Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman is an economist by training, with a focus on international trade and finance. He has taught at M.I.T and Princeton University among other places, and is now a distinguished professor at City University of New York Graduate Center. Krugman is the author (or editor) of 27 books and is one of the founders of the


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • Most of the articles are opinion pieces, which include the author's personal views and interpretations.
  • The author shows a clear bias towards the UAW and against corporate interests in one of the articles.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The author has no financial stake in anything they write and no connection with any political campaign.




  • Britain's debt ratio at the end of World War II was far higher than that of the US.
  • Japan's debt ratio is higher than that of the US.
  • The rate of price increases over the past year was much slower than it was during inflation's peak in 2022.
  • The US government's debt is over $34 trillion.




  • The article is an opinion piece and includes the author's personal views and interpretations, which may not be entirely factual or unbiased.

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