Vatican Excommunicates Former Ambassador Carlo Maria Viganò for Schism: Critic of Pope Francis Faces Church Penalty

Vatican City, Vatican City State Italy
Accused Pope Francis of rehabilitating Cardinal Theodore McCarrick in 2018, called for his resignation
Critic of Pope Francis
Endorsed conspiracy theories about coronavirus vaccines, appeared at far-right political rallies in the US, refused to recognize Pope Francis as pope
Formally outside the church and cannot celebrate or receive its sacraments or hold official positions within its hierarchy
Found guilty of schism
Known for conspiracy theories about coronavirus pandemic and other fringe ideas
Rose to prominence during Vatileaks scandal in 2012
Vatican excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Vatican Excommunicates Former Ambassador Carlo Maria Viganò for Schism: Critic of Pope Francis Faces Church Penalty

The Vatican has excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, its former ambassador to the United States, after finding him guilty of schism. The penalty was imposed following a meeting of the Vatican's doctrine office on Thursday and communicated to Viganò on Friday.

Viganò had become one of Pope Francis' most vocal critics and was known for delving into conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic, as well as other fringe ideas. He first rose to prominence in 2012 during the first Vatileaks scandal when Pope Benedict XVI's butler leaked the pontiff's private papers.

In August 2018, Viganò accused Pope Francis of rehabilitating Cardinal Theodore McCarrick from sanctions imposed by Pope Benedict and called for his resignation in an 11-page screed. McCarrick was defrocked by Pope Francis in 2019 after an internal Vatican investigation found he had sexually molested adults as well as children.

Viganò also endorsed conspiracy theories about the coronavirus vaccines, appeared at far-right political rallies in the US, and refused to recognize Pope Francis as pope. His excommunication means that he is formally outside the church and cannot celebrate or receive its sacraments or hold official positions within its hierarchy.

Schisms are considered particularly dangerous as they threaten the unity of the church. Excommunication is a medicinal penalty declared in hope that those who incur it would repent and come back into communion with the church.



  • Are there any other reasons for Viganò's excommunication aside from his criticisms of Pope Francis?
  • Is it confirmed that Viganò was officially notified of his excommunication on Friday?



