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Top Contenders for Trump's 2024 Vice Presidential Pick: Marco Rubio, J.D. Vance, and Doug Burgum

Top Contenders for Trump's 2024 Vice Presidential Pick: Marco Rubio, J.D. Vance, and Doug Burgum

Broke On: Saturday, 06 July 2024 Former President Trump is set to announce his 2024 running mate before or during the Republican National Convention, with Marco Rubio, J.D. Vance, and Doug Burgum as top contenders. Rubio's telegenic nature and foreign policy experience make him an asset for Trump, while Vance's background and Yale Law School credentials add celebrity fame to his appeal. Burgum has emerged as a staunch defender of Trump on television, bringing valuable experience as a governor to the ticket. Trump's decision comes amid upheaval in the presidential race with Biden grappling with poor debate performance and calls for him to step down due to age.

Trump Participates in Town Hall Event in Davenport, Iowa

Broke On: Tuesday, 05 December 2023 Former President Donald Trump participated in a town hall event in Davenport, Iowa, hosted by Sean Hannity. The event attracted hundreds of potential voters, many of whom expressed their support for Trump and praised his impact on the judiciary and the economy. Trump declined to rule out abusing power if he returns to the White House.