West Virginia Attorney General Calls on Vice President Harris to Invoke 25th Amendment and Remove Biden from Office

West Virginia, United States United States of America
Morrisey wrote that Americans have had to stand by and watch as their President has experienced a profound cognitive decline. Over the last few months alone, President Biden has mixed up world leaders and political figures, strained to address basic issues in public speeches, and wandered out of events in a disoriented state.
Republican West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey cited Special Counsel Robert Hur's report last week that detailed numerous memory lapses by Biden and other frequent gaffes he has committed during his time in office as reasons for such drastic constitutional action to be taken.
The attorney general detailed multiple instances where Biden's advanced age and apparent cognitive decline appeared to surface in his interactions with foreign leaders. These gaffes included when Biden appeared to fall asleep during the COP26 climate change conference in 2021, and when he was forced to clarify the U.S.'s stance on vaccines.
West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is officially calling on Vice President Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment and seek to remove President Biden from office.
West Virginia Attorney General Calls on Vice President Harris to Invoke 25th Amendment and Remove Biden from Office

FIRST ON FOX: Republican West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is officially calling on Vice President Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment and seek to remove President Biden from office. In a Tuesday letter, Morrisey cited Special Counsel Robert Hur's report last week that detailed numerous memory lapses by Biden and other frequent gaffes he has committed during his time in office as reasons for such drastic constitutional action to be taken.

Morrisey wrote that Americans have had to stand by and watch as their President has experienced a profound cognitive decline. Over the last few months alone, President Biden has mixed up world leaders and political figures, strained to address basic issues in public speeches, and wandered out of events in a disoriented state.

The attorney general detailed multiple instances where Biden's advanced age and apparent cognitive decline appeared to surface in his interactions with foreign leaders. These gaffes included when Biden appeared to fall asleep during the COP26 climate change conference in 2021, and when he was forced to clarify the U.S.'s



  • It is unclear if there are any legal precedents or provisions that would allow a private citizen, such as an attorney general, to call for the removal of the President.
  • The 25th Amendment only allows for temporary transfer of power in case of incapacitation. It does not provide grounds for permanent removal.



  • Unique Points
    • The Justice Department defended Special Counsel Robert Hur's report on President Biden saying it was consistent with legal requirements and Department policy.
    • Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer defended the Hur report and its release to the public as being consistent with the DOJ's policy, and its legal requirements.
    • The fall-out surrounding the release of Hur's report on President Biden's memory was not gratuitous or unduly prejudicial.
    • Special Counsel Robert Hurs report calling out President Bidens poor memory sparked newfound media coverage of the leaders mental capacity in office.
  • Accuracy
    • The article is about West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Biden from office.
    • Morrisey wrote that Americans have had to stand by and watch as their President has experienced a profound cognitive decline. Over the last few months alone, President Biden has mixed up world leaders and political figures, strained to address basic issues in public speeches, and wandered out of events in a disoriented state.
    • Morrisey detailed multiple instances where Biden's advanced age and apparent cognitive decline appeared to surface in his interactions with foreign leaders. These gaffes included when Biden appeared to fall asleep during the COP26 climate change conference in 2021, and when he was forced to clarify the U.S.'s 'One China' policy after committing to defend Taiwan militarily should it be attacked.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that Special Counsel Robert Hur's report on President Biden's memory was found to be consistent with legal requirements and not gratuitous or unduly prejudicial. However, this statement is misleading as it does not accurately reflect what the DOJ letter states about Hur's report.
    • The article implies that Special Counsel Robert Hur's report on President Biden was found to be consistent with legal requirements and not gratuitous or unduly prejudicial. However, this statement is misleading as it does not accurately reflect what the DOJ letter states about Hur's report.
    • The article quotes Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer stating that Special Counsel Robert Hur's report was consistent with legal requirements and Department policy. This implies that the report was found to be accurate, but this is not necessarily true as it only reflects what the DOJ believes at present.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when the DOJ defends Special Counsel Robert Hur's report on President Biden by stating that it was consistent with legal requirements and Department policy. This statement implies that because the DOJ has a certain level of expertise in this area, their opinion should be taken as fact without question. However, just because an organization or individual is considered to have authority does not necessarily mean their opinions are accurate or reliable.
    • The Justice Department defended Special Counsel Robert Hur's report on President Biden saying it was "consistent with legal requirements and Department policy" after the White House sent a pointed letter to the agency.
    • Weinsheimer noted that the fall-out surrounding the release of Hur's report on the president's memory was not "gratuitous" or "unduly prejudicial.ᑓ
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains examples of religious bias and ideological bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes President Biden by implying he is an 'elderly man with a poor memory'. They also use the phrase 'poor memory' to describe his state of mind which implies that it is something negative, when in fact there are no criminal charges against him for this issue.
    • The language used to describe President Biden as an
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Special Counsel Robert Hur and President Biden. The article mentions that Hur was appointed by Trump to investigate Clinton's use of private email servers while she was Secretary of State.


      • Unique Points
        • . The article is about West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Biden from office.
        • Morrisey wrote that Americans have had to stand by and watch as their President has experienced a profound cognitive decline. Over the last few months alone, President Biden has mixed up world leaders and political figures, strained to address basic issues in public speeches, and wandered out of events in a disoriented state.
        • Morrisey detailed multiple instances where Biden's advanced age and apparent cognitive decline appeared to surface in his interactions with foreign leaders. These gaffes included when Biden appeared to fall asleep during the COP26 climate change conference in 2021, and when he was forced to clarify the U.S.'s 'One China' policy after committing to defend Taiwan militarily should it be attacked.
      • Accuracy
        No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by citing the report of Special Counsel Robert Hur as evidence for Vice President Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing Biden's memory lapses and gaffes, which could be seen as a form of ad hominem attack.
        • FIRST ON FOX: Republican West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is officially calling on Vice President Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment and seek to remove President Biden from office.
      • Bias (85%)
        The author of the article is Brandon Gillespie and he has a clear political bias. He uses language that dehumanizes President Biden by calling him 'an elderly man with a poor memory'. The author also quotes Patrick Morrisey who calls for Vice President Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment, which implies an ideological bias towards removing President Biden from office.
        • The president would face no charges partly because his defense would possibly be that
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          The article by Brandon Gillespie contains multiple examples of conflicts of interest. The author has a personal relationship with Patrick Morrisey and Beau Biden, which could compromise their ability to act objectively on topics related to them.
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            The author has a conflict of interest on the topics of Kamala Harris and Patrick Morrisey. The article mentions that Morrisey is an attorney who represented Trump in his impeachment trial.


            • Unique Points
              • The White House is facing criticism for its handling of the Hur investigation.
              • Special counsel Robert Hur declined to bring criminal charges against President Joe Biden, but offered a deeply damaging portrait of an aging president beset by memory issues.
              • Biden's legal and communications teams are being criticized for missteps that aggravated political damage from the report.
            • Accuracy
              No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
            • Deception (50%)
              The article by CNN's Evan Perez, MJ Lee, Paula Reid, Jamie Gangel and Kevin Liptak contains several examples of deceptive practices.
              • Fallacies (85%)
                The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author's assertion that the president has trouble recalling dates and details during his five-hour interview with the special counsel is an example of a hasty generalization fallacy. Additionally, the author's use of loaded language such as 'sympathetic', 'well-meaning', and 'elderly man with poor memory' to describe the president is an example of ad hominem attacks. The article also contains examples of appeal to authority fallacies, where the author cites Hur's report without providing any evidence or context for his findings.
                • The president has trouble recalling dates and details during his five-hour interview with the special counsel is an example of a hasty generalization fallacy.
                • The use of loaded language such as 'sympathetic', 'well-meaning', and 'elderly man with poor memory' to describe the president is an example of ad hominem attacks.
                • The article contains examples of appeal to authority fallacies, where the author cites Hur's report without providing any evidence or context for his findings.
              • Bias (85%)
                The White House faced criticism from allies of President Joe Biden for their handling of the Hur investigation. Some leading Democratic politicians expressed frustration directly to high-level administration officials in the wake of the report, insisting that the overall response to the probe had been too muted and that the release of the response was completely bungled politically. The president's strategy focused on cooperating with investigators and drawing a contrast with former President Donald Trump, who faced criminal charges for obstruction in his own classified documents investigation. However, some Democrats have questioned whether Biden received sound legal advice during the high-stakes investigation.
                • ]The White House declined to bring criminal charges against Biden and said the facts stopped short of finding he willfully retained classified material.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  The article discusses the investigation into Hurricane Maria and how the White House handled it. The authors have a conflict of interest on several topics related to this investigation, including classified documents and memory issues.
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. The article discusses classified documents and memory issues related to Hurricane Maria, which could be sensitive information that may compromise national security interests.