Andrew Prokop

Andrew Prokop is a seasoned journalist with a focus on politics. As a senior politics correspondent at Vox, he covers the White House, elections, and political scandals and investigations. His work involves digging deep into the mechanics of US politics, surfacing submerged debates, and exploring complexities. During the Trump administration, he was Vox's lead writer covering the Mueller investigation, impeachment, and Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election result. He has profiled notable politicians such as Joe Manchin, Mitch McConnell, and Bernie Sanders. His work is characterized by a keen interest in understanding the practical impact of political figures and institutions rather than focusing on personality.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • Major media outlets have published several new stories raising tough questions about Biden's age and governing capacity.
  • Such incidents appear juicy when they come from anonymous leaks.
  • What could be waved away as harmless blips now look like a devastating chronic weakness.

Conflicts of Interest



  • Hunter's attorney claims that the charges against him would not have been brought if his last name was anything other than Biden.




  • Leaks and intense scrutiny from reporters have opened up new discussions about Biden's future in the campaign
  • President Joe Biden is facing a political crisis
  • Reports from major media outlets like the New York Times and Wall Street Journal have detailed instances of Biden appearing unfocused or having verbal miscues, raising concerns about his ability to govern
  • Some Democratic elected officials have begun to openly discuss the possibility of Biden leaving the ticket




  • In such lapses, Biden would sometimes appear listless, close the thread of conversations, or react with blank-stared confusion.
  • Such incidents appear juicy when they come from anonymous leaks. But the reality is that many Biden incidents like this have at various points occurred in public and been reported on before.
  • The floodgates for leaks have opened, reporters are intensely scrutinizing the issue, and the president is no longer getting the benefit of the doubt.

Recent Articles

President Biden's Governing Capacity Under Scrutiny: Unfocused Moments and Declining Faculties Raise Concerns

President Biden's Governing Capacity Under Scrutiny: Unfocused Moments and Declining Faculties Raise Concerns

Broke On: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 President Joe Biden faces mounting concerns over his governing capacity, with reports of unfocused behavior and verbal miscues from major media outlets. European diplomats have also noticed a decline in Biden's faculties during meetings. A recent poll shows Biden trailing former President Trump, leading to anxious deliberations within the Democratic Party. Amidst this political uncertainty, it is essential to examine all available facts and report objectively.

Hunter Biden Indicted on Nine Federal Tax Evasion Charges

Broke On: Friday, 08 December 2023 Hunter Biden has been indicted on nine federal tax evasion charges in California. The indictment alleges that Biden failed to pay at least $1.4 million in federal taxes from 2016 through 2019. Biden is accused of earning more than $7 million in gross income from foreign business deals. If convicted, he could face up to 17 years in prison.