YouTube Introduces Label for Altered Content, Including AI-Generated Videos

Not applicable, Not applicable United States of America
YouTube creators will be required to identify when their videos contain AI-generated or otherwise manipulated content that appears realistic so that YouTube can attach a label for viewers. The platform announced that the update would be coming in the fall as part of a larger rollout of new AI policies.
YouTube has announced that it will now require creators to disclose the use of altered or synthetic content, including AI. The label will appear as labels in the expanded description or on the front of the video player and is meant to help prevent users from being confused by synthetic content amid a proliferation of new, consumer-facing generative AI tools.
YouTube Introduces Label for Altered Content, Including AI-Generated Videos

YouTube has announced that it will now require creators to disclose the use of altered or synthetic content, including AI. The label will appear as labels in the expanded description or on the front of the video player and is meant to help prevent users from being confused by synthetic content amid a proliferation of new, consumer-facing generative AI tools. YouTube creators will be required to identify when their videos contain AI-generated or otherwise manipulated content that appears realistic so that YouTube can attach a label for viewers. The platform announced that the update would be coming in the fall as part of a larger rollout of new AI policies.



  • It is unclear how YouTube plans to enforce the labeling requirement for creators who may not be aware or knowledgeable about AI-generated content.
  • The effectiveness of the label in preventing confusion among users remains uncertain, as some viewers may still struggle to differentiate between real and synthetic content.



  • Unique Points
    • YouTube is now requiring creators to disclose the use of altered or synthetic content which includes AI.
    • The label will appear as labels in the expanded description or on the front of the video player.
    • Creators who consistently fail to use the new label on synthetic content that should be disclosed may face penalties such as content removal or suspension from YouTube's Partner Program.
  • Accuracy
    • The label will appear as labels in the expanded description or on the front of the video player. We won't require creators to disclose if generative AI was used for productivity like generating scripts, content ideas, automatic captions.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title claims that YouTube videos are now required to disclose altered or synthetic content including AI when this requirement only applies to creators who use generative AI. Secondly, the author uses quotes from a support page without providing any context about what it says and how it relates to the topic of deception in news articles. Thirdly, the article implies that YouTube is taking action against deepfakes by labeling them as altered or synthetic content when this is not entirely accurate. The article also fails to disclose that YouTube's policy on AI-generated content may change over time and it does not provide any examples of how creators can avoid penalties for undisclosing the use of AI.
    • The title claims that all YouTube videos are now required to disclose altered or synthetic content including AI when this requirement only applies to creators who use generative AI.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that YouTube's disclosure requirement is a step towards protecting viewers from harmful content such as deepfakes. However, this statement is not supported with any evidence or data and therefore cannot be considered a valid argument.
    • The main target of this new disclosure is to help viewers be aware of videos made using generative AI.
  • Bias (85%)
    The author has a clear bias towards the topic of AI and its use in content creation. The article is focused on YouTube's new requirement for creators to disclose the use of altered or synthetic content which includes AI. The author uses language that dehumanizes those who create deepfakes, such as 'digitally generating or altering content to replace the face of one individual with another'. This creates a negative connotation towards these individuals and their work. Additionally, the article mentions YouTube's examples of altered and/or synthetic content which include using AI-generated content in videos. The author does not provide any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this topic.
    • The main target of this new disclosure is to help viewers be aware of videos made using generative AI.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Generative AI is transforming the ways creators express themselves from storyboarding ideas to experiment with tools that enhance the creative process.
      • Viewers increasingly want more transparency about whether the content they're seeing is altered or synthetic.
      • Today we're introducing a new tool in Creator Studio requiring creators to disclose to viewers when realistic content made with altered or synthetic media, including generative AI, is used.
    • Accuracy
      No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
    • Deception (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Fallacies (85%)
      The article discusses the use of generative AI in content creation and how viewers want more transparency about whether the content they are seeing is altered or synthetic. The author introduces a new tool that requires creators to disclose when realistic content made with altered or synthetic media is used. However, there are some examples where this requirement may not be necessary, such as clearly unrealistic content and changes that do not affect the viewer's experience significantly. Additionally, while the article mentions enforcement measures for non-compliant creators in the future, it does not provide specific details on what those measures might entail.
      • Using generative AI to create a realistic person
      • Altering footage of real events or places using synthetic media
      • Generating realistic scenes that depict fictional major events
    • Bias (85%)
      The article discusses the use of generative AI in content creation and how viewers want more transparency about whether the content they are seeing is altered or synthetic. The author introduces a new tool that requires creators to disclose when realistic content made with altered or synthetic media is used. However, there are some examples where this requirement may not be necessary, such as clearly unrealistic content like animation and someone riding a unicorn through a fantastical world.
      • Using the likeness of a realistic person: Digitally altering content to replace the face of one individual with another's or synthetically generating a person's voice to narrate a video.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • YouTube is now requiring creators to disclose the use of altered or synthetic content which includes AI.
        • The label will appear as labels in the expanded description or on the front of the video player. We won't require creators to disclose if generative AI was used for productivity like generating scripts, content ideas, automatic captions.
      • Accuracy
        • Deepfakes are considered synthetically generated content by YouTube that replaces one individual's face with another.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (70%)
        The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that online safety experts have raised alarms about the proliferation of AI-generated content. This is not a formal fallacy as it does not involve misrepresentation or deception, but rather an attempt to establish credibility through citing sources. Additionally, the article contains several examples of dichotomous depictions by stating that synthetic content could confuse and mislead users across the internet, especially ahead of elections in 2024. This is not a formal fallacy as it does not involve misrepresentation or deception, but rather an attempt to create a clear distinction between real and fake content. The article also contains several examples of inflammatory rhetoric by stating that synthetic content could confuse users into thinking it's real, which could have serious consequences such as the removal of videos from YouTube's Partner Program or suspension from the program altogether.
        • The proliferation of AI-generated content across the internet
        • the label will be added more prominently on the video screen for sensitive topics such as politics
        • creators who consistently fail to use the new label may face penalties such as content removal or suspension from YouTube's Partner Program
      • Bias (85%)
        The article contains a statement that could be considered biased. The author states that the proliferation of AI-generated content could confuse and mislead users across the internet, especially ahead of elections in the United States and elsewhere in 2024. This is an opinion based on speculation about potential consequences rather than evidence or facts.
        • The author's statement that 'the proliferation of AI-generated content could confuse and mislead users across the internet, especially ahead of elections in the United States and elsewhere in 2024.'
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          Clare Duffy has a conflict of interest on the topic of AI-generated content as she is an author for CNN which may have financial ties to companies that produce or promote AI-generated content. Additionally, her article discusses generative AI tools and their proliferation in consumer facing applications, which could also be seen as a potential source of revenue for these companies.
          • Clare Duffy is an author for CNN
            • The article discusses the proliferation of new, consumer-facing generative AI tools


            • Unique Points
              • YouTube has laid out new rules for labeling videos made with artificial intelligence.
              • Creators will need to include a label if they use synthetic versions of real people's voices to narrate videos or replace someone's face with another person's.
              • Adjusting colors or using special effects like adding background blur alone won’t require creators to use the altered content label. Nor will applying lighting filters, beauty filters, other enhancements.
            • Accuracy
              • YouTube defines realistic content as anything that a viewer could easily mistake for an actual person, event or place.
            • Deception (50%)
              The article is deceptive in that it implies that YouTube's new rules for labeling videos made with artificial intelligence are only applicable to content where a creator has used AI to create an image or video of a real person. However, the article states that any realistic-looking video created using generative AI must be labeled as such. This is not clear from the article and could lead viewers to believe that they can watch videos without worrying about whether they are made with altered or synthetic media.
              • The sentence 'If a creator uses a synthetic version of a real person's voice to narrate a video or replaces someone’s face with another person’s, they will need to include a label.' implies that only videos where the creator has used AI to create an image or video of a real person must be labeled. However, this is not clear from the article and could lead viewers to believe that they can watch videos without worrying about whether they are made with altered or synthetic media.
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that YouTube has laid out new rules for labeling videos made with artificial intelligence without providing any evidence or sources to support this claim. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when they describe AI-generated content as 'realistic' and potentially misleading, which is a subjective opinion rather than an objective fact.
              • The article contains several examples of informal fallacies.
            • Bias (85%)
              The article discusses the new rules that YouTube has implemented for labeling videos made with artificial intelligence. The author uses language such as 'realistic-looking' and 'easily mistakeable' to describe the content being labeled. This implies a bias towards realism and accuracy in AI generated content, which could be seen as favoring one perspective over another.
              • Many companies and platforms are wrangling with how to handle AI-generated content as it becomes more prevalent.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication