Waukesha County Judge Denies Early Release for Morgan Geyser in Slender Man Stabbing Case

Waukesha, Wisconsin United States of America
Geyser had requested early release from her 40-year commitment to the hospital.
Morgan Geyser, one of two girls who stabbed their sixth-grade classmate to please the fictional character Slender Man has been denied early release from Winnebago Mental Health Institute.
Waukesha County Judge Denies Early Release for Morgan Geyser in Slender Man Stabbing Case
Waukesha County Judge Denies Early Release for Morgan Geyser in Slender Man Stabbing Case

A Waukesha County judge has denied a request for early release from the psychiatric hospital made by Morgan Geyser, one of two girls who stabbed their sixth-grade classmate in 2014 to please the fictional character Slender Man. The decision came after two days of testimony and was based on concerns about public safety.

Geyser, now 21 years old, has been committed to the Winnebago Mental Health Institute in Oshkosh, Wisconsin for roughly a decade following her conviction in the notorious Slender Man stabbing case. She had requested early release from her 40-year commitment to the hospital.

Waukesha County Judge Michael Bohren denied Geyser's petition on Thursday, April 11th, citing significant risk to both herself and others as the reason for his decision. The judge stated that 'the scales tip in favor of the public, and it tips that way by clear and convincing evidence.'

Two doctors who testified during the hearing believed Geyser was not a threat to the public and should be released from the psychiatric hospital. Dr. Kayla Pope, Geyser's doctor at Winnebago Mental Health Institute, stated that 'at this point she is safe to return to the community.' However, Judge Bohren ultimately disagreed with their assessment.

Geyser and her co-defendant Anissa Weier were both 12 years old when they lured Payton Leutner to a Waukesha park after a sleepover in May 2014. Geyser stabbed Leutner repeatedly while Weier encouraged her, leaving the victim with 19 stab wounds.

The girls claimed they carried out the attack to appease Slender Man, an online horror character they believed would harm their families if they did not comply. Both defendants were diagnosed with mental illness and pleaded guilty to attempted murder charges.

Weier was granted a release in 2021 to live with her father under GPS monitoring, while Geyser remained committed to the psychiatric hospital due to ongoing concerns about her mental health.

Geyser's attorney, Tony Cotton, stated that she has not changed her story and still believes she stabbed Leutner because of a trauma-related mental disorder. He plans to file another petition for release in six months.



  • None.



  • Unique Points
    • Morgan Geyser requested early release from her 40-year commitment to the Winnebago Mental Health Institute in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
    • Waukesha County Judge Michael Bohren denied Geyer's petition for release with conditions after two days of testimony including from doctors who believe she is not a threat to the public and should be released from the psychiatric hospital.
    • Dr. Kayla Pope, Geyser's doctor at Winnebago Mental Health Institute believes she is safe for release but there may not be much more that can be done to make her safer.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that Morgan Geyser apologizes before sentencing but does not provide any context or details about the apology. This statement could be interpreted as an attempt to manipulate the reader's emotions and make them believe that Geyser has shown remorse for her actions when there is no evidence of this in the article. Secondly, it states that Geyser has been held at Winnebago Mental Health Institute since 2018 but does not provide any information about what she was diagnosed with or how long she will be committed to the institution. This statement could be interpreted as an attempt to deceive the reader by omitting important details about Geyser's mental health and treatment. Lastly, it states that Dr. Pope believes Geyser is safe to return to the community but does not provide any evidence or reasoning for this belief. This statement could be interpreted as an attempt to manipulate the reader's perception of Geyser by presenting her in a positive light without providing any context or details about her mental health and treatment.
    • The article states that Dr. Pope believes Geyser is safe to return to the community but does not provide any evidence or reasoning for this belief. This statement could be interpreted as an attempt to manipulate the reader's perception of Geyser by presenting her in a positive light without providing any context or details about her mental health and treatment.
    • The article states that Morgan Geyser apologizes before sentencing but does not provide any context or details about the apology. This statement could be interpreted as an attempt to manipulate the reader's emotions and make them believe that Geyser has shown remorse for her actions when there is no evidence of this in the article.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable by stating that the girls carried out the attack to appease Slender Man, a fictional online horror character.
    • > She has actively participated in therapy, medication management and all the treatments that are available.<br> > At this point she is safe to return to the community. I don't know that much more could be done to make her safer.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Morgan Geyser has been committed to 40 years in a state mental health facility and has been there for roughly a decade.
      • Waukesha County judge denied Morgan Geyser's petition for conditional release. Judge Michael Bohren said public safety remains at risk.
    • Accuracy
      No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
    • Deception (50%)
      The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Geyser's attorneys want her moved to a group home but does not provide any evidence of this claim. Secondly, the author quotes an expert who says Geyser has improved dramatically without providing any context or evidence for this improvement. Thirdly, the article implies that Geyser is dangerous and may pose a risk to public safety if released from her mental health facility without providing any concrete evidence to support this claim.
      • The author claims that Geyser's attorneys want her moved to a group home but does not provide any evidence of this claim. This statement is deceptive because it implies that the attorneys have made such a request, when in fact there is no evidence to support this.
      • The article quotes an expert who says Geyser has improved dramatically without providing any context or evidence for this improvement. This statement is deceptive because it implies that Geyser's mental health has improved significantly, when in fact the article does not provide any concrete evidence to support this claim.
    • Fallacies (70%)
      The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the opinions of doctors and experts without providing any evidence or context for their qualifications. Additionally, the author presents a dichotomous depiction of Geyser's mental health as either improving dramatically or being faked, which oversimplifies complex issues.
      • The article uses an appeal to authority by citing the opinions of doctors and experts without providing any evidence or context for their qualifications. For example, it states that Kenneth Robbins, MD believes Geyser is continuing to wrestle with complicated issues. However, there is no information provided about Dr. Robbins' credentials or expertise.
      • The article presents a dichotomous depiction of Geyser's mental health as either improving dramatically or being faked. For example, it states that doctors have diagnosed Geyser with schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder, but then implies that she may be faking her illness by stating 'Geyser said she was sexually abused as a child.' This oversimplifies complex issues and suggests that mental health is solely determined by external factors.
    • Bias (85%)
      The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable.
      • Doctors testified Geyser has not been violent toward anyone else since the stabbing. She has also been off anti-psychotic medications since December 2022. Doctors say she has had no issues.
        • Morgan Geyser For the last two days, Geyser listened to experts talk about her mental health. <br><br>My opinion is that this is an appropriate time for her to be conditionally released, said Kenneth Robbins, MD. <br><br>I think she is continuing to wrestle with some of these complicated issues, said Brooke Lundbohm, Psy.D.
          • > WAUKESHA COUNTY JUDGE MICHAEL BOHREN SAID PUBLIC SAFETY REMAINS AT RISK.<br>The ruling follows two days of testimony concerning Geyser's mental health. She was committed to 40 years in a state mental health facility.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            The author of the article has a conflict of interest on several topics related to the Slender Man stabbing case. The author is Bret Lemoine and he is an employee at Waukesha County Courthouse where Morgan Geyser was tried for her role in the attack.
            • The author mentions his job as a reporter covering court cases, including those related to the Slender Man stabbing case. He also quotes sources who are employees of Waukesha County Courthouse.
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Slender Man stabbing as they are reporting on Morgan Geyser's conditional release being denied. The article mentions that Waukesha County judge Michael Bohren is denying her release and also reports that Kenneth Robbins, MD, Brooke Lundbohm, Psy.D., Ted Szczupakiewicz and Anthony Cotton are all involved in the case.
              • The article mentions Waukesha County judge Michael Bohren denying Morgan Geyser's conditional release on the topic of Slender Man stabbing.


              • Unique Points
                • Morgan Geyser requested early release from her 40-year commitment to the Winnebago Mental Health Institute in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
                • Dr. Kayla Pope believes she is safe for release from the hospital but there may not be much more that can be done to make her safer.
              • Accuracy
                • Waukesha County Judge Michael Bohren denied Geyer's petition for release with conditions after two days of testimony including from doctors who believe she is not a threat to the public and should be released from the psychiatric hospital.
              • Deception (50%)
                The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses sensationalist language such as 'brutal', 'bloody' and 'gory' to describe the attack which may mislead readers into thinking that it was more violent than it actually was. Secondly, the author quotes Dr Collins stating that Geyser has faked her symptoms but does not provide any evidence or context for this claim. This statement is likely intended to discredit Geyser and make her seem less credible, however without further information or corroboration it cannot be confirmed as true. Thirdly, the author quotes Dr Robbins stating that now is the time for Geyser to head out into the community which contradicts his earlier statement that she still poses a risk to herself and others. This inconsistency may mislead readers into thinking that Geyser is ready for release when in fact her mental health status has not been fully assessed.
                • The author quotes Dr Robbins stating that now is the time for Geyser to head out into the community which contradicts his earlier statement that she still poses a risk to herself and others. This inconsistency may mislead readers into thinking that Geyser is ready for release when in fact her mental health status has not been fully assessed.
                • The author quotes Dr Collins stating that Geyser has faked her symptoms but does not provide any evidence or context for this claim. This statement is likely intended to discredit Geyser and make her seem less credible, however without further information or corroboration it cannot be confirmed as true.
                • The article uses sensationalistic language such as 'brutal', 'bloody' and 'gory' to describe the attack which may mislead readers into thinking that it was more violent than it actually was.
              • Fallacies (85%)
                The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when Judge Michael O. Bohren calls the crime 'brutal' and 'gory'. The author also uses a dichotomous depiction of Geyser by describing her as both faking her symptoms and still needing treatment. Additionally, there is an inflammatory rhetoric used in the article when it describes Geyser's actions as a personal attack on another person.
                • The judge called the crime 'brutal', 'bloody', and 'gory'.
                • Geyser was described as both faking her symptoms and still needing treatment.
              • Bias (85%)
                The article contains a statement that the attack was brutal and gory. This is an example of sensationalism which can be seen as biased towards creating a negative impression of the defendant.
                • >This is a personal, brutal attack on another person. This is hands-on, if you will. It is bloody, it’s gory,
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication