Vice President Harris Addresses LGBTQ Rights at Fundraiser Amidst Biden Campaign Speculation

Provincetown, Massachusetts, Massachusetts United States of America
Harris emphasized the importance of fighting for LGBTQ rights.
Harris expressed confidence in the Democratic chances of winning against Donald Trump.
Vice President Kamala Harris attended a fundraiser in Provincetown, Massachusetts on July 20, 2024.
Vice President Harris Addresses LGBTQ Rights at Fundraiser Amidst Biden Campaign Speculation

In recent developments, Vice President Kamala Harris attended a fundraiser in Provincetown, Massachusetts on July 20, 2024. The event was held amidst growing speculation about the financial situation of the Biden campaign and calls for Joe Biden to step aside as the Democratic nominee for the upcoming presidential election. Despite these concerns, Harris expressed her confidence in their chances of winning against former President Donald Trump.

During her speech, Harris reminisced about her parents taking her to marches for freedom and equality when she was young. She emphasized that the fight for LGBTQ rights is a fundamental fight for freedom. If they do not win the election, Harris warned that Trump will once again implement policies targeting the LGBTQ community and his running mate, JD Vance, will be an



  • It is unclear what policies Trump would implement targeting the LGBTQ community if he were to win the election.
  • The article does not provide any specific details about the financial situation of the Biden campaign or calls for Joe Biden to step aside.



