Julian Borger

Julian Borger is a Pulitzer prize-winning world affairs editor at The Guardian. He has covered major conflicts such as the Bosnian war and the Kosovo conflict, and was part of the team reporting on the Snowden files on mass surveillance. Through his journalism, Borger has a strong focus on uncovering and reporting on conflicts, deceptions, and fallacies in political affairs. He is committed to providing accurate and reliable information to his readers while also exposing contradictions, biases, and conflicts of interest in political affairs. In addition to his professional work, Borger has a personal connection to the subject matter he covers. His father escaped the Nazis through an advertisement in The Manchester Guardian, which led him on a remarkable journey of discovery and reconnection with his family's history. This personal experience has further fueled Borger's commitment to uncovering the truth and providing accurate information to his readers.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • Borger appears to have a critical stance towards powerful entities such as governments and corporations, as seen in his coverage of issues related to China, Israel, Iran, and North Korea.
  • Julian Borger has a strong focus on uncovering and reporting on conflicts, deceptions, and fallacies in political affairs. This is evident in the numerous examples provided where he highlights contradictions, biases, and conflicts of interest in the articles he has written. He also exposes deceptive practices and provides detailed analysis of their impact.
  • While Borger's reporting is not overtly opinionated or emotionally charged, his focus on uncovering the truth makes him susceptible to being labeled as biased by those who disagree with his findings.

Conflicts of Interest



  • Borger's focus on uncovering conflicts of interest demonstrates his commitment to transparent and accountable reporting.
  • He also reports on the potential conflicts of interest involving individuals such as Ryan Zaluzhnyi and Hossein Zindashti.
  • Throughout his reporting, Julian Borger consistently raises concerns about conflicts of interest and the influence of powerful entities on political affairs. This is evident in his coverage of issues related to China, Iran, North Korea, and Israel.




  • Borger's ability to identify and report on these contradictions demonstrates his commitment to providing accurate and comprehensive coverage of complex political issues.
  • He also highlights contradictions in US policies towards Israel and Iran, as well as inconsistencies in the handling of cases related to assassination plots and arms transfers.
  • In several instances, Borger has reported on contradictions and inconsistencies in political affairs. For example, he has covered the conflicting claims regarding China's legitimate development rights and its alleged suppression of international donors to UNRWA.




  • Borger's ability to identify and report on deceptive practices demonstrates his commitment to providing accurate and reliable information to his readers.
  • While Borger does not engage in deceptive practices himself, he reports on instances of deception and misinformation in political affairs. This is evident in his coverage of issues related to Havana syndrome, the alleged assassination plot involving Zindashti and Ryan, and the sensationalist language used by the media to describe events such as the Israeli campaign in Gaza.

Recent Articles

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