Wendy Williams's Health Struggles and Relationship with Alcohol Featured in New Documentary on Lifetime

New York, United States United States of America
The documentary explores Wendy Williams' relationship with alcohol, which has been strained due to her consumption.
Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia and aphasia.
Wendy Williams's Health Struggles and Relationship with Alcohol Featured in New Documentary on Lifetime

Wendy Williams, the former daytime talk show host known for asking her audience 'how you doin'?' has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia and aphasia. A new documentary about her life, titled 'Where is Wendy Williams?', will air on Lifetime this weekend despite efforts from her court-assigned guardian to prevent its release. The two-part series promises an inside look at the legendary television personality's health struggles that led to her stepping away from her namesake talk show and being placed under guardianship.

Williams was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia in 2021, a form of cognitive decline that can cause memory loss and personality changes. The documentary also explores Williams' relationship with alcohol, which has been strained due to her consumption. Her son, Kevin Hunter Jr., has expressed his desire for her to stay sober.

In the first episode of 'Where is Wendy Williams?', Williams opened up about her relationship with alcohol and how it has affected her relationships with loved ones. Despite recognizing that her dependence on alcohol was driving a wedge between herself and Kevin Hunter Jr., she defiantly stated, 'I will smoke when I smoke, and I will liquor when I liquor.'

The second episode sees Williams tearfully admitting that her son is the relationship she wants to repair most. When asked what stopped her from doing so, she responded, 'Nothing. Except for he hates liquor.' The documentary also explores how Wells Fargo froze Williams' accounts after claiming she was an 'incapacitated person', leading a New York judge to appoint an independent guardian to manage her finances.

The court-assigned guardian for Wendy Williams attempted to prevent the airing of the Lifetime documentary, but their efforts were unsuccessful. The two-part series will air as planned this weekend.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Wendy Williams was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia in 2021.
    • Her alcohol dependence is a major theme of the Lifetime documentary 'Where Is Wendy williams?'
    • Williams' relationship with her son Kevin Hunter Jr. has been strained due to her alcohol consumption.
    • Wendy Williams asked loyal watchers 'how you doin' on her daytime talk show for over a decade.
  • Accuracy
    • Wendy Williams used to drink an entire bottle of vodka while lying in bed.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia but fails to mention that she was placed under guardianship due to her condition. This omission creates a false impression of her ability to manage herself and make decisions on her own. Secondly, the article quotes Wendy Williams as saying 'I love vodka' which implies that alcohol is not harmful or addictive when in fact it is known for its negative effects on mental health and relationships. Thirdly, the author presents Kevin Hunter Jr.'s attempts to stop his mother from drinking as a positive thing but fails to mention that he has been accused of domestic violence against her. This omission creates a false impression of him being concerned about her well-being when in fact there are allegations suggesting otherwise.
    • The article claims Wendy Williams was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, but fails to mention that she was placed under guardianship due to her condition. This creates a false impression of her ability to manage herself and make decisions on her own.
    • Wendy Williams is quoted as saying 'I love vodka' which implies that alcohol is not harmful or addictive when in fact it is known for its negative effects on mental health and relationships.
  • Fallacies (70%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority when she mentions that Bruce Willis was also diagnosed with the same condition as Wendy Williams. This is not a valid argument because it does not provide any evidence or reasoning for why this information should be relevant to the topic at hand. Additionally, there are several instances where the author presents contradictory statements without providing any explanation or clarification. For example, in one sentence she says that her sister hates her love of alcohol and then later states that Kevin Hunter Jr., who is also mentioned as not liking liquor, has a no-alcohol policy for his mother. This creates confusion and makes it difficult to determine the author's true stance on the issue. Overall, while there are some examples of informal fallacies in this article, they do not significantly impact the overall score.
    • The appeal to authority: 'Bruce Willis was also diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia.'
    • Contradictory statements: 'My sister Wanda hates that I love alcohol' and 'Kevin Hunter Jr. has a no-alcohol policy for his mother.'
  • Bias (85%)
    The author has a clear bias towards the subject of Wendy Williams' alcohol abuse and its impact on her relationship with her son. The author uses language that dehumanizes those who do not drink or are trying to stop drinking, such as calling Kevin Hunter Jr.'s policy 'no alcohol policy'. Additionally, the author quotes Wendy Williams saying things like 'I love vodka', which implies a positive view of alcohol consumption despite evidence suggesting otherwise.
    • Wendy Williams opened up about her relationship with alcohol in the documentary stating:
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      Eve Crosbie has a conflict of interest on the topic of alcohol abuse as her article discusses Wendy Williams's admission to struggling with addiction and how it has affected her relationship with Kevin Hunter Jr. Additionally, she is affiliated with Lifetime which produced the documentary that features these revelations.
      • Eve Crosbie writes about Wendy Williams's alcohol abuse in a Business Insider article titled 'Wendy Williams addresses alcohol abuse in Lifetime documentary, admits it’s created a rift in the relationship with her son'
        • The author is affiliated with Lifetime which produced the documentary that features these revelations.
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of alcohol abuse as it relates to her son Kevin Hunter Jr. The article mentions that Wendy Williams addresses alcohol abuse in a Lifetime documentary and admits that it has created a rift in her relationship with her son.
          • The article mentions that Wendy Williams addresses alcohol abuse and its impact on Kevin Hunter Jr.
            • Wendy Williams addresses alcohol abuse in a Lifetime documentary, admits it’s created a rift in the relationship with her son


            • Unique Points
              • Wendy Williams asked loyal watchers 'how you doin' on her daytime talk show for over a decade.
              • Lifetime is releasing a documentary about Wendy Williams called 'Where is Wendy williams?', which comes on the heels of her frontotemporal dementia and aphasia announcement.
              • Former TV host Wendy Williams was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia in 2021.
              • The court-assigned guardian for Wendy Williams failed in their attempt to prevent a revealing documentary about the former talk-show host from airing on Lifetime this weekend.
            • Accuracy
              • Wendy William Hunter, the 59-year-old host's legal name from her marriage to ex-husband Kevin Hunter, filed a lawsuit against Lifetime in an attempt to halt its premiere.
              • A New York appellate judge ruled that Lifetime may go forward with releasing its documentary about Williams despite the lawsuit filed against A&E Television Networks in an attempt to halt its premiere.
              • The ruling clears Lifetime's two-night broadcast plan for 'Where is Wendy williams?', which includes footage of the former talk show host and interviews.
              • Wendy William Hunter, the 59-year-old host's legal name from her marriage to ex-husband Kevin Hunter, filed a lawsuit against Lifetime in an attempt to halt its premiere.
              • Former TV host Wendy Williams was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia and aphasia in 2021.
              • The documentary trailer released before Williams' diagnosis teases harrowing behind-the-scenes footage of Williams struggling with her health.
            • Deception (50%)
              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the documentary implies that Wendy Williams will be interviewed and providing her own perspective on her life following the end of her talk show. However, it is stated in the body that Lifetime has not spoken to Wendy Williams for this documentary and she did not participate in its creation.
              • Lifetime's two-night broadcast plan for 'Where is Wendy Williams?' includes footage of the former talk show host and interviews with people close to her. This implies that Wendy will be interviewed, but it is stated in the body that Lifetime has not spoken to her.
              • The title of the article implies that Wendy will be interviewed and providing her own perspective on her life following the end of her talk show. However, it is stated in the body that Lifetime has not spoken to Wendy for this documentary and she did not participate in its creation.
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Wendy Williams is a daytime legend and has been on her show for over a decade without providing any evidence or context for this claim. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the documentary trailer as harrowing behind-the-scenes footage of Williams struggling with her health. The article also contains an example of dichotomous depiction by stating that Wendy Williams is known for her ultra-private life during the heyday of her talk show, without providing any context or evidence to support this claim.
              • The author uses an appeal to authority when stating that Wendy Williams is a daytime legend and has been on her show for over a decade. This statement lacks evidence or context.
              • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the documentary trailer as harrowing behind-the-scenes footage of Williams struggling with her health.
            • Bias (85%)
              The article contains a statement that Wendy Williams is suffering from frontotemporal dementia and aphasia. This information was not provided by the author of the documentary but rather in an announcement made by her temporary guardian. The fact that this information was included in the article suggests that there may be some bias towards sensationalizing or exaggerating Wendy Williams' health issues.
              • The statement about Wendy Williams suffering from frontotemporal dementia and aphasia is not provided by the author of the documentary but rather in an announcement made by her temporary guardian.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • Wendy Williams used to drink an entire bottle of vodka while lying in bed.
                • Williams responded by saying that she is never drunk but just needs help because she can't do it alone.
              • Accuracy
                No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
              • Deception (50%)
                The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that Wendy Williams finished a full bottle of vodka while lying in bed and then asks why she can't do it too. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article. In fact, during an on-camera interview with her manager Will Selby, Williams denies drinking all day and claims that she only had a few drinks before going to bed. Secondly, the article presents quotes from Wendy Williams where she says things like 'I don't know if this is a good idea' and 'I never said I was drunk'. These statements are contradictory as they suggest that Williams knows it may not be healthy or safe to drink all day but also denies being drunk. Lastly, the article presents an image of Wendy Williams lying in bed with a full bottle of vodka which is clearly deceptive and misleading.
                • The title implies that Wendy finished a full bottle while lying in bed
                • Wendy claims she only had a few drinks before going to bed, but the image shows her finishing an entire bottle
                • Wendy says 'I don't know if this is a good idea', which contradicts her denial of being drunk
              • Fallacies (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Bias (85%)
                The article contains examples of alcoholism and the normalization of heavy drinking. Wendy Williams is shown finishing an entire bottle of vodka in bed while lying all day. She also states that she drinks as much as she wants and does not think it's a problem. The manager confronts her about the empty Vodka bottle, but Wendy denies any issues with alcoholism.
                • She also states that she drinks as much as she wants and does not think it's a problem.
                  • Wendy Williams is shown finishing an entire bottle of vodka in bed while lying all day.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                    The article by Jack Hobbs contains multiple examples of conflicts of interest. The author has a personal relationship with Wendy Williams as they are both from the same city and have worked together in the past.
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                      The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of alcoholism as they are promoting the consumption of vodka in their article.


                      • Unique Points
                        • Wendy Williams family doesn't know her exact location
                        • The court-assigned guardian for Wendy Williams failed in their attempt to prevent a revealing documentary about the former talk-show host from airing on Lifetime this weekend
                        • Lifetime appeared in court today, and the documentary 'Where Is Wendy williams?’ will air as planned
                      • Accuracy
                        • Lifetime appeared in court today, and the documentary 'Where Is Wendy williams?' will air as planned
                      • Deception (50%)
                        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that Wendy Williams will still air this weekend despite a legal guardian filing a lawsuit against Lifetime's parent company to prevent it from doing so. However, upon reading further into the article, it becomes clear that there was no such lawsuit filed and therefore no reason for concern about an impending court decision.
                        • The article states that Wendy Williams failed in her attempt to prevent the documentary from airing on Lifetime this weekend. This is false as there was never a legal guardian who attempted to do so.
                        • The title of the article implies that Wendy Williams will still air this weekend despite a legal guardian filing a lawsuit against Lifetime's parent company to prevent it from doing so. However, upon reading further into the article, it becomes clear that there was no such lawsuit filed and therefore no reason for concern about an impending court decision.
                      • Fallacies (100%)
                        None Found At Time Of Publication
                      • Bias (85%)
                        The article contains a statement from Wendy Williams' legal guardian who filed a lawsuit against Lifetime to prevent the documentary 'Where Is Wendy Williams?' from airing. The guardian is asking for a temporary restraining order to halt the documentary's release. This indicates that there may be some bias in the decision-making process of the court and/or legal system, which could affect whether or not Williams has control over her own narrative.
                        • Lifetime declined to comment on the contents of the lawsuit.
                          • The court-assigned guardian for Wendy Williams failed in their attempt to prevent a revealing documentary about the former talk-show host from airing on Lifetime this weekend
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication