Benjamin Wermund

Benjamin Wermund is a reporter for the Houston Chronicle. He covers politics and policy, with a focus on education and immigration. He is known for his unbiased reporting and clear writing style.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • Abbott defends new border law against DOJ threat
  • Cruz and Cornyn block border bill
  • Texas installs razor wire along border

Conflicts of Interest



  • Abbott's law is an invitation for the Supreme Court to revisit longstanding precedent leaving immigration enforcement solely to the federal government.
  • The Mexican government has said it will not go along with the law and has threatened to take action to stop it.




  • Cornyn supported the negotiations but voted against beginning debate on the $118 billion package due to concerns that it did not meet his requirements for significant policy changes and reduction of influx of humanity coming across the border.
  • The bipartisan border security bill was blocked by Texas Republican senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz.




  • Abbott's law is an invitation for the Supreme Court to revisit longstanding precedent leaving immigration enforcement solely to the federal government.
  • Cruz has railed for days against`
  • The title implies that Cruz and Cornyn helped sink a border bill that Republicans had long demanded when in fact they voted against it.

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Senate Fails to Advance Bipartisan Foreign Aid Bill with New Border Provisions

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Biden administration threatens to sue Texas over strict immigration law

Biden administration threatens to sue Texas over strict immigration law

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