  • Unique Points
    • The Vatican excommunicated former ambassador to the U.S., Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, after finding him guilty of schism.
    • Vigano refused to appear in person or defend himself, calling his schism declaration an ‘honor.’
    • Excommunication is considered a ‘medicinal’ penalty, declared in hope that those who incurred it would repent and come back into communion with the church.
    • Schisms are considered particularly dangerous as they threaten the unity of the church.
  • Accuracy
    • Vigano refused to recognize and submit to Pope Francis, rejecting liberal reforms made by the Roman Catholic Church in the Second Vatican Council.
    • Vigano urged Catholic faithful to voice their support for him, quoting Jesus in the New Testament: ‘If they keep quiet, the stones themselves will start shouting.’
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (0%)
    The article clearly demonstrates bias towards the author of the schism, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. The author portrays Vigano as a symbol of polarization in the Catholic Church and someone who has developed a fringe following while delving deeper into conspiracy theories. The article also mentions that Vigano's ideas have become more extreme over time and that many have distanced themselves from him.
    • The Italian archbishop alienated many as he developed a fringe following while delving deeper into conspiracy theories on everything from the coronavirus pandemic to what he called the ‘Great Reset’ and Russia’s war in Ukraine.
      • The Italian prelate, who has not been seen publicly since before 2018, knew the schism declaration was coming after the Vatican informed him of the penal process launched against him last month. He defiantly called it ‘an honor.’
        • Vigano's dire pronunciations about the current state of the church, amplified on Catholic social media and by ideologically friendly bloggers on both sides of the Atlantic, were an exaggerated version of the chasm between U.S. ultra-conservatives and Francis.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a critic of Pope Francis, has been found guilty of schism and excommunicated by the Vatican’s doctrinal office.
          • Vigano went into hiding in 2018 after alleging that Pope Francis knew for years about sexual misconduct by U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and did nothing about it.
          • Vigano refused to recognize and submit to Pope Francis, rejecting liberal reforms made by the Roman Catholic Church in the Second Vatican Council.
        • Accuracy
          • Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano refused to recognize and submit to Pope Francis.
          • Vigano urged Catholic faithful to voice their support for him, quoting Jesus in the New Testament: ‘If they keep quiet, the stones themselves will start shouting.’
          • Francis has angered many conservatives by making overtures towards divorcees and the LGBT community, and by championing migrant rights and the fight against climate change.
          • The pope put himself at odds with conservatives and traditionalists by dismissing Bishop Joseph E. Strickland of Tyler, Texas, after he refused to step down voluntarily following a Vatican investigation.
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (80%)
          The author reports on the Vatican's finding of guilt and excommunication of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano for schism. The article does not contain any explicit fallacies, but it does include inflammatory rhetoric from the author when describing Francis as an 'inclusive, immigrationist, eco-sustainable, and gay-friendly Church that had strayed from its true message.' This language is an appeal to emotion and can be considered inflammatory rhetoric.
          • The pope has angered many conservatives by making overtures towards divorcees and the LGBT community, and by saying that mercy and forgiveness should come before the strict enforcement of Catholic doctrine.
          • Francis has also put himself at odds with conservatives and traditionalists by championing migrant rights and the fight against climate change, and condemning the excesses of capitalism.
        • Bias (10%)
          The author does not make any direct assertions of bias towards Archbishop Vigano or Pope Francis in the article. However, the author does describe Vigano as a 'fierce ultra-conservative critic' and 'papal envoy in Washington from 2011-2016.' These descriptions could be seen as implying a negative bias towards Vigano. Additionally, the author mentions that Francis has angered many conservatives by making overtures towards the LGBT community and championing migrant rights and the fight against climate change. This could be seen as a subtle pro-Francis bias, but it is not explicit or overwhelming enough to significantly impact the score.
          • ]The pope has also put himself at odds with conservatives and traditionalists by championing migrant rights and the fight against climate change, and condemning the excesses of capitalism.[
            • Vigano urged Catholic faithful to voice their support for him, quoting Jesus in the New Testament: 'If they keep quiet, the stones themselves will start shouting.'
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • Viganò became one of Pope Francis’s most ardent critics and was known for delving into conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic and other fringe ideas.
              • Viganò first rose to prominence in 2012 during the first Vatileaks scandal when Pope Benedict XVI’s butler leaked the pontiff’s private papers.
              • Viganò accused Pope Francis of rehabilitating Cardinal Theodore McCarrick from sanctions imposed by Pope Benedict and called for his resignation in an 11-page screed in August 2018.
              • Viganò endorsed conspiracy theories about the coronavirus vaccines, appeared at far-right political rallies in the US, and refused to recognize Pope Francis as pope.
            • Accuracy
              • Viganò became one of Pope Francis’ most ardent critics and was known for delving into conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic and other fringe ideas.
              • Excommunication is considered a ‘medicinal’ penalty, declared in hope that those who incurred it would repent and come back into communion with the church.
              • Vigano refused to appear in person or defend himself, calling his schism declaration an ‘honor.’
            • Deception (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Fallacies (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Bias (95%)
              The article demonstrates a clear religious bias against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò by portraying him as a firebrand conservative who delved into conspiracy theories and fringe ideas. The author also implies that Viganò's beliefs are dangerous to the faith and threaten the unity of the church.
              • The former ambassador to the US, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, had created a following of like-minded conservatives and traditionalists over the years as he delved deeper and deeper into conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic and what he called the ‘great reset’, plus other fringe ideas.
                • The Vatican excommunication means that Viganò is formally outside the church, and cannot celebrate or receive its sacraments, for having committed one of the gravest crimes in canon law: schism. Schism is considered particularly dangerous to the faith because it threatens the unity of the church.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has been excommunicated by the Vatican for refusing to recognize Pope Francis’ authority and liberal reforms after the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s.
                  • Viganò will not be allowed to celebrate Mass, receive or administer sacraments and hold official positions within the church hierarchy.
                • Accuracy
                  • Viganò was found guilty of schism for refusing to recognize Pope Francis’ authority and liberal reforms after the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s
                  • Vigano became one of Pope Francis’ most ardent critics and a symbol of the polarized Catholic Church in the United States and beyond.
                  • Viganò refused to appear in person or defend himself, calling his schism declaration an ‘honor.’
                • Deception (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Fallacies (85%)
                  The authors make an appeal to authority by reporting the Vatican's decision to excommunicate Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and describing him as a vocal critic of Pope Francis. They also use inflammatory rhetoric by quoting Archbishop Vigano's public statements calling Pope Francis a 'false prophet' and a 'servant of Satan'. However, they do not explicitly state that these statements are fallacious or provide any reasoning as to why they are problematic.
                  • ]The Vatican said on Friday that it had excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan[u00F2], the church's former ambassador to the United States, after finding him guilty of schism for refusing to recognize the authority of Pope Francis and the liberal reforms enacted after the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s.[
                  • Archbishop Vigano speaking at a ‘Walk for Life’ rally by abortion opponents in San Francisco in 2015. Credit...Alex Washburn/Associated Press [
                  • Archbishop Vigan[u00F2] has emerged as one of the most unbridled conservative critics of Francis, calling him in public statements a ‘false prophet’ and a ‘servant of Satan.’[
                  • Writing on X, formerly Twitter, on Friday, Archbishop Vigano published the full text of the decision against him by the Vatican’s doctrinal office... He called on his supporters to speak out.[
                • Bias (0%)
                  The authors, Emma Bubola and Elisabetta Povoledo, demonstrate clear religious bias in their reporting by repeatedly referring to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò as a 'vocal critic of Pope Francis' and 'unbridled conservative critic.' They also describe his public statements about Pope Francis as 'calling him in public statements a false prophet and a servant of Satan,' which is highly biased language. The authors also quote Archbishop Viganò describing the Second Vatican Council as an 'ideological, theological, moral and liturgical cancer.' This is an example of bias as it reflects the authors' negative opinion towards Archbishop Viganò's beliefs and positions.
                  • Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who was informed of his excommunication on Friday, has long been a vocal critic of Pope Francis.
                    • Archbishop Viganò describing the Second Vatican Council as an 'ideological, theological, moral and liturgical cancer.'
                      • He called on his supporters to speak out.
                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                        None Found At Time Of Publication
                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                        None Found At Time Of Publication


                      • Unique Points
                        • Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has been excommunicated by the Vatican for schism.
                        • Viganò was once the Vatican’s ambassador to the US.
                        • The reason for his excommunication is his refusal to recognize and submit to Pope Francis, rejection of communion with members of the church subject to him, and denial of the legitimacy and magisterial authority of Vatican Council II.
                        • Viganò has been a critic of Pope Francis and has made headlines for arranging for Kim Davis, a Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, to meet with the pope in 2015.
                        • In 2018, Viganò accused Pope Francis of ignoring allegations of sex abuse against former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and called for his resignation.
                        • McCarrick was defrocked by Pope Francis in 2019 after an internal Vatican investigation found he had sexually molested adults as well as children.
                      • Accuracy
                        No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                      • Deception (0%)
                        The article contains editorializing and sensationalism. The author implies that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is a 'firebrand conservative' and 'created a following of like-minded conservatives and traditionalists.' These are opinions that add no value to the article. The author also states that Viganò had become one of Pope Francis' most ardent critics, which is an editorial statement. Additionally, the title itself is sensational as it uses the word 'excommunicated' which implies a greater level of deception or wrongdoing than what was actually reported in the article.
                        • The author refers to Viganò as a 'firebrand conservative'
                        • The author states that Viganò had become one of Pope Francis' most ardent critics
                      • Fallacies (55%)
                        The author makes an appeal to authority by reporting the Vatican's reasoning for excommunicating Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. They also use inflammatory rhetoric when describing Viganò as a 'firebrand conservative' and someone who has 'created a following of like-minded conservatives and traditionalists.' Additionally, they make dichotomous depictions by characterizing Viganò's beliefs as 'conspiracy theories' and the Vatican's actions as necessary to protect the unity of the church.
                        • ]Updated on: July 5, 2024 / 9:24 AM EDT / CBS/AP [Pope apologizes for using homophobic slur] Pope Francis apologizes for using homophobic slur during private meeting at the Vatican[...] The Vatican excommunication means that Vigano is formally outside the church, and cannot celebrate or receive its sacraments, for having committed one of the gravest crimes in canon law: schism. A schism occurs when someone withdraws submission to the pope or from the communion of Catholics who are subject to him. It is considered particularly dangerous to the faith because it threatens the unity of the church.[...] Viganò, during his time as envoy in Washington, also made headlines during Francis’ 2015 visit to the United States, which as nuncio he helped organize. Everything was going fine until Viganò arranged for Kim Davis, a Kentucky clerk at the center of the U.S. gay marriage debate, to be among a small group of people at the Vatican residence to greet Francis.[...] Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who regarded the accusations ‘as an honor,’ said he refused to take part in the disciplinary proceedings because he did not accept the legitimacy of the institutions behind it. [He had not yet commented on the Vatican’s ruling on his excommunication.] About an hour before the Vatican decree was made public, he announced he would be celebrating a Mass on Friday for those who have been supporting him and asked for donations.
                        • The author uses inflammatory language to describe Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò as a 'firebrand conservative' and someone who has 'created a following of like-minded conservatives and traditionalists.' They also characterize his beliefs as 'conspiracy theories' and the Vatican's actions as necessary to protect the unity of the church, creating a dichotomous depiction.
                        • The author reports that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is formally outside the church due to his excommunication, implying that this is a grave crime in canon law. They also describe schism as particularly dangerous to the faith and threatening to the unity of the church.
                      • Bias (10%)
                        The article mentions Viganò's refusal to recognize the pope and submission to the church multiple times. It also states that Viganò has been promoting conspiracy theories and ideological claims, which can be considered a form of bias.
                        • Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who once served as the Vatican’s ambassador to the US, was found guilty of schism.
                          • He did not recognize the authority of the tribunal that claims to judge him, nor of its Prefect, nor of the one who appointed him.
                            • Vigano had created a following of like-minded conservatives and traditionalists over the years as he delved deeper and deeper into conspiracy theories about everything from the coronavirus pandemic, to what he called the ‘Great Reset’ and other fringe ideas.
                              • Vigano restated his rejection of Vatican Council II, calling it ‘the ideological, theological, moral and liturgical cancer of which the (Francis’) ‘synod church’ is the necessary metastasis.’
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication