Alex Leary,

Reporter for The Wall Street Journal covering national politics in Washington. Previously worked at Tampa Bay Times and began career at Valley News in New Hampshire.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • DeSantis finished 2nd with only 17% of the vote compared to Trump's 34%, which is a significant difference in percentage points.
  • The article says that DeSantis came in a 'distant second' while Haley was third place finisher, implying that there is no chance for him to win.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The article does not provide any evidence or quotes from anyone on DeSantis' team rejecting these suggestions.
  • There is no evidence of this in the article. It only states that Haley came in third place behind DeSantis and Pete Buttigieg.




  • Nikki Haley finished third in the Iowa caucuses and has been gaining ground on Trump in New Hampshire where she hopes to slow his momentum.
  • Trump defeated Florida Governor Ron DeSantis by some 30 points in Iowa.




  • The article implies that DeSantis' performance in New Hampshire will be similar to his performance in Iowa when there is no evidence of this. For example, it states 'But DeSantis team has rejected those suggestions.' However, the article does not provide any quotes or evidence from anyone on the team rejecting these suggestions.
  • The article suggests that Haley has a stronger chance of winning New Hampshire than she actually does based on polling data and her previous performances in other states. For example, it states 'Nikki Haley came in third place behind DeSantis and Pete Buttigieg.' However, according to recent polls, Haley is trailing both DeSantis and Buttigieg by a significant margin.
  • The article uses sensationalism by implying that DeSantis's team rejected suggestions to get out of the race when there is no evidence of this. For example, it states 'But DeSantis team has rejected those suggestions.' However, the article does not provide any quotes or evidence from anyone on the team rejecting these suggestions.

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