  • Unique Points
    • Kamala Harris participated in a call with about 300 major Democratic donors on Friday.
    • The call left many donors frustrated and disappointed, with some declaring it “ludicrous” or “mismanaged”.
    • Harris praised Biden during the call and spoke positively about Democrats’ chances of beating former President Donald Trump.
    • Some donors wanted Biden to drop out of the race and support Harris instead.
    • Harris closed her speech by talking about her campaign manager’s advice to recognize what she was up against and expand rights.
  • Accuracy
    • The call left many donors frustrated and disappointed, with some declaring it 'ludicrous' or 'mismanaged'.
    • Donors had expected to gain insights into how to move forward in the wake of President Joe Biden’s debate performance and calls for him to drop out of the race.
    • Some donors wanted Harris as the Democratic nominee instead of Biden, expressing concerns about his ability to win against Trump.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it states 'One of the sources who was on the call said that the donors who participated represented a wide range of views — some diehard Biden fans, some unconvinced about his path forward and many views in between.' This statement implies that the source is an expert on the political views of all 300 donors, but no evidence is provided to support this claim.
    • ]One of the sources who was on the call said that the donors who participated represented a wide range of views — some diehard Biden fans, some unconvinced about his path forward and many views in between.[
    • The call with donors started with presentations from field organizers who expressed anger at the ongoing debate within the Democratic party about backing President Biden, given what they’ve seen and heard from voters on the ground, according to one source with direct knowledge of the discussion.
  • Bias (50%)
    The article reports on donors expressing frustration and disappointment with a call featuring Vice President Kamala Harris. The author does not demonstrate any bias in the reporting of this information. However, the author does include quotes from sources that express negative opinions about the call and their experiences during it. These quotes could be seen as reflecting a negative view of Harris and her handling of the call. While it is important to note that these are not assertions made by the author, but rather statements made by sources quoted in the article, they do contribute to an overall tone that may be perceived as biased against Harris. Therefore, I cannot give this article a score of 100 for no bias found.
    • It was a total failure.
      • It was damaging. It was poor planning.
        • One person on the call referred to it as mismanaged and Crushed.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Kamala Harris gave a speech at a fundraiser in Provincetown, Massachusetts on Saturday afternoon
          • Crowd responded with excitement as they believed Harris might be looking at a replacement nominee and potential next president
          • Fundraising goal of $1 million was more than doubled during the event
          • A large oil portrait of Harris’ face was displayed at the event
          • Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg spoke before Harris and expressed support for Biden and touted his accomplishments
          • Buttigieg urged Democrats to focus on building democracy instead of holding onto it, and expressed hope for what comes next
          • The event raised more than $2 million despite concerns about the campaign’s financial situation
          • Harris did not speak separately to reporters but flashed a thumbs-up when asked if she had spoken to Biden and if he was well
          • Harris talked about her record on key issues, including performing same-sex weddings early as San Francisco district attorney in 2004, and contrasted that with Trump’s running mate JD Vance’s stance on marriage equality and gender-affirming care
          • Harris closed the speech by invoking Harvey Milk and urging those who oppose progress to not be silent
        • Accuracy
          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Bias (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Vice President Kamala Harris had the unenviable job of asking high-dollar donors to continue supporting President Joe Biden’s joint fundraising committee, even as questions swirl about whether he will continue to be a candidate.
          • Harris touted the ticket as it stands:
          • Some attendees wanted Biden to drop out of the race and support Harris instead.
          • Harris closed her speech by invoking Harvey Milk and urging those who oppose progress to not be silent
        • Accuracy
          • VP Kamala Harris had the unenviable job of asking high-dollar donors to continue supporting President Joe Biden’s joint fundraising committee, even as questions swirl about whether he will continue to be a candidate.
          • Harris praised Biden during the call and spoke positively about Democrats’ chances of beating former President Donald Trump.
          • Donors had expected to gain insights into how to move forward in the wake of President Joe Biden’s debate performance and calls for him to drop out of the race.
          • Field organizers expressed anger at ongoing debate within Democratic party about backing Biden before Harris joined the call.
          • Some donors wanted Harris as the Democratic nominee instead of Biden, expressing concerns about his ability to win against Trump.
        • Deception (30%)
          The article contains editorializing and selective reporting. The author uses phrases like 'awkwardness was hardly of Harris' own making', 'it's an ascension that is far from guaranteed', and 'there appeared to be little consensus around who should replace him'. These statements are not factual, but rather the author's opinions. Additionally, the article selectively reports on polling data and calls for Biden to step down without mentioning any counterarguments or alternative viewpoints.
          • But more money won’t solve Democrats’ problem.
          • It's an ascension that is far from guaranteed.
          • The awkwardness was hardly of Harris’ own making.
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The author makes an appeal to authority by stating that Vice President Kamala Harris is a potential presidential candidate and that she touted President Joe Biden as the one who puts the American people first. The author also quotes an attendee expressing her opinion about Harris' positioning and where she and the Democrats are going to take things, which is not a fallacy but should be ignored according to the rules.
          • ] Vice President Kamala Harris had the unenviable job Saturday of asking high-dollar donors in this exceedingly liberal slice of Cape Cod to keep contributing to President Joe Biden’s joint fundraising committee, even as questions swirl about whether he will even continue to be a candidate.[
          • She lauded Biden’s legacy as ‘one of the most consequential presidents in American history.’
        • Bias (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • VP Kamala Harris joined a call with major Democratic donors on Friday to discuss ‘urgent, emerging needs’ in the race.
          • Harris told donors ‘We are going to win this election. We are going to win.’
          • >30< Democrats in Congress have called on Biden to drop out of the presidential race.
          • >1< Democratic senator also urged Biden to step aside.
        • Accuracy
          • The call came as more Democratic lawmakers publicly called on President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race.
          • Biden campaign advisers asked Harris to do the call, which was planned by Democratic megadonor Reid Hoffman.
          • Campaign field organizers presented claims that voters still wanted Biden despite donors and Democrats in office not supporting him.
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. It does not present any formal logical fallacies. However, it is not a perfect score due to the presence of these two types of fallacies.
          • . . . more Democratic lawmakers publicly call on President Joe Biden to drop his bid for reelection.
          • The call began with a presentation from campaign field organizers, a source with direct knowledge of the call told NBC. The organizers repeated claims first made in a Biden campaign memo earlier on Friday, saying that voters still wanted Biden, even if donors and Democrats in office do not.
          • If Biden were to drop out of the race, which he has persistently said he will not do, many see Harris as the likeliest replacement at the top of the Democratic ticket.
        • Bias (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Harris recounted how her parents took her to marches for freedom and equality
          • If they do not win the election, they will be fighting for their right to exist
        • Accuracy
          • Some 37 congressional Democrats have called for President Biden to drop out of the 2024 race
          • Harris would need to shore up voter and donor support quickly if Biden exits the race
          • Some donors wanted Harris as the Democratic nominee instead of Biden, expressing concerns about his ability to win against Trump.
          • VP Kamala Harris joined a call with major Democratic donors on Friday to discuss 'urgent, emerging needs' in the race.
          • 30 Democrats in Congress have called on Biden to drop out of the presidential race
          • 1 Democratic senator also urged Biden to step aside.
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (95%)
          The article contains an appeal to emotion when Harris declares 'We are going to win.' and 'Let me be clear, if we do not win this election, we will be fighting for a lot more than marriage equality. We will be fighting for our right to exist.' These statements are meant to elicit an emotional response from the reader rather than being based on logical reasoning. However, since there are only two instances of this fallacy and no other fallacies were found, the score remains high.
          • ]We are going to win.[
          • Let me be clear, if we do not win this election, we will be fighting for a lot more than marriage equality. We will be fighting for our right to exist.
        • Bias (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication