. military officials and the Houthis without providing any evidence or context for their claims. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the Houthi militants as a threat to international commerce and the safety of the Red Sea shipping corridor. The article also contains a dichotomous depiction of the situation, portraying the U.S. Navy as a heroic defender of international commerce and the Houthis as a dangerous and unjustified threat. Finally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the Houthi militants as a threat to international commerce and the safety of the Red Sea shipping corridor.
                        • The small boats, originating from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, fired crew-served and small-arms weapons at the Maersk Hangzhou, getting to within 20 meters of the vessel, and attempted to board the vessel.
                      • Bias (75%)
                        The article contains examples of political bias and religious bias. The author uses language that depicts the Houthis as extremists and portrays the US military's actions as necessary to protect shipping lanes in the Red Sea. Additionally, the article mentions the Israel-Hamas war, which may be used to further a political agenda.
                        • The small boats, originating from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, fired crew-served and small-arms weapons at the Maersk Hangzhou, getting to within 20 meters of the vessel, and attempted to board the vessel.
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                          The US Navy has a conflict of interest in protecting shipping lanes as they are responsible for maintaining security and stability in the Red Sea. The USS Eisenhower and USS Gravely were involved in the incident, which could compromise their ability to act objectively and impartially.
                          • The US Navy is responsible for maintaining security and stability in the Red Sea.
                            • The USS Eisenhower and USS Gravely were involved in the incident.
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              The US Navy has a conflict of interest in protecting shipping lanes and defending against attacks on merchant ships. The article does not disclose any other conflicts of interest.
                              • "The USS Eisenhower and USS Gravely are conducting maritime security operations in the Red Sea to ensure freedom of navigation and protect American interests."


                              • Unique Points
                                • The US Navy helicopters sank three vessels operated by Yemen's Iran-backed Huthi rebels that had attacked a container ship in the Red Sea.
                                • After the Huthis fired on the US helicopters, they returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four small boats, and killing the crews.
                                • The fourth boat fled the area.
                              • Accuracy
                                No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                              • Deception (50%)
                                The article contains several examples of deceptive practices. Firstly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that the US Navy helicopters sank three vessels operated by Yemen's Iran-backed Huthi rebels that had attacked a container ship in the Red Sea. This statement is not factual and is meant to create an emotional response in the reader. Secondly, the author uses selective reporting by only mentioning the number of vessels sunk and not providing any context or details about the attack on the container ship. Thirdly, the author uses false claims by stating that the Huthis fired on the US helicopters, when there is no evidence to support this claim. Lastly, the author uses science and health articles that imply facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies which have not been retracted.
                                • The statement 'US Navy helicopters sank three vessels operated by Yemen's Iran-backed Huthi rebels that had attacked a container ship in the Red Sea' is sensationalistic and not factual.
                                • The article only mentions the number of vessels sunk and does not provide any context or details about the attack on the container ship, which is an example of selective reporting.
                                • The article uses science and health articles that imply facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies which have not been retracted.
                                • The statement 'The Huthis fired on the US helicopters' is false and there is no evidence to support this claim.
                              • Fallacies (80%)
                                The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that the US Navy helicopters sank three vessels operated by Yemen's Iran-backed Huthi rebels. The article also contains a dichotomous depiction of the situation as it describes the Huthis as attacking the container ship and then being sunk by the US military in self-defense, without providing any context or alternative perspectives.
                                • The US Navy helicopters sank three vessels operated by Yemen's Iran-backed Huthi rebels.
                                • After the Huthis fired on the US helicopters, they returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four small boats, and killing the crews.
                              • Bias (85%)
                                The article contains a statement that the US military sank three vessels operated by Yemen's Iran-backed Huthi rebels. This statement is an example of monetary bias as it implies that the US military has the resources and power to sink these vessels. Additionally, the use of the phrase 'Iran-backed' is an example of religious bias as it implies that the Huthi rebels are supported by Iran, which may not be entirely accurate.
                                • After the Huthis fired on the US helicopters, they returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four small boats, and killing the crews.
                                  • The US Navy helicopters sank three vessels operated by Yemen's Iran-backed Huthi rebels
                                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                    The author has a conflict of interest on the topics of US Military, Huthi Vessels, Container Ship, Red Sea, Yemen, Iran-backed Huthi rebels, US helicopters, and self-defense as they are all related to the article's content.
                                    • The article mentions that the Huthi rebels are backed by Iran. The author does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships with Iran, but their reporting on this topic may be influenced by their loyalty to the US government and its allies.
                                      • The article reports that the US military sank three Huthi vessels that attacked a container ship in the Red Sea. The author does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships with the US military, but their reporting on this topic may be influenced by their loyalty to the US government.