Harry Baker

Harry Baker is a science writer with a focus on space and astronomy. He is known for his clear and concise writing style, and his ability to explain complex scientific concepts in an accessible way. His work is generally well-regarded for its accuracy and lack of bias.


The Daily's Verdict

This author is known for its high journalistic standards. The author strives to maintain neutrality and transparency in its reporting, and avoids conflicts of interest. The author has a reputation for accuracy and rarely gets contradicted on major discrepancies in its reporting.




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Recent Articles

The Elusive Planet Nine: Evidence, Skepticism, and the Ongoing Search for a Hypothetical Outer Solar System Giant

The Elusive Planet Nine: Evidence, Skepticism, and the Ongoing Search for a Hypothetical Outer Solar System Giant

Broke On: Saturday, 28 August 2021 A hypothetical gas giant planet, Planet Nine, with an estimated mass of 5 Earths and believed to be around 10 times more distant from the Sun than Neptune, remains elusive despite evidence suggesting its existence through gravitational pull on celestial bodies. The ongoing search for this potential world is significant as it could provide insights into the solar system's formation and evolution but faces challenges due to observational bias and satellite megaconstellations.
The Elusive Planet Nine: Evidence, Skepticism, and the Ongoing Search for a Hypothetical Outer Solar System Giant

The Elusive Planet Nine: Evidence, Skepticism, and the Ongoing Search for a Hypothetical Outer Solar System Giant

Broke On: Saturday, 28 August 2021 A hypothetical gas giant planet, Planet Nine, with an estimated mass of 5 Earths and believed to be around 10 times more distant from the Sun than Neptune, remains elusive despite evidence suggesting its existence through gravitational pull on celestial bodies. The ongoing search for this potential world is significant as it could provide insights into the solar system's formation and evolution but faces challenges due to observational bias and satellite megaconstellations.
Four Synchronous Solar Flares Erupt on Sun: A Rare 'Super-Sympathetic' Event with Potential Earth Impact

Four Synchronous Solar Flares Erupt on Sun: A Rare 'Super-Sympathetic' Event with Potential Earth Impact

Broke On: Tuesday, 23 April 2024 On April 23, 2024, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the rare occurrence of four synchronous solar flares erupting from distinct regions on the sun. These sympathetic flares, which could impact Earth with potential disruptions to power grids and telecommunications, are more frequent during increased solar activity and part of an 11-year solar cycle.
NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Continues Data Collection at Valinor Hills After 1,000 Martian Days and 72 Flights

NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Continues Data Collection at Valinor Hills After 1,000 Martian Days and 72 Flights

Broke On: Tuesday, 16 April 2024 NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, the first aircraft to fly on another planet, has surpassed expectations with over 1,000 Martian days on Mars and 72 flights. Despite communications with Perseverance rover ceasing, the helicopter continues collecting data at 'Valinor Hills', logging two hours of flight time and potentially holding up to 20 years' worth of daily data.

High-Speed Solar Wind from Large Atmospheric Hole in the Sun

Broke On: Monday, 04 December 2023 A significant hole in the Sun's atmosphere is releasing high-speed solar wind towards Earth. The Space Weather Prediction Center anticipates a minor to moderate geomagnetic storm due to this event. The current solar cycle has been stronger than expected, leading to increased auroral activity. The next solar maximum is predicted to occur between January and October 2024.

Solar Storms Ignite Rare Global Display of Northern Lights

Broke On: Sunday, 03 December 2023 A series of powerful solar storms have led to rare and widespread sightings of the Northern Lights across the globe. The celestial phenomenon was seen as far south as the Texas Panhandle in the United States and in multiple northern cities in China, including the outskirts of Beijing. The Northern Lights are created when charged particles from the sun's upper atmosphere collide with Earth's magnetic field, causing an emission of light. The recent displays were ignited by a geomagnetic storm, caused by an enormous dark hole that opened up in the sun's surface. Solar physicists had predicted these displays after a solar flare caused three separate coronal mass ejections on the sun. The sun is currently nearing the peak of Solar Cycle 25, which is proving to be much stronger than the last one. These solar storms could potentially cause disruptions to infrastructure such as communications, the electric power grid, and navigation systems.

Large Sunspot Archipelago on Sun's Surface Could Trigger Solar Storms

Broke On: Wednesday, 22 November 2023 A large cluster of sunspots, referred to as a 'sunspot archipelago', has been observed on the sun's surface. The sunspot archipelago is one of the largest and most densely populated sunspot regions seen on the sun's nearside to Earth in the past decade. The sunspots have already begun to release barrages of solar energy, which could potentially bombard Earth with solar storms.