Steve Goldstein

Steve Goldstein European Bureau Chief MarketWatch Steven Goldstein is based in London and responsible for MarketWatch's coverage of financial markets in Europe, with a particular focus on global macro and commodities. Previously, he was Washington bureau chief, directing MarketWatch's economic, political and regulatory coverage. Follow Steve on Twitter: @MKTWgoldstein.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • . The article does not clearly mention or disclose that there was initially an error in reporting which could be misleading for readers who do not read further into this story.
  • The initial report by South China Morning Post stated that there was a physical link between the PLA lab's AI system and Baidu's Ernie. However, this was later corrected to say that the PLA lab tested its system on the Baidu model but did not have a physical link with it.

Conflicts of Interest



  • .




  • . After the South China Morning Post reported that there was a physical link between its AI system and Baidu's Ernie.
  • Beyond the report, investors are also concerned about potential US sanctions on Chinese firms as part of efforts to contain its geopolitical rival.




  • The article does not clearly mention or disclose that there was initially an error in reporting which could be misleading for readers who do not read further into this story.
  • The initial report by South China Morning Post stated that there was a physical link between the PLA lab's AI system and Baidu's Ernie. However, this was later corrected to say that the PLA lab tested its system on the Baidu model but did not have a physical link with it.

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Baidu's AI Platform Linked to Key Military Research: Implications for Chinese Artificial Intelligence Industry and Geopolitical Rivalry with the US

Broke On: Monday, 15 January 2024 Baidu's stock price declines after reports link Ernie AI platform to key military research, raising concerns about US sanctions on Chinese firms and shifting power dynamics in the global artificial intelligence industry.