Will Stone

Will Stone is a science reporter who covers various topics related to health, medicine, and research. He is known for his in-depth reporting and personal experiences that he shares with readers to provide context and understanding. His work often includes interviews with experts, analysis of scientific studies, and exploration of the latest developments in the field of medicine. Stone has a background in biology and has previously worked as a journalist for several publications.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The author occasionally includes personal experiences and anecdotes, which can introduce subjectivity.
  • The author often presents information in a balanced and objective manner.

Conflicts of Interest



  • In another article, there is a potential conflict of interest in that Iain Campbell had lived with bipolar disorder for much of his life and mental illness runs in his family. This could potentially influence his perception and interpretation of the research on ketogenic diets and mental illness.
  • In one article, the author discloses a potential conflict of interest: the drug company has pushed back on the allegations and said it stands behind the data. However, no further details are provided about any financial ties or relationships that may exist.




  • In another article, the contradiction score is based on the fact that two human cases have been reported in the US since 2021. Both were infected by coming into close proximity with infected animals. This contradicts previous findings that MDMA has the same abuse potential as a Schedule II stimulant, like cocaine.
  • In one article, the contradiction score is based on the fact that the virus is not presenting as a respiratory illness in cattle, but may be spreading through mechanical transmission during milking processes. However, this contradicts previous findings that have demonstrated the brain and gut are in constant communication and that changes in the microbiome are linked to mood and mental health.
  • In yet another article, the contradiction score is based on the fact that several lines of evidence show energy metabolism and redox dysfunction in bipolar disorder and psychotic disorders. Ketogenic interventions targeting energy metabolism are promising therapeutic approaches to improve mood and psychosis in these conditions. This contradicts previous findings that have not established a clear link between ketogenic diets and improvements in mental illness.




  • In another article, there is a potential deception in that the mitochondria are operating at a severely reduced capacity compared to healthy people. This claim is based on a single study and has not been widely replicated or validated.
  • In one article, the author makes a claim that is unsupported and lacks scientific backing: the author states that Iain Campbell discovered profound improvements in his symptoms after trying the ketogenic diet.

Recent Articles

New Study Uncovers Link Between Resilience, Brain Function, and Healthy Gut Microbiomes

New Study Uncovers Link Between Resilience, Brain Function, and Healthy Gut Microbiomes

Broke On: Friday, 21 June 2024 A new study published in Nature Mental Health reveals that resilient individuals exhibit improved brain function and healthier gut microbiomes, with reduced inflammation and stronger gut barriers compared to less resilient people. Led by Arpana Gupta from UCLA's Goodman-Luskin Microbiome Center, this research is the first of its kind to explore the connection between resilience, brain function, and gut health.
New Study Reveals Link Between Gut Microbiome and Stress Resilience: Healthy Bacteria Boost Brain Function

New Study Reveals Link Between Gut Microbiome and Stress Resilience: Healthy Bacteria Boost Brain Function

Broke On: Tuesday, 25 June 2024 New studies reveal a link between a healthy gut microbiome and stress resilience. Resilient individuals exhibit improved cognition and emotional regulation in the brain, as well as reduced inflammation and improved gut barrier in their microbiomes. Researchers are investigating how gut microbes communicate with the brain to shape resilience.
New Study Reveals Link Between Gut Microbiome and Stress Resilience: Healthy Bacteria Boost Brain Function

New Study Reveals Link Between Gut Microbiome and Stress Resilience: Healthy Bacteria Boost Brain Function

Broke On: Tuesday, 25 June 2024 New studies reveal a link between a healthy gut microbiome and stress resilience. Resilient individuals exhibit improved cognition and emotional regulation in the brain, as well as reduced inflammation and improved gut barrier in their microbiomes. Researchers are investigating how gut microbes communicate with the brain to shape resilience.
FDA Panel Rejects MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD: Rigorous Clinical Trials and Transparency Needed

FDA Panel Rejects MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD: Rigorous Clinical Trials and Transparency Needed

Broke On: Monday, 03 June 2024 FDA advisory committee votes against MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD due to concerns over flawed clinical trials and potential misconduct, jeopardizing Lykos Therapeutics' FDA approval and slowing down the expansion of the psychedelics market. Patients with debilitating PTSD symptoms continue their search for effective treatments as experts remain optimistic about psychedelics' potential in mental health disorders.
First Documented Case of Bird Flu Transmitted from Cow to Human in Texas: What We Know

First Documented Case of Bird Flu Transmitted from Cow to Human in Texas: What We Know

Broke On: Thursday, 11 April 2024 Bird flu, specifically the H5N1 strain, has spread to dairy cattle in the U.S., leading to concerns about its potential impact on human health. The first documented human cases were reported in Texas and Colorado after contact with infected birds or cattle. Bird flu is highly contagious among birds and has affected various animal populations worldwide, including mammals like polar bears and penguins. While the risk of transmission to humans remains low, scientists are closely monitoring the situation for potential mutations that could increase transmissibility or severity.
Ketogenic Diet May Ease Bipolar Disorder Symptoms: Study Finds

Ketogenic Diet May Ease Bipolar Disorder Symptoms: Study Finds

Broke On: Wednesday, 31 January 2024 Researcher Iain Campbell, who lives with bipolar disorder and discovered improvements in symptoms after trying the ketogenic diet, presented his findings at the Metabolic Health Summit on January 25th. Science is racing to understand why this may be effective for others.
Long COVID Patients Suffer from Post-Exertional Malaise Due to Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Muscle Damage

Long COVID Patients Suffer from Post-Exertional Malaise Due to Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Muscle Damage

Broke On: Saturday, 13 January 2024 A new study reveals how long COVID patients suffer from post-exertional malaise, a condition caused by mitochondrial dysfunction that leads to muscle pain, fatigue and cognitive problems after physical activity. The research shows evidence of severe muscle damage, immune imbalance and microclot formation in long COVID patients, as well as reduced energy production and oxygen uptake by their cells.

Significant Increase in Congenital Syphilis Cases in the U.S. Over a Decade

Broke On: Tuesday, 07 November 2023 The CDC reports a tenfold increase in congenital syphilis cases in the U.S. over a decade. The CDC attributes the increase to individual and system-level barriers to timely syphilis testing and treatment during pregnancy. Racial and ethnic disparities are highlighted, with babies born to Black, Hispanic, or American Indian/Alaska Native mothers being up to eight times more likely to have newborn syphilis than babies born to White mothers. The CDC is calling for increased prevention measures, including more testing and making rapid tests available beyond doctors’ offices and STD clinics.