Daniel Binns,

Daniel Binns is a news reporter for Sky News. He covers various topics including crime, politics, entertainment, and business.


The Daily's Verdict

This author is known for its high journalistic standards. The author strives to maintain neutrality and transparency in its reporting, and avoids conflicts of interest. The author has a reputation for accuracy and rarely gets contradicted on major discrepancies in its reporting.




  • The author often uses exaggerated or misleading headlines to draw attention.
  • The author seems to have a bias towards positive and sensational stories that attract more readers.

Conflicts of Interest






  • Some of the articles contradict each other on facts or details, such as the number of days spent in space by a cosmonaut.
  • The author sometimes reports conflicting information from different sources without clarifying their differences.




  • The author uses deceptive practices such as clickbait titles and misleading information to manipulate readers' emotions or opinions.

Recent Articles

Russian Cosmonaut Sets World Record for Most Time in Space with 878 Days on ISS

Russian Cosmonaut Sets World Record for Most Time in Space with 878 Days on ISS

Broke On: Monday, 05 February 2024 Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko sets a world record for the most time spent in space on Sunday, logging more than 878 days or nearly two-and-a-half years aboard the International Space Station (ISS). He broke the previous world record of 878 days held by Gennady Padalka.

Texas Woman Sentenced to 90 Years for Murder of Pro Cyclist

Broke On: Friday, 17 November 2023
    Kaitlin Armstrong has been sentenced to 90 years in prison for the murder of professional cyclist Anna 'Mo' Wilson. Armstrong used the fitness app Strava to track Wilson to an apartment in Austin, Texas, where she shot her twice in the head and once in the heart. Following the murder, Armstrong allegedly sold her Jeep, flew to Costa Rica using her sister's passport, and underwent plastic surgery to alter her appearance. The prosecution's case was built on circumstantial evidence, including vehicle satellite records, phone-tracking data, and surveillance video.